View Full Version : Question: Can I install SHoutcast onto a remote server.

18-12-2009, 11:25 AM
I have paid hosting (Shared) On a server running:

Apache version:2.2.14 (Unix)
PHP version:5.2.9
MySQL version:5.0.85-community
Operating system:Linux

I was wondering If i could install shoutcast onto it from my computer at Home.
This means using Cpanel.

18-12-2009, 03:04 PM
I don't think you can do this through cPanel. It may be possible but I doubt it.

19-12-2009, 09:34 PM
No. I tried it. It takes up to much server resources your account would be suspended. Its against most ToS to run those sort of scripts. You need to install it on to your own server or a VPS.

06-01-2010, 02:53 PM
yeah theres a cPanel plugin for this though I managed to run a shoutcast in a 128MB ram VPS. http://zfast.co.uk/vps-servers go with them and for £5.99 you would be able to run lots of listerers with high(ish) quality. Just make sure you dont uver use your bandwidth lol

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