View Full Version : [Alteration] [Wolk] NEW MOON ALT COMPETITION: POSTER

21-11-2009, 03:29 PM
Just finished this poster for the alt comp.

And yes, before anyone says I did use the image of the girl from this poster by NotMiceElf (Habbo US Staff), http://www.habborator.org/alt/galleries/notmiceelf/inked.gif

but as you can see I have changed her and I made the Edward Habbo completely from scratch apart from face.

PS: While watermarking the image on iaza it lightened the colours a bit and messed the top up so try and imagine in without all that!


21-11-2009, 04:09 PM
couldnt edit: heres the poster that notmiceelf did

21-11-2009, 04:37 PM
thats stunning :D i hope you win!

21-11-2009, 04:46 PM
aw thankyou :D

21-11-2009, 10:11 PM
Nice work Wolk!

A lot of detail there!

But i think you could of made the girl yourself. And i don't think Edward or w/e has them type of eyes..

21-11-2009, 10:16 PM
are those pets part of the watermark.

If not then why are they there

21-11-2009, 10:32 PM
are those pets part of the watermark.

If not then why are they there

If im correct i think the dogs are meant to represent the "shape shifters/werewolves"

21-11-2009, 10:34 PM
Nice work, very detailed. Good luck with the competition, hope you're one of the winners.

21-11-2009, 11:11 PM
Edward looks Asian. Other than that, It's pretty good.

Hope you win :)

21-11-2009, 11:28 PM
thats amazing!
hope you win :D

22-11-2009, 07:51 AM
i dont like edwards eyes but besides that reallt awesome

22-11-2009, 10:04 AM
yeah the dogs are meant to be the wolves lol, and if you look at robert pattinson his eyes are quite thin so i thought i'd recycle the ones already on the poster but thanks :D

22-11-2009, 01:44 PM
It won't win considering most of it isn't yours.

22-11-2009, 08:31 PM
most of it isnt mine? please state what the 'most' of this poster is which isnt mine apart from the girl which i alted heavily

22-11-2009, 10:23 PM
Pretty cool actually
good luck :D xx

23-11-2009, 12:36 AM
It won't win considering most of it isn't yours.

most of it isnt mine? please state what the 'most' of this poster is which isnt mine apart from the girl which i alted heavily
Although you did alter it, the characters are still created by nME, and you didn't start fresh, you just started from what nME made. Of course if you did start on a blank canvas, then it would be yours and other people cannot alter it.

23-11-2009, 01:12 AM
seeing as though nme is sulake staff then i would assume it is free to use, and as i keep saying its not as if i just cut and pasted it into my alt, i have changed a lot about it, and with the man shes holding i cut him out entirely and made a new edward excluding the nose mouth eyes.

23-11-2009, 01:38 AM
seeing as though nme is sulake staff then i would assume it is free to use, and as i keep saying its not as if i just cut and pasted it into my alt, i have changed a lot about it, and with the man shes holding i cut him out entirely and made a new edward excluding the nose mouth eyes...and eye-brows! hehe

Good luck mate, glad to see its not just a straight forward copy n paste :)

23-11-2009, 04:29 PM
Sorry if at any point what I said was unclear, but I guess I'll just have to write reams and reams of crit. for you to actually comprehend.

You claim to have, and I quote, "alted heavily", the girl that you have effectively recoloured and added length (with poor shading, might I add) to the hair. You've mirrored the eyes so that they look the other way - WAHAY!!! AMAZING!! Oh yeah, and you've managed to recolour the eyes blue. Her eyes are actually brown... DETAILS, DETAILS...

With the guy all you seem to have done is dug up an old alt of your habbo in a suit with some chunky mother f***ing hands and a robot like posture; pasted it beneath the face that you robbed and slopped a - yet again, poorly shaded (needs more hue shifting between shades) - head of hair not even remotely resemblant to that of Edward Cullen.

Furthermore, it would seem as though you have missed a spot (or twenty four) between the leaves on the trees that you have, again, snatched from sulake.

I could go on, but I won't as I have work to do. :eusa_whis

23-11-2009, 04:56 PM
Right, so all you're saying is that i've basically stolen images from sulake? If you hadn't noticed if sulake provides images for habbo theyre not exactly there to be kept untouched, anyone can use them.

And fine, 'alted heavily' might have been the wrong term to use, but its not as if I just took the image and plonked it on without doing anything to it.

The edward as I said was completely done from scratch as I said, apart from the face, all I did was dress exactly like that, print screen and enlarge, thats why it has the, as you so put it; 'chunky mother ******* hands and a robot like posture'.

And about the leaves, I accidently forgot to fill in some spaces, it isn't exactly noticeable and that bad, and as i said before, if sulake provided the image, it is free to use as the majority of people do in their alts. If for example someone wanted to make a new piece of furniture and used parts of an already existing piece, is that a crime?

And ps. its pretty stupid for someone to be critiscising my work so heavily when (by the looks of youre character from kingdom hearts or w.e it is) can't even grasp the rules of isometricity.

pps. heres the poster without the water mark since the comp has closed:

23-11-2009, 05:25 PM
It's a good alt, I could never do anything as good as that but yeah as I said on Habbo, Edward looks a bit like a chinese man? lol! +rep

23-11-2009, 05:34 PM
My character from kingdom hearts? what? you mean to one that I made almost 2 years ago............ mhm lol you're doing just what rollerkingdom done when I pointed out the flaws of something he made whilst everybody else was showing so much 'interest' so I'm not even going to bother giving constructive criticism for your alt any more. I probably could have used better words than 'snatched' and 'robbed' but I wanted to express the fact that you did not make them therefore your 'alt' is rather a compilation of sulake's pieces. ;D

24-11-2009, 09:25 PM
looks like you found out how to use layers on photoshop and abused it majourly with c+p'd images on each bit with slight effects.

27-11-2009, 06:06 PM
lol whatever, i like it and others do. im not even gonna attempt to reply to you voiceover because your work is so mediocre i dont even have to prove myself to you to make myself feel better.

27-11-2009, 06:19 PM
Edward looks Asian. Other than that, It's pretty good.

Hope you win :)
I was thinking that...
Anyway, good luck mate :)

27-11-2009, 06:21 PM
lol whatever, i like it and others do. im not even gonna attempt to reply to you voiceover because your work is so mediocre i dont even have to prove myself to you to make myself feel better.

Lol are you srs? i could whip your ass if i put my mind to pixel art full on, that tbf, i haven't done in around a year. Last one i tried and liked doing was Carl and other dude from UP.

Anyone can use layers in photoshop and c+p alts and make changes, if you've noticed all my alts are made from scratch.

So please don't call me mediocre until you stop c+ping.

27-11-2009, 06:33 PM
If you would look at my poster fully, you can see the only thing i copied and pasted was the trees and the dogs lol

27-11-2009, 06:37 PM
and the people, and the background is most probaly off an official twilight poster or internet picture. Or just a paper effect added to brown.

27-11-2009, 06:40 PM
the people, as said before was just the girl, i made edward completely from scratch, oh and the background? hun that was done entirely by hand, maybe you should learn to actually do pixel gradients judging by the looks of the background in your king kong alt.

27-11-2009, 06:43 PM
i mean the clouds, gradients are easy as ****.

and my friend that background was created on a 16 colour pallette, not photoshop with 1million colours.

27-11-2009, 06:53 PM
the gradient was made in paint yes, then i added some cloud and smoke brushes to it to make it resemble the original new moon poster, sorry for trying to make something look like its supposed to

27-11-2009, 06:59 PM
Tbf that background looks far to advance for anything made on paint.net and the moon looks like a moon with a oppacity down on photoshop added to it. I have to admit its one of the better ones, but alot of it looks like photoshop manipulation and layers.

27-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Wolk why do you feel the need to argue with people that criticise your alt lol...

28-11-2009, 08:25 AM
lol, i made the gradient BY HAND on MICROSOFT PAINT, i.e did the first line of pattern, c+p'd to the next line, carried on the pattern, it isnt exactly hard its just learning the pattern of how it goes.
and yes as i said the cloud and the moon were brushes on photoshop?
so what, what are you trying to prove?

and kyle, ill have a go at any1 who doesnt know what theyre talking about it wasnt something i just threw together in 10 minutes it took me a while and with people telling me all these things to how its bad or w.e it gets me annoyed.

28-11-2009, 11:23 AM
I didn't say made in 10 mins tbf.

And you've just said you did use photoshop which could have cut a long story short... And don't tell me i don't know what im talking about pls :)

and how could the gradients be made on paint when paint doesn't offer transparency? do you mean paint.net?

28-11-2009, 12:05 PM
lol, i made the gradient BY HAND on MICROSOFT PAINT, i.e did the first line of pattern, c+p'd to the next line, carried on the pattern, it isnt exactly hard its just learning the pattern of how it goes.
and yes as i said the cloud and the moon were brushes on photoshop?
so what, what are you trying to prove?

and kyle, ill have a go at any1 who doesnt know what theyre talking about it wasnt something i just threw together in 10 minutes it took me a while and with people telling me all these things to how its bad or w.e it gets me annoyed.

You'll probably find that the people giving constructive criticism do know what they're talking about and everybody else will point out one thing previously mentioned and rate it at either 9/10 or 7/10 because they couldn't care less about how good or bad your piece is, they just want +1 to their post count.

28-11-2009, 01:06 PM
voiceover why cant you grasp the idea of me making a gradient by hand in microsoft paint? all you have to do is line two colours upto each other then dither them out by hand, it doesnt matter if paint doesnt offer transparency because i can do it from scratch and transparency doesnt have anything to do with it.

28-11-2009, 01:12 PM
i would say transparency would have alot to do with it when its other quite a high quality piece behind it.

I do know how to create gradients on paint seeing as all you need to do is double click the colours and add or reduce the bar thing. Cba for technical speech. You seem to have taken to the fact i've called your alt crap at some point. All i've done is question it.

28-11-2009, 01:17 PM
right, lets get this straight, we are talking about the very back background arent we? the one with the bars of brown fading out towards the top?

if we are, then that has nothing to do with transparency, because you can make it in ms paint by just copying and pasting the bars forming a pattern then (when zoomed out) looks like a gradient.

The background on top, i.e. the clouds and the moon, that was done on photoshop by using cloud and moon brushes and lowering the opacity, yes.

and if you call questioning, picking out flaws from someones work then stating it on their thread either to look imposing or just to insult them then yes thats all youve done.

28-11-2009, 01:30 PM
no i just wanted to know how tbf, which i was technically right so saying i have no clue yet i can still spot when photoshop has been used.

and yeah thats what i meant on the top 3 lines, and thats what i thought.

28-11-2009, 01:35 PM
you didnt have a clue because up until now you were saying that creating gradients on ms paint was impossible because paint doesnt allow transparency lol..

and wow, you can see when photoshop was used, i think thats a talent most of this forum possesses.. it wasnt exactly like i was trying to hide the fact that i used it :S

28-11-2009, 01:35 PM
What voiceover is saying is that you didn't hand dither the clouds, you used a photoshop brush and added your hand made gradient on top of them. photoshop was, therefore, a key attribute to the quality of your piece.

28-11-2009, 01:37 PM
you didnt have a clue because up until now you were saying that creating gradients on ms paint was impossible because paint doesnt allow transparency lol..

and wow, you can see when photoshop was used, i think thats a talent most of this forum possesses.. it wasnt exactly like i was trying to hide the fact that i used it :S

I said gradients where impossible on paint?

no... i said the quality of the clouds and the gradient were quite impossible (in a small ammount of time) on paint... not gradients themselves seeing as yours just looks like two blocks of quite hardened different colours i would call it much of a pro gradient.

edit:3 blocks sorry. And earlier back you said the gradient in my king kong was bad... im seeing the same technique being used but in a slightly different way.

28-11-2009, 01:41 PM
and how could the gradients be made on paint when paint doesn't offer transparency? do you mean paint.net?

lol no word of clouds or moon there

edit:and no its not the same technique, youve really spread your dithering out and by using quite severe colour changes aswell, doesnt make it blend as well.

edit 2: but anyway it seems you need some help with it anyway, so heres a close up of mine if it helps :)

28-11-2009, 01:46 PM
lol no word of clouds or moon there
edit:and no its not the same technique, youve really spread your dithering out and by using quite severe colour changes aswell, doesnt make it blend as well.

Those were the best choice of colours from 16 for a slight sunset look.

And taking into account there would have been a simple gradient before the cloud effect added, without no wips i couldn't have known that tbf.

28-11-2009, 01:47 PM
ah i see, you were limited to a palette. well anyway take a look at the dithering i posted up there ^
might help you

28-11-2009, 01:50 PM
yeah its nice dithering good detail. Only problem is when it zooms out you can see the that blocks kind of, unless thats the way you wanted it because it probaly would suit it more than a smooth gradient.

28-11-2009, 01:52 PM
i only did that technique on the very top two blocks, and you can hardly see the top block due to everything else going on.

with the other blocks i did a much simpler one cus its a lot of work hand rendering the gradient

28-11-2009, 01:56 PM
can i just say that dithering is awful

28-11-2009, 02:08 PM
thank you

28-11-2009, 03:34 PM
Luv it best of luck

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