View Full Version : Regarding the Xbox 360's connection

30-11-2009, 11:47 PM
When you buy an Xbox 360 does it come with built in wireless or with a wireless adapter? Or do you have to buy this separately?

The reason I want to know this is because people claim that Xbox Live is better than PS3 Online but if loads of people have wired connections (faster and more reliable in most cases) then this must be the reason why Xbox Live is more reliable. With a wired connection you won't see yourself with bad connection or lag a lot of the time and also if the host of a game has wired connection you're more likely to have a good connection. I have never thought of this before but it all makes sense. PS3 comes with built in wireless and since like everyone has a wireless connection PS3 users just use it. Maybe all the "Xbox Live is better because people pay for it which goes towards improvements" isn't as true as we thought.

Please no PS3 vs 360 comments here, I just want to focus on the 360's wired/wireless connection.

30-11-2009, 11:57 PM
you say you dont want ps3 v 360 comments but all youve been doing is posting threads to cause arguments.

Yes, you need to buy a wireless adapter. No, it doesnt affect anything. My 360 experience online has been far better than my ps3 one tbh, and both are wireless

01-12-2009, 12:14 AM
you say you dont want ps3 v 360 comments but all youve been doing is posting threads to cause arguments.

Yes, you need to buy a wireless adapter. No, it doesnt affect anything. My 360 experience online has been far better than my ps3 one tbh, and both are wireless
I know I know this one is argument free though don't worry. Thanks for that, I see a real difference with wired and wireless with my PS3 so this really has proved something to me. :)

01-12-2009, 12:29 AM
If you want wireless you need to buy the adapter, or you can go for the cheap option and use an ethernet lead, which is better, if you get a good host you get on a 4 bar, where as depending on the range of your wireless to router, if you get a 2 bar say, and then get a good host, you'll get like a 2/3 bar which sucks.

01-12-2009, 06:12 AM
you say you dont want ps3 v 360 comments but all youve been doing is posting threads to cause arguments.

Yes, you need to buy a wireless adapter. No, it doesnt affect anything. My 360 experience online has been far better than my ps3 one tbh, and both are wireless

I lol'd :P

you have to buy it separately

05-12-2009, 12:18 AM
I hardwired my 360 with the included ethernet cable. Had the 360 for a few years and online is great, not free but good value I'd say. Bought a PS3 Slim on launch and have had no problems once connected to a game.

The PS3 interface for chatting, joining gaming sessions and communicating with your friends is no where close the the 360s. Microsoft I suppose have had a head start, and it really is just a simple case of the PS3 having all the hardware and ability, but Sony not implementing an intuitive system. They will no doubt improve it given time... though I think it would put the PS3 a step ahead if it had the online/friend features of the 360... it has a bluray player after all (the main reason I bought one... well, and the exclusives).

Once connected I can't really tell its wifi with the PS3. I can't compare it to the 360 over wifi though, as I don't have the adapter.

29-12-2009, 03:06 AM
you need to buy one :/. BUT if your xbox is like 15 feet away... you can just use a ethernet cord, but if it isnt just buy a network adapter.

05-01-2010, 10:57 PM
I hardwired my 360 with the included ethernet cable. Had the 360 for a few years and online is great, not free but good value I'd say. Bought a PS3 Slim on launch and have had no problems once connected to a game.

The PS3 interface for chatting, joining gaming sessions and communicating with your friends is no where close the the 360s. Microsoft I suppose have had a head start, and it really is just a simple case of the PS3 having all the hardware and ability, but Sony not implementing an intuitive system. They will no doubt improve it given time... though I think it would put the PS3 a step ahead if it had the online/friend features of the 360... it has a bluray player after all (the main reason I bought one... well, and the exclusives).

Once connected I can't really tell its wifi with the PS3. I can't compare it to the 360 over wifi though, as I don't have the adapter.

Why the **** do you idiots come to the Microsoft forum just to brag about how much better ps3 is? You have your own bloody forum. Now **** off.

if you want internet buy a cable or wireless adapter

EDIT: lolol fail by me just relised how old the thread is

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