View Full Version : RAAAAGEEE

12-11-2009, 06:29 PM
Post your nerdrage rants here maybe or something.

1. SHIELD RAGE. Somehow, three shots from a FAMAS or the Mini M16 can kill me (while holding a shield) I look at their kill cam and they aren't aiming at all.

2. SNIPER RAGE. I'll be scouting out for dudes and then be picked off by a guy with a red dot RPG all the way across the map. Or a predator missile.

3. PACKAGE RAGE. I put down my marker, it flies in, AC-130. Happy days. Until a guy with a FAMAS shoots all over the place and takes my plane. /ragequit.

4. PAINKILLER RAGE. About to hit the 11 kill streak when a noob with painkiller won't die, and FAMAS' me.

12-11-2009, 06:43 PM
My only rage is the woodlands map with the huge building in the middle, forgot the same but it's stupid for camping snipers. ¬¬

12-11-2009, 06:44 PM
lol it has to be not being able to talk in party in certain gamemodes.

12-11-2009, 06:45 PM

It's the new Seelow.

12-11-2009, 06:56 PM
Yea not being able to party chat in some games is stupid, maybe private chat still works though? :S

12-11-2009, 07:04 PM
only rage i have is noobtubes :l i use my trusty rifles and shotguns :)

and are you sure your not standing up with your shield? they can shoot your feet when walking but they can basically hit your whole body and feet when running.

12-11-2009, 07:09 PM
I crouch and keep aiming towards the dude, if he's got an assault rifle like the M4 and starts shooting at my feet, I'll put my aim down a bit. Then he just shoots my head off.

If he's got a FAMAS or M16, I'm screwed.

12-11-2009, 07:23 PM
You can get shot in the butt when crouching aswell, there really is no safe way to use the shield in multiplayer

12-11-2009, 07:37 PM
I got a rant.
Wait no, I havn't had any problems except the gunner chopper seems more powerful then the ac130 ;l

12-11-2009, 08:42 PM
I don't really like the nukes, it's kinda stupid because only in a clan match are you gonna find someone smart enough to carry EMP around.

12-11-2009, 10:10 PM
Havent played it online yet, I always do campaign first. FAMAS is the noob gun then?

12-11-2009, 10:14 PM
Havent played it online yet, I always do campaign first. FAMAS is the noob gun then?
So is the Raficka, M16, FAMAS and everything elseee.

12-11-2009, 10:15 PM
I use Scar coz im pro

12-11-2009, 10:16 PM
Do people just spray with them? :/

12-11-2009, 10:21 PM
I use Scar coz im pro

I counted the miniseconds -.-

12-11-2009, 11:11 PM

It's the new Seelow.

Wasteland is the Cod2 map :P

12-11-2009, 11:47 PM
Riot Shield is only good for tactical play, like your team mate on a k/s hiding behind you or w/e :P

Only things I find is annoying is constant grenade hit markers, atleast you don't die by random nades as much

13-11-2009, 01:12 AM
The game just annoys me really. If I shoot at someone a good 10 times with a SCAR-H I think it is or summet like that, and they turn around AFTER being shot with an automatic pistol and kill me, f you. Its such a dissapointment. CoD4 ftw.

13-11-2009, 01:14 AM
the moment you respawn you try and get to indoors cus theres a heli but you run out of breath just before and pew. youre dead.

13-11-2009, 01:23 AM
I'm lazy so I'll just quote from another forum.

Maps seem to be hit or miss, but I'd have to play them more. Most of them contain too many spots to window camp or balcony camp. Think Chinatown.

My main complaint is its so incredibly easy to kill people with every weapon its ridiculous. The sidearm machine pistols are better than any SMG that was in COD4, for example. Idle sway is gone on every weapon I've unlocked so far, recoil is very low for everything. Everything kills lightning fast even without SP, allowing you to use whatever the hell you want with Perk 2. Making every weapon incredibly easy to kill with isnt balance, Infinity Ward. The line between good players and bad players is further blurred in this game because of how stupidly easy it is. The removal of Juggernaut doesn't help anything.

Another complaint is the weapons are like clones of one another. In COD4 and WaW, every weapon had a unique recoil and feel. In MW2, I seriously can't even tell any main weapon I've unlocked so far apart.

Matchmaking still has no ability to search by low ping (Austrailia gets screwed again) and there still isn't a map preferencer.

The multiplayer is in a nutshell disappointing so far.

13-11-2009, 02:20 AM
It isn't dissapointing at all

13-11-2009, 07:52 AM
The poster of that needs to grow a brain, does he want it to be balanced or does he want the exact same game we all played last year? CoD4 was far from balanced and to be honest it's better in ways now, it's good that rubbish CoD4 players can actually be good at MW2, people that complain are just too far up their own butts to realise they're not the best ever, it's a game, games are for fun, why so serious?

13-11-2009, 07:58 AM
The poster of that needs to grow a brain, does he want it to be balanced or does he want the exact same game we all played last year? CoD4 was far from balanced and to be honest it's better in ways now, it's good that rubbish CoD4 players can actually be good at MW2, people that complain are just too far up their own butts to realise they're not the best ever, it's a game, games are for fun, why so serious?
He earns money playing the game so I wouldnt say he doesnt have a brain. This game isnt balanced, the air support, famas, m16, machine pistols are all overpowered nevermind the already milisecond you have to react before your killed.

13-11-2009, 08:04 AM
He earns money playing the game so I wouldnt say he doesnt have a brain. This game isnt balanced, the air support, famas, m16, machine pistols are all overpowered nevermind the already milisecond you have to react before your killed.

Maybe you just suck? :rolleyes:

It's funny how you say "ohh it's rubbish because it's so easy compared to CoD4" which is odd, that means it should be no problem for you to play since you were sooo "pro", but you're complaining it's too easy for noobs, that makes you.. Less than a noob..?

Just play the game and have fun, I really don't think anyone cares that you're having a hard time when so few people seem to, the M16 was one of the first guns in CoD4, coupled with stopping power basically meant you were unbeatable, that is unbalanced, the game is basically the same just with different starter guns

13-11-2009, 08:13 AM
Maybe you just suck? :rolleyes:

It's funny how you say "ohh it's rubbish because it's so easy compared to CoD4" which is odd, that means it should be no problem for you to play since you were sooo "pro", but you're complaining it's too easy for noobs, that makes you.. Less than a noob..?

Just play the game and have fun, I really don't think anyone cares that you're having a hard time when so few people seem to, the M16 was one of the first guns in CoD4, coupled with stopping power basically meant you were unbeatable, that is unbalanced, the game is basically the same just with different starter guns
Hardly bad if I have a 3.2 KDR.
The game is for noobs, noobs rely on luck more than skill. It's the noobs camping in a corner going 3-21 killing me because the maps are totally unbalanced along with the FAMAS. DenKirson ripped the game stats on MW2 and the TTK (TimeToKill) for the FAMAS is 0.2 seconds. Thats 0.7 less than the M16 of CoD4. Hardly fair.
It's not just me. Many of my friends, most of which had 4+ KDR's in WaW and CoD4 are struggling to maintain 3 KDR's. I even have a guy from the 3rd team in Decerto EU who's on like a 2.5KDR because of this game when his CoD4/WaW KDR was 3.7.

13-11-2009, 09:25 AM
Hardly bad if I have a 3.2 KDR.
The game is for noobs, noobs rely on luck more than skill. It's the noobs camping in a corner going 3-21 killing me because the maps are totally unbalanced along with the FAMAS. DenKirson ripped the game stats on MW2 and the TTK (TimeToKill) for the FAMAS is 0.2 seconds. Thats 0.7 less than the M16 of CoD4. Hardly fair.
It's not just me. Many of my friends, most of which had 4+ KDR's in WaW and CoD4 are struggling to maintain 3 KDR's. I even have a guy from the 3rd team in Decerto EU who's on like a 2.5KDR because of this game when his CoD4/WaW KDR was 3.7.

Oh my god seriously, it's just a game, if you care about this so much go play counter-strike or something, it's the same as CoD4, it's seriously hardly much different you're just complaining that people are better at it than you are, if you don't like it don't play it and stop complaining.

13-11-2009, 09:46 AM
Wasteland is the Cod2 map :P
Yeah I remember that. I was really bad on that map (I think it was Brecourt).

I hate the FAMAS a lot of the time people kill me in 1 burst with it.

13-11-2009, 10:15 AM
He earns money playing the game so I wouldnt say he doesnt have a brain. This game isnt balanced, the air support, famas, m16, machine pistols are all overpowered nevermind the already milisecond you have to react before your killed.

They're trying to make the game realistic with the variety of Modern guns, people only say they're over powered when their aim sucks and get owned by such a gun..

13-11-2009, 12:36 PM
I no some of the guns are overpowerd but evrytime I use the famas now its more than 1 burst.

13-11-2009, 02:02 PM
im sorry but modern guns do kill pretty quickly. they should make it as realistic as possible, maybe tweaking soe guns which are at a disadvantage. If the famas kills that quickly irl, it should on the game..

13-11-2009, 02:39 PM
It works both ways so I don't really care to much. Get killed easy kill easy.

13-11-2009, 04:54 PM
My only rage has to be predator missiles, I could be clearly inside a building and get blown up, i try it on someone else in the exact same building exactly where they hit me and it doesnt touch them ,gah

13-11-2009, 04:56 PM
I'm losing the motivation to continue on with this game.

I'll spawn and just die, spawn and just die. I'm not bad and I try to avoid all the noob tactics and such. I doubt that the game is unbalanced... it just doesn't feel right. Some of the maps don't tick any of the boxes and the weapons aren't diverse enough.

The campaign, however, is totally perfect.

13-11-2009, 05:05 PM
wouldn't say campaign is perfect, i think its to short :(

i hate the choppers and jets now, but i love to use them :D

chopper has shot me through roofs about 15 times.

but i have to say i was kicking ass on demolition with my flashbangs and rpd/bling :D

13-11-2009, 05:07 PM
has anyone else been on ground war on the smallest map.. i think its the one with the plane in the middle? something like supply.. its horrible. i abandon it before it starts because its that bad

13-11-2009, 05:31 PM
has anyone else been on ground war on the smallest map.. i think its the one with the plane in the middle? something like supply.. its horrible. i abandon it before it starts because its that bad

i'd say rust is the smallest map not scrapyard (if thats the one your thinking of)

free for all on rust just pwns tbf.

worst map has to be derail tbf.

13-11-2009, 09:22 PM
im sorry but modern guns do kill pretty quickly. they should make it as realistic as possible, maybe tweaking soe guns which are at a disadvantage. If the famas kills that quickly irl, it should on the game..

Yeah but then again, they've made it realistic by making you able to kill quicker, just like it would happen in real life, but it seems people want an unrealistic game? :S

has anyone else been on ground war on the smallest map.. i think its the one with the plane in the middle? something like supply.. its horrible. i abandon it before it starts because its that bad

The spawns on that map is terrible, when I flank alll enemies manage to spawn behind my team mates and we all get done over, but I can't wait till they get some new map packs.

13-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Rust, terminal and highthing i LOVE. The others generally make me rage since i havent found brilliant spots for 'em.

13-11-2009, 09:25 PM
wouldn't say campaign is perfect, i think its to short :(

i hate the choppers and jets now, but i love to use them :D

chopper has shot me through roofs about 15 times.

but i have to say i was kicking ass on demolition with my flashbangs and rpd/bling :D

The campaign is just the right length really, personally I wouldn't want it to be any longer on a CoD game, veteran is just too annoying to wanna do too many levels of, I'm getting sick of it and I've only just started act 2 on it. >.<

13-11-2009, 09:25 PM
The best spot on Terminal has to be that little ladder you can climb to get an overview of all positions, I picked up an ACR, which is an amazing gun up their and I picked off like 10 people in about 30 seconds. :P

13-11-2009, 11:52 PM
Hardly bad if I have a 3.2 KDR.
The game is for noobs, noobs rely on luck more than skill. It's the noobs camping in a corner going 3-21 killing me because the maps are totally unbalanced along with the FAMAS. DenKirson ripped the game stats on MW2 and the TTK (TimeToKill) for the FAMAS is 0.2 seconds. Thats 0.7 less than the M16 of CoD4. Hardly fair.
It's not just me. Many of my friends, most of which had 4+ KDR's in WaW and CoD4 are struggling to maintain 3 KDR's. I even have a guy from the 3rd team in Decerto EU who's on like a 2.5KDR because of this game when his CoD4/WaW KDR was 3.7.

After today I'm mostly agreeing with you.

I kill everyone playing the game normally, but get killed by the people who hide in a corner, kill, change corner, kill, change again etc.

On the brightside, AC2 Friday :D:D.

13-11-2009, 11:56 PM
Scrapyard! That's it! Lol. Terminal has to be one of my favourite ones. So many places you could be and how you can shoot through the windows, be on the plane etc etc

14-11-2009, 01:28 AM
Am I the only one who hates the redness? It's not as bad on multiplayer to be fair, but I still wish it was just like COD4.

How easy is it to kill people? :S It's stupid. I'm not even that good at COD, I'm relatively a newcomer to the series and I was only starting to get fairly good on COD4, but on MW2 I find it really easy. As people have been saying, the guns are all samey and yeah, red dot sight ftw. Even on COD4 an M16 with a red dot was my idea of a sniper rifle.

I've only played it once, and spent about two hours on it but I get the feeling I hardly saw any maps. I kept being put on the same ones. Anyway, out of the ones I did, Rust has to be my fav. Every time you spawn there's like two people in front of you or running past you, it's so easy! :P

I'm not a fan of the huge open landscapes like Afghan. I prefer COD4's maps to an extent, but I can still appreciate how on MW2 you don't stick out like a sore thumb. Although I find the prompts really annoying, if I'm in the middle of nowhere and it says, 'enemy UAV spotted', it really isn't helpful.

I also think there's just too much stuff. Another thing I prefer about COD4 is its simplicity (I always say this whenever anything is updated :P). There's too many kill-streak rewards and all the perks have been renamed so I cba learning them.

Overall, I don't think I enjoy MW2 any way near as much as COD4. I've found I only go to it when I cba doing anything else (so I've only played it twice). COD4 had me playing even when I had work and other stuff to do, like a proper game.

14-11-2009, 01:31 AM
Fair enough it has its over-powers but they're all available to everyone so it is balanced if you see what I'm getting at, nobody will ever make a game that perfect nor a game where nothing is unbalanced so I have just chose to live with it.

14-11-2009, 02:30 AM
Well not until you've unlocked them. Most of my kill-cams have people with heart-beat sensors. I haven't unlocked that yet but it must make you unbeatable!

14-11-2009, 07:00 AM
Omg that's the other thing! Heartbeat sensors are horrible.. It's like uav but permanent. And the perk which make u invisible only makes u invisible on them, so pretty useless if no ones using them on a game. They annoy me too lol

14-11-2009, 07:11 AM
Oh please, for those who say it's meant to kill quick because it's based on realism. Realism doesn't make games, people want to escape realism. If your going to play the realism card then why do I shoot a guy 3 times with a .50 caliber anti-tank sniper rifle and get 3 hitmarkers just because he has a painkiller tablet?

Neil, people arent better than me, sure I'll admit there is a lot of people better than me but as far as the MW2 community goes, 90%+ are noobs. 90% of the people playing MW2 are scrubs. They sit in corners and go 2-20 each game while even though I'm getting killed by them I can still easily get +20 kills a game. At the end of the match, I have more points. I complain because I want the sequel that IW promised. They said it would improve on CoD4, in some aspects, it did, but it others it took a step back. Stop trying to defend the game because believe me I played the crap out of CoD4 and I'ma' most likely to do it with this game. I actually have quite a bit of experience on CSS, some in competitive servers, but my PC can only run it on crappy settings so I don't bother.

Heartbeat Sensor's counter is Ninja. Upgrade Ninja to Ninja Pro and it's also Dead Silence

14-11-2009, 11:01 AM
Oh please, for those who say it's meant to kill quick because it's based on realism. Realism doesn't make games, people want to escape realism. If your going to play the realism card then why do I shoot a guy 3 times with a .50 caliber anti-tank sniper rifle and get 3 hitmarkers just because he has a painkiller tablet?

Neil, people arent better than me, sure I'll admit there is a lot of people better than me but as far as the MW2 community goes, 90%+ are noobs. 90% of the people playing MW2 are scrubs. They sit in corners and go 2-20 each game while even though I'm getting killed by them I can still easily get +20 kills a game. At the end of the match, I have more points. I complain because I want the sequel that IW promised. They said it would improve on CoD4, in some aspects, it did, but it others it took a step back. Stop trying to defend the game because believe me I played the crap out of CoD4 and I'ma' most likely to do it with this game. I actually have quite a bit of experience on CSS, some in competitive servers, but my PC can only run it on crappy settings so I don't bother.

Heartbeat Sensor's counter is Ninja. Upgrade Ninja to Ninja Pro and it's also Dead Silence

No one said realism makes a game, what has been said it the truth, Infinity Ward want the game to be realistic, so it is realistic, to be honest I have few problems with the game, being able to party while on most modes would be nice but if you're only on to one person then private chat works fine, and the fact one of the presets is the FAMAS with a silenced shotgun, I have no issue with this apart from being 1 shot kills from the start, meaning they wont use anything else, wont stop me playing though because I enjoy it but as I knew all along, Borderlands is better.

14-11-2009, 11:36 AM
No one said realism makes a game, what has been said it the truth, Infinity Ward want the game to be realistic, so it is realistic, to be honest I have few problems with the game, being able to party while on most modes would be nice but if you're only on to one person then private chat works fine, and the fact one of the presets is the FAMAS with a silenced shotgun, I have no issue with this apart from being 1 shot kills from the start, meaning they wont use anything else, wont stop me playing though because I enjoy it but as I knew all along, Borderlands is better.
In your opinion, yes.
MW2 has raving reviews some x2 better than Boarderlands. They're two different genres so you cant compare.

14-11-2009, 12:01 PM
Well I like mw2 even if the guns are over powered and what not, but its like that in everygame

sure this one might have like 4 games but think of all the people who got paid to program the powers of a certain weapon to make it equal to all the other guns

But on mw2 you might think oh the pistols would be weak towards other stuff I aint gonna use it

USP kills in 3 - 4shots
.44 kills in 2 - 3 shots

14-11-2009, 12:01 PM
In your opinion, yes.
MW2 has raving reviews some x2 better than Boarderlands. They're two different genres so you cant compare.

That doesn't even make sense, you were saying how awful MW2 is and now you're saying it has awesome reviews, I'd love to see these "x2 better reviews" I mean lets see, Metacritic, Borderlands (360) got 86, MW2 got 95, I'm not maths genius but I'm pretty sure that isn't double.

Also there really isn't far between MW2 and Borderlands if you think about it, both have leveling, guns with all sorts of attachments, both are FPS games, they are comparable purely because Borderlands is an FPS with a little RPG on the side, Borderlands is better, MW2 is generic, Borderlands deserves GoTY, MW2 deserves a little praise but doesn't compare as far as I'm concerned, CoD4 already had the spotlight now a new game needs to come in and have some time.

14-11-2009, 01:31 PM
That doesn't even make sense, you were saying how awful MW2 is and now you're saying it has awesome reviews, I'd love to see these "x2 better reviews" I mean lets see, Metacritic, Borderlands (360) got 86, MW2 got 95, I'm not maths genius but I'm pretty sure that isn't double.

Also there really isn't far between MW2 and Borderlands if you think about it, both have leveling, guns with all sorts of attachments, both are FPS games, they are comparable purely because Borderlands is an FPS with a little RPG on the side, Borderlands is better, MW2 is generic, Borderlands deserves GoTY, MW2 deserves a little praise but doesn't compare as far as I'm concerned, CoD4 already had the spotlight now a new game needs to come in and have some time.

I'm gonna pop in here and say that you are just a little biased towards borderlands on the fact that you have been following it for ages. It doesn't deserve goty. I think mw2 is better, but I still don't think it deserves goty. However, basing things on reviews is a pretty poor way to go about comparing games. You should judge it on what you like. Borderlands, yes, new concept etc, but I'm pretty bored of it and am only like level 20. Mw2 I've played on everyday since I've had it and it gnerally a great game

And also, just because cod has had a goty, doesn't mean they're not allowed it again.. That's like saying an actor shouldn't win an award again.. If the games good, it would win, not just so another game can be in the spotlight..

14-11-2009, 02:54 PM
I'm gonna pop in here and say that you are just a little biased towards borderlands on the fact that you have been following it for ages. It doesn't deserve goty. I think mw2 is better, but I still don't think it deserves goty. However, basing things on reviews is a pretty poor way to go about comparing games. You should judge it on what you like. Borderlands, yes, new concept etc, but I'm pretty bored of it and am only like level 20. Mw2 I've played on everyday since I've had it and it gnerally a great game

And also, just because cod has had a goty, doesn't mean they're not allowed it again.. That's like saying an actor shouldn't win an award again.. If the games good, it would win, not just so another game can be in the spotlight..

I've been following CoD games ever since the first one so what ever your point is then it's pretty invalid because I've been following CoD games for clearly longer, the fact that MW2 is just CoD4 with different levels and skins is exactly why it shouldn't have GoTY, the fact every CoD game is just a reskin of the previous now is just stupid, Borderlands deserves GoTY more, it's one of the more inovative games this year, you got bored of it at level 20, fair enough but I know people that got bored of CoD before getting to rank 10, GoTY has nothing to do with preference sadly, obviously MW2 is going to take GoTY this year but only because of the fanbase, not because it's the best game this year, obviously just because CoD has had GoTY it can get it again but that does not mean it deserves it, GoTY should be changed so only new IPs get it, not games that have a huge fanbase built over a few years and thounsands of biased morons that can't see how generic it really is.

I like MW2, I like Borderlands, MW2 is good and sure it is good but really, what is so good that makes it worthy of game of the year?

14-11-2009, 03:55 PM
Very well said Neil.

On another note, Uncharted 2 deserves game of the year. I know you (Neil) hate Uncharted to death and I wasn't much of a fan of the first, but hot damn is the second one a treat.

14-11-2009, 04:26 PM
Strong Bad deserves game of the year.

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