View Full Version : Vbulletin 4.0 GOLD release

17-12-2009, 08:11 PM
If you haven’t yet heard, the vBulletin team plans to release the vBulletin 4.0 Forums and vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite Gold Release on or before Monday, December 21, 2009.

Starting on the date of the Gold release, vBulletin 4.0 Forums and Publishing Suite will become officially supported products. This means that vBulletin 4.0 will be eligible for both ticket support and phone support.

As we work toward the Gold release, our goal is to get the best possible product into the hands of our customers. To do this, we’ve made huge investments in development resources and have been maintaining an extremely rigorous scrub schedule, identifying and fixing bugs at an unprecedented rate.

Since the release of the first vBulletin 4.0 public beta in mid-November, we’ve already released four additional public beta versions of vBulletin 4.0, including the latest release – vBulletin 4.0 Release Candidate 4 – last night. Additionally, we plan to provide an accelerated post-release maintenance schedule in January that will provide additional updates.

Please keep an eye on your e-mailbox over the next week for official word on the availability of vBulletin 4.0 Gold. We’re extremely excited about this huge milestone in vBulletin history, and thank you for your continued support along the way.

--The vBulletin Team

Thats pretty quick to gold tbh.

17-12-2009, 08:38 PM
Been playing with the Release candidates - and it's such an improvement over the betas.

Looking forward to gold.

17-12-2009, 09:39 PM
Woot, now jin will implode after transferring the forum and now being required to upgrade to VB4.0

19-12-2009, 10:57 AM
Can't wait until it's out of RC. I'll then be able to continue with my new project.

19-12-2009, 11:01 AM
Can't wait for gold. January's pretty soon though...

19-12-2009, 02:39 PM
I don't think it's ready for Gold release just yet.

@iApps, the post-release maintenance will be released on january, the actual Gold release will be on or before Monday 21st December.

20-12-2009, 08:40 AM
In other words, today or tomorrow!

20-12-2009, 11:11 AM
I don't think it's ready for Gold release just yet.

@iApps, the post-release maintenance will be released on january, the actual Gold release will be on or before Monday 21st December.

I agree, it does feel like its been rushed out to meet this deadline.

Agnostic Bear
20-12-2009, 11:44 AM
It's not being rushed at all, all they had to do was slightly rejigger the template engine and make a new skin for it and add a new front page, nothing too much!

I love how everyone is just lapping up this crap and it's just a new skin with a few features bolted on and a new forum.php

20-12-2009, 02:11 PM
Shh Jewish Bear before you make us all cry. :P

20-12-2009, 03:29 PM
It's not being rushed at all, all they had to do was slightly rejigger the template engine and make a new skin for it and add a new front page, nothing too much!

I love how everyone is just lapping up this crap and it's just a new skin with a few features bolted on and a new forum.php

So you're suggesting the core hasn't been changed at all?

Agnostic Bear
21-12-2009, 02:19 AM
So you're suggesting the core hasn't been changed at all?

They've added a few lines of code here and there, nothing that I would class as worthy of a major release though.

21-12-2009, 08:34 PM
Released: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?332171-vBulletin-Gold-Release&p=1878307#post1878307

22-12-2009, 08:36 AM
Yay, going to download and install now. First I need to get my hosts' FTP to work.

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