View Full Version : [Building] Diagon Alley - Harry Potter

18-10-2009, 07:45 PM
Been working on this for months, finally finished it today, let me know what you think and any potential improvements! If you want to see it, search HOSKO02 and go to 'Diagon Alley' - Best viewed on BETA! Check the stickies too! Voila:


PS. Looking for a HpRp to link this with, let me know if you own one and would like to use it! J

18-10-2009, 07:49 PM
it's realy random,
and too spaced out.
good effort.

18-10-2009, 08:05 PM
I really like that room. :) My favourite building is the gold one.

18-10-2009, 08:08 PM
it's very creative

i think some buildings need to be joined and bigger

18-10-2009, 08:22 PM
Seen lots of them be for.

I think the walls seem plain, add trees
or windows

buildings could be bigger, its too space out, the real diagon alley is very crampend and narrow,

ild add something in the middle, add bins, or a garden some hc lamps or another building

18-10-2009, 08:29 PM
Ye, good use of furni, jsut too spaced out :(

18-10-2009, 08:48 PM
Been working on this for months, finally finished it today, let me know what you think and any potential improvements! If you want to see it, search HOSKO02 and go to 'Diagon Alley' - Best viewed on BETA! Check the stickies too! Voila:


PS. Looking for a HpRp to link this with, let me know if you own one and would like to use it! J

I like it tbh

18-10-2009, 08:56 PM
It's a very interesting concept for a room. Stacking stuff like that to make buildings, well, I havn't seen that in a while.

Some of them really don't look like what I'd imagine for HP, for example, gringotts I always viewed as much bigger, with gold, and huge stone steps.

But I'd say 7/10. Nice stacking, nice idea, nice work. :) +Rep

18-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Thanks for all the comments so far! Here's what I'll do to make it better:

- I'm going to add some seating in time...
- The shops used to be closer together, but because of Habbo's isometric nature, it wasn't practical in getting around and displaying all the furniture well enough...
- The bank would be better if I had the gold bars to fill it with, I tried putting them between the levels of pillars, and they fit gloriously, perhaps in time...
- Adding windows would go against the realism aspect and the shops are small because otherwise I couldn't have fit them all in realistically...

Erm, I think that's most points covered, thanks for all your help guys!

18-10-2009, 09:30 PM
dont normally comment but i liked it ..nice one

18-10-2009, 09:38 PM
Diagon alley is well... an alley. So you need to make it more of a thin street, look at the images for reference, its a good idea but there's too much space.


For example that, its a thin alley of shops, so yeah do it like that.

Good job on it, it really is magical xD

18-10-2009, 10:13 PM
I agree with Dusty make the joined and have an ALLEY

18-10-2009, 10:17 PM
If you made it an alley, it would show less detail.

18-10-2009, 10:20 PM
yeah, it's a nice interpretation. not just the usual room you see. it's different, a good different. good job.

18-10-2009, 10:20 PM
Not really, you only see the shop fronts, by making it more alley like you can concerntrate on the shop fronts which would probably give you alot more detail because you could have products in the windows etc.

18-10-2009, 10:21 PM
yeah it's not that 'detailed', but the outside structure is.

18-10-2009, 10:37 PM
I agree with Dusty make the joined and have an ALLEY

If I was going to create a different sense of Alley, I'd have to have just one side of closely built shops. But I wanted it on both sides to create depth.
See the long shop at the bottom? If that was any higher then people wouldn't be able to see where they were going, and it wouldn't have been practical as an RP room.
The reason why there is big gaps is due to the fact that if a shop was built there, even with a low roof, it would have sacrificed exposure and detail of the shops behind it.

19-10-2009, 12:09 AM
Great approach and great furniture used. However, the room should have a more cramped feeling to stick with the whole Diagon Alley theme.

You should place more buildings in the large open spaces and put random 1-space furnitures that match the theme in any open spots.

Other than that, it looks great so far.

19-10-2009, 05:58 PM
I agree that it's way too spaced out. However, I really do like it. I love the use of the different furni in the ways that you've used them, well done :)

19-10-2009, 08:02 PM
I love this room great use of furni


use the space up more in the left hand corner other then that i like it alot :)


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