View Full Version : Got a Wii

23-12-2009, 09:20 AM
Yeah so recently we purchased a Wii. But how do you get a friend code or whatever and get your profile. Rather confusing :( Please help thanks xD

23-12-2009, 09:33 AM
Instead of that, go to wiibrew.org and search "bootmii" install that and get homebrew running!

02-01-2010, 10:39 PM
Hope this isn't a bump but anyway. Go onto the option setting and it will talk about wifi, you need to connect to that. I also feel that it depends what game you are playing as I had to add the mario kart channel before I was able to get my code. So connect the wifi, then go on the game, go on the wifi part if it has one and it should be soemthing like register friend code, and then to add friends go on friend roster and you can add people I think :)

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