View Full Version : [Building] Leaving, Here are my Rooms :)

27-09-2009, 11:42 PM
Well i've decided to make this thread as i'm finally quitting habbo and it feels right to display my rooms one last time. As with most of you i'm guessing you're just gonna skim and look at the pictures you've probably not even bothered to read this :P but anyways enjoy.

This is gonna turn out to be some pretty epicly long post so to anyone who has the time and effort. Read on and enjoy :)

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So well a little bit of background info, I've decided to quit cus i'm off to uni next week even though i've not been playing much lately i thought i should at least round everything off. I'm not exactly one of the greatest posters on the forums (700 posts in 3 years :P) so i don't really expect any of you to know me or even read this but i don't like leaving things unfinished and thought i should at least leave these forums with one decent post. I only really post in the "Cool Rooms" and "Trading" forums but it doesn't exactly seem right in posting anything like this in the trading section. Anyways back on topic, most of the screenies are old because they were already hosted and i couldn't be bothered to redo all that again.

The Shop

I do hope i've done that spoiler thing right, i've only posted that cus you guys here might possibly recognise me from that. I'm that shop guy with the starry wall. Baring in mind this is an old screenie i don't want people posting offers and that.

Anyways to the rooms, i'll try post them in chronological order or as close as i can remember.
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Woony's Chill Room


Well heres the first room, made back in '04 on my first account. We've all been there and done that making your first 'house'. I've just kept it for memories sake and i'm sure all of you have done the same. Sadly this is one of the rooms that doesn't exist anymore, too bad huh? :P

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Green Trade


Here's the first room i made on my current account. At the time i was pretty proud of it believe it or not , i posted it on the forums here and got quite a lot of patronising comments but thats how it goes i guess. I made this room because me being a trader and my favourite colour being green it was pretty logical really in the end. I remember at the time '06 ish that green bird bath was a ball ache to find and i ended up paying something ridiculous like 10 hcs for it, which was a lot for me at the time. The petals were put in afterwards like a year later cus that was what i originally planned to do but just couldn't afford it at the time. I've packed this room up as well. Oh and i know you're all jealous of my leet stacking skills in this ;)
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The Back Room (Version 1)


To be honest i think this room first came along cus i inherited a load of red plated candles i really can't remember where from. As you can see i've just learned how to stack things. Oh and i was so proud of that close stacking above the tele, this was done before the introduction of habbo exchange so it was all z shelf>mode corner>area table>lodge table>present or something like that and it was all done on a roller :O << yeah i know . That sequence probably isn't right but i'm sure someone will post otherwise. I do like this room it's very simplistic but as with the others so far it no longer exists.
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The Streets


Well heres the first of my mistakes, this was made before the back room which is pretty stupid of me cus that room is linked of the teleport here. And as you can see it's a new screenie so this room's still there, hurrah :eusa_clap. I'm gonna put this seperately cus if anyone comments about this it really is just gonna irritate me.

<<The stacking is all raised cus this was done before habbo exchange so the lowest you could close stack was as i mentioned before a z shelf high.>>

I think it's 2 z shelves high so that i could stack the doormats closer together, hmm can't really remember. Stacking wasn't too hard with this cus you can place stackable (not a word i know) objects into doormats so no rollers are needed, don't know if thats still the case. And it's a taxi before anyone asks, oh and you can sit inside it . As you will come to see i <3 doormats and BW skyline posters.
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Wobble Squabble


Here's a room i really like the look of, i only found it again when i was making this thread. It was owned by a best friend of mine in real life Jake, but it is no more. I helped him design and make this so i thought i'd post this. The room didn't get much use really but oh well. And as you can see my friend is quite witty with the name of the room :rolleyes: i'll leave you guys to decipher it.
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Pacman Trade



^^ My first habbox review :), The room no longer looks like that now but out of all my screenies it's probably the most alike. This is how i intended it to look but i had to change the entrance bit cus it got blocked especially with that teleport there but thats been moved again. I always wanted to make a large trading room just something different to all those hc pyramids you see. The room never really got going though, i tried it for monthes but it just seemed like people would stand and stare at the pacman instead of using it as a trade room :P. This rooms been trashed so many times it's unbelieveable, i must have re made it at least 10, and it really is a pain with those rugs under the mats and all that. Anywho some fun facts, there are 300 doormats in the room exactly and this is the original for all you who have seen the copy of it. I'd like to think i restarted the whole big room doormat art thing and honest to god i never knew people had done it before i did, but i still got told i copied someone else. Oh well thats how things go
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Pool of Despair



Yay habbox review :eusa_danc. First of all i'd like to say i got rid of that spiders web now . Of all my rooms this is the only properly themed room i think anyways. I don't know what came over me as an idea of this room and no i'm not some emo kid who hates the world. I only wish they made the snow patches link better. I'm glad that someone noticed i hid the roots of the trees within the snow patches i thought it was quite a clever little idea :P But anyways the whole theme of the room is that the pool is lifeless and everything around it is as well.
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Power of the Dollar


This room won the November 2007 room of habbox forums. It was just something that came together in the end i guess, as you can probably see it's made up of loads of random things thrown at each other but works somehow i guess. It was made during the whole habbo exchange release and i was gonna make a bank out of it but it just turned out like it did. Here's another thing that really gets on my nerves:

"Doesn't the dollar sign have a line through it" << I guarantee one post to this thread will have that, if i put a line through it some people just can't get their heads around this one, it would just turn out into a big blob of yellow doormats, yes i've tried it. It looks *REMOVED*.

Anyways moaning over now...
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Just a foot note i've used too many smilies in this post it says so you'll just have to deal with some plain text now.

This is the only room that i've made to enter into a contest, which i did win i'll have you know but helkat didn't give me the badge :/ i've got a tele in the room now linking into her green tea corridoor. I didn't really oppose the whole not getting a badge thing cus i sorta stopped playing for a few monthes after and it got a bit too late for it. The only thing i don't like about the room is how dark it is, probably cus i used all those cobbled pathes but theres no other way around it. The ends around the recycle sign are sorta just there so that the room has some sorta use and i can blag that it's a discussion room. I remember i got criticised on this forum for the indoor bookshelfy bit but i didn't really know what else i could do. Some hollies are now missing cus Jake needed them.
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The Back Room (Version 2)


Oh this really has just got to be my favourite room of them all. I'm so happy about how the heart turned out. If you've not noticed yet i remade a room above, it still links off my "The Streets" room. I was hoping for a valentine competition to come round so that i could enter it but as with all these new competitions it's always buy habbo's new stuff and puts it in a room to have a chance of winning. That pink piano turned out to be quite hard to find but got there eventually. And yes if you truely haven't noticed by now i <3 doormats. Especially yellow ones : ) .
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Super Aqua Casino


I'd just like to point out as with most of the screenies they are old, the sky drag is no longer there and theres an aqua fan in place of it.

At this point i decided to turn my shop into a casino cus i started losing the will to run the shop and felt like making something. As with most of my rooms i just got an urge to do something else besides trying to make profit. I like how this turned out i'll have to agree with everyone on this forum who showed me some sense after the complete failure of my first version cus it was just too cluttered and i tried to do too much. I don't really get this casino going cus i finished this around study leave time so i didn't really play on habbo much. I apologise if anyone on here's been scammed by someone pretending to be my clone account over summer i didn't even know what was going on cus i wasn't playing.
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Andy '04 - '09


Here's the room i just finished before i started making this thread. The stickies sorta annoy me that they're not aligned but thats cus i had to go onto old habbo to put them at the end of the wall which you can't do on the new habbo for some stupid reason and it didn't turn out the same when i came back onto the new habbo. I've left special thanks on the stickies but don't think any of the guys really even use this forum beside Tom (..Moi....). I just made this room clean and simple so that it serves it's purpose.
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Well it's like half past midnight now and i've rambled on for long enough since like half 10. Hope someones attempted the read to make my effort at least worth while : )
Just a couple of things i wanna say now.
Thanks to N!ckG , Three.Wishes , Dungeon.Keeper for just creating awesome rooms that inspired me to do my own. You really need to go check them out. And thanks to Bl!nkey for making those stacking tutorial videos really helped me out.

Here's a list of some of the rooms which are just epicly good and it'd be nice if someone had some old screenies of them:
- Budy's trade rooms, when i first got this game i was just in complete awe at this guy. He was rich. I'd love it if someone had and old screenie <3
- Opal's peace trade, i really do love how she broke the mould and made a trade room with some much different furni. I always wanted to make one final large trading room with this same idea but i just never got round to it after my casino and i ran out of spending money after that too.
- BT's super casino, i know it's not exactly the flashiest or richest casino but it was always on pop and you could always get a good trade there, and me being a trader this place was heaven.
- Nasz super dino casino. Just wow. I really did not expect what i saw when i stumbled across it, i thought heres another super casino with the whole look how rich i am stacks going around the outside but it wasn't...
- L1C's confused maze is still epicly good and i've not checked in a while but i'm sure it's still up there. I still could never finish it though : (.

I know most of them are trading rooms but thats just where i'm normally at. Looking through the habbox room reviews there are some really gems in there as the guys i mentioned earlier all have had several room reviews in there. I have to pull one out though, Sid's Arc the triomphe. It was so simple but it just worked so nicely in what he intended http://www.habbox.com/index.php/articles/reviews/1329-arc-de-triomphe-france-owned-by-sid
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Right ok i'm truely done now, just one last thanks, to all you guys on the forums for making my habbo days worthwhile : ) and a big thanks go out to the habbox team you guys really don't get enough recognition for the stick you get. if it wasn't for you habbo would just fall to pieces.

Peace. x

Edited by Bolt660 (Trialist Forum Moderator): Please don't avoid the filter.

27-09-2009, 11:49 PM
I'm sorry but i have to be honest I didn't read any of that too long ha, I just viewed the images my favourite is the love heart room because its original.

28-09-2009, 12:01 AM
I think it's so lovely that you care about the rooms you have created over the years. They obviously bring back lot's of happy memories, and I can tell from the stories you have wrote, that you have had great fun. :D

As for the rooms, they are just amazing. The giant pacman is brilliant :P, and just all of them fit so well with their themes.

Awesome Job! and i'm sure you will be greatly missed on habbo.

28-09-2009, 05:50 AM
Stunning. Some of those rooms are really creative so well done for that.


28-09-2009, 12:32 PM
I'm sorry but i have to be honest I didn't read any of that too long ha, I just viewed the images my favourite is the love heart room because its original.

haha i really don't blame you :P, but thanks

I think it's so lovely that you care about the rooms you have created over the years. They obviously bring back lot's of happy memories, and I can tell from the stories you have wrote, that you have had great fun. :D

As for the rooms, they are just amazing. The giant pacman is brilliant :P, and just all of them fit so well with their themes.

Awesome Job! and i'm sure you will be greatly missed on habbo.

Stunning. Some of those rooms are really creative so well done for that.


Thanks you guys means a lot that you attempted the read :) and thanks for the comments + rep

28-09-2009, 12:43 PM
Some AMAZING rooms there. I love the love and casino rooms!

28-09-2009, 02:20 PM
I read it all. I'm lucky enough to have spoken to you numerous times when we were both younger and trading our way to the top. I remember some of your rooms when they were first created especially your dollar and pacman room and probably commented them on here. I wish you the best of luck at university and your future in general. Some fantastic rooms but more importantly a fantastic person :)

Au reviour!

29-09-2009, 04:09 PM
I read all of that, great rooms dude!

29-09-2009, 04:10 PM
cool stories bro
& rooms

29-09-2009, 04:11 PM
Very nice, read it all and its good youve put so much effort into the posts

I really like all the rooms especially the recycling one :D

29-09-2009, 04:43 PM
L1Cs maze - http://i36.tinypic.com/rh3dr8.png Only one I can find

29-09-2009, 07:16 PM
Some AMAZING rooms there. I love the love and casino rooms!
Thanks means a lot :)

I read it all. I'm lucky enough to have spoken to you numerous times when we were both younger and trading our way to the top. I remember some of your rooms when they were first created especially your dollar and pacman room and probably commented them on here. I wish you the best of luck at university and your future in general. Some fantastic rooms but more importantly a fantastic person :)

Au reviour!
Love you Jake :) don't think i've forgotten about you either, you're a great guy thanks for the good times. Have a good one , Take care.

I read all of that, great rooms dude!

cool stories bro
& rooms

Thanks guys, makes my effort worthwhile.

Very nice, read it all and its good youve put so much effort into the posts

I really like all the rooms especially the recycling one :D

Haha it actually did take me like hours to complete that post, i was afraid that there was gonna end up being some limit to how long a post could be :P, and thanks for reading it all :)

L1Cs maze - http://i36.tinypic.com/rh3dr8.png Only one I can find

Oo wow, looks a bit different from the last time i saw it, i think i got to 60 ish percent and then just epically failed :P. Thanks + rep

29-09-2009, 09:25 PM
L1Cs maze - http://i36.tinypic.com/rh3dr8.png Only one I can find

Omg I used to love that room!

And Switch good luck in the future you had some very nice rooms!
Loved the stories with the screens +rep!

30-09-2009, 02:31 PM
No problem, its the least I can do, but none of the other rooms exist anymore :(

30-09-2009, 02:52 PM
Great rooms. I've been in your Shop a few times while browsing through the navigator.

I especially like the Pacman and the recycling rooms. :)

30-09-2009, 03:34 PM
love the pacman room :P

lots of stuff leaving circulation thereĀ¬!

30-09-2009, 04:51 PM
Wow, I read most of what you wrote :). You're rooms just got better and better over the years and I really like them :)

Good bye dude and good luck at uni :) x

01-10-2009, 08:20 AM
I really like the pacman one.
Best of luck in uni.

01-10-2009, 10:44 AM
Omg I used to love that room!

And Switch good luck in the future you had some very nice rooms!
Loved the stories with the screens +rep!
Haha you and me both, thanks. I'm really surprised at the people who took the time to read it, thanks all :)

No problem, its the least I can do, but none of the other rooms exist anymore :(
Yupp it's sad, i was just wondering if anyone had the screenies lying around for some reason.

Great rooms. I've been in your Shop a few times while browsing through the navigator.

I especially like the Pacman and the recycling rooms. :)
Your name does ring a bell :P, and thanks.

love the pacman room :P

lots of stuff leaving circulation thereĀ¬!
Haha i'm just helping bump up the prices ;), thankss.

Wow, I read most of what you wrote :). You're rooms just got better and better over the years and I really like them :)

Good bye dude and good luck at uni :) x
Means a lot thanks :), wish you the best of luck as well.

I really like the pacman one.
Best of luck in uni.
Thankss, that pacmans getting a pretty good turn out :P

+ rep you guys, thanks for all the comments

01-10-2009, 12:54 PM
I read all of the text.

Some of your rooms are amazing!

I like the pac-man Room :D

I've been there before :)

01-10-2009, 05:31 PM
Love the rooms
I really like the pacman one :eusa_danc

I know this is your thread switch but i thought i'd post to of my rooms on here, to save making a pointless thread.

No i'm not leaving but i'd thought i'd show you them

This was my HabboTBH Hangout, but now it's just a room because of Richie

Yes, i know i copied Switch's room, but i loved it so much, i thought i'd make myself one. (Switch's one is much better then mine)

03-10-2009, 08:20 PM
I read all of the text.

Some of your rooms are amazing!

I like the pac-man Room :D

I've been there before :)

Love the rooms
I really like the pacman one :eusa_danc

I know this is your thread switch but i thought i'd post to of my rooms on here, to save making a pointless thread.

No i'm not leaving but i'd thought i'd show you them

This was my HabboTBH Hangout, but now it's just a room because of Richie

Yes, i know i copied Switch's room, but i loved it so much, i thought i'd make myself one. (Switch's one is much better then mine)

Thankss, impersonation is the highest form of flattery ;) so i'll take that

Well i'm off to uni tomorrow so take care all and thanks again :)

10-10-2009, 06:26 AM
wow what a shame your leaving, you have some great rooms there.

11-10-2009, 05:49 AM
the pacman one is the best lol

13-10-2009, 02:03 PM
I read up to the pacman and yeah wow so much writing lol, love the rooms tho and sad to see you go as I think I knew you on Habbo :P

13-10-2009, 05:43 PM
Dude those rooms are awsome

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