View Full Version : installing windows from scratch

03-11-2009, 10:50 PM

just got a novatech barebone today, fitted the gfx card, sata hd, motherboard and everything in place. however i hadn't ordered a cd drive so i took one out of my exising PC and as its IDE i used a ribbon cable to connect it to the motherboard from the CD drive. ok everything fits however when i place in the XP disk it says FAILED TO BOOT after about 10 secs of checking the disk contents. however i don't think or can hear the cd drive spinning, has anyone else encountered this or know what to do as i'm pretty buggered if i can't do anything as it's a brand new system that's had nothing on it before.

thanks in advance!

Moved by Jamesy (Forum Moderator): from "technology discussion"

Agnostic Bear
04-11-2009, 08:19 AM

just got a novatech barebone today, fitted the gfx card, sata hd, motherboard and everything in place. however i hadn't ordered a cd drive so i took one out of my exising PC and as its IDE i used a ribbon cable to connect it to the motherboard from the CD drive. ok everything fits however when i place in the XP disk it says FAILED TO BOOT after about 10 secs of checking the disk contents. however i don't think or can hear the cd drive spinning, has anyone else encountered this or know what to do as i'm pretty buggered if i can't do anything as it's a brand new system that's had nothing on it before.

thanks in advance!

Moved by Jamesy (Forum Moderator): from "technology discussion"

Start computer.
Press F12 furiously as soon as it comes on.
Choose "CD-ROM"
Enjoy your xp

04-11-2009, 11:45 AM
The boot order is already CD first as I have checked and also it tries for about 5 seconds to read from the disk but then the DISK BOOT ERROR comes up.

04-11-2009, 01:06 PM
Don't matter,

went to shop, got a cheapo second hand asus dvd-rw for a tenner, and got it SATA this time.

it was a problem with the CD drive that is now fixed and for a tenner, i'm actually pleased i went out and bought it!

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