View Full Version : I would recommend you to make a change

29-10-2009, 03:16 PM
I just wanted to tell you how good going from Windows to Mac was. I'm no fan boy of either. I have been using windows since I was 10, was literally brought up with it. Then Windows 7 came out, wow!! Coincidently my laptop was already starting to die (to much runescape lmao) so off we went to PC World to get a new PC with Windows 7. I had already looked at Mac's on the internet and was really interested, I even asked a few things on here about them but decided £1,500 for a computer was hideous. At PC World, there it was, an iMac 24" on display. I had a mess around on it and was totally dragged in by it. Had a discussion with my parents and we got it. Despite not realising that a new 27" quad core was out (I am now so pissed off about that!!!!!), going from Windows to Mac was the best thing I have ever done in my computing history. Sure, you can buy a PC with better specs for much cheaper but you still can't compare it with a Mac. The looks, the operating system and the overall feel of using it is worth every penny. I am comparing Mac's to high end Windows machines too! Such as my old laptop, a £1,000 Sony VAIO, the iMac outclasses that by miles! So before going out and buying a new PC with Windows 7, consider spending a bit more on an iMac. Just make sure it's the 27", I am taking this 24" back today to upgrade to the 27" which is why I'm on my old laptop now. :/

Closed by Jamesy (Forum Moderator): Mac VS Windows threads are never a good idea. They just devolve into arguments.

29-10-2009, 03:22 PM
I just wanted to tell you how good going from Windows to Mac was. I'm no fan boy of either. I have been using windows since I was 10, was literally brought up with it. Then Windows 7 came out, wow!! Coincidently my laptop was already starting to die (to much runescape lmao) so off we went to PC World to get a new PC with Windows 7. I had already looked at Mac's on the internet and was really interested, I even asked a few things on here about them but decided £1,500 for a computer was hideous. At PC World, there it was, an iMac 24" on display. I had a mess around on it and was totally dragged in by it. Had a discussion with my parents and we got it. Despite not realising that a new 27" quad core was out (I am now so pissed off about that!!!!!), going from Windows to Mac was the best thing I have ever done in my computing history. Sure, you can buy a PC with better specs for much cheaper but you still can't compare it with a Mac. The looks, the operating system and the overall feel of using it is worth every penny. I am comparing Mac's to high end Windows machines too! Such as my old laptop, a £1,000 Sony VAIO, the iMac outclasses that by miles! So before going out and buying a new PC with Windows 7, consider spending a bit more on an iMac. Just make sure it's the 27", I am taking this 24" back today to upgrade to the 27" which is why I'm on my old laptop now. :/

No you aren't, your talking ******** with the bit in bold, your comparing it to years old hardware. You can buy a computer and it be out of date the next day, well done in contradicting yourself.

29-10-2009, 03:30 PM
Yeah... Typing in "I am comparing Mac's to high end Windows machines too! Such as my old laptop, a £1,000 Sony VAIO" and making an emphasis on OLD wasn't a good idea :P And comparing an iMac (Desktop) to a VAIO laptop is a terrible comparison lol :P

Also, the religious dribble in the middle puts me off, the look isn't amazing, the feel is dreadful and restrictive do not justify spending twice as much imo :/ Some people do, but for me (as this thread is about individuals having to convert to Christianity Macism) Windows is and will always do more for me than a Mac. Besides, I like going back to my old games which won't work on a Mac, and the new games work better on a PC than a Mac :P I'm not someone who buys a product like Apple Mac OS/X, then installs something like Windows 7 to run next to it. Waste of money and change over.

But if you're happy with a Mac, then cool beans :)

EDIT: VAIOs are expensive anyway.

29-10-2009, 03:31 PM
In before HotelUser gets here

29-10-2009, 03:45 PM
I've got OSX on my machine and it isn't a Mac. Wowee for me.

29-10-2009, 03:48 PM
I've got OSX on my machine and it isn't a Mac. Wowee for me.
You're a fake and a lie! Go hang your head in shame :P

29-10-2009, 03:52 PM
I can't believe your comparing an iMac with an old £1000 Sony Vaio. I have up reading after I read that.

29-10-2009, 03:53 PM
Kudos for discovering OS X, but perhaps a public announcement to convert us all wasn't necessary:P.

My uncle did this. He went out to buy his wife a new HP Laptop, came home with 2 24" iMacs. He got one for his wife, and for himself:P

29-10-2009, 03:56 PM
Haha yeh your right. :P I didn't say it in the best of ways. It's my old laptop, but it isn't an old Laptop. My model is still sold today, not been out for longer than a year and was made when pretty much the same iMac was out. Forget comparing it to a laptop then, how about my Mum's new PC. It's a dell, it's crap, might be able to compare it to my Mac specifications wise but doesn't compete at all with it overall. She got it with windows 7 which is awesome, but again, Mac OS (for me) is on another level. Obviously you guys like your Windows (possibly even fan boys with windows in your avatars). But I have been using Windows for several years and yesterday when I made the change to Mac I could not believe how awesome it was. I don't want a Mac vs PC argument in this thread, I just want to let people know how happy I was with the change and hopefully you will be to. :)

29-10-2009, 03:59 PM
You will most likely get a PC vs. Mac thread, you're asking people to change or consider it, so you'll get a mixture of opinions chucked around for and against it :P

29-10-2009, 04:03 PM
You're a fake and a lie! Go hang your head in shame :P
Please sir. I was telling the truth. Don't cane me!

29-10-2009, 05:40 PM
You should also have given Windows 7 a try.

29-10-2009, 08:15 PM
You should also have given Windows 7 a try.

This is the problem I have, not major or anything, but a problem nonetheless.

Why is it, people feel they need to come into a Mac user's thread, and tell them to try Windows:S.

It works both ways, too and most of us have been guilty of it in the past, but can a Mac user seriously not post saying they like their Mac, or OS X, without getting flamed or the thread turning into an argument:S? (You haven't done this on a great scale here, but honestly. There's not many Mac users coming into your Windows 7 threads and flat out telling you "you should have also given OS X a try and bought a Mac".)

I absolutely love my iMac. It's my absolute favourite computer I've ever owned. Be happy I found a computer I like, don't start insulting me because I don't use Windows:rolleyes:.

29-10-2009, 08:33 PM
This is the problem I have, not major or anything, but a problem nonetheless.

Why is it, people feel they need to come into a Mac user's thread, and tell them to try Windows:S.

It works both ways, too and most of us have been guilty of it in the past, but can a Mac user seriously not post saying they like their Mac, or OS X, without getting flamed or the thread turning into an argument:S? (You haven't done this on a great scale here, but honestly. There's not many Mac users coming into your Windows 7 threads and flat out telling you "you should have also given OS X a try and bought a Mac".)

I absolutely love my iMac. It's my absolute favourite computer I've ever owned. Be happy I found a computer I like, don't start insulting me because I don't use Windows:rolleyes:.

He wasn't actually talking to you.

And this isn't a Mac user's thread, if anything it's aimed towards Windows users, "I recommend you [Windows users] to make a change"... :rolleyes:

29-10-2009, 08:41 PM
This is the problem I have, not major or anything, but a problem nonetheless.

Why is it, people feel they need to come into a Mac user's thread, and tell them to try Windows:S.

It works both ways, too and most of us have been guilty of it in the past, but can a Mac user seriously not post saying they like their Mac, or OS X, without getting flamed or the thread turning into an argument:S? (You haven't done this on a great scale here, but honestly. There's not many Mac users coming into your Windows 7 threads and flat out telling you "you should have also given OS X a try and bought a Mac".)

I absolutely love my iMac. It's my absolute favourite computer I've ever owned. Be happy I found a computer I like, don't start insulting me because I don't use Windows:rolleyes:.

Thank you. All I want to do is make people think twice about purchasing a PC, it's very likely that they would prefer a Mac. The only problem about Mac's is the price tag they come with but I would save up for months if it meant getting a Mac. Obviously not everyone likes the same thing so if you prefer Windows (or any other OS) then go ahead and buy that. I use my mums PC regularly for checking prices etc throughout the day, it has windows 7 which is so much better than Vista. But if I had a choice of W7 or Mac (which I did) I would and did choose Mac. I'm not dissing any other operating systems, just saying that I prefer Mac.

29-10-2009, 08:45 PM
Thank you. All I want to do is make people think twice about purchasing a PC, it's very likely that they would prefer a Mac. The only problem about Mac's is the price tag they come with but I would save up for months if it meant getting a Mac. Obviously not everyone likes the same thing so if you prefer Windows (or any other OS) then go ahead and buy that. I use my mums PC regularly for checking prices etc throughout the day, it has windows 7 which is so much better than Vista. But if I had a choice of W7 or Mac (which I did) I would and did choose Mac. I'm not dissing any other operating systems, just saying that I prefer Mac.

Noooo. Using Windows might make you or I go nuts, but if other people want to use Windows it's their choice. I don't have a problem with people using different operating systems, and arguing reasons why any operating system is superior. I have a problem with people flat out telling eachother what to use, especially when they're not justifying what they're saying. This is why the Apple and Microsoft ad campaigns can make me extremely annoyed.

29-10-2009, 08:48 PM
This is the problem I have, not major or anything, but a problem nonetheless.

Why is it, people feel they need to come into a Mac user's thread, and tell them to try Windows:S.

It works both ways, too and most of us have been guilty of it in the past, but can a Mac user seriously not post saying they like their Mac, or OS X, without getting flamed or the thread turning into an argument:S? (You haven't done this on a great scale here, but honestly. There's not many Mac users coming into your Windows 7 threads and flat out telling you "you should have also given OS X a try and bought a Mac".)

I absolutely love my iMac. It's my absolute favourite computer I've ever owned. Be happy I found a computer I like, don't start insulting me because I don't use Windows:rolleyes:.

Yes, it's your opinion that OS X is better along with many others. I wasn't trying to turn it into an argument. Basically, it sounds like the OP was planning on buying a new computer without that much prejudice either way. It sounds like a Mac was the first thing they saw and bought it without trying anything else. How can anyone say you should do this/buy this/this is better when they've no even tried the popular alternative (Windows 7) =. Maybe they have used it, but that wasn't clear from the OP.

Again, I have both and use both on a daily basis. 7 edges it for me with what I use a computer for/the way I use a computer etc. I'm not saying Snow Leopard is bad. It's very good in fact and I like it. I just prefer 7. I also hate how Apple charged £25 for what is basically the equivalent of a Windows service pack.

Eidt: I now see that mint has given 7 a try. Fair enough ;).

29-10-2009, 09:14 PM
Yes, it's your opinion that OS X is better along with many others. I wasn't trying to turn it into an argument. Basically, it sounds like the OP was planning on buying a new computer without that much prejudice either way. It sounds like a Mac was the first thing they saw and bought it without trying anything else. How can anyone say you should do this/buy this/this is better when they've no even tried the popular alternative (Windows 7) =. Maybe they have used it, but that wasn't clear from the OP.

Again, I have both and use both on a daily basis. 7 edges it for me with what I use a computer for/the way I use a computer etc. I'm not saying Snow Leopard is bad. It's very good in fact and I like it. I just prefer 7. I also hate how Apple charged £25 for what is basically the equivalent of a Windows service pack.

Eidt: I now see that mint has given 7 a try. Fair enough ;).

I understand what you mean regarding users not giving Windows 7 a fair shake before insulting it *cough* the new mac vs pc ad. However I think this plays to the advantage of Microsoft Windows, not OS X or Apple.

There are far more users who say Windows is better, because more people use Windows (see comments on Engadget posts:P). And of course people are going to say what they own is better than the alternative. "Oh it's so much more money and Windoze has more app supportz" is a typical argument produced from ignorance:P.

Of course I'll still be accused of being "that mac fanboy who completely hates microsoft and only uses apple" (not by you, but by the people who don't realize that there's differences between marketing a product, the product itself, and the company as a whole:P).

For the record, I do use Windows 7, and to put into perspective as to how much I like it, if it was released in place of Vista, I wouldn't have switched over to OS X. Having said that, I just bought this iMac last Christmas, and don't plan on buying anything new anytime soon:P.

29-10-2009, 09:16 PM
Yes, it's your opinion that OS X is better along with many others. I wasn't trying to turn it into an argument. Basically, it sounds like the OP was planning on buying a new computer without that much prejudice either way. It sounds like a Mac was the first thing they saw and bought it without trying anything else. How can anyone say you should do this/buy this/this is better when they've no even tried the popular alternative (Windows 7) =. Maybe they have used it, but that wasn't clear from the OP.

Again, I have both and use both on a daily basis. 7 edges it for me with what I use a computer for/the way I use a computer etc. I'm not saying Snow Leopard is bad. It's very good in fact and I like it. I just prefer 7. I also hate how Apple charged £25 for what is basically the equivalent of a Windows service pack.

Eidt: I now see that mint has given 7 a try. Fair enough ;).

I have one word to say about the bit in bold; Exactly. You should use a computer that suits you. The Mac OS is the operating system for me just like Windows 7 is the operating system for you. Perhaps I didn't explain that right. Windows 7 does everything that I need, Mac just does it all better.

29-10-2009, 09:25 PM
Good for you sunny Jim, tbh I dont think no one will take the advice!

29-10-2009, 09:58 PM
I just got the best of both world tbf. Windows on the desktop, Mac as the laptop.

29-10-2009, 10:00 PM
I just got the best of both world tbf. Windows on the desktop, Mac as the laptop.

Same as me but the other way around lol. Vista on the laptop, Mac as the desktop.

30-10-2009, 01:20 AM
I just got the best of both world tbf. Windows on the desktop, Mac as the laptop.

I agree. I'd never, ever buy a Mac "desktop". So much more value for money with a "normal" custom built system. But with Mac "notebooks" that's another story - as long as you get a good deal and avoid most of the Apple tax that is :P.

30-10-2009, 01:44 AM
I wouldn't get either thanks to the new Apple adverts (had a minor break-down in the spam forum over them :P). I really cannot stand them, they're terrible, pathetic adverts. The machines are fine, but when a company advertises in such a stupid way it puts me off the product all together.

MacBooks seem to be doing good for themselves anyway. Any sort of laptop has a general purpose, while a desktop has a larger range of purposes. But it all depends on what use someone has.

30-10-2009, 01:47 AM
I'm happy with my windows thank you very much! DOUBLE GLAZED XP STYLE!

Agnostic Bear
30-10-2009, 03:47 AM
I wouldn't get either thanks to the new Apple adverts (had a minor break-down in the spam forum over them :P). I really cannot stand them, they're terrible, pathetic adverts. The machines are fine, but when a company advertises in such a stupid way it puts me off the product all together.

This. Their adverts are just a poor attempt at discrediting Windows without actually having anything on them.

30-10-2009, 06:06 PM
This. Their adverts are just a poor attempt at discrediting Windows without actually having anything on them.

The Microsoft advertisements are equally as bad.

30-10-2009, 06:20 PM
The Microsoft advertisements are equally as bad.

Tbh, Microsoft ones, arent that bad.

30-10-2009, 06:28 PM
Tbh, Microsoft ones, arent that bad.

The ones with the annoying music and annoying people who go into bestbuy and buy the laptop --BECAUSE ITS PINK-- and then when they see the Mac they just say --TOO MUCH MONEY AND ITS FOR KIDS--:rolleyes: . Yeah they're great ads.

And 4 year olds do not crop and email pictures. They don't even know the difference between a Mac and PC:S

30-10-2009, 06:55 PM
The ones with the annoying music and annoying people who go into bestbuy and buy the laptop --BECAUSE ITS PINK-- and then when they see the Mac they just say --TOO MUCH MONEY AND ITS FOR KIDS--:rolleyes: . Yeah they're great ads.

They pulled this ad campaign months ago IIRC.

30-10-2009, 06:57 PM
The Microsoft advertisements are equally as bad.
At least they advertise Windows, Apple adverts simply lack any substance and are clearly an act of discrediting the competition yet bigging up Macs as, well, that's the point, they don't advertising anything :/

What I've found interesting about Windows, is the account on YouTube with the "7 Seconds..." videos, which advertise specific features in 7 seconds. They're kinda funny, and show Microsoft/Windows have a funny side, unlike grumpy ol' Apple who are like the *5 letter B word*y queens of the computing world.

Windows adverts aren't amazing, and are a bit crap (some of the features and messages are a bit tongue in cheek), but at least they show some sort of honesty in the computer world, and aren't one successful PC man and one hippy Mac man arguing. Those ads are so lame they make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!

The new Windows 7 adverts are clever though. "Windows 7 was my idea", because it plays on the idea that Windows actually listen to their customers and have made the main things people want a reality - faster, reliable, customizable, affordable, safe, easy and fresh (you can tell my list was getting a bit boring by the end, but oh well). Although these individuals didn't actually come up with these ideas, they reflect on the changes made to the OS which makes the advertisements more reliable - and the fact Windows 7 adverts aren't banned in the UK unlike the Apple ones is proof of that :P

30-10-2009, 07:31 PM
They pulled this ad campaign months ago IIRC.

I wonder why:P

At least they advertise Windows, Apple adverts simply lack any substance and are clearly an act of discrediting the competition yet bigging up Macs as, well, that's the point, they don't advertising anything :/

What I've found interesting about Windows, is the account on YouTube with the "7 Seconds..." videos, which advertise specific features in 7 seconds. They're kinda funny, and show Microsoft/Windows have a funny side, unlike grumpy ol' Apple who are like the *5 letter B word*y queens of the computing world.

Windows adverts aren't amazing, and are a bit crap (some of the features and messages are a bit tongue in cheek), but at least they show some sort of honesty in the computer world, and aren't one successful PC man and one hippy Mac man arguing. Those ads are so lame they make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!

The new Windows 7 adverts are clever though. "Windows 7 was my idea", because it plays on the idea that Windows actually listen to their customers and have made the main things people want a reality - faster, reliable, customizable, affordable, safe, easy and fresh (you can tell my list was getting a bit boring by the end, but oh well). Although these individuals didn't actually come up with these ideas, they reflect on the changes made to the OS which makes the advertisements more reliable - and the fact Windows 7 adverts aren't banned in the UK unlike the Apple ones is proof of that :P

Grumpy old Apple? What is grumpy about their advertisements? You don't like them because you disagree with what's being said (which is understandable as you use a PC). But they certainly show humour. If they were so horrible why are they still producing and airing them?

Microsoft doesn't even need to advertise. Most users are buying PCs because theyre a heck of a lot cheaper than Macs. What is Microsoft afraid of? People going out and buying a PC with Linux?!

30-10-2009, 08:25 PM
Grumpy old Apple? What is grumpy about their advertisements? You don't like them because you disagree with what's being said (which is understandable as you use a PC). But they certainly show humour. If they were so horrible why are they still producing and airing them?
All they do is moan about PCs, like grumpy... no not even grumpy, (sorry homosexuals for painting a false image :P) BUT moody "queens". What's there to agree with? No-one can agree with those adverts as they lack any sort of judgement or back-bone :/ They give no opinion, facts, rumours or subject, they just blindly mock with no claims or substance behind their own product. Apple disagree with Windows, yet offer NO informance to back up these claims, because they simply DO NOT exist. These adverts test human intelligence - if anyone believes and agrees with these adverts, then they clearly lack human intelligence and should probably not be near shops, TVs, radios, the internet, computers and so forth because they are clearly mentally challenged. As I said on another forum (a bit X rated compared to this though :P)

"...That girl in the Apple advert seems like the sort of girl who wets herself when standing up - jumps in the puddles - and sticks her fingers in plug sockets because she clearly has no rational mind or sense of judgement..."

For these adverts are not advertising anything :/ When you watch a Mac advert, it's like watching a badly written "comedy" (using that word lightly :P) sketch, offering no insight into the Apple products Apple are failing to sell.

Think of it like Ford advertising their cars, but instead of SHOWING their cars, they are simply indirectly advertising BMWs by saying "they suck" using generalised "fan boy" comments which lack any sort of foundation to base their arguments, and clearly there to look stupid.

Microsoft doesn't even need to advertise. Most users are buying PCs because theyre a heck of a lot cheaper than Macs. What is Microsoft afraid of? People going out and buying a PC with Linux?!
They seem to be focusing their adverts on showing old and new Windows users what their Operating System has to offer. They don't appear affraid at all, just informing people. A huge contrast to Apple adverts though, which don't advertise Macs OR OS/X, but only exist to mock in a feared jealousy plot to make Windows look bad, but on the contrary (as forementioned, PC appears rich with a loving family AND friends while Mac is poor and makes no mention of friends or family).

And Apple adverts are made in America and distributed (mainly) in America. Americans must have terrible judgement, or that America lacks institutions which monitor "commericials" for honesty, content and publicity. America are more open - freedom of speech - and so forth. The adverts suck, yes, but in America they're less restricted. Thankfully these adverts are banned from UK television companies, they're false and not advertisements.

30-10-2009, 08:41 PM
Both are great. I'm now a Windows boy because apple turned me down for financing :P

Any Apple product is amazing though. I remember unboxing my Mac Mini and just feeling utter joy. The designs are so sleek and the functionality is brilliant.

Thing is, I get better performance from my Sony Vaio than I do a Macbook.

30-10-2009, 08:48 PM
All they do is moan about PCs, like grumpy... no not even grumpy, (sorry homosexuals for painting a false image :P) BUT moody "queens". What's there to agree with? No-one can agree with those adverts as they lack any sort of judgement or back-bone :/ They give no opinion, facts, rumours or subject, they just blindly mock with no claims or substance behind their own product. Apple disagree with Windows, yet offer NO informance to back up these claims, because they simply DO NOT exist. These adverts test human intelligence - if anyone believes and agrees with these adverts, then they clearly lack human intelligence and should probably not be near shops, TVs, radios, the internet, computers and so forth because they are clearly mentally challenged. As I said on another forum (a bit X rated compared to this though :P)

"...That girl in the Apple advert seems like the sort of girl who wets herself when standing up - jumps in the puddles - and sticks her fingers in plug sockets because she clearly has no rational mind or sense of judgement..."

For these adverts are not advertising anything :/ When you watch a Mac advert, it's like watching a badly written "comedy" (using that word lightly :P) sketch, offering no insight into the Apple products Apple are failing to sell.

Think of it like Ford advertising their cars, but instead of SHOWING their cars, they are simply indirectly advertising BMWs by saying "they suck" using generalised "fan boy" comments which lack any sort of foundation to base their arguments, and clearly there to look stupid.

They seem to be focusing their adverts on showing old and new Windows users what their Operating System has to offer. They don't appear affraid at all, just informing people. A huge contrast to Apple adverts though, which don't advertise Macs OR OS/X, but only exist to mock in a feared jealousy plot to make Windows look bad, but on the contrary (as forementioned, PC appears rich with a loving family AND friends while Mac is poor and makes no mention of friends or family).

Let it all out, son:P.

And Apple adverts are made in America and distributed (mainly) in America. Americans must have terrible judgement, or that America lacks institutions which monitor "commericials" for honesty, content and publicity. America are more open - freedom of speech - and so forth. The adverts suck, yes, but in America they're less restricted. Thankfully these adverts are banned from UK television companies, they're false and not advertisements.

Although I think these insults directed towards the USA are unnecessary.

30-10-2009, 08:53 PM
Let it all out, son:P.
I try, but Apple frustrate me too much and let their products look terrible as an outcome :(

Although I think these insults directed towards the USA are unnecessary.
Hardly insults, I said "must", not "have" and went onto say "or that America lacks institutions which monitor "commericials" for honesty, content and publicity", which nulls what I said before because the latter seems more likely than the former :P

30-10-2009, 09:08 PM
Why do Windows Fanpeoples flame Apple Fanatics but Apple Fanatics don't flame Windows Fanpeoples. Suggests to me that Windows Fanpeoples are jealous? I dunno, just a thought.

30-10-2009, 09:16 PM
Why do Windows Fanpeoples flame Apple Fanatics but Apple Fanatics don't flame Windows Fanpeoples. Suggests to me that Windows Fanpeoples are jealous? I dunno, just a thought.

No, but it does seem like they can dish it out and not take it back doesn't it:P

30-10-2009, 09:52 PM
I don't normally get involved with threads like these but I thought I would for once :P Anyway, I use Windows 7 and have been since the BETA. Personally I'd use OSX but there is one simple reason why I am not: They only let you use it on Apple Hardware. I've not used a pre-build computer for years and do not plan on doing so in the future. Hell, i'd pay £100 for OSX if they let you run it on non-apple hardware.

(Just to add i'm currently working on getting osx86 running on my PC but with some difficulties ;))

30-10-2009, 09:58 PM
Why do Windows Fanpeoples flame Apple Fanatics but Apple Fanatics don't flame Windows Fanpeoples. Suggests to me that Windows Fanpeoples are jealous? I dunno, just a thought.
Depends on the reason to flame. Some Apple people are ignorant of a few facts while some Windows people are ignorant of the uses and purposes of Apple products. Two way argument at the end of the day.

Apple people do flame Windows users, but they're usually generalising as Windows products are usually more open to hardware therefore statistics and so forth change, while Windows users have more evidence against Apple computers because most of the time they only work with certain hardware and manufacturers most of the time, so the statistics don't change or vary as much. Because of this, they tend to get told to "sod off". It's like arguing about marshmallows when arguing about Windows, because there are different types of "marshmallows" while with Apple it's like arguing about different types of Coca Cola (one company, different products).

If that makes sense?

30-10-2009, 11:38 PM
Both are great. I'm now a Windows boy because apple turned me down for financing :P

Any Apple product is amazing though. I remember unboxing my Mac Mini and just feeling utter joy. The designs are so sleek and the functionality is brilliant.

Thing is, I get better performance from my Sony Vaio than I do a Macbook.

I had the same happy feeling unboxing my iMac, it's just like wow! My last 2 laptops have been Sony VAIO's. Brilliant laptops but thats just about it, not really a joy to look at or use, they are just computers. :P

Agnostic Bear
30-10-2009, 11:49 PM
they are just computers. :P

So is an iMac, what's your point?

31-10-2009, 12:29 AM
I had the same happy feeling unboxing my iMac, it's just like wow! My last 2 laptops have been Sony VAIO's. Brilliant laptops but thats just about it, not really a joy to look at or use, they are just computers. :P

I felt the same when I opened my MacBook as I do with any hardware, a slight smile on my face and im ready to get it going, nothing special about it, if anything It only felt good because I had earnt it after about two years.

31-10-2009, 09:26 AM
I had the same happy feeling unboxing my iMac, it's just like wow! My last 2 laptops have been Sony VAIO's. Brilliant laptops but thats just about it, not really a joy to look at or use, they are just computers. :PYeah I agree. My Mac Mini unboxing was much greater than my Sony Vaio's. I'd rather there be bits and pieces that are nicely tucked in place, rather than scattered.

31-10-2009, 01:39 PM
So is an iMac, what's your point?

Think of it as buying a car. You have been driving cars like ford focuses, VW Golfs, Vauxhall Astra's. When buying them cars it's good because it's a new car, but nothing more than a car, it just does the job (like a PC). Then you go and buy a car such as a Range Rover Sport, or a Porsche. You get the same buying a new car experience as you do with cheaper cars but you also get something else. The car is much more luxurious, faster, powerful and a joy to look at. Not only that but all that time earning the massive amount of money has paid off. My point is, cheaper cars and expensive cars are both cars but the expensive cars will always be better to own (and purchase in this case).

Money makes the world go round, you can live without it but live better with it. ;)

31-10-2009, 01:48 PM
Macs aren't more powerful.

Agnostic Bear
31-10-2009, 01:49 PM
Think of it as buying a car. You have been driving cars like ford focuses, VW Golfs, Vauxhall Astra's. When buying them cars it's good because it's a new car, but nothing more than a car, it just does the job (like a PC). Then you go and buy a car such as a Range Rover Sport, or a Porsche. You get the same buying a new car experience as you do with cheaper cars but you also get something else. The car is much more luxurious, faster, powerful and a joy to look at. Not only that but all that time earning the massive amount of money has paid off. My point is, cheaper cars and expensive cars are both cars but the expensive cars will always be better to own (and purchase in this case).

Money makes the world go round, you can live without it but live better with it. ;)

So basically what you're saying to me is that you have no idea what you're talking about? Cause my setup is faster, more luxurious but costs less. Hmm.

31-10-2009, 02:33 PM
So basically what you're saying to me is that you have no idea what you're talking about? Cause my setup is faster, more luxurious but costs less. Hmm.

In your opinion it's more luxurious. If you're talking about a PC setup obviously he doesn't want it, otherwise he would have purchased a PC?

The Professor
31-10-2009, 03:24 PM
I used a macbook for a couple of minutes when my IT teacher let me play with it a few weeks ago, the multitouch trackpad was immense but it took a bit too much pressure to click; the keyboard looked nice but took me a bit of time to adjust to the separated keys for some reason; the hardware seemed well built but the OS didn't blow me away like I thought it would.

Basically from my first impressions I wouldn't fork out the Apple tax to get one and I'm not really compelled to get it to form a further opinion. So yeah that sums my opinions up and anyone who jumps on them is Hitler :D

31-10-2009, 05:21 PM
So basically what you're saying to me is that you have no idea what you're talking about? Cause my setup is faster, more luxurious but costs less. Hmm.

If you bought a Computer that is more powerful than a 27" 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 iMac with 1TB memory then why didn't you just buy the iMac? It would probably cost quite a bit to buy a PC with more power than that but obviously wouldn't cost as much as the iMac. There's enough power in the iMac for whatever you need to do, well you are a computer geek (if you don't mind me saying) so God knows how much power you need. :rolleyes:

Fact is, a Tuned up VW Golf will never be better than a Ferrari even if it does go faster. ;)

Tuned up golf = PC
Ferrari = iMac

(if you didn't have the sense to figure that out)

But hang on a minute, why am I arguing about computers when it is a £2,000 iMac and typically a £200 computer with some £30 W7 upgrade? Not on the same level. :S

31-10-2009, 05:25 PM
If you bought a Computer that is more powerful than a 27" 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 iMac with 1TB memory then why didn't you just buy the iMac? It would probably cost quite a bit to buy a PC with more power than that but obviously not as much as the iMac. There's enough power in the iMac for whatever you need to do, well you are a computer geek (if you don't mind me saying) so God knows how much power you need. :rolleyes:

Fact is, a Tuned up VW Golf will never be better than a Ferrari even if it does go faster. ;)

Tuned up golf = PC
Ferrari = iMac

(if you didn't have the sense to figure that out)

But hang on a minute, why am I arguing about computers when it is a £2,000 iMac and typically a £200 computer with some £30 W7 upgrade? Not on the same level. :S
I suggest you leave the forums, you clearly have no clue ;)

An Apple Mac is not a Ferrari or a Porche, using cars as as example is stupid, because if an Apple Mac is a Ferrari, then you've basically admitted they cost far too much for what they are, are incredibly unreliable and cost alot to run ;)

Quit while you're ahead m'dear, you're making the Mac folk look silly ;_

31-10-2009, 05:30 PM
Mac's look great and I liked them a lot when I used them. I was so close to getting one, but the price tag was daunting... then Windows 7 came out and I'm so happy with it, I've decided to not get a Mac now. :)

31-10-2009, 05:55 PM
If you bought a Computer that is more powerful than a 27" 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 iMac with 1TB memory then why didn't you just buy the iMac? It would probably cost quite a bit to buy a PC with more power than that but obviously wouldn't cost as much as the iMac. There's enough power in the iMac for whatever you need to do, well you are a computer geek (if you don't mind me saying) so God knows how much power you need. :rolleyes:

Fact is, a Tuned up VW Golf will never be better than a Ferrari even if it does go faster. ;)

Tuned up golf = PC
Ferrari = iMac

(if you didn't have the sense to figure that out)

But hang on a minute, why am I arguing about computers when it is a £2,000 iMac and typically a £200 computer with some £30 W7 upgrade? Not on the same level. :S

You mean those £2000 27" iMacs with Core i7's that are currently struggling to play even SD Flash video? Well done dumb ass :eusa_clap


I can make that iMac easily cripple under it's own weight, load, wait for it... WINDOWS on it so I can actually run a decent program and then let me load up MS Flight Simulator X, load up the PMDG 747X with Real Environment Xtreme and London Heathrow 2008, crank the settings up and hey ho! That Mac no longer has enough power.

So yeah, as Gomme said, quit while your ahead and get your head out of your crack.

31-10-2009, 06:01 PM
Speaking of games, Macs can't play The Sims 3 very well, and to make videos you need to actually install drivers or codecs (something like that) to use the video functionality. Another thing, there's no evidence anywhere that The Sims 3 Create-a-World is Mac compatible :P

I'm so bored I'm going to go see what £2,000 can get you in PC terms :P

(hasn't been rolling around Sim related forums :P)

31-10-2009, 06:10 PM
If I had actually looked properly I could have done far far better than that.


31-10-2009, 06:28 PM
I've heard Windows performs best on a Mac. On this Macbook, Windows 7 is installed and the same on my desktop, which is about 3 months old and is so much slower. Maybe people should actually go buy a Mac and try it? Your opinions will change dramatically.

31-10-2009, 07:08 PM
I've heard Windows performs best on a Mac. On this Macbook, Windows 7 is installed and the same on my desktop, which is about 3 months old and is so much slower. Maybe people should actually go buy a Mac and try it? Your opinions will change dramatically.

I own a MacBook and a Windows desktop therefor my opinion still stands.

31-10-2009, 09:54 PM
If I had actually looked properly I could have done far far better than that.


What do you plan on doing with all that?*Removed*2 When you can go out and buy a Mac for the same price with more power than you will likely ever need then that would be the obvious choice. I don't think people buy Mac's for their power, if your looking for power then look somewhere else. If your the average guy with a fair bit of cash who's not planning on trying to run the world on their computer then a Mac is ideal. *Removed*2, that's fine - nothing to be ashamed of but please stop trying to convince me that Mac's are crap. They are just for wealthy people who need a high enough performance computer that is nice to look at and use. Apple products aren't for poor people, they are a personal choice for the rich. You wouldn't understand though, *Removed*1.

I know I'm mentioning money a lot here but for god sake, Apples are the Rolexes of computers, other watches do the same as Rolexes but they aren't and never will be Rolexes. Don't you see my point!? I wish I didn't have to use cars and watches as examples but *Removed*2.

I would close this thread now if I could (cautioned), I'm not arguing about something like this. I feel as if I have stopped at the lights in my Lambo and some boy racers in a renault clio are going "yh m8 my car is better than urs". I'd just ignore them, not on the same level. Thats like my 10th example using cars but hehe I like cars. :D

If I can't close the thread then I won't be replying to any of your replies. Please don't waste your time posting, waste your time checking this out. It's my message to you.


1Edited by N!ck (Forum Moderator): Please do not insult other forum members.
2Edited by N!ck (Forum Moderator): Please do not create troll posts.

31-10-2009, 10:10 PM
What do you plan on doing with all that?*Removed*2 When you can go out and buy a Mac for the same price with more power than you will likely ever need then that would be the obvious choice. I don't think people buy Mac's for their power, if your looking for power then look somewhere else. If your the average guy with a fair bit of cash who's not planning on trying to run the world on their computer then a Mac is ideal. *Removed*2, that's fine - nothing to be ashamed of but please stop trying to convince me that Mac's are crap. They are just for wealthy people who need a high enough performance computer that is nice to look at and use. Apple products aren't for poor people, they are a personal choice for the rich. You wouldn't understand though, *Removed*1.

I know I'm mentioning money a lot here but for god sake, Apples are the Rolexes of computers, other watches do the same as Rolexes but they aren't and never will be Rolexes. Don't you see my point!? I wish I didn't have to use cars and watches as examples but *Removed*2.

I would close this thread now if I could (cautioned), I'm not arguing about something like this. I feel as if I have stopped at the lights in my Lambo and some boy racers in a renault clio are going "yh m8 my car is better than urs". I'd just ignore them, not on the same level. Thats like my 10th example using cars but hehe I like cars. :D

If I can't close the thread then I won't be replying to any of your replies. Please don't waste your time posting, waste your time checking this out. It's my message to you.


I'd find Apple products are more of an investment for 2nd class citizens like you and I. However, people of an upper class, say Donald Trump for example can just buy them without making any dent in their bank account. And probably everyone on this forum are 2nd class citizens, meaning they'd probably have to invest to buy an Apple Mac, it's nothing to do with wealth really. (That probably doesn't make sense but meh)

31-10-2009, 10:22 PM
What do you plan on doing with all that?*Removed*2 When you can go out and buy a Mac for the same price with more power than you will likely ever need then that would be the obvious choice. I don't think people buy Mac's for their power, if your looking for power then look somewhere else. If your the average guy with a fair bit of cash who's not planning on trying to run the world on their computer then a Mac is ideal. *Removed*2, that's fine - nothing to be ashamed of but please stop trying to convince me that Mac's are crap. They are just for wealthy people who need a high enough performance computer that is nice to look at and use. Apple products aren't for poor people, they are a personal choice for the rich. You wouldn't understand though, *Removed*1.

I know I'm mentioning money a lot here but for god sake, Apples are the Rolexes of computers, other watches do the same as Rolexes but they aren't and never will be Rolexes. Don't you see my point!? I wish I didn't have to use cars and watches as examples but *Removed*2.

I would close this thread now if I could (cautioned), I'm not arguing about something like this. I feel as if I have stopped at the lights in my Lambo and some boy racers in a renault clio are going "yh m8 my car is better than urs". I'd just ignore them, not on the same level. Thats like my 10th example using cars but hehe I like cars. :D

If I can't close the thread then I won't be replying to any of your replies. Please don't waste your time posting, waste your time checking this out. It's my message to you.


Urm no we didn't? We owned you if anything you snotty nosed 6 year old.

What could we do with all that power? Heres a short list.

Contribute to solving diseases with Folding@Home
Run a **** load of Virtual Machines as servers or something else
Do work if we work in the field of engineering using CAD
Run Crysis and games like Flight Simulator X (The "odd" game by your standards), which need a lot of power
Just as a **** speedy OS with a lot of potential
For graphics rendering
For movie rendering
For audio editing
For movie editing
For Folding@Home on the GPU client

That is an extremely short list, have a good day ass hat.

If Macs did what I wanted I would have got one, I had £800 to spend on a computer, could have got 2x MacMinis, a MacBook or possibly a low end iMac so I could afford one, did I want one? Yes I did, that is why I got a MacBook, but before that I had other priorities like large amounts of storage space, the ability to stream media around the house for free, the ability to play a decent game, the ability to simulate networks in virtual machines.

I would certainly class my self as a geek, I'm "sad" enough to do it to earn money, I know I have an awesome group of friends, therefore your statement is untrue, you know nothing about me, I know nothing about you, although if I do know anything about you, it's that your not the brightest spark in the fire.

I refer you to this video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZi8CceG2JI It refers to games, but the principle is the same.

I'm off to triple boot OS X, Windows and Linux on my MacBook, good day.

31-10-2009, 11:25 PM
Urm no we didn't? We owned you if anything you snotty nosed 6 year old.

What could we do with all that power? Heres a short list.

Contribute to solving diseases with Folding@Home
Run a **** load of Virtual Machines as servers or something else
Do work if we work in the field of engineering using CAD
Run Crysis and games like Flight Simulator X (The "odd" game by your standards), which need a lot of power
Just as a **** speedy OS with a lot of potential
For graphics rendering
For movie rendering
For audio editing
For movie editing
For Folding@Home on the GPU client

That is an extremely short list, have a good day ass hat.

If Macs did what I wanted I would have got one, I had £800 to spend on a computer, could have got 2x MacMinis, a MacBook or possibly a low end iMac so I could afford one, did I want one? Yes I did, that is why I got a MacBook, but before that I had other priorities like large amounts of storage space, the ability to stream media around the house for free, the ability to play a decent game, the ability to simulate networks in virtual machines.

I would certainly class my self as a geek, I'm "sad" enough to do it to earn money, I know I have an awesome group of friends, therefore your statement is untrue, you know nothing about me, I know nothing about you, although if I do know anything about you, it's that your not the brightest spark in the fire.

I refer you to this video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZi8CceG2JI It refers to games, but the principle is the same.

I'm off to triple boot OS X, Windows and Linux on my MacBook, good day.

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