View Full Version : [Building] [Laggings] 11 HC Stack Hangout!

26-10-2009, 03:11 AM
It's here! It's been done!

We've been talking about this for SOOOO long!
Weeks of speculation.
Endless days of testing.
Hours of waiting.

The waiting is up.
The moment everyone has been waiting for.
The true tale.
The infamous guide.
The laughable ideas.

It's another Laggings creation!
And it's going public!!!

http://www.uploadpicz.com/images/4711hcs.png (http://www.uploadpicz.com/view-4711hcs.png)

Now, I've done 384 documented tests on sofa stacking. I've spent roughly the past 3 full days testing and trying. At last. 5 sofas. 7 sofas. 9 sofas! 11! I've been offered 2T for sole rights to my method. But you all know me. I don't like thrones :D. Stacking should be made public. All the secrets, all the guessing. That changes now. The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released. Public. For everyone to view. For anyone to view. It's yours. The possibilities are endless.

Guide 1:


4 Z-Shelves

11 Sofas

4 Country Ditch Corners

Ok. I'm going to make this as noob friendly as I can.

Load up your Habbo room.
Put down 2 Country Ditch Corners in a line against the far left wall corner.
Put a sofa on the 2 ditch corners.
Glitch Room. (Glitch means absolutely nothing. The art of 'glitching' a room is simple. Leave the room for 45-60 seconds, and going back into it. Make sure the room is completely empty.)
Come back to the room.
Put 2 Z-Shelves in the sofa, 1 on each ditch corner.
Put a ditch corner on each Z-Shelf.
Put a sofa on the 2 ditch corner.
Glitch Room.
Come back to the room.
Put 2 Z-Shelves in the sofa, 1 on each ditch corner.
Grab the bottom 2 ditch corners that you used in beginning, and put them on each Z-Shelf.
Put a sofa on the 2 ditch corners.
Glitch Room.
(Repeat until the stack is 11 HCs high)

Guide 2:


20+ Z-Shelves

40+ Ditch Corners

11 Hc Sofas

This is basically the same, but has a higher percent of working. It takes roughly the same amount of time.

Put 20 ditch corners on each square in the left top corner. That will be 40 ditch corners total.
Put a sofa on the ditch corners.
Glitch Room.
Put 2 Z-Shelves on each square you have the ditch corners on.
Pull all 40 of the ditch corners out and put them all on both Z-Shelves, 20 on each.
Put a sofa on the ditch corners.
Glitch Room.
(Repeat until you have 11 HCs stacked)

Questions, Hints, Tips:

Q: I can't put anything on my ditch corners, even after I've glitched room!

A: This can be a right pain in the ass. After extensive testing, it looks like each ditch fails working on a certain height. There's no real way to tell. If you're in a stack, let's say 4 HCs high, remove the top HC, and pick up your ditches that are on the Z-Shelf that that HC was resting on. Try putting them down again. If they still fail, pick them up and reload room. If they still fail, pick them up and reload hotel. If they still fail, you need to either switch rooms or buy new ditches.

Q: I have a huge stack, but I just clicked my sofa instead! If I put it down, it'll ruin the stack!

A: Working with ditches is a pain. Using the :furni command really works. But if you're non-hc, and you click an HC on your stack while holding down ALT, and don't want it to go higher and ruin the stack, click the 'Navigator' icon, and just go to hotel view. You can then re-enter your room and continue working.

Q: Using method one, I can't get any higher. Why not?!

A: Using method one is a lot of work. You are working with virtually no ditches, and the chance of failing is high. You'll need to do what the answer says in question one, to get really high.

Q: Am I limited to Hc Sofas only?

A: Hell no! You want to stack bars, stack bars. You want to stack bookcases, stack bookcases. You want to stack fireplaces, stack those! You want to stack polar sofas, do those! Any furniture that is 2 squares in length you can use for this method. The choices are unlimited.

Well, I think that's it! Any questions you have, please ask them in this thread. Please discuss your 11 HC stacking adventure within this thread. Hopefully we can figure out a rock soild way of doing this.

Remember, this didn't happen over night. It took time, patience, effort. Stacking shouldn't be kept secret. Everybody should know the same things. Work to make stacking public. You know a method? Share it with everyone else.

This has been an original Laggings production.

Thread closed by invincible (Forum Super Moderator): Thread closed as it's become off topic and is turning into arguments.

Edited by iAdam (Forum Super Moderator); Thread starter; Feel free to restart, however if it turns into arguments again, it shall be closed, again.

26-10-2009, 03:12 AM
+rep for being cool and not being a noob that keeps things secret. loves ya (Woo theres my trophy) xx

26-10-2009, 03:17 AM
Can't +rep me now, but anyone that wants to just put it in your siggy xooxoxxo

Thanks for the trophy scottio :D Next time I win a bet, you got one coming your way.

26-10-2009, 03:30 AM
i ain't really interested in stacking that much but thats quite good :). wd!

and you lot dont half argue about stacking in this section LOL

26-10-2009, 03:32 AM
Hehe, agreed ^

But now that it's been proven, and made public, there's really no need for any arguments. Maybe discussions.

Now I just got to find a mod to fix my post (The 'Needed:' is WAYYYYY over to the side -cry)

26-10-2009, 07:32 AM
Nice :) I've tried stacking 2 LOL i did it once then It never worked for me again.

26-10-2009, 08:17 AM
With my method, you can do it easy :D

26-10-2009, 10:41 AM
I am just pleased all the noobs from AU will not be happy lool

EDIT: Doubt you turned down 2t :\

EDIT2: I also think you are making this sound as if you are the king. Come yourself down :\

26-10-2009, 10:45 AM
for the record this wasn't the original way of sofa stacking on AU but whatever it still works :P also with this method it's harder to find the right things to stack.

26-10-2009, 11:00 AM
Very nice stacking!

Thanks for not keeping secrets :)

Does it work on both hotels!?

26-10-2009, 01:24 PM
This is Uk hotel. Not sure about this on .AU but i cant see why not. Hes banned, so il happily answer helping :D

26-10-2009, 01:41 PM

Congrats on an actual useful and friendly thread for once though :).

26-10-2009, 01:52 PM
First methods working fine for me, up to about 5 hcs now and its taken me about 10 mins. xD

26-10-2009, 02:44 PM
well done laggings once again showing off your stacking abilities :]

I'd rep but you're banned :rolleyes:

26-10-2009, 05:14 PM
Atleast i know i could do this b4 u posted


26-10-2009, 06:02 PM
For me it works 100% of the time with at least 6 on each square. So if you're considering doing it, don't buy 40, buy 13 maximum. Oh and you only need like 4 z shelves, not 20.

26-10-2009, 07:10 PM
I tried the 4 corner ditch way, but it didnt work, the z shelf only went on the right handed side, and not in the corner.

Ill try the method of like 20 corners later.

26-10-2009, 08:34 PM
I got up to 5 high using 4 ditches and 10 z's but then it failed.

26-10-2009, 08:49 PM
I got up to 5 high using 4 ditches and 10 z's but then it failed.

12 ditches, 6 each square with about 5 zs (leave two as base objects) works 100% of the time.

27-10-2009, 12:27 AM
hmm il give that a go now ;)

27-10-2009, 07:34 AM
Laggings: "The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released"

Ill just up the game :) and ill pixel stack like 60 Hc sofas?

27-10-2009, 07:47 AM
Laggings: "The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released"

Ill just up the game :) and ill pixel stack like 60 Hc sofas?

Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend.

27-10-2009, 11:24 AM
You two think you are so big.

Seriously get a bloody life.

Edited by Bolt660 (Forum Moderator): Please don't post inappropriately or be rude.

27-10-2009, 02:51 PM
Laggings: "The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released"

Ill just up the game :) and ill pixel stack like 60 Hc sofas?
Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend. get a life lol

Edited by Bolt660 (Forum Moderator): Please don't post inappropriately or be rude.

27-10-2009, 02:57 PM
Nothing's stacked. It's like magic - an illusion.

Edited by Bolt660 (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

27-10-2009, 03:26 PM
Lol if you think you are so brilliant, why didnt you release how to do it insted of being all "MAM IM NOT TELLIN ANYONE WHAT IV SPENT MY LIFE DOIN"

27-10-2009, 03:27 PM
Nothing's stacked. It's like magic - an illusion.

its not a illusion :S it is acctually stacked

27-10-2009, 03:32 PM
its not a illusion :S it is acctually stacked

tru dat - Search Laggings on habbo uk

27-10-2009, 04:09 PM
Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend.

Obviously I don't know about everyone else because I reckon I could do that comfortably. It would take ages and a lot of trial and error cause I haven't superclose stacked in, again, ages. Also I don't have the hcs.

27-10-2009, 05:03 PM
Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend.

Laggings: "The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released"

Ill just up the game :) and ill pixel stack like 60 Hc sofas?

Edit by Sammeth. (Assistant General Manager): Please don't make rude posts.

27-10-2009, 06:14 PM
Nice i got too 6 and got bored before lol.

28-10-2009, 01:03 AM
Posted on behalf of Laggings. (I think it's pixel stacking, although I am not sure what he meant :P)


28-10-2009, 02:53 AM
That's like 3 pixels stacking XD Nice try tho.

28-10-2009, 06:37 AM
Posted on behalf of Laggings. (I think it's pixel stacking, although I am not sure what he meant :P)


Thats 1 plate apart stacking :), Plus again you all are so predictable and so easy to stir up. Pmsl o and to who ever said " get a life " i stumbled upon this randomly, with no intention of trying it. And if you read first part of laggings first post. something like Weeks or work, etc.

28-10-2009, 09:01 AM
Pixel stacking is super close stacking, and is harder than any of this crap you guys learned that we accidentally came across.

28-10-2009, 09:33 AM
If it was such an accident, and you don't treat yourself as being a 'pr0-stacker' - then you would open your mouthes, and stop being up your own arse's.

Edited by Bolt660 (Forum Moderator): Please don't post inappropriately or be rude.

28-10-2009, 11:26 AM
ok to those who think this kind of stacking is the hardest stacking ever i believe you are wrong since all you do is put ditches down and sofas on top & repeat.. so really it's almost as easy as gate fusing

28-10-2009, 12:08 PM
Its funny how you 'pro-stackers' were claiming sofa stacking was extremely difficult and took a lot of trial and error, yet now that the technique has been released you say it isnt.

Just shows how much you crave the attention ;)

28-10-2009, 12:16 PM

Very nice stacking. :)

28-10-2009, 02:44 PM
i dont get it. not many people care that you can put a bunch of sofas in a pile. do this irl then maybe i'll be impressed but for now, i couldnt give a bobba

28-10-2009, 03:02 PM
i dont get it. not many people care that you can put a bunch of sofas in a pile. do this irl then maybe i'll be impressed but for now, i couldnt give a bobba

Ahahahahahh you legend. Its true though, its not that big of a thing unless your from the AU hotel where everyones like DONT TELL NE1 BLUD

28-10-2009, 04:10 PM
so really it's almost as easy as gate fusing
It is just as easy. There's no difference really although I don't know why the ditch constantly overlaps whereas I can understand how gate fusing with a rug works using logic.

Pixel stacking is super close stacking, and is harder than any of this crap you guys learned that we accidentally came across.

Superclose stacking was pioneered on UK by Bl!nkey. Not to mention that he left numerous rooms to help people master it. Admitedly you're right, superclose stacking is harder but don't think that it's way beyond anyone here. Not to mention that as a stack is has no value other than as a display of skill that you can actually do it. I value sofa stacking above it because it is infinately more useful for room building etc.

28-10-2009, 07:22 PM

Edit by Sammeth. (Assistant General Manager): Please don't make rude posts.

If it was such an accident, and you don't treat yourself as being a 'pr0-stacker' - then you would open your mouthes, and stop being up your own arse's.

WIN! ;)

You "pr0-stackers" said this was the hardest stack in that huge thread....

So wth?
And Im sure laggings meant the hardest stacking method on .co.uk
Not .au

28-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Nice to see new stacking methods emerging and to throw them out into the public, people retaining them is silly, if you use a stack in your room and learnt it from a tutorial or this thread, just pop a 'Laggings method' or something in your room cat to recognise, then people who discover new stacks still feel like they get some recognition, and it's good to keep track of where things originate from.

29-10-2009, 03:27 PM
Yeah keeping stacking techniques is rather sad.... ;l

29-10-2009, 10:13 PM
Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend.

wow i love how you plan that you're gonna play habbo on the weekend. now go get some friends

this is really no big deal. we've learnt how to put some sofas on top of each other. yeah fair enough
then along come the .au idiots who think they're so amazing. yeah you know how to stack sofas IN AN EVEN MORE DIFFICULT AND AMAZING WAY. what do you want, a trophy?

29-10-2009, 10:45 PM
then along come the .au idiots who think they're so amazing. yeah you know how to stack sofas IN AN EVEN MORE DIFFICULT AND AMAZING WAY. what do you want, a trophy?
That is offensive. I take offence to that.

29-10-2009, 10:58 PM
Kool beanz

But be fair, that 11 hc stacked doesnt even luk nice

29-10-2009, 11:42 PM
That is offensive. I take offence to that.
He wasn't referring to you
He was talking about the


30-10-2009, 12:22 AM
Yep, but i am still an AU user..

30-10-2009, 09:38 AM
That is offensive. I take offence to that.

But they are idiots, and they are from AU.

That's like me saying I take offence to people calling ETA (Spanish 'goverment' (terrorist) group) :l

30-10-2009, 12:09 PM
Its funny how you 'pro-stackers' were claiming sofa stacking was extremely difficult and took a lot of trial and error, yet now that the technique has been released you say it isnt.

Just shows how much you crave the attention ;)
:S? mate this technique is new, the old one is much harder.

30-10-2009, 12:50 PM
i was referring to the .au users in this thread who gloat about how great they are at stacking...

30-10-2009, 01:35 PM
i was referring to the .au users in this thread who gloat about how great they are at stacking...

... Yes, I AM an australian hotel user from AUSTRALIA.. Heck I'm a gr8 stacker.. :rolleyes:

30-10-2009, 02:17 PM
... Yes, I AM an australian hotel user from AUSTRALIA.. Heck I'm a gr8 stacker.. :rolleyes:

Yet you are not one of the idiots he was referring to. Things may change however if you keep this up.

30-10-2009, 05:22 PM
Just occured to me I haven't actually replied :o

Very good work Matt, I know the people on AU have done it, but giving out the guide was a very honourable thing to do rather than be stingy and say "2t FOR MA GUIDEZZZZ"

Well done once again :) I've tried but I'm no use :P

30-10-2009, 07:04 PM
Yet you are not one of the idiots he was referring to. Things may change however if you keep this up.

31-10-2009, 01:23 AM
Why is everyone arguing, i mean honestly, its a habbo room. Please, just respect that laggings has done his part, and get on with what your doing.

31-10-2009, 09:54 AM
:S? mate this technique is new, the old one is much harder.

So wait.

Now you are saying Laggings founded a new stack? Surely that makes him BETTER than you losers? Or were you attempting to make you and your pr0 buddies look better? :|

31-10-2009, 03:23 PM
So wait.

Now you are saying Laggings founded a new stack? Surely that makes him BETTER than you losers? Or were you attempting to make you and your pr0 buddies look better? :|

Im sorry but PWNED xD
I agree if laggings found a new technique then he must be better that you "pr0s"

31-10-2009, 03:38 PM
Im sorry but PWNED xD
I agree if laggings found a new technique then he must be better that you "pr0s"

This thread is ridiculous.
First off fair enough if some of the people from AU are big headed or gloating or whatever but there's no need to rise to their attempts to provoke you.
It was obvious that Blinger was just joking.
Laggings didn't find a new technique. These people from AU found it then tossed us a bone.
By the by, I've kept quiet about this until now to let people have their moments but it's not one person's technique. If anything, first off it's the people from AU's, Cannonman etc. Then if you want to clarify who worked it out on UK then I'd say it was a colaboration between everyone in the many stacking threads that have been around lately. As proof of this here's a post of mine which went largely unnoticed (except by laggings) which essentially tells you exactly what his guide does (Ignore the comment about the first quote, it's unrelated);

31-10-2009, 11:26 PM
This thread is ridiculous.
First off fair enough if some of the people from AU are big headed or gloating or whatever but there's no need to rise to their attempts to provoke you.
It was obvious that Blinger was just joking.
Laggings didn't find a new technique. These people from AU found it then tossed us a bone.
By the by, I've kept quiet about this until now to let people have their moments but it's not one person's technique. If anything, first off it's the people from AU's, Cannonman etc. Then if you want to clarify who worked it out on UK then I'd say it was a colaboration between everyone in the many stacking threads that have been around lately. As proof of this here's a post of mine which went largely unnoticed (except by laggings) which essentially tells you exactly what his guide does (Ignore the comment about the first quote, it's unrelated);

About time someone decides to tell it how it is.

And as stated in the deleted thread, I only have respect for you out of all the UK goons around here.

It is funny though, how Laggings claims it as his own, and how the other UK goons claim it as Laggings doing.

Cannonman, myself and 11 originally found it, thanks.

Its funny how you 'pro-stackers' were claiming sofa stacking was extremely difficult and took a lot of trial and error, yet now that the technique has been released you say it isnt.

Just shows how much you crave the attention ;)

Key word I am about to say:

01-11-2009, 12:10 AM
There is no way to know who first found the flat stack technique using ditches, it was possibly found way before you (heri, 11, cannonman) No one can claim it as their own. It was possibley found by someone who didn't want to gloat like you 3 are.

01-11-2009, 12:35 AM
I really dislike the AU pro stackers as they think they are all it...
Take some gratitude... I think what cannonman did in the room was amazing.. But boy did he know how to make himself a big head.

As J said...
you can't off been the 1st to flat stack.. remember, this was a huge secret until laggings came along...

I want to say I have little respect for the .au players but blinger [I thin kthats right] is a good guy and I would be stereotyping.

There was NO need to be as bigheaded as you were.
I provoke as I love to see how far I can push someone to teir boundries.

I was just agreeing and so my opinion is valid.
I still have little/no respect for cannonman and that other user...

And in response to what HabboAUfan said.. about "misleading"?

You all did make out sofa stacking to be INCREDIBLY hard so dont be a douche.

People mess around on habbo therefore people could have known that sofa stacking before you and cannonman, and unless you have proof I will not beleive you..

I have the most respect for laggings here, as he decided he would share what you lot wouldn't.

And the FACT I actually asked laggings how to do that stack and he told me shows what type off a person he is compared to the pro stackers.

01-11-2009, 02:21 AM
what the hell? when did we claim we were so 'pr0s'? never :/
and when i said it was a new technique, i meant it had only been known for a month or less than that. also honestly you uk'ers should stop predicting that we say things like '2t to teach sofa staxx' because we never actually do that, you guys just think we do because none of you guys ever get taught it or find out and whenever one of you uk'ers find out you immediately spread it and we AU'ers get called big headed which provokes us to reply to these kind of threads..... to be honest i'm sort of lost about what i'm talking about now ;l

anyway i'm over this 'argue/fight'. Agreed?

01-11-2009, 04:02 AM
I really dislike the AU pro stackers as they think they are all it...
Take some gratitude... I think what cannonman did in the room was amazing.. But boy did he know how to make himself a big head.

As J said...
you can't off been the 1st to flat stack.. remember, this was a huge secret until laggings came along...

I want to say I have little respect for the .au players but blinger [I thin kthats right] is a good guy and I would be stereotyping.

There was NO need to be as bigheaded as you were.
I provoke as I love to see how far I can push someone to teir boundries.

I was just agreeing and so my opinion is valid.
I still have little/no respect for cannonman and that other user...

And in response to what HabboAUfan said.. about "misleading"?

You all did make out sofa stacking to be INCREDIBLY hard so dont be a douche.

People mess around on habbo therefore people could have known that sofa stacking before you and cannonman, and unless you have proof I will not beleive you..

I have the most respect for laggings here, as he decided he would share what you lot wouldn't.

And the FACT I actually asked laggings how to do that stack and he told me shows what type off a person he is compared to the pro stackers.

Bold 1 - Verrou actually was the first to post any mention about the Ditch Corner, simply because it got leaked by someone on US hotel who told someone on AU, Laggings did not LEAK it by any means.

Bold 2 - Misleading, to make it think like it is almost impossible to do. We always done it by raising the ditch.

Bold 3 - I come to believe we knew about it around 2-3 months before it got leaked, and in this time if the US habbo who leaked it knew, he would have leaked it earlier, or someone would have told someone else and it would have gone around.

Bold 4 - See Bold 1.

01-11-2009, 04:31 AM
I want to say I have little respect for the .au players but blinger [I thin kthats right] is a good guy and I would be stereotyping.

Hehe, i was just **** stiring before, clearly you guys didn't mean me but seriously, saying that the AU pro stackers are idiots is a huge generalisation, you guys probably would do the same if you found out how to do it.

People mess around on habbo therefore people could have known that sofa stacking before you and cannonman, and unless you have proof I will not beleive you..
That means absolutely nothing. I could say that I have found a way to make SS furni and haven't told anyone or show anyone since I don't want you to figure out how its done.. I could provide a screenshot but thats it.
Just because someone else did it first without telling anyone doesn't mean its been done. Nobody has said anything like it so its clearly not been done

01-11-2009, 04:36 AM

So the "better" method of sofa stacking was actually this? I knew this already, but I thought you guys had some kind of other method of sofa stacking that still isn't leaked.
Oh well.

02-11-2009, 03:02 AM
Teach me your ways, oh great one.

02-11-2009, 02:33 PM
Finally unbanned! :rolleyes:
First off I want to say, stop the arguing. Discussion is fine, calling idiots is on the line, but the crap that some of you are saying is just rude. Let's not get another thread closed.
For the record, I found this method on UK. I am the FIRST person to 'publicly' post that I know the method. So if someone else found it way before me, tough luck buddy, should've screenied it.
Also, I have absoluetly NO respect for the people on here that are either saying, 'I knew this a long time ago nooobbbbb' or the AU users (not you blinger) who keep going back and forth 'this is a new method'/'this method is what we used'. Seriously, it's a game.

Below is my answers to almost all of the posts. If you posted, you're probably below me. (giggle)

EDIT2: I also think you are making this sound as if you are the king. Come yourself down :\

If the AU users can brag a hell of a lot, I can do a bit too.

for the record this wasn't the original way of sofa stacking on AU but whatever it still works also with this method it's harder to find the right things to stack.

Who are you? You're not part of the EP1( 3 sofa stackers... And this method you can stalk almost ANYTHING.

Does it work on both hotels!?



Congrats on an actual useful and friendly thread for once though .

That just means so much coming from you Robald :D Thank you so much!

well done laggings once again showing off your stacking abilities :]

I'd rep but you're banned

Unbanned now -hint. :D

Atleast i know i could do this b4 u posted

Right, yeah, sure.

For me it works 100% of the time with at least 6 on each square. So if you're considering doing it, don't buy 40, buy 13 maximum. Oh and you only need like 4 z shelves, not 20.

Yes, I might write a third tut on doing it was 6 ditches, and have MattG edit it, but I once got stuck at 7 using 6 ditches per stack.

I tried the 4 corner ditch way, but it didnt work, the z shelf only went on the right handed side, and not in the corner.

Ill try the method of like 20 corners later.

And I showed you how already on hotel :D UL on 30day ban.

12 ditches, 6 each square with about 5 zs (leave two as base objects) works 100% of the time.

90%. Failed for me once so far.

Laggings: "The hardest possible stack to complete on the hotel is released"

Ill just up the game and ill pixel stack like 60 Hc sofas?

Let's see it? We know how to pixel stack too. :O:O

Incorrect, my friend.

Hardest stack is Pixel Stacking Sofa's on a flat rug.

Which I will be doing this weekend.

Pixel stacking is just as hard as pixel stacking on a rug, flat, LOL. And what happened? I thought you were going to show us your epic ways.

You two think you are so big.

Seriously get a bloody life.


get a life lol


Nothing's stacked. It's like magic - an illusion.

It's all stacked, no illusion :D

Obviously I don't know about everyone else because I reckon I could do that comfortably. It would take ages and a lot of trial and error cause I haven't superclose stacked in, again, ages. Also I don't have the hcs.

Pm me if you want me to set up a room for you :)

Someone doesn't know how to use the quote button :rolleyes:

You 2 need to climb out off each others asses and get a life :)


Posted on behalf of Laggings. (I think it's pixel stacking, although I am not sure what he meant :P)


3 Pixel stacking, with a plate :D

That's like 3 pixels stacking XD Nice try tho.


Thats 1 plate apart stacking :), Plus again you all are so predictable and so easy to stir up. Pmsl o and to who ever said " get a life " i stumbled upon this randomly, with no intention of trying it. And if you read first part of laggings first post. something like Weeks or work, etc.

You really think I spent weeks? I just put that there because it looked good :rolleyes: I spent maybe a dozen or so hours.

Pixel stacking is super close stacking, and is harder than any of this crap you guys learned that we accidentally came across.

I've been able to pixel stack mats and such for about a year now...

If it was such an accident, and you don't treat yourself as being a 'pr0-stacker' - then you would open your mouthes, and stop being up your own arse's.


ok to those who think this kind of stacking is the hardest stacking ever i believe you are wrong since all you do is put ditches down and sofas on top & repeat.. so really it's almost as easy as gate fusing

Gate fusing is now easier, because you can just put 2 gates on the ditches instead of glitching room. But you really have no idea how, since you still have to glitch room and such.

Its funny how you 'pro-stackers' were claiming sofa stacking was extremely difficult and took a lot of trial and error, yet now that the technique has been released you say it isnt.

Just shows how much you crave the attention ;)


Superclose stacking was pioneered on UK by Bl!nkey. Not to mention that he left numerous rooms to help people master it. Admitedly you're right, superclose stacking is harder but don't think that it's way beyond anyone here. Not to mention that as a stack is has no value other than as a display of skill that you can actually do it. I value sofa stacking above it because it is infinately more useful for room building etc.

nikeboy6 actually taught me how to superclose and that thing where white mats turn black.

WIN! ;)

You "pr0-stackers" said this was the hardest stack in that huge thread....

So wth?
And Im sure laggings meant the hardest stacking method on .co.uk
Not .au

Hardest on co.uk atm, yes.

Nice to see new stacking methods emerging and to throw them out into the public, people retaining them is silly, if you use a stack in your room and learnt it from a tutorial or this thread, just pop a 'Laggings method' or something in your room cat to recognise, then people who discover new stacks still feel like they get some recognition, and it's good to keep track of where things originate from.

I don't claim it's my method though, I just claim that I found it and here's a damn guide for everyone to use without arguing.

Yeah keeping stacking techniques is rather sad.... ;l


That is offensive. I take offence to that.

Blinger, he meant the 3 au pr0's, it's easier to call them that instead of naming them, since nobody cba to remember. Don't take offense buddy :D

this is really no big deal. we've learnt how to put some sofas on top of each other. yeah fair enough
then along come the .au idiots who think they're so amazing. yeah you know how to stack sofas IN AN EVEN MORE DIFFICULT AND AMAZING WAY. what do you want, a trophy?

Actually it was along come the AU people, post that they can do sofa stacking, then we find out and they claim it never was hard.

Kool beanz

But be fair, that 11 hc stacked doesnt even luk nice

It lukz pr0 tho.

:S? mate this technique is new, the old one is much harder.

^^ ORLY? This is the method that RC was hinting at. I have a feeling you can't even stack Hcs...

Why is everyone arguing, i mean honestly, its a habbo room. Please, just respect that laggings has done his part, and get on with what your doing.

:D Just respect the thread, don't get it closed.

So wait.

Now you are saying Laggings founded a new stack? Surely that makes him BETTER than you losers? Or were you attempting to make you and your pr0 buddies look better? :|

ZOMG FOUNDED A NEW STACK! :O :P This is was RC was hinting at in another thread.

Im sorry but PWNED xD
I agree if laggings found a new technique then he must be better that you "pr0s"


This thread is ridiculous.
First off fair enough if some of the people from AU are big headed or gloating or whatever but there's no need to rise to their attempts to provoke you.
It was obvious that Blinger was just joking.
Laggings didn't find a new technique. These people from AU found it then tossed us a bone.
By the by, I've kept quiet about this until now to let people have their moments but it's not one person's technique. If anything, first off it's the people from AU's, Cannonman etc. Then if you want to clarify who worked it out on UK then I'd say it was a colaboration between everyone in the many stacking threads that have been around lately. As proof of this here's a post of mine which went largely unnoticed (except by laggings) which essentially tells you exactly what his guide does (Ignore the comment about the first quote, it's unrelated);

Yes your post was the base for me being able to get 11 hcs. I should've credited you and I'm sorry. But the AU people never threw us any bones really, they were gloating on how they could do it and weren't telling us.

About time someone decides to tell it how it is.

And as stated in the deleted thread, I only have respect for you out of all the UK goons around here.

It is funny though, how Laggings claims it as his own, and how the other UK goons claim it as Laggings doing.

I would've claimed it was you if you would've told us. But you MAYBE gave 2 hints and WE figured it out. I found this method, but don't claim it's mine. And I have no respect for you either, you keep changing stories every few posts :rolleyes:

There is no way to know who first found the flat stack technique using ditches, it was possibly found way before you (heri, 11, cannonman) No one can claim it as their own. It was possibley found by someone who didn't want to gloat like you 3 are.

It's quite possible that this has been known for years, but PUBLICLY I'm the first on the UK to show it.

I really dislike the AU pro stackers as they think they are all it...
Take some gratitude... I think what cannonman did in the room was amazing.. But boy did he know how to make himself a big head.

I want to say I have little respect for the .au players but blinger [I thin kthats right] is a good guy and I would be stereotyping.

There was NO need to be as bigheaded as you were.
I provoke as I love to see how far I can push someone to teir boundries.

You all did make out sofa stacking to be INCREDIBLY hard so dont be a douche.

I have the most respect for laggings here, as he decided he would share what you lot wouldn't.

And the FACT I actually asked laggings how to do that stack and he told me shows what type off a person he is compared to the pro stackers.

I basically agree with everything there. And anytime you need help :D

what the hell? when did we claim we were so 'pr0s'? never :/
and when i said it was a new technique, i meant it had only been known for a month or less than that. also honestly you uk'ers should stop predicting that we say things like '2t to teach sofa staxx' because we never actually do that, you guys just think we do because none of you guys ever get taught it or find out and whenever one of you uk'ers find out you immediately spread it and we AU'ers get called big headed which provokes us to reply to these kind of threads..... to be honest i'm sort of lost about what i'm talking about now ;l

anyway i'm over this 'argue/fight'. Agreed?

WHO THE RUDDY HELL ARE YOU? You just popped up in this thread, and you arn't part of RC, and you've never shown you know anything about stacking... And it's not an argue/fight, you're the one making it go on and on. Again, who are you? Jeez.


So the "better" method of sofa stacking was actually this? I knew this already, but I thought you guys had some kind of other method of sofa stacking that still isn't leaked.
Oh well.

From what the AU's say, this is the better method. And right, you knew it, yeah, uh-huh.

Teach me your ways, oh great one.

:D Anytime you need your 'sino stacked again, oh rich one.

02-11-2009, 05:18 PM
Love you laggings ;)
I still cant +rep your still cautioned :rolleyes:

02-11-2009, 05:23 PM
Yeah now I just got cautioned because I never served my whole caution while on temp ban like wth?

02-11-2009, 07:44 PM
Yeah now I just got cautioned because I never served my whole caution while on temp ban like wth?


It's like a bloody prison (perhaps stricter on the inmates on here though :P)

You took your ban - apparently didn't make another account - I think that deserves a unban!

02-11-2009, 08:20 PM

It's like a bloody prison (perhaps stricter on the inmates on here though :P)

You took your ban - apparently didn't make another account - I think that deserves a unban!

INO I get beat by mattgarner in my cell everynight :(

Yeah I took my week ban, didn't make another account, but I still have to finish my caution. Only 3 more days, then I'm going to do my room competition. I had it posted but Matt deleted it for me, but the prize is going to be about 200 norms :D

02-11-2009, 08:28 PM
INO I get beat by mattgarner in my cell everynight :(

Yeah I took my week ban, didn't make another account, but I still have to finish my caution. Only 3 more days, then I'm going to do my room competition. I had it posted but Matt deleted it for me, but the prize is going to be about 200 norms :D

Yeh I saw the comp :D Looks alrite, complicated though!

Why did you want deleted?

02-11-2009, 08:30 PM
Because it required people to PM me, and they can't when I'm cautioned.

02-11-2009, 09:22 PM
Wow... Amazing!
Between the limits, the possibilities are unlimited.
It's a Dutch saying from Rotterdam.
You actually placed those limits further away, releasing even more possibilities!

04-11-2009, 03:11 AM
Thank you Jendro :D

04-11-2009, 07:26 AM
Laggings I am danthecarlvr from au and have been playing since 06. yes I can sofa stack & I am probably one of the first(one of, not the very first) to know the ORIGINAL sofa stack, also yes I can sofa stack more than 3 sofas, even to the ceiling of a room. You might not know me since you're from UK but you can't just predict that I can't stack because I'm not in some stupid group.
Also, I agree with Blinger a few pages back, would you UK'ers share to everyone sofa stack if you guys were the very first to sofa stack? I doubt it.

04-11-2009, 07:53 AM
Laggings I am danthecarlvr from au and have been playing since 06. yes I can sofa stack & I am probably one of the first(one of, not the very first) to know the ORIGINAL sofa stack, also yes I can sofa stack more than 3 sofas, even to the ceiling of a room. You might not know me since you're from UK but you can't just predict that I can't stack because I'm not in some stupid group.
Also, I agree with Blinger a few pages back, would you UK'ers share to everyone sofa stack if you guys were the very first to sofa stack? I doubt it.

You can't just predict that.

04-11-2009, 08:00 AM
Laggings I am danthecarlvr from au and have been playing since 06. yes I can sofa stack & I am probably one of the first(one of, not the very first) to know the ORIGINAL sofa stack, also yes I can sofa stack more than 3 sofas, even to the ceiling of a room. You might not know me since you're from UK but you can't just predict that I can't stack because I'm not in some stupid group.
Also, I agree with Blinger a few pages back, would you UK'ers share to everyone sofa stack if you guys were the very first to sofa stack? I doubt it.

danthecarlvr, I am Demala from uk and have been playing since 06. No I cannot sofa stack, and you know what? I couldn't give two flying ***** that you can. Now **** off back onto a au site, since no one gives a toss.

04-11-2009, 08:28 AM
Demala, I wasn't talking to you, I was telling Laggings who I was and answered he's question..

04-11-2009, 09:51 AM
danthecarlvr, I am Demala from uk and have been playing since 06. No I cannot sofa stack, and you know what? I couldn't give two flying ***** that you can. Now **** off back onto a au site, since no one gives a toss.

Odd.. I thought habbox was an international site... So why don't we just sit the **** where we are?

04-11-2009, 11:07 AM
This is thread is becoming pathetic..

04-11-2009, 01:57 PM
Laggings I am danthecarlvr from au and have been playing since 06. yes I can sofa stack & I am probably one of the first(one of, not the very first) to know the ORIGINAL sofa stack, also yes I can sofa stack more than 3 sofas, even to the ceiling of a room. You might not know me since you're from UK but you can't just predict that I can't stack because I'm not in some stupid group.
Also, I agree with Blinger a few pages back, would you UK'ers share to everyone sofa stack if you guys were the very first to sofa stack? I doubt it.

The bolded red part basically proves you know nothing about sofa stacking, and everyone that reads it will see that too.

Yes, if I was the FIRST person to find ANY stack, I would share it with EVERYONE on Habboxforum.

danthecarlvr, I am Demala from uk and have been playing since 06. No I cannot sofa stack, and you know what? I couldn't give two flying ***** that you can. Now **** off back onto a au site, since no one gives a toss.

Habbox is an international site, let's not start any arguments.

Odd.. I thought habbox was an international site... So why don't we just sit the **** where we are?


This is thread is becoming pathetic..

Somewhat, not as pathetic as some of the threads have become though.
Now we're just trying to prove who the best is I suppose :rolleyes:

04-11-2009, 03:38 PM
Can we be honest for lik 5 seconds.

Habbox can hardly take pride in being international..

Habbo sub-forums - one dedicated to UK - the rest make do with one.
ENGLISH Rare Values
ENGLISH (well pretty much) news

At the end of the day you have to except that hx (which I am a supporter of, probably the best fansite imo..) is pretty much UK based.

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