View Full Version : Buying a console

18-01-2010, 06:57 PM
I was thinking of buying a gaming console to upgrade my PS2.

The only problem is that I'm not much of a gamer, so I don't know much about the consoles. I was searching about some of the features for both the Xbox and PS3, and it seems like the PS3 has some really good features, which is why I'm thinking of buying it.

I was also talking to my friend recently, and he told me that it's all about personal preference, since there's some games which are exclusive to PS3 and some exclusive to Xbox.
Personally, I'm not really a big fan of shooter games. I prefer Racing games, along with Fantasy and Adventure sort of games, so I'm wondering if the PS3 or Xbox would be better for me?

I was also reading some of the threads here about peoples opinions on both consoles, but to be honest, I couldn't understand half of what people were talking about, so I decided to make my own thread.

18-01-2010, 07:02 PM
They are both good. I suggest xbox, you will like forza motorsport 3.

18-01-2010, 07:08 PM
I was thinking of buying a gaming console to upgrade my PS2.

The only problem is that I'm not much of a gamer, so I don't know much about the consoles. I was searching about some of the features for both the Xbox and PS3, and it seems like the PS3 has some really good features, which is why I'm thinking of buying it.

I was also talking to my friend recently, and he told me that it's all about personal preference, since there's some games which are exclusive to PS3 and some exclusive to Xbox.
Personally, I'm not really a big fan of shooter games. I prefer Racing games, so I'm wondering if the PS3 or Xbox would be better for me?

I was also reading some of the threads here about peoples opinions on both consoles, but to be honest, I couldn't understand half of what people were talking about, so I decided to make my own thread.

By the sounds of it, you're probably more suited to the PS3. You wont have to worry about batteries for controllers, having to buy a wireless kit if you ever want to go online nor having to buy live.

The PS3 has a good online community, and its free. Wireless is included, as well as a blu ray player.

But of course, its personal preference. Have a look at some games you'd want to buy, and plan to buy, and see if some are only available to one particular console. Another way to judge is how many of your friends has one console, or if youll even play with them

(and yes i do have both consoles)

18-01-2010, 07:09 PM
Most likely more people will say PS3, but i personally prefer Xbox. I find it has a better community and just prefer the console itself, worth paying £40 a year for live in my opinion.

18-01-2010, 07:19 PM
I'm not even going to suggest which is better because like you say it's down to your personal preference.

There really aren't that many exclusives but you can still do some research into what there are just in case there are any titles that you will want. As far as driving games go, I only know of Forza which is only on XBOX and Gran Turismo which is only on PS. I'm not sure how many Forza games there are but GT5 has been expected for some time which will eventually be released on PS3. Other than those, I can't really think of any other exclusives apart from Halo 3 (360) and Little Big Planet (PS3).

If you have any mates who own either of the consoles, I would suggest getting some time to play them for a bit rather than doing what I did which was buy both of them before I had ever really played either. I ended up being disappointed with the PS3 but I'm giving it another chance so like I say, I won't try to insist which console is better.

18-01-2010, 07:55 PM
PS3 racing in addition to sergio: Modnation racers (out soonish) and motorstorm.

You'll probably want a PS3, purely for uncharted 2s adventure and some fantasy, it may have guns but it's not completely based on shooting. Also if you plan on getting Arkham Asylum then the PS3 has the free Joker DLC too.
I don't know if any of these would suit your gaming thing but some PS3 announced exclusives are: Heavy Rain (more of a thriller but lol), God of war III, Modnation racers, GT5, Final Fantasy verses XIII & FFXIV (dunno if RPGs count as fantasy :P) and maybe the Last Guardian would interest you.

I'd say PS3 with the same reasons as kk., no need to pay for internet, a controller battery thing. The online is good being free, which tbh is the main PS3 seller for me.

Also IMO, PS3 has alot more to offer with the bluray and more built in things, also the ability to use a wider range of 3rd party devices meaning you won't have to purchase things specific to the console. Xbox doesn't really have much over the PS3 anymore except some extra online features (like cross-game chat) and generally less problems (I wouldn't say less lag though), but for £40 a year it's not worth it IMO.

18-01-2010, 08:13 PM
Also IMO, PS3 has alot more to offer with the bluray and more built in things, also the ability to use a wider range of 3rd party devices meaning you won't have to purchase things specific to the console. Xbox doesn't really have much over the PS3 anymore except some extra online features (like cross-game chat) and generally less problems (I wouldn't say less lag though), but for £40 a year it's not worth it IMO.

That's one of the reasons I'm considering a PS3 as well because of the blu-ray etc. I'm a bit confused about Xbox Live and PS3 Network though?
I know you can play online with both, but I've been hearing that Xbox Live is a lot better? What does it have that makes it better?

I was also thinking of getting the slim model, but then I read this on another forum:

If you go for a PS3, don't get the slim. I know a lot of people who've been having problems with the slim model.Is it known for having problems with it, because it sounds very good to me and I was thinking of getting it. Has anyone else had any problems with it?

18-01-2010, 08:20 PM
I havn't had problems with it, not one. Well no I had the power cutting out but that was something else not the physical console.

Xbox live is considered "lag free" which it isn't really, some games still have lag but it generally has less problems and downloads are quicker and it has in game chat. However I don't deem that £40 a year worthy. It also has like facebook and twitter but PS3 has some facebook integration and if you wanna go on facebook/twitter you can either go on the PS3s browser, or use your PC.

18-01-2010, 08:22 PM
Is it known for having problems with it, because it sounds very good to me and I was thinking of getting it. Has anyone else had any problems with it?

funny you should mention that lol. Ive not had a single problem with my ps3, the original one. however, my sisters boyfriend brought his round our house and it couldnt seem to connect to our wireless. I had a look at it tonight and it kept freezing up trying to get into settings and stuff. It finally worked i should add, but dont let that put you off buying one.. i mean look how many 360s have RROD'd

18-01-2010, 08:24 PM
Ah I see. Thanks for your help.

I think I'll buy a PS3 - thanks a lot everyone for your help, I'll +rep the people I can.

PS3 racing in addition to sergio: Modnation racers (out soonish) and motorstorm.

You'll probably want a PS3, purely for uncharted 2s adventure and some fantasy, it may have guns but it's not completely based on shooting. Also if you plan on getting Arkham Asylum then the PS3 has the free Joker DLC too.
I don't know if any of these would suit your gaming thing but some PS3 announced exclusives are: Heavy Rain (more of a thriller but lol), God of war III, Modnation racers, GT5, Final Fantasy verses XIII & FFXIV (dunno if RPGs count as fantasy :P) and maybe the Last Guardian would interest you.

This post should also help me decide which games to buy. :P

18-01-2010, 08:28 PM
not to mention 256 multiplayer game, MAG

18-01-2010, 08:28 PM
I made this a while ago, I think it maybe paints a picture of what you're getting


I'd go with a 360 though, has a larger fanbase and generally just a better system. PS3 has its own ups and downs, comes down to preference really.

18-01-2010, 08:29 PM
I made this a while ago, I think it maybe paints a picture of what you're getting


I'd go with a 360 though, has a larger fanbase and generally just a better system. PS3 has its own ups and downs, comes down to preference really.

would help if it wasnt in that horrible purple writing you always used to do :(

18-01-2010, 08:32 PM
Yeah, then I grew up and acted like a real man.

Might repost it for the lulz.

18-01-2010, 08:36 PM
It all depends on finance, PS3 if you can afford it, (games are expensive, quite expensive anyway) but blu-ray player, great graphics, good games, free online. But there's a problem with PS3's that happen around 18-20 months after purchase that Sony don't fix for free (£130!!!). Where as the the ring of death (the red lights) Microsoft fix for free, postage free. Just got mine back :) Microsoft are better at customer service.

18-01-2010, 08:40 PM
It all depends on finance, PS3 if you can afford it, (games are expensive, quite expensive anyway) but blu-ray player, great graphics, good games, free online. But there's a problem with PS3's that happen around 18-20 months after purchase that Sony don't fix for free (£130!!!). Where as the the ring of death (the red lights) Microsoft fix for free, postage free. Just got mine back :) Microsoft are better at customer service.


(games are expensive, quite expensive anyway)

Same price as 360 games, wut wut.

but blu-ray player, great graphics, good games, free online.


But there's a problem with PS3's that happen around 18-20 months after purchase that Sony don't fix for free (£130!!!)

No there isn't, it's your PS3 overheating, gotta take care of your baby.

Where as the the ring of death (the red lights) Microsoft fix for free, postage free. Just got mine back :)

lol rrod

Microsoft are better at customer service.

Not unless you realise you can extend your PS3 warranty by a year for just £20, saving you all that £130.

Just get a 360 anyway man.

18-01-2010, 08:41 PM
It all depends on finance, PS3 if you can afford it, (games are expensive, quite expensive anyway) but blu-ray player, great graphics, good games, free online. But there's a problem with PS3's that happen around 18-20 months after purchase that Sony don't fix for free (£130!!!). Where as the the ring of death (the red lights) Microsoft fix for free, postage free. Just got mine back :) Microsoft are better at customer service.

I've actually found PS3 games for the same price, except in 2 cases where they're cheaper. Also PS3s aren't that much more expensive, well they're equal in US.

18-01-2010, 08:43 PM
not to mention 256 multiplayer game, MAG

No idea what that is. :P

I made this a while ago, I think it maybe paints a picture of what you're getting


I'd go with a 360 though, has a larger fanbase and generally just a better system. PS3 has its own ups and downs, comes down to preference really.

Thanks for that, I'll read it. No idea how much of it I'll really understand though.

It all depends on finance, PS3 if you can afford it, (games are expensive, quite expensive anyway) but blu-ray player, great graphics, good games, free online. But there's a problem with PS3's that happen around 18-20 months after purchase that Sony don't fix for free (£130!!!). Where as the the ring of death (the red lights) Microsoft fix for free, postage free. Just got mine back Microsoft are better at customer service.

Money isn't really much of a problem, since I'm not the one who's going to be paying for it. I've heard that the games for both are really expensive as well. I guess I'll just pick a couple of really good games which will take me a while to complete, which is where this forum comes in. :)

If you have any mates who own either of the consoles, I would suggest getting some time to play them for a bit rather than doing what I did which was buy both of them before I had ever really played either. I ended up being disappointed with the PS3 but I'm giving it another chance so like I say, I won't try to insist which console is better.

I really wish I could try out both consoles to see which ones I like, but none of my friends are really into gaming. So I'm pretty much deciding based on what other people are saying here and on other forums about the consoles.

It sounds like you can play most of the games on both consoles, but the PS3 has better features which I'm quite interested in, so I guess I'll go for that.

18-01-2010, 08:44 PM
I've actually found PS3 games for the same price, except in 2 cases where they're cheaper. Also PS3s aren't that much more expensive, well they're equal in US.


RRP for all multiplatform PS3/360 games are £40, some retailers sold the PS3 version of GTA 4 for £45. Why? Absolutely no point, drove away sales, trying to stupidly draw more attention to the 360 version. Stupid marketing.

18-01-2010, 08:56 PM
MAG is a ps3 exclusive. basically its completely online(?) and its 256 person battle. nuff said lol

18-01-2010, 09:15 PM
Yeah online only, I guess it's a kind of subscription fee like £10 of what you pay :P

19-01-2010, 08:10 AM
Anyway, If you want online for PS3, if you want alright graphics at a price that go down go for xbox, I could carry on all day but no one would win, it depends on what you want in the console.

19-01-2010, 10:26 PM
Essentially it comes down to; if you want a games console, get a 360. If you want all the extras which I see as gimmicks, get a PS3.

19-01-2010, 10:36 PM
Essentially it comes down to; if you want a games console, get a 360. If you want all the extras which I see as gimmicks, get a PS3.

a blu ray player, free internet and included wifi is a gimmick? O_o

20-01-2010, 12:19 AM
BluRay is. It's only common sense not to include wifi because many gamers prefer to use a wired connection so it means the product can be distributed with a lower price tag. I think it's pretty clear that most people seem to think XBL is better than PSN (at least those of us who have used both).

20-01-2010, 12:57 AM
BluRay is. It's only common sense not to include wifi because many gamers prefer to use a wired connection so it means the product can be distributed with a lower price tag. I think it's pretty clear that most people seem to think XBL is better than PSN (at least those of us who have used both).

I cant use a wired connection as my room is upstairs, and the router is downstairs. I dont know of many people who could use wired due to the same reason. Most homes are now wireless enabled so theres no way more people prefer it. Maybe if you live in a flat, it would be alright. Ok its more stable so hardcore gamers use it, but i bet the majority have games consoles upstairs, and routers down.

And i think they are both the same to be quite honest. ok, XBL has cross game chat, but the lag is about the same to be honest. and i do have both, just for the record..

also, blu ray will more than likely be the future of tv, i fail to see how its a gimmick

20-01-2010, 01:02 AM
I don't care what you say, wired connections provide better performance than wireless. If you want wireless then just buy the adapter.

BluRay is a gimmick if you're just buying a games console.

20-01-2010, 01:08 AM
I don't care what you say, wired connections provide better performance than wireless. If you want wireless then just buy the adapter.

BluRay is a gimmick if you're just buying a games console.

Ok its more stable so hardcore gamers use it

the adapter pushes the price of the 360 up. People chose and still do choose the 360 because its cheaper in price, but it all soon adds up

And if youre going to buy a console for gaming, you may as well get the future of DVD with it for no real extra added cost

20-01-2010, 01:23 AM
It's the very fact that wifi isn't included that helps make the 360 cheaper :S. The whole point of a 360 is to be JUST games console for those of us who just want to play games. That is why it doesn't need things like Blu-ray. You might say you may as well get it, but people who just want to play games, don't want all these little extras that just increase the price.

Besides, even if Blu-ray is the future, DVDs are doing a great job for now and I don't see why they won't be doing the same in years to come. If you think Blu-ray is the next big thing, then congratulations to Sony for making you think that.

20-01-2010, 01:32 AM

Ka-ping idk if that was any help or not but it shows you pretty much what you save by buying a ps3.

Ive had both consoles i had 3 ps3's which all broke and im not on my 4th xbox which broke also, the only reason i prefered the ps3 was because i have more friends who own one than people who own xbox's :rolleyes:

20-01-2010, 01:36 AM
It's the very fact that wifi isn't included that helps make the 360 cheaper :S. The whole point of a 360 is to be JUST games console for those of us who just want to play games. That is why it doesn't need things like Blu-ray. You might say you may as well get it, but people who just want to play games, don't want all these little extras that just increase the price.

Besides, even if Blu-ray is the future, DVDs are doing a great job for now and I don't see why they won't be doing the same in years to come. If you think Blu-ray is the next big thing, then congratulations to Sony for making you think that.

Thats also my point. The 360 has missed out a key component in modern gaming which is wireless. The price of the 360 (elite) is £190. then you'd have to buy a wireless adapter, £50. Then the price of live, £35. Along with the play and charge kit, £15. thats £290. The PS3 costs £250. So even if you didnt want to play online, or didnt want wireless (which is doubtful since considering hes only just thinking of upgrading from the ps2 i doubt hes a hardcore gamer and would want wired), it would be the same price as the ps3. (prices from play.com btw)

Im sorry but if Hi Definition isnt the next big thing, then ive been fooled. But if you look around, HD tvs, HD broadcasting, HD gaming. The only thing stopping me from buying blu rays is the price, and once they come down, it will pick up in sales.

EDIT: damn u xuzii ;l I did all that research as well

20-01-2010, 02:00 AM
EDIT: damn u xuzii ;l I did all that research as well

Sorry :eusa_danc

20-01-2010, 05:58 PM
Sorry :eusa_danc

haha, at least mines up to date and in pounds ;D

20-01-2010, 06:53 PM
... Ka-ping idk if that was any help or not but it shows you pretty much what you save by buying a ps3. ...

I don't know about Slims. The PS3 I'm comparing to cost me 300 pounds (not dollars).

Thats also my point. The 360 has missed out a key component in modern gaming which is wireless. The price of the 360 (elite) is £190. then you'd have to buy a wireless adapter, £50. Then the price of live, £35. Along with the play and charge kit, £15. thats £290. The PS3 costs £250. So even if you didnt want to play online, or didnt want wireless (which is doubtful since considering hes only just thinking of upgrading from the ps2 i doubt hes a hardcore gamer and would want wired), it would be the same price as the ps3. (prices from play.com btw)

Im sorry but if Hi Definition isnt the next big thing, then ive been fooled. But if you look around, HD tvs, HD broadcasting, HD gaming. The only thing stopping me from buying blu rays is the price, and once they come down, it will pick up in sales.

EDIT: damn u xuzii ;l I did all that research as well

Like I said, it's not missed out by accident. As it isn't necessarily an essential feature, it was left out to make the product more affordable for the customer. Besides, if you're going to complain about missing features, it is completely unacceptable for the PS3 to not have backwards compatibility. Sony left this out to reduce costs on their part, which in my opinion does not justify including the likes of Blu-ray. Likewise, the play and charge kit isn't essential. There are cheaper alternatives such as rechargeable batteries so it wouldn't be necessary to create an additional cost.

Dunno why you're goin on about HD, never said anything about that but at the end of the day, Blu-ray would be a nice extra, if that's what it was. But in actual fact, it's a substitute for other features which you would assume would be included.

20-01-2010, 07:41 PM
Yes but not all xbox games work on there so if you think about it they both have like 50% backwards compatability. Also totally contradicting you here, it was left out to make the product more affordable and considering sony had millions of sales for the ps2 and being it's more recent then the PS1, chances are people will still have it. Also Sony would want to support bluray more then the PS2 (and the fact it would pretty much be a new console if they removed the bluray).

"Dunno why you're goin on about HD, never said anything about that but at the end of the day, Blu-ray would be a nice extra, if that's what it was. But in actual fact, it's a substitute for other features which you would assume would be included."
A substitute for other features that would be included? ...

20-01-2010, 07:53 PM
WiFi is necessary. I prefer that over cables any day. The performance is still pretty good, imo.
Blu Ray is much better then DVD or HD-DVD. HD-DVD is a dead format, it lost the "format war". And DVD just looks crap if you compare it to Blu Ray, it just looks, small?

And I like how the PS3 upscales the media you play (videos etc). And how you can record TV with it using PlayTV.

20-01-2010, 07:55 PM
get what your friends have

20-01-2010, 09:52 PM
I have both and the only reason I play my xbox more is because it's in my room.
The ps3 is better for gaming and for blu rays and the wireless is free (:

20-01-2010, 11:52 PM
Yes but not all xbox games work on there so if you think about it they both have like 50% backwards compatability. Also totally contradicting you here, it was left out to make the product more affordable and considering sony had millions of sales for the ps2 and being it's more recent then the PS1, chances are people will still have it. Also Sony would want to support bluray more then the PS2 (and the fact it would pretty much be a new console if they removed the bluray).

"Dunno why you're goin on about HD, never said anything about that but at the end of the day, Blu-ray would be a nice extra, if that's what it was. But in actual fact, it's a substitute for other features which you would assume would be included."
A substitute for other features that would be included? ...

How is the PS3 even 50% backwards compatible? :S It wasn't a case of making it more affordable, it was a case of making it actually affordable at all. As it was, the £300 price tag meant they were already making a loss on each console. What I meant about substitutes, is that while Blu-ray looks like an "extra", it is just another cost which was favoured over others such as backwards compatibility. I would consider it more of an actual extra if other features didn't have to be sacrificed for the console to maintain a price that people will actually be willing to pay.

I know the PS2 was very successful, but incorporating Blu-ray into a games console so that you don't need a separate Blu-ray player, kind of contradicts the philosophy of making do with two separate games consoles for essentially the same games (Sony). Anyway, a new console is what it is supposed to be so don't know what you mean by that.

20-01-2010, 11:58 PM
It's marketed as a media center I thought?

21-01-2010, 12:01 AM
haha, at least mines up to date and in pounds ;D

I hope shes secretly from america :(

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