View Full Version : [Bobba] Ludus with the Hotel Alerts

06-01-2010, 07:41 PM
Is it me or Ludus abuses the Hotel Alert system thing? He sends pointless stuff out all the time that doesn't need to be sent. It's like what you'd get on a retro with pointless alerts every 5 minutes.

What do you guys think?

06-01-2010, 07:43 PM
yeah, he's loving his power but then at the end of the day habbos love to see them and he interacts way more than any other staff member of the last 3/4 years

06-01-2010, 07:46 PM
Aha, yeah he does seem to send a lot of them. I guess it's nice that he's actually bothering though and at the end of the day it obviously pays off because as Jake said, a large amount of Habbos love him :P
I'm not quite sure what the little kiss on the end of every message is all about though.

06-01-2010, 08:27 PM
Lol he is only like 20 aint he.

Being hotel manager is still a dream for him.

06-01-2010, 08:40 PM
As much as I love a hotel manager that gets involved, alerts apologising about ginger-ness and notifying us of every little change (trying to get us to part with our money) is rather unnecessary.

Ah well.

06-01-2010, 08:40 PM
If you was in his position, so would you :)

06-01-2010, 08:48 PM
If you was in his position, so would you :)
I wouldn't like to be in his position, thanks. :P

07-01-2010, 12:51 AM
I agree, I remember one that was on in one in the morning. :\/

07-01-2010, 12:56 AM
They should have two types, one for unimportant and one for more important, where users not giving a crap about most stuff can disable the unimportant one but like everyone sees the important ones if you get what i mean, so people who have no interest and close the popup soon as they get it won't be annoyed all the time with it.

07-01-2010, 12:57 AM
Isnt Ludus the youngest gay they've had as the hotel management.

07-01-2010, 12:57 AM
If you was in his position, so would you :)
i'm pretty sure if i had his role, i wouldn't but hey ho.

07-01-2010, 01:01 AM
Crap, i was ment to say 'guy' not 'gay' lol.

07-01-2010, 06:53 AM
Isnt Ludus the youngest gay they've had as the hotel management.

Yeah I think 14 is youngest yet.

I personally hate this guy, he abuses his powers and yes he does send out way to many pointless hotel alerts. Perhaps he does interact with habbos a little more than any other staff, but the way he does it gives you the vibe that he's very unprofessional. What happened to staff that were actually have decent? It feels like non-habbo staff are actually running the hotel since he came onto the scene. My advice to sulake would be to get rid of this complete Muppet, if sulake are in need of someone that bad I think they would be better off hiring a 12 year old from the hotel, because I know for a fact they would run the hotel better than he is.

People love ludus because he's so "e-cool", he's setting a bad example for the younger members. Who gives two flying ***** if he's "e-cool" because I certainly don't. A hotel manager is there to run the poxy hotel not to ******* play it.

I know people will rant up the thread to try to defend him. So feel free to protect to precious "assistant hotel manager" (you never know he might give you free furniture for defending him). I don't care if people hate what I had to say, what ive posted is the truth about this idiot.

Sorry for going slightly off-topic,

07-01-2010, 08:52 AM
Yeah I think 14 is youngest yet.

I personally hate this guy, he abuses his powers and yes he does send out way to many pointless hotel alerts. Perhaps he does interact with habbos a little more than any other staff, but the way he does it gives you the vibe that he's very unprofessional. What happened to staff that were actually have decent? It feels like non-habbo staff are actually running the hotel since he came onto the scene. My advice to sulake would be to get rid of this complete Muppet, if sulake are in need of someone that bad I think they would be better off hiring a 12 year old from the hotel, because I know for a fact they would run the hotel better than he is.

People love ludus because he's so "e-cool", he's setting a bad example for the younger members. Who gives two flying ***** if he's "e-cool" because I certainly don't. A hotel manager is there to run the poxy hotel not to ******* play it.

I know people will rant up the thread to try to defend him. So feel free to protect to precious "assistant hotel manager" (you never know he might give you free furniture for defending him). I don't care if people hate what I had to say, what ive posted is the truth about this idiot.

Sorry for going slightly off-topic,

What the **** Richy :l

I thought I was the only one on this forum that could go on rants about people for that long :D

100% agree with you mate - +Rep!

07-01-2010, 09:02 AM
Yeah I think 14 is youngest yet.

I personally hate this guy, he abuses his powers and yes he does send out way to many pointless hotel alerts. Perhaps he does interact with habbos a little more than any other staff, but the way he does it gives you the vibe that he's very unprofessional. What happened to staff that were actually have decent? It feels like non-habbo staff are actually running the hotel since he came onto the scene. My advice to sulake would be to get rid of this complete Muppet, if sulake are in need of someone that bad I think they would be better off hiring a 12 year old from the hotel, because I know for a fact they would run the hotel better than he is.

People love ludus because he's so "e-cool", he's setting a bad example for the younger members. Who gives two flying ***** if he's "e-cool" because I certainly don't. A hotel manager is there to run the poxy hotel not to ******* play it.

I know people will rant up the thread to try to defend him. So feel free to protect to precious "assistant hotel manager" (you never know he might give you free furniture for defending him). I don't care if people hate what I had to say, what ive posted is the truth about this idiot.

Sorry for going slightly off-topic,

He may well 'abuse his powers' but thousands of habbos love him; you're actually part of a minority, believe it or not!

I don't see why people are so bothered about how he runs a virtual hotel, it's not like it's ACTUALLY going to effect your life.

07-01-2010, 09:49 AM
Ugh that sounds ming. There should be a facebook group called, 'the mini heart-attack you get when a habbo alert pops up and you think you've been permed' (addicts only ;l).

07-01-2010, 10:08 AM
Ugh that sounds ming. There should be a facebook group called, 'the mini heart-attack you get when a habbo alert pops up and you think you've been permed' (addicts only ;l).


07-01-2010, 10:31 AM
no, if anything he's one of the best hotel managers for interacting with habbo's

there is no elitism towards him and newbies which makes it kinda good

07-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Id so lol if he was reading this

07-01-2010, 12:15 PM

Edited by Garion (Assistant Forum Manager): Please do not post pictures of others without their permission.

07-01-2010, 01:52 PM
He does send out alot of alert's ive noticed. But I guess it's better that way to get other habbo's to do something. Instead of going around being complete noob's scamming or annoying people. Most hard working member of staff ive seen that actually tries in my opinion.

07-01-2010, 01:57 PM
I've noticed quite a few alerts from him, and I am hardly ever on Habbo. I am in agreement with the others who say this is a good thing. He's trying hard, and making an effort. Noobs love it (and lets be fair, the majority of habbo are noobs). Carry on I say!

07-01-2010, 02:23 PM
I guarantee 100% he will read this. I'm not a huge fan, hence my perm on Habbo which I won't elaborate on but he's much more suited to his community role than his player support role. I think he was the worst player support member that I remember and banned people on basically rumours, I think I had two perms from him over turned and I made a complaint to which Sulake agreed and he wasn't allowed to handle anything related to my account. He is immature but he's fun - it's what Habbo should be about.

07-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Hi Ludus, make me come back to Habbo!

07-01-2010, 04:42 PM
Thanks for making sure my old account is never unbanned ludus buddy,

07-01-2010, 04:46 PM
Agreed, I left my laptop yesterday for 10 minutes, came back and had atleast 3 extremely pointless alerts. Now when I get them, I don't even read them, just click them off. :rolleyes:

07-01-2010, 04:58 PM
Just seem ludus in the habbo happenings office and, I don't think he sends out stupid alearts I never see the alerts if he does

07-01-2010, 09:53 PM
He's just a modern hotel manager. But because everyone is SO used to rarely seeing or hearing from hotel managers, people seem to believe he is over-using his power as the hotel manager.

It's just a change that everyone has to get used to, in my opinion. :P

08-01-2010, 10:15 AM
If the AHM wasnt active on the hotel, people would complain. You can't please everyone. Noobs love hotel alerts etc, so its good for the hotel.

08-01-2010, 11:17 AM
I say bring back Callie :P

08-01-2010, 01:42 PM
I say bring back Callie :P
I secound that

09-01-2010, 02:41 PM
Yes i agree, and disagree. Because, be honest when you get older Habbo gets boring for most people. He is just trying to have abit of fun. Like his Hallway Tag, but at the end of the day. it does get annoying..

09-01-2010, 02:43 PM
Habbo's only boring because they changed it so much to cater for children. If it was the same as it was around 2003, I'd probably still like it lol.

09-01-2010, 03:33 PM
Aha, yeah he does seem to send a lot of them. I guess it's nice that he's actually bothering though and at the end of the day it obviously pays off because as Jake said, a large amount of Habbos love him :P
I'm not quite sure what the little kiss on the end of every message is all about though.

He likes to kiss.
I think its great, you know im in the room laggin really badly and he sends alerts and then habbo crashes for me.
What more could you want?

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