View Full Version : O2 sent me a bar of chocolate did you?

08-11-2009, 04:06 PM

Did anyone else get a bar of chocolate today from o2?
http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs011.snc3/11847_1273891284573_1148651964_30855825_6193988_n. jpg

Thanks Jamie

08-11-2009, 04:10 PM
omg :O i dont think so!?
they provide our phone contracts and internet! i want one :(

08-11-2009, 04:11 PM
I heard about this. But you got it today? On a Sunday?

08-11-2009, 04:12 PM
Lmao.. Why.. Why would o2 post a bar of chocolate..

08-11-2009, 04:13 PM
Yeah got it today, sunday. I dont know the only phone we got on o2 is my iphone.

All it says in there is "We want to thank you" lol

08-11-2009, 04:16 PM
;6141498']Lmao.. Why.. Why would o2 post a bar of chocolate..
so you ring your friend and use credit "HEY DID U JUST GET A CHOCOLATE BAR"

08-11-2009, 04:17 PM
I got an iphone on o2, I want some chocolate:).

Why did you get post on a Sunday?

08-11-2009, 04:22 PM
Haha im obv lucky! And I dont know haha allways have had post on sunday up here lol.

08-11-2009, 05:14 PM
I've had Green and Blacks chocolate before from o2, but that was with a Sony Ericsson :/ Have you been with them for a long time? It might be a loyalty thing :)

08-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Been with them for 15 months.

08-11-2009, 07:15 PM
;o I want some Chocolate :(!

08-11-2009, 09:41 PM
Wha?!?! I've been with o2 for a good 8 years and have never been with any other mobile phone company. I also had broadband with them last year. ME WANT CHOCCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-11-2009, 10:29 PM
i got an iphone and been with them for 11 months? hopefully i'll get it tomorrow LOL.

08-11-2009, 10:38 PM
Niiice :) by any chance does your contract cost you over £35 a month?

and buxtons a strange place :(

08-11-2009, 10:41 PM
mine is £35 a month. i want chocolate.

all this talk has made me hungry. :(

08-11-2009, 11:31 PM
So you have to buy an iPhone to get free choccy?

8 years of loyalty + 1 year of broadband > iPhone tbh.

08-11-2009, 11:36 PM
Niiice :) by any chance does your contract cost you over £35 a month?

and buxtons a strange place :(

I am on the £35 but I allways go about £30/40 over lol
Hows Buxton strange?

mine is £35 a month. i want chocolate.

all this talk has made me hungry. :(

So you have to buy an iPhone to get free choccy?

8 years of loyalty + 1 year of broadband > iPhone tbh.

Lol i duno why it come haha shame i dont like it :(

09-11-2009, 12:55 AM
my phone company doesn't send me chocolate. They send me bills of $3 a megabyte.

09-11-2009, 02:03 AM
my phone company doesn't send me chocolate. They send me bills of $3 a megabyte.
Ah well, a gift is a gift. You may as well be grateful for receiving something :P

09-11-2009, 06:57 AM
I am on the £35 but I allways go about £30/40 over lol
Hows Buxton strange?


Lol i duno why it come haha shame i dont like it :(

He was most likely saying its strange because you get post on a Sunday where most parts of the UK only get post Monday - Saturday. :P

my phone company doesn't send me chocolate. They send me bills of $3 a megabyte.

That's because you don't have great networks like O2 who are sending out Chocolate. ;) :P

09-11-2009, 05:14 PM
Where's mine?!? I'm on a contract and have broadband with them! Not fair! Post on a Sunday is strange we're lucky to get it on a Saturday to be honest.

09-11-2009, 05:38 PM
Yknow theyll send you the chocolate, then when you get your next invoice theyll bill you for the chocolate LOL.

09-11-2009, 05:45 PM
Yknow theyll send you the chocolate, then when you get your next invoice theyll bill you for the chocolate LOL.

Lol, that would be funny.

10-11-2009, 03:19 AM
I still haven't got mine... :S Never mind MW2, I better have a bar of chocolate waiting for me when I get home tomorrow.

10-11-2009, 03:37 AM
They sent my mother one, she told me about it today, I didn't believe her to be honest, I thought chocolate... O2, shes lost it again. Ive got 2 running contracts with them and I got no nibbles :(

The Professor
10-11-2009, 06:12 PM
Lol o2 are such an underrated company! I've always been with them and they've been nothing but helpful, great customer service and nice little "rewards", the chocolate thing made me giggle a bit but it seems like the sort of thing they'd do.

10-11-2009, 07:17 PM
Lol o2 are such an underrated company! I've always been with them and they've been nothing but helpful, great customer service and nice little "rewards", the chocolate thing made me giggle a bit but it seems like the sort of thing they'd do.

So true! They always ring me up going, "we'd like to offer you a cheaper rate, is that OK?" :P and I used to love how EVERY time you spoke to them it was a Scottish accent at the other end! :D

The Professor
10-11-2009, 10:50 PM
So true! They always ring me up going, "we'd like to offer you a cheaper rate, is that OK?" :P and I used to love how EVERY time you spoke to them it was a Scottish accent at the other end! :D

That isn't always guaranteed though! You need ebuyer for the best UK accent collection :P

11-11-2009, 12:20 AM
That isn't always guaranteed though! You need ebuyer for the best UK accent collection :P
What accent are you greeted with when talking to ebuyer customer services? :P

And I take back what I said about O2 maybe giving me chocolate, I have a feeling it may of been Ford :/

11-11-2009, 12:36 AM
I didn't get anything, our telecoms never send us stuff.. but the bill!

11-11-2009, 08:04 AM
I didn't get anything, our telecoms never send us stuff.. but the bill!
same tmobile let down.

11-11-2009, 03:53 PM
All Orange have ever sent me is a free iPhone yesterday and a birthday card, Never get any chocolate

The Professor
11-11-2009, 06:21 PM
What accent are you greeted with when talking to ebuyer customer services? :P

And I take back what I said about O2 maybe giving me chocolate, I have a feeling it may of been Ford :/

Well there's a geordie woman on the product videos they do and when I phoned them to RMA a broken keyboard there was a Scottish guy, I think I've seen a guy with a yorkshire accent do a video too. Ebuyer are just awesome in every way :D </fanboy>

13-11-2009, 12:14 PM
Awesome.. I bet it tasted horrible...

Strange Alex, whenever I phone Ebuyer I get an American accent on the other end. I prefer Aria over Ebuyer.

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