View Full Version : Story Ideas!

12-12-2009, 03:53 PM
basicly i need to do a short story for english so do you have any ideas?

i want it to be based like a sci-fi horror like 2 friends walking home or something along those ideas,

13-12-2009, 05:07 PM
I'll make it short and sweet :).

Friend collapses on way home
he wakes up with red eyes. tells you about a condiiton he's got which can turn him really nasty... other friend takes it as a joke and sleeps at his house.

Murder spree
has to find some kind of medicine
Silent, chase scene
and a Devil like spirit telling red eyed guy that his best friend is a demon hunter or w/e...

basically the plot= Demon kid, best friend, skitzo-frenzia (cant spell it ::p) Split personalitys... that kind of stuff.

13-12-2009, 10:31 PM
I'll make it short and sweet :).

Friend collapses on way home
he wakes up with red eyes. tells you about a condiiton he's got which can turn him really nasty... other friend takes it as a joke and sleeps at his house.

Murder spree
has to find some kind of medicine
Silent, chase scene
and a Devil like spirit telling red eyed guy that his best friend is a demon hunter or w/e...

basically the plot= Demon kid, best friend, skitzo-frenzia (cant spell it ::p) Split personalitys... that kind of stuff.

Thats a really good ideas. I would go with that one.

14-12-2009, 12:30 AM
Two words.

Zombie apocalypse.

It would be very original to just have it happen, right there as two friends were walking home. If you illustrate it well, you can go through how the gears in their heads start turning, and they start scrambling to survive.

Or just slaughter them both, or maybe have one become infected.

Too much Left 4 Dead 2 for me, dangit.

14-12-2009, 10:55 PM
Zombie apocalypse has been done too much, only the best can pull it off without sounding unoriginal, boring and leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

Find something to write about, a good story is usually deeply symbolic. For a sci fi film that criticises a part of today's society look at things like Gattaca (there are several more). Following on from this thought you could write about how the human genome has been perfected and designer babies become the overclass. Look at Asimov's books, symbolic of our society, and it's great sci fi.

You do not have to take that very narrow path, there are so many more things to write about. War (specifically Afghanistan and Iraq) is a very controversial subject right now, you could do a short sci-fi relating to war, with the underlying theme being that war is pointless.

This took me a couple of minutes - give it a bit of thought, other people's ideas will never be as easy to write about as your own.

29-12-2009, 09:12 AM
What did you end up doing?

29-12-2009, 06:56 PM
Althought its not sci-fi,
Vampire hunter, meets vampire, falls in love, then gets killed by another tribe of vamps for tryin to kill them, then the vampire he fell in love with hunts the tribe down. No idea what happens in the story make that up, but I've had that idea for ages.

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