View Full Version : Wordpress: How to Install & Using XAMPP Wordpress

25-12-2009, 03:07 AM
Wordpress, in case you're not aware, is a very highly regarded blogging system that takes more of a hold as well in the Content Management System range. Wordpress' ability to install plugins as simple as clicking install and have the system install and upgrade them with a single click and no external programs is unique.

Please note if you don't want a self-hosted blog, Wordpress.com is the place to go. Otherwise, Wordpress.org

But, it's a bit confusing to get grips on.

1. Installing Wordpress

To install wordpress, there's a few simple steps. Visit http://www.wordpress.org and download the latest release (2.9/2.9.1b1 at time of writing). Extract the file.

Now, make a new table in your MySQL Database, called for example, 'blog'. Assign a MySQL user to this. This stage really depends on your blogs backend, but here's the Cpanel way to do it.

Go to your blogs Cpanel, and click 'MySQL Databases'.

Then, simply type in the database name, example 'blog', and you've got a new database.

Then, add a user with full access rights to the database.

You're done for this part. Open up the wp-config-sample.php, and edit in the corresponding details. You'll only need to add the Database name, Username and Password.

Don't panic, because this is PHP, no one can see your MySQL password. When they access the file they'll be greeted with an error message.

Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, and upload to your website.

Type in your website name and click install... and you're done. It was that simple. This is the Wordpress 5-minute-install.


XAMPP is a utility to allow you to run PHP by typing in - aka run PHP off your computer. It's got a pretty easy install.

Wordpress can be done like this. Remember that XAMPP doesn't have CPanel. The details will be root with a blank password on a Mac. If it's different on Windows, please tell me.

Follow the steps above, making sure you move the files into the htdocs XAMPP folder, and type in You're done.

Hope this is of some use.

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