View Full Version : Mac Question - Revised

29-10-2009, 11:06 PM

I've got a question and I can't find it on Google - maybe I'm not doing a good enough search.

Is there anyway I can take a Mac format it and just have Windows on it?

This is a duplicate of the other thread because the moderator closed it.

Yeah, this is 100% possible but that would nearly defeat the purpose of having an overpriced computer.

You can do it, but part of the experience in owning a mac is the OS, not just the design.

I would recommend that you install Windows on a Partition maybe, but not get rid of osx totally
I think so. A mac is just a normal computer anyway. It's just called a mac because it runs mac os... and is made by apple.
Windows disc in, format the drive, good to go.

*Enter HotelUser*
This. (hold C on startup to boot from a disc)

Why did you buy a Mac though?
What a waste of money if you're doing this.
Maybe he didn't buy a Mac, maybe he got given one and didn't like Mac OS X or something, jesus guys, give him a break.
I can see why he why he wants to do it. :P
If I posted like this in your Windows section you'd flame me:P. But I'm not that mean to do it to you;)
It's really weird for people to switch back. Usually when you hear about people switching, they're going from Windows to OS X.
That's why you abuse me from going Windows > OSX > Windows. ;)
I do, because that's just really really weird!:O
No it's not. Windows 7 > Snow Leopard.
I've heard loads of people going from OS X to Windows 7. Loads don't make the switch because they paid alot for their Macs so going straight to Windows 7 as a new machine would be pointless :P
You'd have to be pretty, erm, interesting if you wanted to install Windows and use it on your Mac. I can see how price might convince some people not to switch from PC to Mac or back from their Mac to PC in Europe, but North American Macs don't seem to be as much money, so for me it wasn't really a big factor.

I respect your opinion, Nick, perhaps you have used Snow Leopard and Windows 7 both fairly and can say you think Windows 7 is better. My opinion just couldn't be any more different than yours. I think Windows 7 is a heck of a lot better than Vista, but I just don't think it's up to par with Snow Leopard yet:P.
Windows 7 is a better operating system than Snow Leopard, that's not opinion it's a fact, it's more productive, has greater support, has a better architecture, better apis, better frameworks, nigh on everything that's even remotely useful on OS X is on Windows, and it usually runs better too, developers don't whine and cry about pirating, they just understand it happens, games run a lot better on Windows than on OS X, the latest hardware works on Windows, legacy support is much much better on Windows than it is OS X, media playback is better on Windows, so are the tools used for developing applications (Visual Studio is the best application development platform without question, the debuggers and tools make Windows what it is today).

Also "the world's most advanced operating system" title isn't held by OS X or Windows, it's held by Plan 9, the successor to UNIX.
Right and being a Microsoft developer you're able to give FACTS accepted by everyone why it is better, and stability, security are totally irrelevant?

How is it more productive?:S:S
I'm able to give facts because I see things how they are and I don't give a damn what you think or what will happen as a result of me just telling it how it is.

Windows is stabler than OS X, and it's easily one of the most secure operating systems in existence, far securer than OS X.

And uh, just google about you'll see that I'm pretty much right.
In what way is it more productive? You can say it's more stable all you like but I've only had 1 kernal panic in my entire history of using Mac OS where as I've had hundreds of BSODs. My windows also froze a hell of a lot more than my Mac (and that's with more RAM/HDD/etc).

After using Mac OS X and Windows 7 I can say that in my opinion Mac OS X is much, much better for web development (I only really used computers for web dev.).
Range of applications specialising in what you need to do and developer support adding new features to make stuff easier.
Productivity is entirely down to the person using the machine. I'm a hell of a lot more productive on a Mac than on a Windows because the entire Mac OS X interface is easier to work with which means I get more done.
That just means you're using poor hardware, use better hardware from manufacturers with a good reputation and there you go Windows magically becomes stable!

And in my opinion Windows 7 is, as there are more tools and a wider range of testing methods available at your disposal.Productivity isn't just the person at all, it's the tools you are given to work with, and Windows has a broader range of those tools.
We interrupt this story to bring you some breaking video footage:

No. Out of the 20 or so PCs I've owned in the past, and Windows 7 RC which I've been running for months (see desktop screenshot thread months back for proof) I think I am entitled to say I like OS X better. That's not to say that OS X is better. I like OS X better. I would never go on a forum and start telling everyone that it is an absolute fact that OS X or Win7 is better. Doing that would be so invalid, that everything I would have said would be null and void.

We're not just going to Google our brains out and find random articles on CNET and posts on Engadget overflowing with subjective opinions which make us to believe they're 100% factual. That proves absolutely nothing. The xbox has a %53 fail rate according to very good sources, and as featured on Engadget. But I believe Microsoft is selling millions of xbox machines around the world, despite these articles. So no, I wont use some pointless review to see how great Windows 7 is, when, thanks to Microsoft, I can experience it myself. And I do like Windows 7 for the record! (I just have more luck with OS X).
hahaa, there's a youtube video for every scenario :8
+1 to that.

Also why does ever Mac post end up been a Mac Vs Windows? they are both good OSes they just fit different peoples needs and likes. Its like two school gilrs fighting over what guy is the most sexy.
pfft. If you want to see something really disappointing, check out the comments on a Mac post on Engadget. You can literally not say a positive thing about Apple Macs without being challenged there, as most users use Windows, and most people who comment on Engadget don't know what they're talking about:P

But in general I agree, A lot of Windows users like to hate on OS X around these here forums:)
How does the OS interface impact on productivity? As far as I am aware, the only different between OS/X and 7 (for example) are on the desktop - the first thing that loads. Once a program is open, e.g. firefox/web dev tools, they're basically one in the same :/ Saying "I'm a hell of a lot more productive on a Mac than on a Windows because the entire Mac OS X interface is easier to work with" is like saying "I eat cornflakes better when they come from a kelloggs box than a Tesco brand box". It makes no sense, at all. Arguably, you've got more choice on a Windows machine (because there are more of them, therefore the Windows marketshare and target audience is more appealing, it's common sense) but effectively they do the same thing, it's dependant on the manufacturer and company and how they program their programs. The OS makes absolutely no difference :/

And to be fair, the Mac vs. PC arguments were going to happen. This thread does mention both and is about both :P
There's more applications but there's more viruses. There can be more applications because Microsoft sells more due to PC price being a heck of a lot cheaper than a Mac's price.

Having said that, I've never felt limited while trying to find a program on OS X. Except Notepad++, of course. Which I absolutely loved. But I am always able to accomplish what I want to do, without limitations.

edits: Oh actually I have one other beef with compatibility. GTK+ for OS X is terrible, and there are no good cross-platform gui toolkits that are compatible with Windows and OS X.
What you said here is an unnecessary and illogical comparison. And Microsoft don't sell PCs...
No. Of course there's more viruses for something more widely used. Why would someone bother targeting a company with such a small market share?

And I think it's pretty obvious if something is cheaper more of it will be purchased;). Most people wont care what operating system they're running, they want whatever works, and whatever's cheapest. Ever hear of Linux netbooks:)?

What has "more programs means more viruses" got to do with there being more programs combatible with Windows? There are more programs available for a Windows machine, but you said more viruses like the two are conjoined? :P

Using that logic, there should be more Linux machines out there than Windows machines :P

Nono. They're not directly connected. I mean, yes Windows has more applications, which is great for Windows. There's more applications because there's more users. There's also more viruses for Windows because there are more users, so there's more of an audience to target.

Extremely portable computers, and regular PCs are two separate industries.

Closed by N!ck (Forum Moderator): Please don't create threads with the intent on starting an argument.

30-10-2009, 12:43 AM
Sure you just didn't want another Mac vs Windows argument? As far as an argument is concerned, in all fairness you can't really compare a Mac to Windows. It's like comparing an iPhone to all the other usual smart phones, or comparing a PS3 to an xbox 360. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.

iPhone>G1 etc
PS3>Xbox 360

I know after this post I'm going to get flamed but it's just so obvious that Mac's are more elegant, simple, much higher quality, faster etc. I made the switch from PC to Mac today and WOW!! :)

I don't really fancy having an argument with someone that has a £300 computer with a £70 windows 7 upgrade saying "yes m8 my computer is better than urs now!". It's a completely different level, bit like comparing a Ferrari and a Vauxhall maybe?

30-10-2009, 12:56 AM
Sure you just didn't want another Mac vs Windows argument? As far as an argument is concerned, in all fairness you can't really compare a Mac to Windows. It's like comparing an iPhone to all the other usual smart phones, or comparing a PS3 to an xbox 360. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.

iPhone>G1 etc
PS3>Xbox 360

I know after this post I'm going to get flamed but it's just so obvious that Mac's are more elegant, simple, much higher quality, faster etc. I made the switch from PC to Mac today and WOW!! :)

I don't really fancy having an argument with someone that has a £300 computer with a £70 windows 7 upgrade saying "yes m8 my computer is better than urs now!". It's a completely different level, bit like comparing a Ferrari and a Vauxhall maybe?

Oh no you didn't!

30-10-2009, 12:57 AM
Oh no you didn't!

I know lol, it's like the biggest troll post I have ever seen lmao! Had to be said though aye?

Agnostic Bear
30-10-2009, 04:27 AM
PS3>Xbox 360

Nice games you got there on your "PS3"

30-10-2009, 08:05 AM
I know lol, it's like the biggest troll post I have ever seen lmao! Had to be said though aye?
You cannot say all those items are better than the other items (you compared them to) because each item is good at a certain job and therefore better at the job compared to the other item.

30-10-2009, 11:25 AM
Nice games you got there on your "PS3"

A few well made PS3 games>thousands of random crappy 360 games. Not to mention how much longer the 360 has been out. Imagine making Uncharted 2 for the 360, the 360 is way too weak to handle all the power that game uses.

30-10-2009, 11:52 AM
A few well made PS3 games>thousands of random crappy 360 games. Not to mention how much longer the 360 has been out. Imagine making Uncharted 2 for the 360, the 360 is way too weak to handle all the power that game uses.

ps3 was released less than a year after 360.

Agnostic Bear
30-10-2009, 12:20 PM
the 360 is way too weak to handle all the power that game uses.

No, no it's not :eusa_thin

30-10-2009, 02:27 PM
This thread seriously needs to be closed. We don't post threads on Habbox Forum with only intentions of arguing. Maybe the debates section is better suited for this.

31-10-2009, 05:19 PM
This thread seriously needs to be closed. We don't post threads on Habbox Forum with only intentions of arguing. Maybe the debates section is better suited for this.
Agreed. It's not a question, more a "send in the trolls" kinda thread, with the King troll as the creator :P

31-10-2009, 05:58 PM
Sure you just didn't want another Mac vs Windows argument? As far as an argument is concerned, in all fairness you can't really compare a Mac to Windows. It's like comparing an iPhone to all the other usual smart phones, or comparing a PS3 to an xbox 360. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.

iPhone>G1 etc
PS3>Xbox 360

I know after this post I'm going to get flamed but it's just so obvious that Mac's are more elegant, simple, much higher quality, faster etc. I made the switch from PC to Mac today and WOW!! :)

I don't really fancy having an argument with someone that has a £300 computer with a £70 windows 7 upgrade saying "yes m8 my computer is better than urs now!". It's a completely different level, bit like comparing a Ferrari and a Vauxhall maybe?

Im sick and tired of your crap

31-10-2009, 06:23 PM
Sure you just didn't want another Mac vs Windows argument? As far as an argument is concerned, in all fairness you can't really compare a Mac to Windows. It's like comparing an iPhone to all the other usual smart phones, or comparing a PS3 to an xbox 360. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.

iPhone>G1 etc
PS3>Xbox 360

I know after this post I'm going to get flamed but it's just so obvious that Mac's are more elegant, simple, much higher quality, faster etc. I made the switch from PC to Mac today and WOW!! :)

I don't really fancy having an argument with someone that has a £300 computer with a £70 windows 7 upgrade saying "yes m8 my computer is better than urs now!". It's a completely different level, bit like comparing a Ferrari and a Vauxhall maybe?
Bit in bold is why people aren't taking you seriously. No one likes contradictions and you, my simple friend, just contradicted yourself. They cannot be compared? They're both computers, both do the same things as each other, both use roughly the same hard-ware (PCs have more supported hardware, naturally) and so forth.

A Mac is not on a different level than a Windows PC. Get your head out of whatever dark, smelly place you currently have it in and face facts and learn to take an argument. The quote in Recursions signature sums up your argument skills ;)

You're currently arguing using a (terrible) opinion. A PS3 is better hardware wise, but an Xbox 360 is better service wise - but neither are better than each other because the rest of the comparisons are opinions e.g. game, and the iPhone is in its own league table, but arguably not a phone in the first place as it lacked all kinds of features, and the fact it keeps changing (iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS) suggests it's a terrible phone released too early because the basic of all functions only came out later on, and it's still not complete judging by this on-going bluetooth argument :/

So yeah, kinda waste arguing with you. :/

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