View Full Version : [Alteration] [Rk] - End of Habbo City (Sp Entry)

08-11-2009, 02:30 AM
Okay so i am really excited with this entry, we were given a palette containing
16 colors although i only used 15.. here's the palette
and the theme was to make a scene of the destruction of Habbo of how would it look like (alternately you can envision the destruction the world if you want).


Description of my entry:
Well based upon some movies there are always E.T coming to earth
so i decided to imply that on my entry and made mini E.Ts attacking the "habbos"
and destroying the city around.. plus some meteors decided to hit the city
at the same time during the E.Ts invasion.. so now there are 2 things to worry about.. ooh ooh..*kaboom*
Eveything was made of scratch except some parts of the "Habbo character"

p.s: I didnt forget to add bricks to the other side of the wall, its a style i wanted to design.

Image: I did not watermark because you know who made it so if someone rips it, i am sure that person will get some negative reputation + being banned from the competition since i have wips saved.

08-11-2009, 09:48 AM
Its ok, it is not really habbo styled cause you changed the habbos body and stuff.

But ye not really much you can do with such a stupid colour pallet bit of a shame that they give that :P

08-11-2009, 12:05 PM
Wow i think thats amazing with only just being able to use 16 colours
nice work, good luck :D

08-11-2009, 01:18 PM
meteors to big, something that size would wipe out around 40 miles.

i think more textures could have been added to the house e.g texture on the bricks and window frames, cause right their it just looks like a garden shed, unless it is.

The concept and some design is great, but in some areas it still feels quite empty.

08-11-2009, 01:38 PM
You could have added some detail to the girls hair..

Its just black

in the pallete theres lkike a dark grey you could of used.

08-11-2009, 01:58 PM
The meteors are pretty good but I just think the rest could do with a whole load more detail. The girl's face could use some yellow and maybe a little blue somewhere in there on her face.

The hair just looks like a black blob so you could have, as thorn suggested, added some lighter tones and maybe a little yellow on that too (light source = laser beams).

The bricks on the floor seem to have quite a bit of debris on them yet the ones still in the wall are plain.

You could have easily got away with much more shading on the grass using blue and purple.

I won't bother commenting on any more since you're quite likely to search for a 2 year alt by me and comment on it if I give you too much critisism...

Considering it's the c64 palette and you've still attempted to stick to the basic habbo design it's pretty good overall.

08-11-2009, 03:29 PM
Its ok, it is not really habbo styled cause you changed the habbos body and stuff.

But ye not really much you can do with such a stupid colour pallet bit of a shame that they give that :P

Thanks but it didn't need to keep habbo style like on the rules was said.

Wow i think thats amazing with only just being able to use 16 colours
nice work, good luck :D

thank you

meteors to big, something that size would wipe out around 40 miles.

i think more textures could have been added to the house e.g texture on the bricks and window frames, cause right their it just looks like a garden shed, unless it is.

The concept and some design is great, but in some areas it still feels quite empty.

I am quite happy with the meteors for doing them myself without looking at references and etc.. i like the idea of frame on the window so ill add that.

The meteors are pretty good but I just think the rest could do with a whole load more detail. The girl's face could use some yellow and maybe a little blue somewhere in there on her face.

The hair just looks like a black blob so you could have, as thorn suggested, added some lighter tones and maybe a little yellow on that too (light source = laser beams).

The bricks on the floor seem to have quite a bit of debris on them yet the ones still in the wall are plain.

You could have easily got away with much more shading on the grass using blue and purple.

I won't bother commenting on any more since you're quite likely to search for a 2 year alt by me and comment on it if I give you too much critisism...

Considering it's the c64 palette and you've still attempted to stick to the basic habbo design it's pretty good overall.

Thanks, Ill work around her hair with more shading and add a laser near it and make that the light source from it, also ill add these spots on the brick and apply it to the ones on the wall., i still dont get how i could shade more the grass since i am not rlly that great when it comes to grass so maybe explaining and showing a bit of it would be helpful.

08-11-2009, 03:33 PM

The lil aliens look blurred.

And i don't like how you have added a ? next to to the guys head

it doesn't look right...

And yh kyles right, don't like the grass, at first i thourght it was like green goo or something..

08-11-2009, 04:12 PM
I'm not really that sure as to how you'd jazz up the grass, maybe add a few wilted flowers or something? Grass is pretty hard to do on a large scale using this palette so I don't really know.
This should show you what I mean by a lazer giving her a little shine. Instead of the green on her top I recolored it so that it looks more like mud (as if she's fallen over whilst running, or something). Didn't really get that far with the grass... lol.

08-11-2009, 04:27 PM
oo i like it. can i add it to my piece? i liked the mud idea
another update
• added window frame
• added some light source of the laser beans to the girls hair
• added some details on the bricks

08-11-2009, 04:39 PM
The bricks are improved but they all have the same on them; I realise that it's going to take a while but try to get rid of the monotony of it, mix it up a little. hair looks okay but it seems as if a bird has just... on her head.

08-11-2009, 04:42 PM
The bricks are improved but they all have the same on them; I realise that it's going to take a while but try to get rid of the monotony of it, mix it up a little. hair looks okay but it seems as if a bird has just... on her head.

It's really hard to shade her hair >:S, the bricks ive actually not kept the same spots on them.. i mixed a lot of variations

08-11-2009, 05:30 PM
add some shattered glass to the floor and around the frame would replace the fact of having a full window. And fill it with more action.

should add some sort of rim around the bottom of the house to so its not just half a brick so it'll be a little edge, red would probaly be best to use.

i agree with the hair the white bits look nasty, with her hair use purple, dark blue and all greys. (with black) it'll look good if done right.

08-11-2009, 05:48 PM
add some shattered glass to the floor and around the frame would replace the fact of having a full window. And fill it with more action.

should add some sort of rim around the bottom of the house to so its not just half a brick so it'll be a little edge, red would probaly be best to use.

i agree with the hair the white bits look nasty, with her hair use purple, dark blue and all greys. (with black) it'll look good if done right.

i like the idea of adding the rim, about the hair i am not sure how to shade it :S i am still wondering how...

08-11-2009, 05:53 PM
i think the way you done it in your wedding one with more detail would do it for you. Just follow from the flicks add blue around the furthest end like you would on a ball and it would look like light hitting it the purple, all the colours could be used to make the hairs seperate to.

08-11-2009, 06:08 PM
oo i like it. can i add it to my piece? i liked the mud idea
another update
• added window frame
• added some light source of the laser beans to the girls hair
• added some details on the bricks

Why does she have my man juice on her still? Lol.
I can't realy criticise it personally because I think it's alright considering the colour limits and that.
Maybe redesign some lasers so they're not all the same?

08-11-2009, 11:45 PM
i think the way you done it in your wedding one with more detail would do it for you. Just follow from the flicks add blue around the furthest end like you would on a ball and it would look like light hitting it the purple, all the colours could be used to make the hairs seperate to.

Ill try doing it but if i fail ill prb just leave it like this xD

Why does she have my man juice on her still? Lol.
I can't realy criticise it personally because I think it's alright considering the colour limits and that.
Maybe redesign some lasers so they're not all the same?

thanks for the idea.. ill make some diff colors

09-11-2009, 12:24 AM
Small update:
• Made some diff color of lasers
• added rim to the wall of building

09-11-2009, 07:33 AM
woman looks like she's covered in semen

09-11-2009, 10:21 PM
Grass looks a tad better, being the other way round

Light Green >> Dark Green

Dark Green >> Light Green

Try it with different shading...

But i dnno :P

09-11-2009, 10:33 PM
Grass looks a tad better, being the other way round

Light Green >> Dark Green

Dark Green >> Light Green

Try it with different shading...

But i dnno :P

lol that doesnt make sense
if i put light green on a dark green it will make the grass look neon-like
that is why i made the grass on the dark green some gray color

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