View Full Version : How can I get my site to show up in google?

10-01-2010, 07:17 AM
My site is www.RBGuides.com, I want my page to show up on google search when I type Sam Broadcaster, I am aware it won't be the first search or maybe not even the first page. When I type sam broadcaster in and go through all the pages it doesn't show up at all (I went to page 50 I'm not going any further lol)

I know some of you will say its the content, its not in my opinion because I have "Sam Broadcaster" keyyed into the content several times.

Any Idea how I can sort this out, also sorry if its the wrong section, I couldn't decided ha.


10-01-2010, 07:22 AM
I think you need to get the site to crawl your website more often. I'm sure i read how to do this a while ago, but have since forgotten. Sorry!

I say this, because when you search "RBGuides" it says the title is just "RBGuides" where on your site it is now "RBGuides - Sam Broadcaster".

(p.s, i could be entirely wrong :$)

10-01-2010, 07:34 AM
I think you need to get the site to crawl your website more often. I'm sure i read how to do this a while ago, but have since forgotten. Sorry!

I say this, because when you search "RBGuides" it says the title is just "RBGuides" where on your site it is now "RBGuides - Sam Broadcaster".

(p.s, i could be entirely wrong :$)

It was currently just "RBGuides" but I recently changed it to "RBGuides - Sam Broadcaster" to see if it would show up on google but it still hasn't.

Cheers anyway blinger,
If I can +rep,

10-01-2010, 07:58 AM
It can take a few days - weeks before Google re-crawls your small-scale website. Even then it may not even get into the first few pages as it's such a small site.

10-01-2010, 08:04 AM
It can take a few days - weeks before Google re-crawls your small-scale website. Even then it may not even get into the first few pages as it's such a small site.

More views = More of a chance of it showing?

10-01-2010, 08:06 AM
Yes, and the older the site the more chance too.

10-01-2010, 08:09 AM
Yes, and the older the site the more chance too.

ok cheers mate, if anyone knows any other ways please post. I don't expect the site to go to number one on the search, My main concern is getting it to show up on any page on google when I search "Sam Broadcaster".

10-01-2010, 10:11 AM
If you use Google Webmasters (http://www.google.co.uk/webmasters/) then it will give you some tools to improve your search ranking and allow their next crawl to be more effective (By adding a bots.txt file).

Also make sure to put as much content into the first 100 Chars of the page as possible, apparently google doesn't index much after that. And make use of keywords and make sure your pages are SEO friendly.

Googles search rankings are also based on the number of sites linking to your site and their ranking also. For example, certain sites like CNN and BBC are thought of as fully trusted zones which is 10, they then link to a site and that site is given for example 1 for each time it is linked to, if it got to 8 then every site linking off it get's 0.8 each time and so on. That isn't entirely accurate and the numbers and fully trusted sites are unlikely to be correct but that is roughly how google does it.

10-01-2010, 11:16 AM
What about Search Engine Optimization (http://www.google.com/webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf)?

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