10-01-2010, 04:44 PM

CVG can confirm that Activision has pencilled in a November release for the seventh Call Of Duty - which will be set in the late 1960s, during the Vietnam War.

Following this week's rumours, a senior UK trade source today told us that the Treyarch-developed title is scheduled to arrive a full 12 months after last year's Modern Warfare 2.

They added that the game would be set during the Vietnam conflict - and takes particular influence from classic movies Apocalypse Now and Platoon.

"It's going to be November again - just as with World At War and Modern Warfare 2," they told CVG.

"Activision believes that it can own Christmas 2010, just as it has in the last two years.

"Development is on course - and Treyarch have been told the game must be ready to hit shelves before the gifting season."

Activision declined to comment when contacted by CVG.


It's 2010, and that means we can all look forward to a brand new Call of Duty game releasing in November. Last year was Infinity Ward's turn, so this year we can all look forward to another uninspired World War II shooter from Treyarch ... OR CAN WE!? According to rumors, Treyarch might actually be growing a set and trying something new(ish) this year -- taking players to Vietnam.

Call of Duty 7 is said to be a very story-driven game, focusing on individual members of a Vietnam platoon. Because this is Treyarch, the game's pacing is rumored to be liberally taken from other people's work, namely war films such as Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. So, it'll basically be every war film we've ever seen.

Of course, this is nothing but rudderless speculation for now, but it seems very likely to me. World War II is old news now, while Vietnam will allow Treyarch to do something new without being too inventive or original, which is pretty much that studio's territory. How do you feel about Call of Duty reflecting upon America's greatest military triumph? Sounds good, or have previous Vietnam games (i.e, Shellshock) turned you off of the idea?

As seen above, it will be a 'very story driven game', a few rumours are zipping around my webspace indicating that Treyarch have been working on this before the days of World at War... and that there's no multiplayer.

I doubt that, multiplayer is what makes COD... COD! But I'm beginning to think that Treyarch have realised they don't need to try and make multiplayer, just leave that to Infinity Ward. Then again, it wasn't their decision to make anyway, and they still get all the blame. Activision keeps pushing this horse in the same old direction - fast paced multiplayer and a shorter story each time, bolt on whatever you can (Spec Ops, Nazi Zombies).

To be totally honest, if Treyarch do a Vietnam Vampire co-op mode and an epic 8 hour+ storyline showing the true brutality of the war, we may have a winner on our hands.

So yeah.... Vietnam.... thoughts?

10-01-2010, 04:52 PM
Sounds great, better than WW2 for ages. Nice that they are going to do something fresh. Doubt there's no multiplayer. More zombies please!

Also I think this is from the same article but anyway:

This news comes as rumors are circulating that Infinity Ward may be passing on the creation of Modern Warfare 3 to another developer in order to focus on creating a Call of Duty MMO. Though currently there has been no confirmation of this news, it seems as though Infinity Ward has been looking to hire MMO developers.

So yeah Infinity Ward are being shoved out, so Treyarch has an open court.

10-01-2010, 04:56 PM
I know i'll love it either way, I preffered waw to cod4, And generally perfer activision and teryarch anyway. There will be multiplayer. No doubt.

10-01-2010, 05:14 PM
Activision have both treyarch and infinity ward. I just want to play MW3s story, couldn't care bout MP.

Anyway as long as it's good and has some actual feeling to it rather then shoot to kill then I'll like it.

10-01-2010, 06:07 PM
It seems as if it will be a different take for the series, so yeah, I might get it, just for the different experiance I'm expecting. However the war was a sham so I dunno. Theonly reason the war started was to stop parts of China doing something and so invaded Vietnam. I dunno. I'm 50/50. I'll wait for a trailer or pics before I make any final judgements. The CoD series deserves a new enhanced game engine anyway. Would be nice if Activision would stop for a second and try and improve than just make ze moneys.

10-01-2010, 06:09 PM
It doesnt take a full 12 months to make a game with no multiplayer :l

Unless its a 40+ Hour gameplay WHICH I HIGHLY DOUBT

Due to it being Call of duty,

10-01-2010, 06:50 PM
Cant imagine the ending being too exciting

10-01-2010, 06:56 PM
Cant imagine the ending being too exciting

It'll be something in slow motion. Whether slitting the throats of innocent villagers or some fictional Viatnemese Hitler. :$

10-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Sounds nonsense to me this thing about multiplayer, I understand it's a rumour but a reputable rumour would atleast hit news sites, there's nothing on this.

Infact I just put "cod7 no multiplayer (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=cod7+no+multiplayer&btnG=Google%20Search&meta=)" into Google and what was the first and only relevant result? This thread!

10-01-2010, 06:59 PM
Sounds nonsense to me this thing about multiplayer, I understand it's a rumour but a reputable rumour would atleast hit news sites, there's nothing on this.

Infact I just put "cod7 no multiplayer (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=cod7+no+multiplayer&btnG=Google%20Search&meta=)" into Google and what was the first and only relevant result? This thread!
We're famous!

10-01-2010, 07:04 PM
I don't really like cod games, COD 6 had crap graphics, COD 5 was just blood, and COD 4 I bought but wasn't allowed for long. But I preffered COD 4 to all the rest.

10-01-2010, 07:07 PM
It'll be something in slow motion. Whether slitting the throats of innocent villagers or some fictional Viatnemese Hitler. :$
Or the Americans running away :eusa_whis

10-01-2010, 07:10 PM
Ending would be nice to have some sort of sentimental value or something.

"And so the war ended and America walked away, ashamed of itself." - narration while you get caught in a napalm blast.

Speaking of which, if there is multiplayer, I can totally see MW2's killstreak thingies fitting it. Air strikes become artillery strike, stealth bomber becomes napalm.

Would be nice to see some real, brutal jungle guerilla warfare, not just some path carved through the woods.

10-01-2010, 07:22 PM
Ending would be nice to have some sort of sentimental value or something.

"And so the war ended and America walked away, ashamed of itself." - narration while you get caught in a napalm blast.

Speaking of which, if there is multiplayer, I can totally see MW2's killstreak thingies fitting it. Air strikes become artillery strike, stealth bomber becomes napalm.

Would be nice to see some real, brutal jungle guerilla warfare, not just some path carved through the woods.

Yeah like instead of a claymore you get a tree trap which whips you up and breaks your spine, thus killing you. Would be epic in search and destory. Although obviously, only suitable, to er... jungle maps.

10-01-2010, 07:31 PM
Well, I think over 70% of Vietnam, back then, was Jungle. Most of the warfare was thought there too, it's why the US lost, the Viet Cong were so used to their homeland, they knew everything.

Also, Nazi Zombies becomes Vietcong Vampires?

10-01-2010, 07:44 PM
Well, I think over 70% of Vietnam, back then, was Jungle. Most of the warfare was thought there too, it's why the US lost, the Viet Cong were so used to their homeland, they knew everything.

Also, Nazi Zombies becomes Vietcong Vampires?

Why vampires? Lol. I have no idea but I guess they will do something like zombies

10-01-2010, 07:46 PM
Vampires are cool.

Unless it's Twilight, although I'd like to get the chance to napalm Robert Pattinson's face.

10-01-2010, 07:56 PM
Yeah, it was all home terrortory for them so they knew how to fight, so hopefully my claymore replacement could make it in there. Not some bouncing betty.

10-01-2010, 09:04 PM
I hate Betties more than I do Claymores, so the tree trap would be nice.

10-01-2010, 10:17 PM
A upgraded IW Engine again, should include everypart of the body to be dismembered not just top of head, arms and legs literally whole chunks of bodies flying everywhere

IDEA!!! Fun Mode - Gun sounds are Pew's, Your all Dressed up in space/diving suits, the guns fire Pies and headshots equal pie on screen effect - Get this to Treyarch

10-01-2010, 10:35 PM
IDEA!!! Fun Mode - Gun sounds are Pew's, Your all Dressed up in space/diving suits, the guns fire Pies and headshots equal pie on screen effect - Get this to Treyarch

In 1960's Vietnam?

10-01-2010, 10:52 PM
Would liven the place up definatley :)

10-01-2010, 11:09 PM
I think it would lose its die-hard, emotion filled story its going to try for though.

11-01-2010, 01:22 AM

Disk 1 - Campaign/co-op
Disk 2 - Multiplayer - 'Zombies' and online multiplayer

Would mean MORE campaign, and MORE online. Epic.

11-01-2010, 07:39 AM

Disk 1 - Campaign/co-op
Disk 2 - Multiplayer - 'Zombies' and online multiplayer

Would mean MORE campaign, and MORE online. Epic.Knowing Activision they'd also charge you double. We're talking about Activision here remember, the people who set the highest RRP for a standard Xbox 360 game with Modern Warfare 2, then released three different special editions. And they then milked the franchise for all it's worth, selling the name to comic book makers, accessory manufacturers etc.

11-01-2010, 10:13 AM
I like the idea of this game being really brutal like the vietnam war was, but i doubt they would as as a call of duty game. I'll probably pick it up if there's a demo and i like it

11-01-2010, 11:07 AM
i want a game with true war tactics, aka working as a team which could do well in a vietnam jungle, crawling through under cover taking out the noobs who's just running around like mad. Mist and everything so you cant see like 20 yards infront of you, it'd be a beast :D

11-01-2010, 11:10 AM
i want a game with true war tactics, aka working as a team which could do well in a vietnam jungle, crawling through under cover taking out the noobs who's just running around like mad. Mist and everything so you cant see like 20 yards infront of you, it'd be a beast :D

isnt that what operation flashpoint is?

11-01-2010, 11:11 AM
isnt that what operation flashpoint is?

i thought that was just epicly huge maps that were a waste of time?

11-01-2010, 11:43 AM
i thought that was just epicly huge maps that were a waste of time?

its meant to be pretty realistic though, havent played it myself

11-01-2010, 11:47 AM
watched a trailer for it, looks like a good story mode, the multiplayer would probaly be as bad as warrock.

11-01-2010, 12:03 PM
If I see anymore God damn zombies in a CoD game I'm gonna fly to America and slap whoever decided that in Treyarch and tell them to stop milking a dry cow.

It was a bad idea the first time, no more freaking zombies, just keep it how it belongs, single player, multiplayer, nothing else, nothing they can possibly do can be original and it would be difficult to squeeze fun out of doing spec-ops like challenges on veteran again.

11-01-2010, 12:16 PM
I don't really like cod games, COD 6 had crap graphics, COD 5 was just blood, and COD 4 I bought but wasn't allowed for long. But I preffered COD 4 to all the rest.

When was CoD 6 released then? There is no CoD 6 kid, it's MODERN WARFARE 2. I know it's the sixth installment but Jesus Christ, it isn't called CoD 6.

Graphics bad? Have you actually played the game in full HD or are you just saying the SD graphics are bad? Obviously it's going to be bad if it isn't HD.

11-01-2010, 12:52 PM
When was CoD 6 released then? There is no CoD 6 kid, it's MODERN WARFARE 2. I know it's the sixth installment but Jesus Christ, it isn't called CoD 6.

Graphics bad? Have you actually played the game in full HD or are you just saying the SD graphics are bad? Obviously it's going to be bad if it isn't HD.

Its cod6.

11-01-2010, 03:32 PM
You do know cod is only 600p native? The images blur and such a far distance too.

11-01-2010, 04:00 PM
When was CoD 6 released then? There is no CoD 6 kid, it's MODERN WARFARE 2. I know it's the sixth installment but Jesus Christ, it isn't called CoD 6.

Graphics bad? Have you actually played the game in full HD or are you just saying the SD graphics are bad? Obviously it's going to be bad if it isn't HD.
If everybody knows which game hes talking about who cares what he calls it. No need to freak out at him.

11-01-2010, 04:53 PM
gutted no multiplayer loool. thatll wreck people up badly.

11-01-2010, 08:29 PM
watched a trailer for it, looks like a good story mode, the multiplayer would probaly be as bad as warrock.

What? There's no pics and everything being brought up at the moment is speculation. Where did you find a trailer?

11-01-2010, 08:38 PM
What? There's no pics and everything being brought up at the moment is speculation. Where did you find a trailer?
We were talking about Operation Flashpoint

11-01-2010, 08:39 PM
When was CoD 6 released then? There is no CoD 6 kid, it's MODERN WARFARE 2. I know it's the sixth installment but Jesus Christ, it isn't called CoD 6.

Well, as Call of Duty 5 is technically COD: WAW and people call it cod5, I think it should be referred to as cod6 if people want to refer to it as that.

I think we should be able to do single player in multiplayer, like missions and that. It's stupid just going round killing people in every COD, just with different guns.

11-01-2010, 11:53 PM
I think all developers should quite simply do a big, campaign on one disk, and multiplayer on another one.

12-01-2010, 05:55 PM
I know i'll love it either way, I preffered waw to cod4, And generally perfer activision and teryarch anyway. There will be multiplayer. No doubt.

You've just taken the words out of my mouth!

12-01-2010, 08:23 PM
I think all developers should quite simply do a big, campaign on one disk, and multiplayer on another one.

Unless the xbox had bluray :P I think what they should do is put most files on the disc but like constant things on download like character stuff.

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