View Full Version : The Ultimate Competitions Feedback!

30-09-2009, 10:17 AM
Habbox Competitions are designed with the users in mind and we know we're not perfect so we have to constantly ask ourselves questions like what sort of competitions do they like? What sort of prizes would they want? We’re always looking for ways to improve ourselves and yet, we can come to many dead ends if we don’t just ask our users in the first place and so this is where you come in!

To save us the trouble of getting trapped by a dead end (unless you’re sadistic and like that sorta thing, don’t answer that), we’d like to ask for your feedback on a number of topics that we feel need extra attention.

What type of competitions do you like more? Writing, graphics, caption phrase, quests?

Are you happy with the prizes?

If the competitions department were to run a MEGA ARCADE TOURNAMENT, would you take part?

Should staff be allowed to enter member’s competition or should they remain separate?

Which advertising methods could we use that you would see?

Was the ‘Habbox Virus’ quest too hard, too easy, too long, too short? General views on the bigger competitions. How often? What sort of big competitions would you like (arcade tournament, for example)?

Anything else you want to add?

Thank you for reading and an even bigger thank you if you actually reply and answer! It may seem like a lot but we don’t mind essays or a general paragraph, any feedback would be much appreciated!

Thanks once again,
Inseriousity. - Competitions Manager

PS. Post constructively please! You can say it's bad (we won't track you down and eat you for breakfast, we swear... dinner maybe) but please give reasons why and how we can improve! :)

30-09-2009, 12:21 PM
Howdy, nice idea. Here goes. :)

-I like the Caption Contest competitions more, but I do also enjoy writing. :)

-The prizes could be improved slightly more. I know they were bumped up a notch a few months ago, but I'd like to see more variety. Right now, I am pretty sure the only prizes out there now are HC sofas and VIP. Why not award things which fit in with the theme of the competition? If it's a story-writing contest, it could be nice to throw in a Study Desk with some HCs. If it's a space theme, give away a space furniture pack? I also think giving more VIP would be good :D

-Mega Arcade Tournament.. that would be fun. Yes. :)

-I think Staff should be able to enter competitions, yes. Staff are the people who make Habbox work. Isn't letting them participate in a competition a nice simple way of saying thanks? I'm curious as to the reason why they can't in the first place..

-Banners advertising new competitions would be good. I remember the quest a few days ago, I had no idea it was on until it finished, and I've read a lot of people were in the same position.

-I'd like an arcade tournament. I'm not a big fan of the quests. They seem too time consuming. Then again, I've never actually participated in one properly :P

30-09-2009, 12:24 PM
1) Quests, on the forum they offer the oppertunity for non-habbo users to get involved. If you did a habbo one I'm sure loads of people would take part aswell

2)I think the prizes are very fair, the virus comp I think was a bit unfair and I think you should have spread it around a bit more.

3) I'd take part, probably fail but yeah that'd be really fun :)

4) I don't really know about this, half of me thinks staff get so many oppertunitys to win prizes and take part in other things. Thena nother side of me thinks we should be entitled, as sometimes they don't get much responce and staff i think could boost it.

5) I loved the virus, it was challenging but dooable and the storyline was very well presented, maybe you should try a habbo and forum based quest so find clues on the forum then those clues lead to habbo rooms etc?


30-09-2009, 03:52 PM
Habbox Competitions are designed with the users in mind and we know we're not perfect so we have to constantly ask ourselves questions like what sort of competitions do they like? What sort of prizes would they want? We’re always looking for ways to improve ourselves and yet, we can come to many dead ends if we don’t just ask our users in the first place and so this is where you come in!

To save us the trouble of getting trapped by a dead end (unless you’re sadistic and like that sorta thing, don’t answer that), we’d like to ask for your feedback on a number of topics that we feel need extra attention.

What type of competitions do you like more? Writing, graphics, caption phrase, quests?

Are you happy with the prizes?

If the competitions department were to run a MEGA ARCADE TOURNAMENT, would you take part?

Should staff be allowed to enter member’s competition or should they remain separate?

Which advertising methods could we use that you would see?

Was the ‘Habbox Virus’ quest too hard, too easy, too long, too short? General views on the bigger competitions. How often? What sort of big competitions would you like (arcade tournament, for example)?

Anything else you want to add?

Thank you for reading and an even bigger thank you if you actually reply and answer! It may seem like a lot but we don’t mind essays or a general paragraph, any feedback would be much appreciated!

Thanks once again,
Inseriousity. - Competitions Manager

PS. Post constructively please! You can say it's bad (we won't track you down and eat you for breakfast, we swear... dinner maybe) but please give reasons why and how we can improve! :)

Please change your font to default colour and I may bother reading it.

30-09-2009, 03:58 PM
If you don't want to read it then don't. Thanks for bumping it though. :)

30-09-2009, 03:59 PM
I liked that forum competition. It's much better and appealing to more people. You have a lot of people who use Habbo and the forum but you have some who just use the forum so by doing forum competitions it appeals to everyone.

I'd like to see more shorter competitions for the people on the forum. For example, you find a funny image on google. You post it and make it into a caption competition. Short and snappy yet it'll be a good laugh, which is fundamental for making them successful.

Also, just a quick idea. On the forum toolbar type thing where it says User CP - Blogs - Chat etc. There is a tab saying "Quick Links" I think there should be a link to competitions there so we can view them all, would be easier for them to be found and probably ensure more entries both quality and quantity wise. I'm a genius.

30-09-2009, 04:17 PM
It's not hard to highlight. I c+p from word, can't change back to default. - Inseriousity.

Oh real mature...

Top Tip: Copy it into notepad and it will remove formatting

30-09-2009, 04:25 PM
Top Tip: Highlight.

Honestly, you didn't need to post if you didn't want to just because of the font. Real mature.

Anyway, thanks everybody for your feedback. It will be used in the future to improve the competitions. :)

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