View Full Version : [+REP] What do you like in a vBulletin Skin?!

26-12-2009, 11:23 AM
ForumBuddy.net is asking members of different communities to ask for their opinion. We currently haven't got the best vBulletin skin, however we are going to simply clean the whole forum, which means more professionalism, new and clean vBulletin skin and the graphics are going to be top notch.

We are asking you HabboxForum on what do you like in a vBulletin skin, below are some things which can help you, I prefer if you write in detail because I am willing to purchase a vBulletin skin after looking at your comments.

Light or Dark Skin?!
Fixed or Fluid?!
Simple or Advanced?!
Free or Custom or Pre-made vBulletin Skin?!
What kind of competitions do you like?!
Other (Anything Else)

It would be appreciated if you wrote in detail and give reasons why, put your own suggestions and overall the best reply in this thread will get any colour of VIP.

ForumBuddy.net (http://www.forumbuddy.net)

26-12-2009, 11:31 AM
This'd be better in the forum designing section.

In my opinion, faint whites and light blues with simple gradients and drop shadows is easy on the eye. Plenty of white, though - but dark legible text.

26-12-2009, 12:11 PM
Light - it just looks more welcoming and inviting compared to a dark one which to me connotes something illegal or something seedier.

blue's and greys - nice and calm, blue goes with light colours well and that go well with a light grey. The greys take off the glare of pure white.

fluid - I have a large monitor, I want the website to work with my browser's size not against it.

simple - forum's are for discussion and the content should speak louder than anything else.

custom - shows you've put effort in. If I see a skin thats just been downloaded it shows all you've done is google and find one you like - compared to one you've spent time on that is designed around your own community

don't really enter them tbh.

26-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Doesn't really bother me what colour, its the quality of the forum, for example, one with lots of members, habbox Forum, HFFM Forum. Something that really makes me wanna be involved in a forum is staff actively commenting, instead of excluding the customers. Competitions, I don't really enter these sort of comps, so yes to them only because of the ammount of people who do like them. Something that would really get me into a forum, is gettin free stuff, for example a week of something when you regsiter, for example VIP for a week for free, instead of paying that'd be a way of getting people to pay for donator and stuff, get them involved first. Something thats never got me is websites who boast about being the best, try to stay off that, it really gets on ma nerves.

26-12-2009, 06:52 PM
Thank you all, +REP

26-12-2009, 07:34 PM
What I like to see in a forum is, it has to be a simple skin. Not to much going on, or it looks bad. Light colors are the best, so I dont have to strain my eyes to see it. Graphic wise, its nice to have some clean, custom graphics, so that we know that you are actually trying, and it makes it look professional. I use a mobile for everything and I like the forum to not have loads going on. Event wise I am not sure. I do not really use Habbo, so forum related events would be the best in my opinion.

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