View Full Version : Slime Games - Played them?

Magic Mushrooms
22-07-2005, 08:20 PM
I don't know about you but I have been one of the many people who have become addicted to Slime Games. It started at school when we were allowed to go on games sites and this was one of the only available site.

What you do in the games is play the sports in your semi-circled character known as 'Slimes'. You can play a wide variety of games including Football, Basketball, Volleyball and Bowling.

Here are some pictures of my Slimes in action.

Bowling :

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/9761/volleyball9ez.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

Basketball :

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/5705/basketball6wx.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

Football :

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8629/football3pl.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

Volley Ball :

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6003/volleyball2qy.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

To find all these slime games go to http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bartle/

If you want to know more about Slime Games please PM me.

Reps would be nice for all my hard for on this Thread.

I am a fish
22-07-2005, 08:24 PM
I love slime games! Ive played slime soccer and volleyball, but I'm never any good at them :P

Magic Mushrooms
22-07-2005, 09:48 PM
There good arn't they. My favourite is probobly football. Although I don't like the fact you cant goal tend.

24-07-2005, 09:01 AM
they r pretty good im gonna get hooked to these

24-07-2005, 07:17 PM
I have only play Volly bool

24-07-2005, 07:32 PM
Slime Football <3.

I own all my friends at that ^^.

I've won about £40 from that game, my friends betted that I'd lose against them <3.

28-07-2005, 04:05 PM
Slime cames are great! We used to play them at school until the school banned all the sites they were on. :(

28-07-2005, 04:45 PM
Cooool:) :D

28-07-2005, 07:09 PM
I used to play slime games all the time in music when we were supposed to be doing compositions on the computers. It's been banned now though :(

There are loads of different slime games at http://www.circlesarefun.com/slime/

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