View Full Version : should habbox values include both hc and cred values

27-10-2009, 04:36 PM
should habbox values include both hc and cred values on the rare values page....

seems like both hc's and creds are the main trading currency's...

27-10-2009, 04:44 PM
As long as you're not suggesting to put the credit value on each rare then its already sorted = if the hc changed - every single rare would need updating - taking time that's really wasted. (the credit values are already in the values in the catagorized section and all the rares are valued in hcs anyway

27-10-2009, 04:50 PM
probably more on the supers and normals rares....same thing can be said about the thrones and hc's with super pricing....

27-10-2009, 06:13 PM
No. I just think the Credit values shouldn't be so far down the page. Either at the very top or just under the Supers at least.

27-10-2009, 06:14 PM
I am happy to say credit values are on their way as far as we know, but again this all depends on when the new panel is made. I think Jin (Habbox Owner) contacted Netaxes (former RVM) and Faboosh (ARVM) a few weeks ago about this, so hopefully it'll get moving pretty soon. I'm pretty sure that credits will be reconisged as a main currency on the new panel, but what it'll look like nobody knows at this moment.

The reason for a lot of sections missing from the values on Habbox at the moment is also down to the panel as it does not allow us to add new section anymore, and its also a reason for the delay (sometimes) in updating the rares, as the panel has not worked for two days now so we cannot update the values.

28-10-2009, 05:40 AM
it is needed. i think RD should just be replaced with C (credit) if u dont pay for something with rares in hc decimals for example 0.3 hc and 0.5 hc the you buy rares with credit coins. credits it could be said are used more than even hcs. so yes i do think it really should be hc value with the credit equilvent.

thrones are either paid for in hcs or credits. if its credits its over 1000 but without sitting down and working it out the chances are the asking price is significantly above its worth. you do have to be careful how much your giving and wether its about right.

its pretty even in the sense that its 13 per hc at some times and 14 per hc at other times. that means the value should be 13.5 credits per hc. 27c per 2 hcs seems right at anytime though. so we have the value which is 13.5 and we know the throne is currently an impressive 94 hcs. it looks daunting but its value is 13.5 x 94.

13.5 x 94 = 1269 credits what you could be looking at is 14c per 1.0 and in that case theyd be asking for 1316c for their throne. because that not a rounded figure theyd probably ask for 1350c and unless you do the calculations yourself. how do you know unless your a maths wiz like the movie character matilda rofl.

edit: if its 1350, the asking price then if the value is 13.5c per hc then really your paying 100hcs for the throne not 94

28-10-2009, 10:53 AM
Credits are currently valued in the habbo exchange section :P

28-10-2009, 11:09 AM
NO, not really because i think it would make it harder for people to make a profit or get a bargin. Haggling is a big part of the trading in Habbo, which i think makes it more fun.
If we just had the credits everyone would just buy and sell furni for those prices.

29-10-2009, 05:43 PM
people still do that with trading hcs. people buy for less than habbox and sell for more than habbox that how it changes almost daily. its rare mechanting make maximum profit. all these are is guides though you do have the few wierdos who take it too seriously with exact figures but that cant be helped.

the worst thing that adding credits values can really do is catch out those traders that sell well above any rares price range waiting for a noob who aint good at maths. i see that more as decieving the younger and less math experienced players so id like to see it be part of the values, dunno personally i just dont see it any better than scamming cus if they get lucky theyll make a shed load of profit out of some1

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