View Full Version : Problem With Girls,I Trust You People And Need Help

23-07-2005, 12:30 PM
Hmm major problem atm and my mind is buzzing from it.Ther is about 3 girls I like and I'll just say Girl A,B and C Please be kindfull(probs not a word) enough and help cheers|

Right well girl A is a girl I have known about 2 years.Started getting closer past few months even tho she lives bout 10 miles away and goes to a different school.We were gona meet up like everyday during hols but now there is this boy at her school called Idiot 1 and she finks Idiot 1 is totally amazing and now she said she didnt really wana meet up and do all the fings we sed ;) And im quite heartbroken now :(

Yesterday I went to a party which involved girl B and C(sisters :o) And it was our parents m8s party so we all got invited to this house with free alcohol for us. Girl B(year younger) was trying to get me v drunk and made me down about 4 cans of Carlsberg.And we were talking alot.Then she went upstairs whilst I was in room with girl C(year older with a bf) and We wer watching tv when she put her legs sumwer :o and was doing stuff.She was like my first proper crush but had this bf in the year above! We were talking and joking and I got this nickname (bbc) ill giv you a clue,C-mi first initial and bb a singer from outkast :P Well i was being called this all night and they kept saying o yer and i was like wana bet :P and was jus being flirty with em both.but as the older one(i finks more pretty and a cooler personality) i stayed and watched titanic with her and talk and stuff. Her sister was quite out of her head and was upstairs in the bedroom.Just as we wer leaving Girl B(drunk one) said why didnt you come up with me and I thought Bugger what have i missed.I thought she was outside and missed summit good.Ne ways we have arranged to meet up(me and girl b) and get drunk and see what happens ;) However I still reckon Girl c was giving me the come on with things she was doing and saying.

Sorry its soo long but I had this on my mind all morning and needed to let it out!

23-07-2005, 12:32 PM
Well, Who did you think you got on with the most?

23-07-2005, 12:33 PM
ditch them both coz your confused. need some one else

23-07-2005, 12:35 PM
You're gonna get drunk with girl B and see what happens... :S thats a bit dodgey. You don't have to get drunk to have a good time ^^;

23-07-2005, 12:39 PM
I know but it makes the time more fun.And only cos I said id get drunk las night but was still a bit sober and talking to her sister.Well after finding out how much girl A hurt me I dont think we have a future.And i cant do much about girl C cos she has a bf,who btw cheated on her :o

23-07-2005, 12:40 PM
;o Then go with the girl that makes you feel the happiest and you're most comfortable with :).

23-07-2005, 12:43 PM
Why do you have to get drunk is my first question. My other question is why are you asking us we don't even know them and just go after someone you think is right for you. You should know what you've been looking for when you've found the right person, don't let good looks fool you.

23-07-2005, 12:46 PM
Good Looks often bring Up their own asses disease :p and I rarely get drunk and as Im getting older I can cos most my m8s do it and hav a good laff. And I think i want girl c but the problem is her bf however one time when she had a bf.. actualli we wont go ther

23-07-2005, 12:48 PM
I have a good laugh and a good time with my friends but i don't go around getting drunk o.o

23-07-2005, 12:50 PM
Seem to be getting a lot of comments from some alcohol,I take it your over 15 then?

23-07-2005, 12:52 PM
I'm 15 x]

23-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Well where I live( a very boring place you will never have heard of,which smiddy can verify to) there is nothing around here.mainly shops and no life for us teens at night apart from a nightclub for under 18s every month.so rest of time we have to make fun for ourselves.we dont have ne fink like cinema or owt near us,nearest is like 15 miles.so we make do with alcohol

23-07-2005, 01:10 PM
Nice moves playa ;)

Dont hate the game.

23-07-2005, 01:13 PM
Great words of wisdom Keith!!

I love the game!

23-07-2005, 01:15 PM
Well where I live( a very boring place you will never have heard of,which smiddy can verify to) there is nothing around here.mainly shops and no life for us teens at night apart from a nightclub for under 18s every month.so rest of time we have to make fun for ourselves.we dont have ne fink like cinema or owt near us,nearest is like 15 miles.so we make do with alcohol
Yeah that's what it's like here, nothing. So I just get stonned all the time.

23-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Lol and you asked why I get drunk?? Lol only cos of this "gr8 place" in which I live hehe

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