View Full Version : Habbo Imager

21-11-2009, 10:09 PM
Does anyone know of a Habbo Imager that is quite advanced, like you can like make it look like your avatar is holding a cup of coffee stuff like that.

Not sure if this is in the rite section.

Moved by N!ck (Forum Moderator) from Technology Discussion: Please post in the correct forum next time, thanks :).

21-11-2009, 10:45 PM
http://habborator.org/exec then click the 3rd one along :)

21-11-2009, 11:44 PM
For just simple Imaging

use: www.hffm.co.uk/imager (http://www.hffm.co.uk/imager)

Its got the basic stuff, Wave, Sit, Lay Down.

Smile, Sad, Angry.

But that habborator one is a lot better quality.

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