View Full Version : Trading

03-09-2009, 12:39 PM
Very generic title, I know :P but this is literally about the process of trading.

I've noticed a few things about trading on BETA and wondered what experiences others have had as I still can't decide whether it's quicker on BETA or Old Habbo.

First off, I found trading on BETA really slow and annoying. If you're trying to trade a bulk of something, you can't just keep clicking 'Offer' really quickly otherwise it just stops all together. I found you had to pause for about a second between each click.

I've more recently found you can do it in pairs; so you go click/click/pause, click/click/pause etc. But if you fall out of rhythm and click too fast, it stops you also.

People will probably say; 'go on Old Habbo then', but when trading a lot of different kinds of items, the BETA inventory is a God send as it groups everything together and lets you find things much more easily. Still, I'm not sure whether taking the time to click 'Offer' slowly enough is quicker or slower than dragging each item from the Giant Hand.

Any thoughts? :)

03-09-2009, 12:50 PM
I actually do it one by one,
i only wait half a second or so b4 i re click, and it does it very fast lol.

Better than moving your wrist every time :D

03-09-2009, 12:54 PM
Yeah, the not being able to click offer as fast as you'd like annoys me, but finding items in ur inventory on BETA is much quick and the trading is generally quicker too.

03-09-2009, 01:19 PM
Yeah it's probably only half a second, but it messes you up if you're too quick at all with the click :P.

I don't see the point in preventing you clicking it faster because if you accidentally add too many items, you can easily take them away again - and you certainly have enough time to double-check with the repetition of clicking 'Accept'.

While trying to prevent scam methods, Habbo often seem to cater for people's stupidity too much. For example; you now can't "accidentally" delete your furni as it goes to your hand and here you can't "accidentally" add too many items. It's really annoying because it just takes away from the experience of those of us who aren't so stupid :rolleyes: :P.

On the other hand, it no longer shows you the total when Credits are being traded.

03-09-2009, 01:23 PM
it should really be like "offer x" click it and it shows a little box where you input the number of that rare u want to offer.

so u can offer all in one go. that would just be perfect

03-09-2009, 01:28 PM
it should really be like "offer x" click it and it shows a little box where you input the number of that rare u want to offer.

so u can offer all in one go. that would just be perfect

That's not a bad idea, because you still have the Agree > wait > Accept just in case you accidentally type the wrong amount.

I also think the amount indicator should be bigger, possibly written over the image of the item being traded because I generally don't even look at the amount as it is :P.

03-09-2009, 01:32 PM
They've tried to improve Habbo by releasing BETA but I don't think it's as user friendly as it could be. Like ash just said, offer x would be awesome. What also annoys me is that on old habbo, you will be clicking your friends on your console to send them an invite then all of a sudden they go white instead of blue and you don't know which friends you've selected :s. They've gone backwards on beta... this still happens but when they turn white (I think this occurs when a friend comes online or goes offline) they are now deseleted, unlike on old habbo. So after 5 tries, you might have just selected all your friends. WHY ISN'T THERE A 'SELECT ALL FRIENDS' BUTTON?!

03-09-2009, 01:32 PM
And i think they should put back the Credit value at the bottom, as i have almost been scammed 3 times because they take out a gold bar etc.

However with the Credit value at the bottom it was impossible to do that because the value changed and was easier to notice.

ad3rm's post crossed with mine. That is VERY annoying. there should indeed be a select all button, they did it with the furni afterall.

03-09-2009, 01:40 PM

To prevent spamming.

I think the problem on Old Habbo where it looks like the friends have been deselected because someone has signed-in probably can't be helped. I say this because it's been the case for years and I remember once Habbo published some information on their homepage which mentioned the problem and said that it doesn't actually deselect them, it just appears to. Basically they're aware of it so I don't think they can fix it (and I imagine the problem has gone to the extent of actually deselecting them, due to BETA being on Flash perhaps).

And i think they should put back the Credit value at the bottom, as i have almost been scammed 3 times because they take out a gold bar etc.

However with the Credit value at the bottom it was impossible to do that because the value changed and was easier to notice.

ad3rm's post crossed with mine. That is VERY annoying. there should indeed be a select all button, they did it with the furni afterall.

That's the reason why it makes you accept a trade twice, because items can't be removed after both users have accepted the first time.

03-09-2009, 02:43 PM
To prevent spamming? What a load of. If you have people spamming invites to you, delete them. Simple.

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