View Full Version : Habbo Imager and Font Gen

13-11-2009, 07:33 PM
Ok, I really need a code thing for Habbo Imager and a font generator as this is an OFFICIAL Habbo Fansite I expect some people must know, atleast one person.

Moved by Laurensh1 (Forum Moderator): From Technology + The Web > Technology Discussion > Microsoft & Windows.

14-11-2009, 04:58 AM
Wrong section.

14-11-2009, 04:15 PM
I'm assuming this is a web based Habbo Generator? HabboTimes.de might offer it out, they seem to be happy enough stealing the fonts (Gold HC is actually called Goldfish, considering I made that font :P)

14-11-2009, 08:17 PM
Not a good name for a font, as Goldfish is already v(b)/Volter Goldfish ?
Yeah, most sites steal fonts but I'm glad Habborator offers original ones which aren't stolen (as we make them ourselves).

14-11-2009, 10:25 PM

That what your looking for? :D

16-11-2009, 11:54 AM
Not a good name for a font, as Goldfish is already v(b)/Volter Goldfish ?
Yeah, most sites steal fonts but I'm glad Habborator offers original ones which aren't stolen (as we make them ourselves).
That's Volter Goldfish, the one I made was simply called Goldfish, due to the colouring and style of the font. There was no other appropriate name really and it's better than what other fansites called it (when they stole it), which was Gold HC, when it was nothing like that :P Granted, it's original name was Gold HC which kinda suggests it was stolen :P


That what your looking for? :D
That one doesn't remember what text you were using. Once you click the tick it generates the text, but that's it. After that, it takes you to another one (the default one), so if you made a mistake you have to do it all over again, for example, clicking Bathroom style and remembering to type in the font. It doesn't have alot too, wasn't there something like 50+ now?

Does Habborator have a Generator Logger? GIHabbo had one and it was hilarious seeing what people were typing into the generator, along with font :P

www.HabboTimes.de doesn't seem to of upgraded their one much, the last generator GIHabbo used allowed different backgrounds, including:

No (invisible) background, trophy background, bathroom background, banner background.

And it even allowed adjustable spaces between each letter - this worked extremely well with the Chinese font where the letters had to be clomped together.

HabboTimes sure are behind the times :P

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