View Full Version : Whats the best ane worst trade you have made

13-11-2009, 08:38 PM
I think the other one got outdated a while back. So therefore what is your best and worse trade?

M best was when I got an orange tree for 5 creds
My worse was when I got 2 pink rafts for approximately 2 hc per before they came out in catalogue.

13-11-2009, 09:27 PM
I'm not really sure on my best one, but my worst one is something I will remember a loong time.
When the purple dragon lamp first was released to 50 lucky winners in an official kick wars - I was one of the winners -
it wasn't popular at all. It was at first settled at a value of 20 CS so I traded it for that. Turned out to be a good deal for me,
because it sank down to around 15 CS. Well, not really 'cause after a while, its value rised and now it's 700 CS.
Yeah, you tell me if I'm pissed (this was by the way on habbo.no).

I have probably lost 1500 ++ CS (NO KIDDING!) of deals like that.
It's soo typical that when I trade away all of my rares because they never seem to rise in value, they do.

13-11-2009, 09:30 PM
Best - Throne for 17cs
Worst - 2cs for 5 lodge corners

19-11-2009, 04:11 PM
Another good trade.

Well this person was selling his room for 30 creds, I walk in and see 4 things that were worth 1 hc per. So to be sure I asked hiw much and sure enough it was 30 creds.

As I didn't have any creds I offered 3hc as a token of 'profit' for him.

Anyway the pack included

1 Mars smoke machine
1 Shishi odishi
1 Aussie outback
1 Moon lamp
1 Oriri
20 spaceship floors
10 rock walls
1 jungle wall plant
8 marble tiles
4 red tiles
1 skyscraper window
1 small diner window
2 Hotel statues

I think it was a good trade. :)

19-11-2009, 04:14 PM
i remember when i was a noob like 6 years ago
someone traded me and was like buy my throne
and so i put like 30 hcs in or somethign which was like the price of a throne then and i accepted and i realised it was a throne sofa LOOOOOOOL noob

19-11-2009, 04:23 PM
I had a little giggle at that LOL

19-11-2009, 04:34 PM
i payed 6 hc for a raft,
and a while back now i bought loads of endor smokes at 7 hc per :S

after opening my sino the week after i got hacked, but wen i did get hacked they went down rapidly :S

19-11-2009, 04:40 PM
All your fault Kieron x

Best - Gold Amber 1 hc
Worst - White Monolith - 38 hc - Tbh I don't really have any bad trades. :P

19-11-2009, 04:45 PM
Astro bar was included in my good trade forgot about it :)

19-11-2009, 04:47 PM
Good: Duck for Throne (when my mate left habbo)
Bad: Throne for Rug (when i decided to leave Habbo but then changed my mind the day after)

19-11-2009, 04:50 PM
Best Trade: 2t for Infobus // Sold for 5t about a month later.
Worst Trade: Selling a couple of my thrones for 42 hc, they shot up just after I sold them.

19-11-2009, 05:53 PM
Worst - White Monolith - 38 hc - Tbh I don't really have any bad trades. :P

That trade sounds familiar aydan :P. Nice bit of profit for me there wasnt it :P

21-11-2009, 05:01 PM
Best : Buying hc 4 cred : red laser gate 80c when it was 14 hcs ;Selling telephone booths 10 cred ; buying idea cake 2c when it was 1.75 hcs!! ; 2 hc tvs for hc sofa !! LOL
worst : Buying Mtv silver trophies 300c per :P ; selling throne for 85 hcs just before it went up :@ ; selling a chair_basic for a black egg chair ! OMG!! it made me mad irl

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