View Full Version : So can we call people idiots now?

24-10-2009, 05:38 PM
If they are actual idiots ie:-

Alterasion/Jay/Greco type people

Seems we can, just need to clear it up so I can go on an idiot branding spree.

Edited by invincible (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not insult other forum members, this includes changing their name to make it insulting.

24-10-2009, 05:41 PM
Yeah your allowed because i reported someone for calling me an idiot and iadam did nothing to the post. He only edited the double posting one

24-10-2009, 05:42 PM
Make a badge, or a poster. Either one will do, a poster or a badge will project what you mean to say with more meaning an interest :)

I agree with Greco type people, by definition he was/they were idiots and saying otherwise could go against unwritten rules of truth and honesty :P

24-10-2009, 05:49 PM
Jin called Laggings an idiot today,
So it's plausable.

Are you an idiot or do you have problems understanding english? I just said, "Evidence presented to me" so erm YAH THERES PROOF.http://www.habboxforum.com/showpost.php?p=6115683&postcount=71

So if we can't Jin's just broke a rule :D

EDIT - I am not calling Laggings an Idiot! :) cause he's shexy

24-10-2009, 05:50 PM
ban him.

24-10-2009, 05:51 PM
Jin was questioning asking if Laggings was a idiot

24-10-2009, 05:52 PM
People are being so silly over this :\ There really is no appreciation. Just negativeness. I am surprised Laggings was not banned, because on my forum, I would never stand for any of that crap.

24-10-2009, 05:55 PM
Jin was questioning asking if Laggings was a idiot
Yes, and I have been infracted on more than one occasion for doing the same.

24-10-2009, 05:59 PM
He is a idiot... lol the whole forum thinks it. The mods are sick of him

+ he said he was leaving :S:S

24-10-2009, 06:01 PM
Yes, and I have been infracted on more than one occasion for doing the same.

And who will infract the co-owner? Like I said, Laggings is lucky not to be perm banned.

24-10-2009, 06:03 PM
Laggings isn't an idiot.

thyflux - Making a topic like this and being all big headed and singling out people in an irrelavent topic in an attempt to assert your own intellectual/social elavation makes you what you label them as, the somewhat sadly controversial 'I' word.

24-10-2009, 06:15 PM
No, Laggings ISNT and Idiot, Dunno why the hell they put him up in the first place.

24-10-2009, 06:23 PM
I was warned for telling someone they needed to grasp the english language, so if thats bad then calling someone an idiot must be a hangable offence. I just think we're a teen forum and people need to get over themselves and any silly insults as idiot used, I mean, its not the end of the world if somebody calls you an idiot on a Habbo forum is it?

24-10-2009, 06:42 PM
About time this forum grown up, now they just need to allow swearing.

24-10-2009, 06:48 PM
I *think* don't quote me the moderation team are trying to be a little more lenient. Not 100% sure though. Tinchy, allowing swearing would be crap.

24-10-2009, 07:01 PM
If people can't cope with being called an idiot or whatever on here they probably can't go outside.. people forget what this is.

24-10-2009, 07:03 PM
I have to deal with a lot more than idiot :'( I quite enjoy it though.

24-10-2009, 07:06 PM
Laggings isn't an idiot.

thyflux - Making a topic like this and being all big headed and singling out people in an irrelavent topic in an attempt to assert your own intellectual/social elavation makes you what you label them as, the somewhat sadly controversial 'I' word.
Hi, you might be in university now thinking you're all grown up and superior to everyone that you come across be it on the internet or actually in person, however, you've just made a highly idiotic post that demeans myself. You're an idiot.

24-10-2009, 07:14 PM
If they are actual idiots ie:-

Alterasion/Jay/Greco type people

Seems we can, just need to clear it up so I can go on an idiot branding spree.
Awwh Adam does this mean you don't class me as an idiot? x

24-10-2009, 07:31 PM
Hi, you might be in university now thinking you're all grown up and superior to everyone that you come across be it on the internet or actually in person, however, you've just made a highly idiotic post that demeans myself. You're an idiot. (< Banable offence?)

Not at all, though I can see why you'd use that against me, but the fact is you posted this post as a crack at people who have offended you in the past, publicising you're own conflicts, in an attempt to seek recognition, perhaps via members shared views, under the cover of a mere word inquiry.

It's laughable that you can denote me for 'acting superior' when you're the one who is etching to 'go on an idiot branding spree' like some authoritative figure, you make little sense in your retorts.

24-10-2009, 07:33 PM
Not at all, though I can see why you'd use that against me, but the fact is you posted this post as a crack at people who have offended you in the past, publicising you're own conflicts, in an attempt to seek recognition, perhaps via members shared views, under the cover of a mere word inquiry.

It's laughable that you can denote me for 'acting superior' when you're the one who is etching to 'go on an idiot branding spree' like some authoritative figure, you make little sense in your retorts.
No, you see, the thing is - these people that I have quoted in my first post are infamous around this forum. Unactive posters such as yourself wouldn't know that so before you come here, posting about things you don't know about - think before you do.

And a mega lol@banNable offence.

24-10-2009, 08:26 PM
I think if you're calling someone an idiot with justified reason then it should be allowed.

A small passing comment "why did you do that? idiot!"

It isn't really insulting in my eyes however it is against the forum rules at present therefore moderators have to deal with it.

Things like "you ******* idiot" or calling someone an idiot in a blatent argument, where the word is used as a blatent insult rather than a comment shouldn't be allowed.

Jin saying "are you an idiot?" isn't offensive at all. Laggings could simply turn round and say "No, I'm not an idiot", problem solved.

24-10-2009, 08:26 PM
Owww this reminds me of the ---mad--- reign, one rule for him, and another for everyone else.

Oli, are you an idiot?

24-10-2009, 08:53 PM
Owww this reminds me of the ---mad--- reign, one rule for him, and another for everyone else.

Oli, are you an idiot?

Yes, sometimes :)

24-10-2009, 09:02 PM
a user said "you idiot use your brain lmaoooooooo"

iadam did nothing

24-10-2009, 09:42 PM
Slow down, you told me it was a joke.

And no, it is still against the rules to call someone and idiot.

Some people are forgetting that although we are enforcing the rules, doesn't mean we believe each one is completely correct, we're just messengers.

24-10-2009, 09:44 PM
why would i said its a joke then report it :S:S

i never said it was a joke

24-10-2009, 10:10 PM
No, you see, the thing is - these people that I have quoted in my first post are infamous around this forum. Unactive posters such as yourself wouldn't know that so before you come here, posting about things you don't know about - think before you do.

And a mega lol@banNable offence.

This isn't about grammar, but now you say it, It's 'Inactive, not Unactive'.

'Unactive' poster ey? So much wiser than I? Forgive me for hurting your forum reverence, for you see, I care little. You simply furthered my point, by naming these people, you have outlined them as repeated offenders of 'idiocy' to your fellow forum revered members. Who in turn are expected to be blown over with your wit and appeared wealth of forum cultural knowledge.

Fact is, your still being ethnocentric, which is offensive to the named members.

EDIT: Here's my silly retort to your forum activity: Joined in 2006? Unlike I, you missed 2 years of it.

24-10-2009, 10:43 PM
This isn't about grammar, but now you say it, It's 'Inactive, not Unactive'.

'Unactive' poster ey? So much wiser than I? Forgive me for hurting your forum reverence, for you see, I care little. You simply furthered my point, by naming these people, you have outlined them as repeated offenders of 'idiocy' to your fellow forum revered members. Who in turn are expected to be blown over with your wit and appeared wealth of forum cultural knowledge.

Fact is, your still being ethnocentric, which is offensive to the named members.

EDIT: Here's my silly retort to your forum activity: Joined in 2006? Unlike I, you missed 2 years of it.
I'd like to make some bullet points, sir:

I was not the one trying to use extended English and complex language to try and gain an upper hand to his point which wasn't needed in the first place.
Everyone in this thread, at least, most sane people in this thread, will tell you that the people that I posted in my original post are idiots.
Yes, it is offensive to those members, however, they are idiots and therefore deserve the offensive for the forum atmosphere they created when they were here.
AT UR RETORT: This isn't my only account, idiot. Oh, and that 'idiot' was justified as his intelligence as to people with more than one account is sincerely doubtful.

I won't reply to you anymore, if you find a need to continue your argument then please, PM me.

24-10-2009, 11:55 PM

Jin called Laggings an idiot today,
So it's plausable.


So if we can't Jin's just broke a rule :D

EDIT - I am not calling Laggings an Idiot! :) cause he's shexy

omg this isn't in a post is it??? i would so have it as my sig. best comment ever on habbox forum :D

24-10-2009, 11:59 PM
Laggings could simply turn round and say "No, I'm not an idiot", problem solved.Couldn't you then bring the "Pretending to be something you're not" rule into play?

25-10-2009, 12:18 AM
Couldn't you then bring the "Pretending to be something you're not" rule into play?

plus rep.

25-10-2009, 07:29 AM
I'd like to make some bullet points, sir:

I was not the one trying to use extended English and complex language to try and gain an upper hand to his point which wasn't needed in the first place.
Everyone in this thread, at least, most sane people in this thread, will tell you that the people that I posted in my original post are idiots.
Yes, it is offensive to those members, however, they are idiots and therefore deserve the offensive for the forum atmosphere they created when they were here.
AT UR RETORT: This isn't my only account, idiot. Oh, and that 'idiot' was justified as his intelligence as to people with more than one account is sincerely doubtful.

I won't reply to you anymore, if you find a need to continue your argument then please, PM me.

Two accounts eh? I bet management would like to see about this, "idiot" :rolleyes:

25-10-2009, 07:48 AM
People are being so silly over this :\ There really is no appreciation. Just negativeness. I am surprised Laggings was not banned, because on my forum, I would never stand for any of that crap.

I don't know what he done, but if you're going to ban him straight away without no hesitation, doesn't that prove he has won?

25-10-2009, 08:13 AM
Two accounts eh? I bet management would like to see about this, "idiot" :rolleyes:

I do wonder why people have the urge to have other accounts. Maybe they are trying to hide something or break rules on one and not the other. :S

25-10-2009, 08:28 AM
I do wonder why people have the urge to have other accounts. Maybe they are trying to hide something or break rules on one and not the other. :S
You'll never know (Not that I do :eusa_whis)

25-10-2009, 10:05 AM
I do wonder why people have the urge to have other accounts. Maybe they are trying to hide something or break rules on one and not the other. :S
I have about 80 accounts, what's your beef? Lost passwords/emails/usernames etc.

25-10-2009, 10:55 AM
I have about 80 accounts, what's your beef? Lost passwords/emails/usernames etc.

Seriously? How do you lose that many details? :S

I have 2 accounts, purely because I had a different Habbo and didn't know I could have got a name change to my new Habbo name.

25-10-2009, 11:07 AM
Well I've been on this forum pretty much since the start - obviously the 80 numbers is a little over exaggerated.

25-10-2009, 11:38 AM
I have had LOADS of infractions in the past for saying 'You complete idiot' (which most the time is well reasoned..) like if someone says 'I love hitler, he is my hero', I think I hold the right to call them an idiot? :)

25-10-2009, 11:43 AM
I stepped out of line there I must admit and for that I apologies but I can't say it was utterly unprovoked, I do not appreciate it when someone insults me by saying that I can't do my job, that I bare grudges and treat people unfairly and that I/Habbox ban without evidence, especially if these things are all assumptions.

We are the fairest site there is, most forums on the internet if you piss off the people who can ban you from smods to admins they will just ban you. Why? because they just can. We will only take action against someone if proof is present based on the idea "innocent until proven guilty".

To be accused of just cautioning Laggings for the fun of it really did annoy me. I wish I could have posted the evidence just to show him and everyone else how much of it there really was. Lagging's problem is that he can't accept responsibility which is so stupid where something like the forum has no deniability. He tried a similar thing in HxHD when he complained he was kicked or banned but obviously didn't know that screenshots are taken of main offenders.

But yeah I hold my hands up I shouldn't have asked him if he was an idiot

25-10-2009, 11:49 AM
First time ever ^ !

25-10-2009, 11:50 AM
Mind you it would be a fun game to caution the member in question for the fun of it :P

I stepped out of line there I must admit and for that I apologies but I can't say it was utterly unprovoked, I do not appreciate it when someone insults me by saying that I can't do my job, that I bare grudges and treat people unfairly and that I/Habbox ban without evidence, especially if these things are all assumptions.

We are the fairest site there is, most forums on the internet if you piss off the people who can ban you from smods to admins they will just ban you. Why? because they just can. We will only take action against someone if proof is present based on the idea "innocent until proven guilty".

To be accused of just cautioning Laggings for the fun of it really did annoy me. I wish I could have posted the evidence just to show him and everyone else how much of it there really was. Lagging's problem is that he can't accept responsibility which is so stupid where something like the forum has no deniability. He tried a similar thing in HxHD when he complained he was kicked or banned but obviously didn't know that screenshots are taken of main offenders.

But yeah I hold my hands up I shouldn't have asked him if he was an idiot

25-10-2009, 11:51 AM
I stepped out of line there I must admit and for that I apologies but I can't say it was utterly unprovoked, I do not appreciate it when someone insults me by saying that I can't do my job, that I bare grudges and treat people unfairly and that I/Habbox ban without evidence, especially if these things are all assumptions.

We are the fairest site there is, most forums on the internet if you piss off the people who can ban you from smods to admins they will just ban you. Why? because they just can. We will only take action against someone if proof is present based on the idea "innocent until proven guilty".

To be accused of just cautioning Laggings for the fun of it really did annoy me. I wish I could have posted the evidence just to show him and everyone else how much of it there really was. Lagging's problem is that he can't accept responsibility which is so stupid where something like the forum has no deniability. He tried a similar thing in HxHD when he complained he was kicked or banned but obviously didn't know that screenshots are taken of main offenders.

But yeah I hold my hands up I shouldn't have asked him if he was an idiot

Don't worry, I think everyone understands what that user has been like, without the evidence. And if I'm honest, I much prefer that kind of person at the top rather than if you tried to side-step everything :D.

25-10-2009, 01:15 PM
I do wonder why people have the urge to have other accounts. Maybe they are trying to hide something or break rules on one and not the other. :S
Don't really understand where you get that idea from. I have the account Jake from when Immenseman was compromised. I have nothing to hide and have broken no rules on that account. Maybe sierk has sierk1 to break the rules on maybe Jin has :Jin: to hide something. Obviously not! That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on here...

25-10-2009, 01:31 PM
Don't really understand where you get that idea from. I have the account Jake from when Immenseman was compromised. I have nothing to hide and have broken no rules on that account. Maybe sierk has sierk1 to break the rules on maybe Jin has :Jin: to hide something. Obviously not! That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on here...

You change everything I say to look bad. I didn't mean exactly that but never mind. :rolleyes:. On what I was really getting at is maybe having two active accounts and using them near enough the same time. It probably won't be the first when on one they broke rules and the one they didn't. Reminds of an old Moderator to be honest.

25-10-2009, 01:36 PM
Give me other examples where I have done it before trying to create arguments. It was quite clear what you said. There can't be any other meaning really especially not in the context where it was posted. You tried criticising people then realised both the owners have multiple accounts and realised you were wrong, lol.

25-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Give me other examples where I have done it before trying to create arguments. It was quite clear what you said. There can't be any other meaning really especially not in the context where it was posted. You tried criticising people then realised both the owners have multiple accounts and realised you were wrong, lol.

Not really. Read the above post again I have edited to what I actually meant.

25-10-2009, 01:38 PM
Well you didn't say that in the original post. Unfortunately, I can't read minds.

25-10-2009, 02:00 PM
Honestly, I agree with MattGarner on this post. sierk has sierk1 for obvious reasons ... to use when he isnt on his main PC.

This thread needs closing otherwise it will just cause more arguments. Jin has replied and has apologised, so theres not much more to this thread.

25-10-2009, 02:14 PM
This thread is a joke. How can you all become so touchy over something like 'idiot'.

It's hardly the insult of the decade.

25-10-2009, 02:15 PM
You change everything I say to look bad. I didn't mean exactly that but never mind. :rolleyes:. On what I was really getting at is maybe having two active accounts and using them near enough the same time. It probably won't be the first when on one they broke rules and the one they didn't. Reminds of an old Moderator to be honest.
I never said active accounts though, did I? What's the point in trying to instigate an argument?

25-10-2009, 02:46 PM
hey Matt don't diagree with jake, remeber what happened to the last forum manager who did :lol::rolleyes:

25-10-2009, 03:00 PM
Huh? lAscend? P-A? Elkaa? I don't get it.

25-10-2009, 05:23 PM
Jin doesn't need to apologise. There should be a new rule that states every member reserves the right to call another member an idiot as long as they use Laggings as the benchmark of idiocy :P.

26-10-2009, 01:33 AM
Just read this whole thread, what a bunch of babbies you are. Who cares if you can or can't call someone an idiot, it doesn't matter. People saying swearing should be allowed because most of the forum are 'teenagers'. Why do you feel the need to swear?

Everyone needs to grow up.

26-10-2009, 01:40 AM
Just read this whole thread, what a bunch of babbies you are. Who cares if you can or can't call someone an idiot, it doesn't matter. People saying swearing should be allowed because most of the forum are 'teenagers'. Why do you feel the need to swear?

Everyone needs to grow up.

Lol that's a pretty good post actually :P.

26-10-2009, 12:00 PM
Just read this whole thread, what a bunch of babbies you are. Who cares if you can or can't call someone an idiot, it doesn't matter. People saying swearing should be allowed because most of the forum are 'teenagers'. Why do you feel the need to swear?

Everyone needs to grow up.
I believe this is a troll post, idiot.

26-10-2009, 12:13 PM
I believe this is a troll post, idiot.

It's not a troll post at all, it has a valid point. I've seen multiple people on here say swearing should be allowed. How on earth can staff allow swearing, when the forum has people become extremely annoyed over a word like 'idiot'?

26-10-2009, 12:18 PM
No, it is a silly post. (S)he clearly hasn't read the entirety of the thread because there are numerous people who oppose and back the idea. The majority of people as that post makes out don't want swearing to be scrapped. Therefore, the point nor the post has any sort of validity in my opinion. It's a wild accusation and a stab in the dark.

26-10-2009, 12:24 PM
It's not a troll post at all, it has a valid point. I've seen multiple people on here say swearing should be allowed. How on earth can staff allow swearing, when the forum has people become extremely annoyed over a word like 'idiot'?
Let's get one thing clear - I haven't said anything about swearing in this thread at all. Now that's done with, the fact is I have had double-figured infractions in the past for the use of the word "idiot" used in many cases "are you an idiot?", "only an idiot would do that" etc etc. If, as your post comes across to me, that you feel the word 'idiot' is a very 'low key' insult then you are supporting this thread. You must be intrigued otherwise you wouldn't of posted in this thread.


26-10-2009, 09:08 PM
Just read this whole thread, what a bunch of babbies you are. Who cares if you can or can't call someone an idiot, it doesn't matter. People saying swearing should be allowed because most of the forum are 'teenagers'. Why do you feel the need to swear?

Everyone needs to grow up.

I have to agree, yet disagree.

Why do people feel the need to swear? Yes valid point, but whatever people want/like to believe swearing IS becoming part of British modern culture.

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