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01-12-2009, 11:50 PM
Before I say anything, please note that no racism is allowed.

Many people dislike having ethnic minorities and many people don't mind them at all. Some think they steal benefits etc while others think they create jobs and help the economy.

What do you think of them and why? Should they be allowed benefits? Do you like them or dislike them? And why?

Below are some figures:



Edited by invincible (Forum Super Moderator): To reiterate the OP's point, racism will not be tolerated and any racists posts made will be dealt with appropriately.

02-12-2009, 12:09 AM
They should be allowed in, only if they are needed. If there is a shortage of jobs in a certain area and they have skills in it they should be allowed in. My Mum works for the Council in Revenues and Benefits and she gets ignorant Poles coming in constantly, asking for the money they believe they are entitled to (I think one of them got a payout of about 5k for something, took it back to Poland and it's going towards land to build a house). She says one of them comes over and realises they're entitled to money, so they bring the rest of the family over. The majority can't even speak English, there's usually one that comes to translate. Theres a massive queue for housing, they get priority over people who have lived in this country and contributed to it in tax. I know not all are the same, obviously, and many do help the country and are hardworking but it's just infuriating to see hard working citizens who have lived here all their lives get pushed to the back to support the integration of people that aren't even welcomed.

02-12-2009, 12:13 AM
who owns HSBC? and any many other major business? Ethnic minorities. if it wernt for them, a lot of things wouldnt be around today.

Not only that but only 3% of the worlds population dont live where they are born (not sure where i heard this though lol)

02-12-2009, 12:14 AM
I just think the Government shouldn't let anyone get away with living off benefits so easily and not even trying to go out and get jobs. Anyone who enters the country should be treated the same, not given extra benefits or whatever.

02-12-2009, 12:17 AM
I agree with the first two. The fact that some people generalise all Asians / Blacks as lazy and "kick them out because they are stealing our benefits" due to a few people is just urgh! They fail to notice the majority who create jobs and actually help the economy. They only seem to notice the bad things. Like someone said to me earlier, its mainly because their lives are probably so crap, they wanna block it out by blaming others, in this case they blame the Ethnic Minority.

I just realised I spelt the thread as Ethic "/. Bad spelling day. Could a moderator please edit it.

02-12-2009, 01:33 AM
Being an ethnic minority doesn't make you an immigrant and vice versa.

02-12-2009, 06:44 AM
I have no problem with them at the moment.

I don't live by them, they don't live by me (:S)

But yeah, as long as they don't start doing something crazy, then I guess I'd be alright with them.

-waiting for a BNP supporter to flame ethnic minorities-

02-12-2009, 08:15 AM
i've got nothing against ethnic minorities. i've got nothing against immigrants as long as they contribute to the country, and not just live off benefits. that being said however, i hate how this country trys to conform to suit other peoples beliefs rather than being firm and holding our own.

02-12-2009, 09:22 AM
Being an ethnic minority doesn't make you an immigrant and vice versa.

No but some people still dislike ethnic minorities (e.g. previous thread).

02-12-2009, 12:06 PM
On my college bus there are about 8 or 9 polish people in total who get on and they're all 16-19, our college only lets them stay for a year and if they've progressed or behaved well enough they're given work experience, their employer doesn't have to offer them a job at the end but if they do I think it's fine, it shows they're capable enough whereas some 'white' people who go to college just mess about and don't actually try hard whereas these polish do and if they don't they have to pay to stay another year which I think is only fair as they're given better opportunitys than us here. I've actually never heard of any complain about the system and yeah they talk english really well, I've always heard people elsewhere say they're really ungrateful but I haven't heard anything like that at all, the only ones we really have a problem with are the Egyptians who own the pizza shop - they were both born here so aren't immigrants, they're just ********s and it's in their nature, they always curse with "white boy" which is just disrespectful but what can ya do

The Polish I know all live in the worst council flats which USED to be full of drug-addicts, I'd much prefer some foreign people were living there than them anyday, the majority of the people who try to get council flats here are people who
a) left school early & are on jobseekers aka can't be arsed to get a job - some people really can't but the majority here are lazy.
b) pregnant teens...
c) junkies (pretty much the first 2 then)

Anyone on any kind of benefits are likely always going to be thought the worse of, it's not a problem where I live I just dislike the way the polish act sometimes and use their race against them when it's really nothing to do with it and they do the same to us, we don't actually discriminate each other it's just picking at stupid things. I know all the areas up here don't have many ethnicity at all, I literally NEVER come across any black people unless I'm in town, I've seen the woman walk about like they own the place & the men, well... I also went to the uni there and they were near enough all foreign, when I asked a few why they'd come here it was because they wanted to work in this specific area not because they wanted better money and lives, there are shortages of doctors, dentists and whatever else here, I'd rather have a foreign person who knew what they were doing than not one at all (for example, there are roughly 6 dentists, that's really not exagerrated, in my town of 3,800 when I last looked, my one got the sack so I have to go to the next town to get one and even then I still don't get to see them often as they're all so busy)

k so far I have no problem with Polish, that Egyptians I met are ***** but I'm sure not every of them are, the germans & russians I met at Uni were fine enough - the uni shop was also ran by 2 Slovakians who put their own money into it and still do their Uni course. They can take our benefits all they want - our 'own people' take money from government whereas ethnic minorities try to get a job even if it's cheap labour :S I always get confused when people on this forum complain that it'd be different if I worked and had to deal with paying taxes for all these benefits, I've never heard my mum (who used to work minimum wage part time) or brothers or anyone else complain about?! It's very likely a lot different in England or busier places in Scotland but just from what I observe it's all fine here...

I have nothing to say about africans/indians (:eusa_ange), let's just say the ones I have met fit the sterotypical view & yeah I'm probably being narrow-minded, I've never met one working ever maybe it's because the government are as racist as me (god knows why I am considering I hardly meet any, it's what you get growing up with a Russian father and Grandmother :rolleyes:) or they really are lazy slobs. If they're the same as Poles and the rest I've met then I'm sure I'd see them working but I don't, I've seen some 'black' woman working mainly offices and there's 2 in one of the opticians in town but I've never seen a black man working unless he's a bouncer which is all they seem to be good for..

also wth at asians being lazy? they have one of the best educations ever, a lot of them only care about education and getting a good job:S .. & saurav I don't think you could say anyone would blame an ethnic minority for anything because their lives are crap, that's stupid reasoning.

02-12-2009, 12:24 PM
saurav I don't think you could say anyone would blame an ethnic minority for anything because their lives are crap, that's stupid reasoning.

Many actually do. I have seen many of these discussions and they say "Why should I share my benefits with them" or "Why should they get our benefits" or "I am trying to get a job and why should a Asian or whatever get a job over me. I should get it before them". So by reading those comments, I think many do because of that. Or they are just plain racists.

02-12-2009, 03:20 PM
& saurav I don't think you could say anyone would blame an ethnic minority for anything because their lives are crap, that's stupid reasoning.

I think what he means is, people blame alot of the current economic problems on the ethnic minorities in this country supposedly 'taking all the jobs' and 'stealing our benefits' because they are in such a bad place themselves. People tend to blame certain situations such as the current economic downturn on something which is infact entierly unrelated.

As for my opinion, I live by the rule that if someone doesn't offend me then I see no reason to pry into their lives or cast assumptions on how they live theirs. I see most days people taking benefits who have absolutely no intentions of changing their situation & as someone who is/was on jobseekers recently it does pain me to think I am being grouped together with these people, infact so much it stopped me from claiming for over a year when I was actively seeking work. Where I live the people doing this are mostly young, uneducated white people who are spending the money they get on drugs, drink and generally anything they don't need. They arent looking for jobs and they have no intentions of it. With this in mind, I don't see how anyone who is British dares to criticise ethnic minorities for coming over here and taking jobs and benefits. People who are white, British and able to work aren't doing and so to me it's a bit two-faced and it stinks of double standards to do so.

02-12-2009, 03:27 PM
India once used to be the richest country in the world and then UK took over so anyone who moans ASIANS STEAL BENEFITS need to shut up and look at the fact that they have robbed so many countries.

02-12-2009, 04:34 PM
India once used to be the richest country in the world and then UK took over so anyone who moans ASIANS STEAL BENEFITS need to shut up and look at the fact that they have robbed so many countries.
er, don't cry over spilt milk :$...

and it annoys me when people moan that foreigners get all the jobs. no you idiot, they're just more willing to work for less money! :eusa_wall

02-12-2009, 07:23 PM
India once used to be the richest country in the world and then UK took over so anyone who moans ASIANS STEAL BENEFITS need to shut up and look at the fact that they have robbed so many countries.
exactly the attitude that makes me dislike different minorities :)

02-12-2009, 07:43 PM
Oh so its ok so if you clean out a country but start crying the second they take a tiny bit of yours? Make full sense to me. My example was showing why UK is so rich in the first place. Yes they were clever by being able to control so many countries, but when people from those countries come and get a job, people start moaning.

er, don't cry over spilt milk :$...

and it annoys me when people moan that foreigners get all the jobs. no you idiot, they're just more willing to work for less money! :eusa_wall

Er no. If they are working legally, there is a thing called minimum wage. Yes some do work for less, but so do some white people?? Also tell me why companies such as Goldman Sachs and Mackenzie in London hire people from different countries? No, not for less money but for more!

I can tell you for a fact, if a different country took over and robbed UK, none of you would be happy.

02-12-2009, 07:59 PM
Er no. If they are working legally, there is a thing called minimum wage. Yes some do work for less, but so do some white people?? Also tell me why companies such as Goldman Sachs and Mackenzie in London hire people from different countries? No, not for less money but for more!

Ignore that part COD, I just woke up. Literally just woke up 20 mins ago.

02-12-2009, 08:45 PM
I live in a city that has a lot of ethnic minority groups. I have nothing against ethnic minorities; so long as the people in them are here legally and are abiding the law and the British ways then that's fine. What I mean by 'abiding British ways' is that they're not trying to change everything... an example is in some schools Christian crosses weren't allowed to be worn... and in Birmingham there was a proposal to change "Christmas" to "Winterval"... Britain is a mainly Christian country so why should this be changed?

I am just patriotic and don't want what this country has had for hundreds of years to be lost. If certain ethnic minorities don't want to follow our 'rules' then they don't have to be here. :S

I hope you respect my views...

02-12-2009, 08:48 PM
I live in a city that has a lot of ethnic minority groups. I have nothing against ethnic minorities; so long as the people in them are here legally and are abiding the law and the British ways then that's fine. What I mean by 'abiding British ways' is that they're not trying to change everything... an example is in some schools Christian crosses weren't allowed to be worn... and in Birmingham there was a proposal to change "Christmas" to "Winterval"... Britain is a mainly Christian country so why should this be changed?

I am just patriotic and don't want what this country has had for hundreds of years to be lost. If certain ethnic minorities don't want to follow our 'rules' then they don't have to be here. :S

I hope you respect my views...

I fully agree with you :) Some good points there.

02-12-2009, 10:03 PM
I live in a city that has a lot of ethnic minority groups. I have nothing against ethnic minorities; so long as the people in them are here legally and are abiding the law and the British ways then that's fine. What I mean by 'abiding British ways' is that they're not trying to change everything... an example is in some schools Christian crosses weren't allowed to be worn... and in Birmingham there was a proposal to change "Christmas" to "Winterval"... Britain is a mainly Christian country so why should this be changed?

I am just patriotic and don't want what this country has had for hundreds of years to be lost. If certain ethnic minorities don't want to follow our 'rules' then they don't have to be here. :S

I hope you respect my views...

I agree with what you've said there, but the examples you've given of things changing are often implemented by busybodies at the local councils. They aren't often implemented as a result of the ethnic minorities themselves complaining so it's hardly their fault that the councils are petrified of insulting other religions.

02-12-2009, 11:54 PM
India once used to be the richest country in the world and then UK took over so anyone who moans ASIANS STEAL BENEFITS need to shut up and look at the fact that they have robbed so many countries.


On the topic itself, I don't mind immigration at all as long its controlled and it works. By this I mean;

Nobody with a criminal record is allowed in the United Kingdom.
Police and Border Forces have complete control over the system.
Nobody whos skills we do not require is allowed in the United Kingdom.
Local communities are prevented from turning into racial ghettos, as that defeats the point of multi-culturalism.
The British peoples opinions are take note of.

02-12-2009, 11:55 PM

On the topic itself, I don't mind immigration at all as long its controlled and it works. By this I mean;

Nobody with a criminal record is allowed in the United Kingdom.
Police and Border Forces have complete control over the system.
Nobody whos skills we do not require is allowed in the United Kingdom.
Local communities are prevented from turning into racial ghettos, as that defeats the point of multi-culturalism.
The British peoples opinions are take note of.

Care to explain which bit is wrong? Because India was the richest country once and UK did invade it? Saying "Wrong" on it's own is a bit pointless :S.

03-12-2009, 12:04 AM
Care to explain which bit is wrong? Because India was the richest country once and UK did invade it? Saying "Wrong" on it's own is a bit pointless :S.

India was not a country, India before British rule was a sub-continent with a few Empires all fighting for control. India was not rich, and neither was Great Qing which was the neighbouring Empire (now China). Asia had not undergone any industrial transformation, and like Africa was backward and closed to the world.

..so why did the British Empire colonise India?

At a time when the two rising world powers (Britain and France) were fighting for land, India was a vast land with many resources. It was clear that the Empires that existed in India and across Asia were near collapse, and that it was only a matter of time before European Nations colonised it. It was basically, us or them. We chose us.

What did the British Raj and British Burma do for Asia?

It opened Asia up to global markets, allowing trade to give the people of Asia hope and to develop. The British also built railways, roads, hospitals, houses, offices and introduced cars and all sorts of other stuff. What is differenet from the British Empire to the Spanish Empire, French Empire and Dutch Empire is the fact that we actually invested back into our colonies, thats why now you see more British monuments/culture surviving in Asia and Africa than any other European country and that is why the British Empire was so successful.

03-12-2009, 12:13 AM
India was not a country, India before British rule was a sub-continent with a few Empires all fighting for control. India was not rich, and neither was Great Qing which was the neighbouring Empire (now China). Asia had not undergone any industrial transformation, and like Africa was backward and closed to the world.

..so why did the British Empire colonise India?

At a time when the two rising world powers (Britain and France) were fighting for land, India was a vast land with many resources. It was clear that the Empires that existed in India and across Asia were near collapse, and that it was only a matter of time before European Nations colonised it. It was basically, us or them. We chose us.

What did the British Raj and British Burma do for Asia?

It opened Asia up to global markets, allowing trade to give the people of Asia hope and to develop. The British also built railways, roads, hospitals, houses, offices and introduced cars and all sorts of other stuff. What is differenet from the British Empire to the Spanish Empire, French Empire and Dutch Empire is the fact that we actually invested back into our colonies, thats why now you see more British monuments/culture surviving in Asia and Africa than any other European country and that is why the British Empire was so successful.

I think you should read this:

03-12-2009, 12:16 AM
I agree with what you've said there, but the examples you've given of things changing are often implemented by busybodies at the local councils. They aren't often implemented as a result of the ethnic minorities themselves complaining so it's hardly their fault that the councils are petrified of insulting other religions.
So true, quite a large majority of minority religions and groups don't want things changed. Two years ago when they brought up this idea of scrapping Christmas and merely calling it Winterval (yuck), or getting rid of seasonal christmas cards, alot of muslims admitted they didn't give a hoot, and are in full support of Christmas because, and I quote for a young muslim part of a group "It teaches people things our religion doesn't" - such as sharing, togetherness and so forth.

The name Christmas isn't widely considered a "Christian" name, people have just gone with the name because it's well-known and a large majority of people went with it. Changing it now would be stupid, like changing the name of a famous UK city or county.

Anyway, I'm not bothered about ethnic minorities, you get bad ones and you get worse ones that supposedly have more "right" in this country. Heck, the NHS is full of ethnic minority doctors who do a very good job, and are just as good as english speaking doctors who are wrinkly and white. Infact, the surgeon I talked to did a better job, he actually described what was wrong with me in full :P

It's a bit sad that, the select few minorities within the minority spoil it for the rest, when you're meant to single out the bad and focus on the good.

03-12-2009, 12:18 AM
So true, quite a large majority of minority religions and groups don't want things changed. Two years ago when they brought up this idea of scrapping Christmas and merely calling it Winterval (yuck), or getting rid of seasonal christmas cards, alot of muslims admitted they didn't give a hoot, and are in full support of Christmas because, and I quote for a young muslim part of a group "It teaches people things our religion doesn't" - such as sharing, togetherness and so forth.

The name Christmas isn't widely considered a "Christian" name, people have just gone with the name because it's well-known and a large majority of people went with it. Changing it now would be stupid, like changing the name of a famous UK city or county.

Anyway, I'm not bothered about ethnic minorities, you get bad ones and you get worse ones that supposedly have more "right" in this country. Heck, the NHS is full of ethnic minority doctors who do a very good job, and are just as good as english speaking doctors who are wrinkly and white. Infact, the surgeon I talked to did a better job, he actually described what was wrong with me in full :P

It's a bit sad that, the select few minorities within the minority spoil it for the rest, when you're meant to single out the bad and focus on the good.

I think that is a very good post.
I don't think any Ethnic Minority should ever try and change the culture here.

03-12-2009, 12:23 AM
I think you should read this:

If you are talking that far back, then yes, you are right. However India was not colonised properly until 1800+ when it was a poor nation compared to the rest of the world. I really do not see your point, just because something was the richest country in the world 800 years before colonisation does not mean it was poor during colonisation. 'India' was poor, otherwise it would of been able to resist imperialism.

03-12-2009, 12:28 AM
If you are talking that far back, then yes, you are right. However India was not colonised properly until 1800+ when it was a poor nation compared to the rest of the world. I really do not see your point, just because something was the richest country in the world 800 years before colonisation does not mean it was poor during colonisation. 'India' was poor, otherwise it would of been able to resist imperialism.

No, I simply linked you to it as you seemed interested in History. :)
But you are right, 800 years is a big difference. Still, I do not think people here should go "They steal benefits" when its a small minority. Actually in my 9 years here, I have only seen 1 asian steal benefits.

03-12-2009, 12:34 AM
No, I simply linked you to it as you seemed interested in History. :)
But you are right, 800 years is a big difference. Still, I do not think people here should go "They steal benefits" when its a small minority. Actually in my 9 years here, I have only seen 1 asian steal benefits.

While benefits are a big problem, crime is more so. We have allowed unlimited numbers of people into this country - you only have to look at the news to see that a lot of the time, when a crime is reported on - it is a ethnic minority who are the offenders. That isn't racist, its just what is wrong with the whole system.

On the British Empire, the left will always try and convince you we were the evil colonisers, but if you look into it, it did so much good and virtually sacraficed itself to defend the free world against the Third Reich.

03-12-2009, 12:38 AM
I actually disagree, when I read the news(papers) every morning, I see more white people being reported.


Out of the 10 most read stories on BBC right now, there are 3 regarding crime and all 3 seem to be reporting white people.

03-12-2009, 12:41 AM
I actually disagree, when I read the new(papers) every morning, I see more white people being reported.


Out of the 10 most read stories on BBC right now, there are 3 regarding crime and all 3 seem to be reporting white people.
Me too interestingly. Infact, all the major crimes lately have been reported as a white caucasian person.

03-12-2009, 08:18 AM
sorry, just noticed your other post. i'll withdraw my post haha :P.

and yeah, nothing against ethnic minorities, as long as they abide by law and obviously get here lawfully.

03-12-2009, 03:44 PM
While benefits are a big problem, crime is more so. We have allowed unlimited numbers of people into this country - you only have to look at the news to see that a lot of the time, when a crime is reported on - it is a ethnic minority who are the offenders. That isn't racist, its just what is wrong with the whole system.

On the British Empire, the left will always try and convince you we were the evil colonisers, but if you look into it, it did so much good and virtually sacraficed itself to defend the free world against the Third Reich.

@the bold bit - yes that might be true, but there are studies which have been done into this which suggest that this is because the police force actually stop more black/asian people than they do caucasians. So bearing that in mind, of course the crime rate for ethnic minorities is going to be higher because they are being stopped more than white people. That is a prejudice within the police force. You could argue that the police often find something to charge these people with too, and this is especially true with young ethnic minorities and young people in general.

03-12-2009, 08:06 PM
@the bold bit - yes that might be true, but there are studies which have been done into this which suggest that this is because the police force actually stop more black/asian people than they do caucasians. So bearing that in mind, of course the crime rate for ethnic minorities is going to be higher because they are being stopped more than white people. That is a prejudice within the police force. You could argue that the police often find something to charge these people with too, and this is especially true with young ethnic minorities and young people in general.

I'm sorry but I do not accept that, maybe they do, but if they do theres a simple reason; they are more likely to be offenders as shown by the population of prison compared to the outside.

03-12-2009, 08:24 PM
I'm sorry but I do not accept that, maybe they do, but if they do theres a simple reason; they are more likely to be offenders as shown by the population of prison compared to the outside.

Obviously there are more of them in prison because more keep getting stopped, it's a never ending circle.. this is one of the things they teach on the A-Level Law course, all about the prejudices which currently exist within the police and i'm sorry but just because you don't accept it doesn't mean its untrue.

03-12-2009, 09:05 PM
Where I live the population seems to be 50% ethnic minorities and 50% whites so I guess when they stop somebody it's just a 50/50 chance (here anyway). Plus, the Leicestershire Police Force has many non-white officers.

If you think my 50% statistics are bullpoo, they're not...

- Ethnicity
(United Kingdom Census 2006 Estimate)[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leicester#cite_note-0) 62.0% White
29.4% S.Asian
4.6% Black
2.6% Mixed
1.5% Chinese and other

For Leicester... that's 06. I imagine it has increased...

03-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Obviously there are more of them in prison because more keep getting stopped, it's a never ending circle.. this is one of the things they teach on the A-Level Law course, all about the prejudices which currently exist within the police and i'm sorry but just because you don't accept it doesn't mean its untrue.

No, in Britain, and especially this country, it takes a lot to get anywhere near a cell door. They are doing something wrong, its not some predjudice as you and the left always claim. This is why people turn totally against the whole idea of multi-culturalism, because its never their fault, its always either our fault or the police's fault, or somebody elses fault.

03-12-2009, 09:44 PM
Do you actually have any statistics from reliable sources to show that the prison consists of majority Ethnic Minority? Until you do, you point is flawed.

03-12-2009, 10:03 PM
It is widely accepted, just look at US prisons aswell. This PC government would never publish something that would backup what i'm claiming, and even if it did; would I believe a word they said? - no.

03-12-2009, 10:11 PM
In all honesty i don't mind any race or ethnic minority. In fact i do talk to lots of different races and really, they are all the same.

However there is one thing that bugs me. Asian/Pakistani/Indian etc. They don't seem to mingle like other races, they all live in the same areas, the build mosques where our churches used to be and the constantly speak in their own langauge. Theres also problesm with some who just don't seem to like whites. Don't get me wrong, alot of them are alright when you talk to them. But i can deffinately see where the judgements come from.

03-12-2009, 10:16 PM
It is widely accepted, just look at US prisons aswell. This PC government would never publish something that would backup what i'm claiming, and even if it did; would I believe a word they said? - no.

We are talking about the UK here. And like I said, the news suggests there are more white criminals then blacks/asians etc.

04-12-2009, 04:28 PM
We are talking about the UK here. And like I said, the news suggests there are more white criminals then blacks/asians etc.

Does it? It suggests that the most high publicity crimes are committed by white people. It does not cover all crimes.

04-12-2009, 04:48 PM
We are talking about the UK here. And like I said, the news suggests there are more white criminals then blacks/asians etc.

As Wig said, especially when it comes to gang warfare it appears to be minorities causing the trouble mostly. Indeed we are talking about the United Kingdom, a country which is very similar to the United States.. just more soft.

04-12-2009, 05:01 PM
Unless you can show me the goverment statistics on how many minorities and how many white people are in jail, your argument is not valid. I can make any statement but its not really valid unless I back it up with evidence which is vital in Debates.
I think those statistics would be available somewhere.
I can simple say "most people in jails in this country are white people" and I can't simply expect you to accept that statement without me providing reliable statistics.

And UK is not similar to USA. UK is 92.1% white (source (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=455)) while America is only 74% (source (http://wapedia.mobi/en/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States)).

04-12-2009, 05:07 PM
The government will not do statistics on crime relating to race because it would make their immigration 'policy' just look like the failure it is, so no I cannot provide statistics on the matter, but i'll say this; sterotypes don't come from nowhere.

On the population, I am not talking about the population of each country - I am talking about prison and the problem that both countries have when it comes to multi-culturalism.

04-12-2009, 08:42 PM
Seeing as you have no proof that the prisons in UK are full of minorities, I am not going continue debating about this point as there is no proof of it.

04-12-2009, 10:05 PM
The government will not do statistics on crime relating to race because it would make their immigration 'policy' just look like the failure it is, so no I cannot provide statistics on the matter, but i'll say this; sterotypes don't come from nowhere.

On the population, I am not talking about the population of each country - I am talking about prison and the problem that both countries have when it comes to multi-culturalism.
So as a summary, you don't have any facts to prove your theories and are just blindly chucking accusations.

Gang warefare is a mixture between ethnic minorities and whatever you want to call Brits (not white people, there's been a mixture for years so the oldest generation of african, indian, asian and so forth are technically considered into the equation). But most of the uncalled for crimes seem to be done by white people - child bashing, wife smacking, drug and people trafficking (big one at the moment) and so forth. Gang warefare, though serious, isn't just between ethnic minorities and is somewhat uncontrollable. Although they do cause alot of problems, the major (and arguably serious) crimes seem to be commited by "white" brits causing trouble for themselves and those around them.

04-12-2009, 10:27 PM
So as a summary, you don't have any facts to prove your theories and are just blindly chucking accusations.

Gang warefare is a mixture between ethnic minorities and whatever you want to call Brits (not white people, there's been a mixture for years so the oldest generation of african, indian, asian and so forth are technically considered into the equation). But most of the uncalled for crimes seem to be done by white people - child bashing, wife smacking, drug and people trafficking (big one at the moment) and so forth. Gang warefare, though serious, isn't just between ethnic minorities and is somewhat uncontrollable. Although they do cause alot of problems, the major (and arguably serious) crimes seem to be commited by "white" brits causing trouble for themselves and those around them.

From what I have seen, that is how I get my opinion. Infact in the states its widely a problem of 'black youths turning to crime/gangs' and I believe the same is happening here, multi-culturalism is not working properly nowadays and as a man on Question Time said yesterday (a muslim) - people are not connecting with eachother, and that is leading to racial ghettos to put it frank.

04-12-2009, 11:46 PM
We are talking about the UK here. And like I said, the news suggests there are more white criminals then blacks/asians etc.
Here is a recent post you made, you did it to show us how high the amount of white people there are in this country and how small the amount of ethnic minorities is.

Before I say anything, please note that no racism is allowed.

Many people dislike having ethnic minorities and many people don't mind them at all. Some think they steal benefits etc while others think they create jobs and help the economy.

What do you think of them and why? Should they be allowed benefits? Do you like them or dislike them? And why?

Below are some figures:



Edited by invincible (Forum Super Moderator): To reiterate the OP's point, racism will not be tolerated and any racists posts made will be dealt with appropriately.
You can't deny that you see a lot of ethnic minorities on the news causing no end of trouble. If you watch crime watch they usually have a wall full of pictures and say "this man did this, this man did that, if you recognise any of them please phone in" I honestly think that in every single crime watch I have seen over 75% of the people on the wall are not white. I think I have seen many more ethnic minorities on the news for doing bad things too. But at the end of the day, according to your statistics 92.1% of the UK population is white. That is a massive percentage so surely you are bound to see more whites committing crime? The truth is far from that, there is only 7.9% of non whites in the country yet we seem to see more of them on the news for crimes, that is unbelievable. Could you imagine the amount of crime if them results were the other way around? 92.1% of non whites in this country? It's not even funny, it's scary.

05-12-2009, 12:18 AM
I see more white people on crime watch and the news ... its scary!
I went to Moss side the other day and man there were so many chav white people it was scary. These two chav white woman got on the bus today in Moss Side, they were both on the phone and didn't stop swearing till they got to the city center.

05-12-2009, 12:34 AM
I see more white people on crime watch and the news ... its scary!
I went to Moss side the other day and man there were so many chav white people it was scary. These two chav white woman got on the bus today in Moss Side, they were both on the phone and didn't stop swearing till they got to the city center.

Ok, "man". Let's not get into stories about race here, come on, your an Indian/Pakistani there are obviously so many stories to tell about ethnic minorities.

You don't seem to have much to say after reading my post, you simply put in an opinion and then some silly story. Maybe you see a different crime watch to me? They are literally all non-white and you cannot deny that. Then on the news too, come on, don't even try denying it lol. Read my post again please, 92.1% of whites yet they are on the news less than ethnic minorities. What does that tell you? :rolleyes:

Edited it, got rid of something that might of been classed as racist.

05-12-2009, 01:00 AM
Ok, "man". Let's not get into stories about race here, come on, your an Indian/Pakistani there are obviously so many stories to tell about ethnic minorities.

You don't seem to have much to say after reading my post, you simply put in an opinion and then some silly story. Maybe you see a different crime watch to me? They are literally all non-white and you cannot deny that. Then on the news too, come on, don't even try denying it lol. Read my post again please, 92.1% of whites yet they are on the news less than ethnic minorities. What does that tell you? :rolleyes:

Edited it, got rid of something that might of been classed as racist.

I think you are the one watching a different crime watch? Maybe the Indian Crime watch? Hence you see more Indians? I dunno because ...
Crime watch always post the pictures of people they are looking for on their website. I just went on their site:
Last three shows:
More white people.

I think your brain only sees Asians/Blacks and then removes all the white people who do bad stuff from the picture.

05-12-2009, 01:01 AM
BBC News:
White man murdered wife.

Did some research, he's a white man.

White man gets punched because he "walked into someone", later dies (the man he walked into was white).

Black dudes killing a black dude (not a white dude, so no potential conflict).

Crimewatch Most Wanted:
The majority are white (one is a British Filipino).

Crimewatch Solved List:
White men conterfeiting. A white man molesting an Indian child, then killing him. White drug smuggler(s).

http://www.runcornandwidnesworld.co.uk/news/4771395.Detectives_make_fresh_appeal_after_man_is_ attacked_with_claw_hammers/
White men attacking a man.

So yeah, not ALL of them are ethnic minorities causing the crimes, quite alot are white men.

Famous ones are the Yorkshire Ripper, and the Soham Murders (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soham_murders).

Besides, I don't see why you're attacking SauravG for "HIS" people, "OUR" people are just as disgusting and cruel if not worse.

EDIT: I like how you went for Crimewatch too Saurav :P

05-12-2009, 01:21 AM
Here is a link the the BBC crimewatch website. Underneath these pictures are many different links to galleries. In a lot of them they have removed faces (which is annoying because I would put money on most of them being ethnic minorities) but nevertheless, out of all those pictures more of them are ethnic minorities than white people. How wrong is that, I thought you said something like 7% of the UK are ethnic minorities? I'm actually amazed to see such a small amount of whites (British whites at least) considering 92% of the UK is white. :eusa_whis

(Here is the Crimewatch I have been watching)

Even if it was a 50/50 split for whites/ethnic minorities committing crime (which it really isn't) don't you understand than there are only 7% ethnic minorities in the UK? 7% committing as much crime as 92% is ridiculous.

05-12-2009, 01:23 AM
You don't seem to have much to say after reading my post, you simply put in an opinion and then some silly story. Maybe you see a different crime watch to me? They are literally all non-white and you cannot deny that. Then on the news too, come on, don't even try denying it lol. Read my post again please, 92.1% of whites yet they are on the news less than ethnic minorities. What does that tell you? :rolleyes:
So you now deny what you said in the bold bit then?

05-12-2009, 01:25 AM
Here is a link the the BBC crimewatch website. Underneath these pictures are many different links to galleries. In a lot of them they have removed faces (which is annoying because I would put money on most of them being ethnic minorities) but nevertheless, out of all those pictures more of them are ethnic minorities than white people. How wrong is that, I thought you said something like 7% of the UK are ethnic minorities? I'm actually amazed to see such a small amount of whites (British whites at least) considering 92% of the UK is white. :eusa_whis


Lovin' how you went through the galleries to find the one which had the majority of asians.

The most recent one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/crimewatch/wanted/2009/11/index.shtml is predominantly white males.

05-12-2009, 01:26 AM
You've also got to take into account that not ALL asians, africans and so forth have recently arrived in the UK. Alot of have probably been here for generations. It would be a bit silly to ignore this fact.

05-12-2009, 01:29 AM
You've also got to take into account that not ALL asians, africans and so forth have recently arrived in the UK. Alot of have probably been here for generations. It would be a bit silly to ignore this fact.

And that a lot of them are actually British.

The idea of the "British Genome" that Nick Griffin and his band of idiots believe in is bullcrap.

07-12-2009, 04:55 PM
We need to face it, in Britain today, there are possibly the same, if not more crimes caused by white than black people because black people have migrated here.

It's just fact.

07-12-2009, 08:12 PM
We need to face it, in Britain today, there are possibly the same, if not more crimes caused by white than black people because black people have migrated here.

It's just fact.

I should hope so that more crimes are committed by white people than black people, as that would mirror the population at large. What we do need to face is the fact that as a result of uncontrolled illegal immigration what can only be described as criminal scum is gaining access to this country and putting enormous strain on this country which is bankrupt.

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