View Full Version : Free transport to under 18's
18-01-2010, 10:46 PM
Do you agree that all under 18's should be given free transport by bus/taxi/train service.
With the uprising of crime and knife crime do you agree that under 18's should be given a safe way of getting from A to B.
This would reduce knife crime so saving the NHS alot of money.
Whats your views?
18-01-2010, 10:51 PM
NHS may save alot of money, but what about the transport companies?
18-01-2010, 10:52 PM
I personally have doubts it would make any difference on knife crime at all to be fair. These people will just hang around bus stops and train stations, like they already do.
Free taxis are a definite no, free trains would be amazing beyond belief however it's a little unrealistic and free buses fair enough.
I do think though if there was free train/bus travel, it might get a few more people into public transport and then later in life they may rely on it rather than a car. If the government are serious about getting people out their cars it's the right thing to do, get people to experience it for free, if they like it they'll stay on it.
Considering the economic climate I therefore conclude it's not a good move to make right now, however heavy discounts for buses and trains for students should continue.
18-01-2010, 10:52 PM
NHS could give the transport sector money.
18-01-2010, 10:54 PM
NHS could give the transport sector money.
Then it's no different.
18-01-2010, 10:55 PM
NHS could give the transport sector money.Possibly but bare in the transport sector is mostly private. All train operating companies are private (Except the East Coast Mainline where National Express gave it back to the government) and a large number of bus companies are privately operated too. It's not like the government runs the transport system anymore.
18-01-2010, 11:00 PM
Imo it wouldnt affect knife crime. You still get idiots who mug each other and even more idiots who carry a knife with them for "protection" Giving people free transport wont stop mugging or people carrying knifes it will only increase where people get mugged as they will have access to anywhere in the country.
18-01-2010, 11:06 PM
NHS could give the transport sector money.
Yeah because the NHS has so much money to give away.
Frankly I can't see this ever being something that's taken up seriously or even suggested in the real world, because it would come with mammoth costs, would likely always be too busy to be of any real use unless more buses and trains were introduced (which would again cost lots of money) and would also promote the idea that walking anywhere is pointless - something I know for a fact the government have been campaigning against for years.
As for knife crime, I hardly think it would save enough money for a day's worth of free transport in my town even, let alone nationally as an on-going scheme. Unless you were somehow serious about making taxis free (which is laughable), people would not be getting straight to their destinations and so there would still be plenty of places for knife crime to occur.
That's not even taking into account the fact that most knife crime happens outside of bus and train operating hours.
18-01-2010, 11:28 PM
No, you pay your own way and the state shouldn't pay you. Kids already get £30 a week from doing nothing, and thats more than enough for transport. If not, then you do what your parents and grandparents did and get a job. If people are struggling then ideally taxes should be lowered. Its all very simple but goes in one ear and out the other with our politicians. All people seem to think about these days is 'memememememe' and all that matters is that they get everything free for nothing, wrong.
19-01-2010, 06:14 AM
How would it stop knife crime? A lot of knife crime occurs on buses.
19-01-2010, 07:38 AM
No, you pay your own way and the state shouldn't pay you. Kids already get £30 a week from doing nothing, and thats more than enough for transport. If not, then you do what your parents and grandparents did and get a job. If people are struggling then ideally taxes should be lowered. Its all very simple but goes in one ear and out the other with our politicians. All people seem to think about these days is 'memememememe' and all that matters is that they get everything free for nothing, wrong.
Just to point out that not all kids get £30 a week, the people who work the hardest may not even get any money out of it at all. It would be nice for the kids price up to the age of 18 on buses but I hardly think it would stop any knife crime at all. Not bothered really as I only seem to use public transport to and from college and I have pass for it to be the kids price anyway.
19-01-2010, 07:45 AM
I know loads of people who get EMA and do **** all, yet I get nothing for actually working because my parents earn too much >_>
19-01-2010, 07:48 AM
Transport companies have to get their money from somewhere.. in my opinion, there's only under Under 18's who use buses regularly.
Adults have cars and old people get the free bus pass; which leaves Under 18's to pay. Seems fair enough to me.
19-01-2010, 01:17 PM
Yeh I dont think it would stop knife crime that much.
Also there are quite a few deals out there for those under 18's in education and thos who are not are usually the ones that are causing the knife crime.
19-01-2010, 01:40 PM
If people are struggling then ideally taxes should be lowered. Its all very simple but goes in one ear and out the other with our politicians.
Most taxi drivers are self employed and they are renting their car to you for that journey so why should they lower their prices? If you dont want to pay that much for a taxi, you get on the bus, if you dont like the bus, you've no alternative.
I dont like the idea and I couldn't see it ever happning. There are many people who dont like the fact that pensioners get bus passes so this wouldnt work at all.
19-01-2010, 06:49 PM
Just to point out that not all kids get £30 a week, the people who work the hardest may not even get any money out of it at all. It would be nice for the kids price up to the age of 18 on buses but I hardly think it would stop any knife crime at all. Not bothered really as I only seem to use public transport to and from college and I have pass for it to be the kids price anyway.
Of course they dont, because if your wage is over a certain amount you can not get EMA and why would you need it anyway if your parents are working? - The thing I don't agree on is children being charged adult fairs, children start at 18 not 16. If a teenager wants money they should either save up (as I have), work for money from their parents or do the proper thing and get a part-time job - not rely on the state.
Most taxi drivers are self employed and they are renting their car to you for that journey so why should they lower their prices? If you dont want to pay that much for a taxi, you get on the bus, if you dont like the bus, you've no alternative.
I dont like the idea and I couldn't see it ever happning. There are many people who dont like the fact that pensioners get bus passes so this wouldnt work at all.
I don't mean that. If we had lower taxes in general people would have more money to spend on what they wanted, such as transport. This would remove the need for schemes such as EMA which must cost millions in red tape and most of which gets wasted anyway.
19-01-2010, 07:05 PM
*stops taxi* giz a lift round the corner *gets out* *stops taxi again* giz a lift down the road *gets out* *stops taxi again* giz a lift home
Basically it would just be abused and wouldn't work.
19-01-2010, 07:15 PM
Of course they dont, because if your wage is over a certain amount you can not get EMA and why would you need it anyway if your parents are working? - The thing I don't agree on is children being charged adult fairs, children start at 18 not 16. If a teenager wants money they should either save up (as I have), work for money from their parents or do the proper thing and get a part-time job - not rely on the state.
I don't mean that. If we had lower taxes in general people would have more money to spend on what they wanted, such as transport. This would remove the need for schemes such as EMA which must cost millions in red tape and most of which gets wasted anyway.
Parents who work may not earn enough with all of the bills and any debt to pay off. So maybe EMA would help in them situations surely? I agree that 18 should be the age for adult prices on public transport to be honest. I also feel that EMA needs to be changed but oh well. :(
19-01-2010, 07:16 PM
*stops taxi* giz a lift round the corner *gets out* *stops taxi again* giz a lift down the road *gets out* *stops taxi again* giz a lift home
Basically it would just be abused and wouldn't work.
taxi's are 'private hire' ie, not public transport.
I think it should be free for those going to school, but on weekends not so much. What are people's return bus fares into what they'd call their major town?
Mine's £3 all day or £30/month, on one operator or £3.40 on all buses/trams/trains.
taxi's are 'private hire' ie, not public transport.
I think it should be free for those going to school, but on weekends not so much. What are people's return bus fares into what they'd call their major town?
Mine's £3 all day or £30/month, on one operator or £3.40 on all buses/trams/trains.
erm on stagecoach which is the biggest bus operator round here i think it's 3.95 for an all day ticket or a tenner a week. it's 2.10 for a single to middlesbrough i think...
19-01-2010, 07:52 PM
I don't think this would be viable at all. The majority of those that need help with transport do get it through their EMA and for those who don't then it is deemed that their parents earn enough to be able to subsidise them. If a person is that needy they will at least attempt to get a job (although this is not easy right now at all). It wouldn't help knife crime or anything like that though as others have said because then the idiots would just hang around the bus stops and train stations making it a very dangerous place to go for all ages, specifically the elderly who are likely to be very intimidated by large groups of under 18s.
19-01-2010, 08:24 PM
Aren't the tories bringing this into action if they get into power?
*I haven't read page 2 so sorry if someone has brought it up*
But I disagree totally and I think the system where I live works, if you live 3 miles+ away you get free bus travel to school, and that's it.
Otherwise we'll have to make up the money in other areas which will be shown by cutting spending in a particular region.
20-01-2010, 12:04 PM
How do you prove you are under 18? An ID card or school / college ID card? - in which case theres a problem as not all schools and colleges issue ID cards.
In Manchester, during the morning, so many busses are full of students. Why would the goverment even want to make it free when they get so much money from it? They need the money - especially as the cost of petrol is so high right now.
Too many problems with this, so I doubt it will happen.
What the goverment should be doing is getting the kids to ride bikes to schools / colleges instead. Its healthier and better for the environment.
20-01-2010, 01:54 PM
Not free, but heavily discounted. The 16-25 railcard for example, should be lowered to 14-25 or for people who go to school on the train regularly, maybe more discounted. If it was free then nobody would cycle or drive themselves, which in a way is a good thing, but then that will impact on the transport service which is already pretty stressed on funding as it is (what with National Express East Coast becoming government owned).
I don't see the benefit in free at all.
20-01-2010, 05:05 PM
Parents who work may not earn enough with all of the bills and any debt to pay off. So maybe EMA would help in them situations surely? I agree that 18 should be the age for adult prices on public transport to be honest. I also feel that EMA needs to be changed but oh well. :(
If we had lower taxes then we wouldn't need EMA or any other type of benefits which keep the jobsworths busy and cost the taxpayer even more in red tape-costs.
20-01-2010, 05:10 PM
If we had lower taxes then we wouldn't need EMA or any other type of benefits which keep the jobsworths busy and cost the taxpayer even more in red tape-costs.
If you lower taxes, everyones benefiting. The aim of EMA is to help students only.
20-01-2010, 05:14 PM
If you lower taxes, everyones benefiting. The aim of EMA is to help students only.
You are right, the British people shouldn't be allowed to benefit themselves with their own hard earned cash. EMA isn't spent by students on books, transport are so on because its spent on; booze, clothes and a lot of other non-educational related things.
If teenagers want money, either save or get a job and don't expect to rely on the government to pay your way in life.
20-01-2010, 05:17 PM
You are right, the British people shouldn't be allowed to benefit themselves with their own hard earned cash. EMA isn't spent by students on books, transport are so on because its spent on; booze, clothes and a lot of other non-educational related things.
If teenagers want money, either save or get a job and don't expect to rely on the government to pay your way in life.
do you donate your ema to charity?
20-01-2010, 05:21 PM
do you donate your ema to charity?
No I don't, i've saved it up and don't mind getting it - but if they wanted to scrap it tommorow i'd fully support it. What charity has to do with this is beyond me.
20-01-2010, 05:25 PM
No I don't, i've saved it up and don't mind getting it - but if they wanted to scrap it tommorow i'd fully support it. What charity has to do with this is beyond me.
so you fit into the category you've just posted. you haven't spent it on anything educational. if you felt so bad about it, why did you even apply?
20-01-2010, 05:29 PM
so you fit into the category you've just posted. you haven't spent it on anything educational. if you felt so bad about it, why did you even apply?
Of course I do, i'm getting money that is no use to me and that I have done nothing to deserve. I applied because my Dad has paid his taxes all his life and i'm entitled to this money just as others in my school and across the country are, and even if I didn't wish to apply, my parents would of on my behalf anyway. It should be scrapped and hopefully if the Conservatives gain office, it will be. It is a total waste of money and everybody knows it.
20-01-2010, 06:14 PM
If teenagers want money, either save or get a job and don't expect to rely on the government to pay your way in life.
Save what if they have no money to begin with?
20-01-2010, 06:19 PM
Save what if they have no money to begin with?
They get off their backsides then and go out and get a job.
20-01-2010, 06:25 PM
Free buses wouldnt be bad at all but it won't happen. I would however like them to stop raising the prices.
Also, anybody saying 'get off your backside and get a job if you want money' needs to realise its not that easy.
theres very few jobs going at the moment, especially for teenagers, and even less that have the hours a typical teenager would be able to work, i.e evenings and weekends.
20-01-2010, 06:28 PM
I don't understand how it will stop crime.. but anyways no everyone should have to pay equally. I also find it unfair how pensioners get on the bus for free. Age shouldn't matter and everyone should be treated equally.
20-01-2010, 07:34 PM
Of course I do, i'm getting money that is no use to me and that I have done nothing to deserve. I applied because my Dad has paid his taxes all his life and i'm entitled to this money just as others in my school and across the country are, and even if I didn't wish to apply, my parents would of on my behalf anyway. It should be scrapped and hopefully if the Conservatives gain office, it will be. It is a total waste of money and everybody knows it.
well the person receiving it has to apply for it because you have to sign a contract. my dad's paid masses in taxes all his life, and even if he was made redundant i still wouldn't get EMA so yeah. seeing as you think it's a waste of money, perhaps you should donate it to a children's hospital or another charity to help people who really need it! especially as you seem to have enough money to be able to save it...
you really shouldn't criticize people or groups of people when you're as guilty as them for the 'moral crimes' they've committed.
20-01-2010, 07:43 PM
well the person receiving it has to apply for it because you have to sign a contract. my dad's paid masses in taxes all his life, and even if he was made redundant i still wouldn't get EMA so yeah. seeing as you think it's a waste of money, perhaps you should donate it to a children's hospital or another charity to help people who really need it! especially as you seem to have enough money to be able to save it...
you really shouldn't criticize people or groups of people when you're as guilty as them for the 'moral crimes' they've committed.
On the start bit, maybe I should - but then again it isn't me who tells everybody to give away their money. They aren't moral crimes, people are not going to turn away the money are they? - as I said earlier, I want it to be scrapped. I don't use it because I save up, and the EMA is going towards that. If the EMA ends, it ends. It is a total waste of money and everybody knows it, it ends up getting spent on booze and clothes for most people.
20-01-2010, 07:53 PM
On the start bit, maybe I should - but then again it isn't me who tells everybody to give away their money. They aren't moral crimes, people are not going to turn away the money are they? - as I said earlier, I want it to be scrapped. I don't use it because I save up, and the EMA is going towards that. If the EMA ends, it ends. It is a total waste of money and everybody knows it, it ends up getting spent on booze and clothes for most people.
No.. it actually keeps alot of people in education. I mean, if you want to encourage people to drop out and aim for a simple factory job, fair enough.
Obviously theres people against it, most of which don't get EMA themselves, but it does keep people in education and everybody knows it, it pays for travel, trips, and other things, and obviously is spent at weekends as well. It's only supposed to be an encouragement to attend college and do well.
20-01-2010, 08:34 PM
No, you're only saying this because you're under 18 yourself. Why should we get priorties of everyone else/
20-01-2010, 10:32 PM
No they shouldn't be given free transport.. Bus fair is hardly expensive.
21-01-2010, 01:35 AM
They get off their backsides then and go out and get a job.
I forgot getting a job (especially right now) was very easy. :rolleyes:
Yeah EMA does get wasted, but many do use it for good things and its unfair to take it away from some who use it for the good because some morons use it on alcohol every time.
Besides many do use it for travelling. Busses in Manchester are no longer as cheap as they used to be so its a benefit for students there.
Not only that, EMA is a incentive for students to attend college. I don't see why people should be paid money to get free education but meh, their loss for not using it. In countries where you have to pay for education, thats where they realise how important education is. Here its free, so no one seems to give a crap. :rolleyes:
21-01-2010, 04:43 PM
No.. it actually keeps alot of people in education. I mean, if you want to encourage people to drop out and aim for a simple factory job, fair enough.
Obviously theres people against it, most of which don't get EMA themselves, but it does keep people in education and everybody knows it, it pays for travel, trips, and other things, and obviously is spent at weekends as well. It's only supposed to be an encouragement to attend college and do well.
So EMA comes before education? - does this country have any hope in hell if people are putting £30 a week ahead of education and bettering themselves?
I forgot getting a job (especially right now) was very easy. :rolleyes:
Yeah EMA does get wasted, but many do use it for good things and its unfair to take it away from some who use it for the good because some morons use it on alcohol every time.
Besides many do use it for travelling. Busses in Manchester are no longer as cheap as they used to be so its a benefit for students there.
Not only that, EMA is a incentive for students to attend college. I don't see why people should be paid money to get free education but meh, their loss for not using it. In countries where you have to pay for education, thats where they realise how important education is. Here its free, so no one seems to give a crap. :rolleyes:
You can get a job, no you can't walk into one but you can get shop jobs pretty easily although it can depend on where you live;- thats life, sometimes theres job shortages and sometimes theres not. It is not up to the state to fund people. On the last bit, as I said before; if people are seriously putting EMA before education then we have no hope.
That is a trait from the welfare state we have, people don't care if they can't do better for themselves because 'the government will look after me'.
No, you pay your own way and the state shouldn't pay you. Kids already get £30 a week from doing nothing, and thats more than enough for transport. If not, then you do what your parents and grandparents did and get a job. If people are struggling then ideally taxes should be lowered. Its all very simple but goes in one ear and out the other with our politicians. All people seem to think about these days is 'memememememe' and all that matters is that they get everything free for nothing, wrong.
Kids under 16 can't get EMA or a job.
So they should walk?
21-01-2010, 05:43 PM
Kids under 16 can't get EMA or a job.
So they should walk?
So now you are proposing kids under 16 now also get EMA? - I don't see your point at all.
EDIT: Oh I see, yeah well you know none of it makes sense at all. EMA also puts people off trying to get a job because they think 'well why bother because I get my £30 a week anyway for doing nothing.
21-01-2010, 06:53 PM
So now you are proposing kids under 16 now also get EMA? - I don't see your point at all.
EDIT: Oh I see, yeah well you know none of it makes sense at all. EMA also puts people off trying to get a job because they think 'well why bother because I get my £30 a week anyway for doing nothing.
Actually that is very untrue. I knew people when I was at college who got an amount of EMA and also worked. It's very unfair what you're doing here, you're tarring everyone with the same brush.. not everyone spends their EMA on booze and clothes, and not everyone who gets EMA simply goes to college in order to get it. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with people spending a part of their EMA on clothes because you do actually have to have clothes to wear to college you know. And I actually know of a person who was literally living on the streets and he attended college to learn and because he needed that EMA payment to live on. So before you start saying how it's not the governments purpose to provide this money, for these sorts of people yes it is and i'd never begrudge them that money. As you said above it's not easy to walk into a shop job for everyone, some people don't have the confidence to work in a busy shop, they might have anxiety issues and some people just don't have the people skills. What are they supposed to do?
21-01-2010, 06:58 PM
Actually that is very untrue. I knew people when I was at college who got an amount of EMA and also worked. It's very unfair what you're doing here, you're tarring everyone with the same brush.. not everyone spends their EMA on booze and clothes, and not everyone who gets EMA simply goes to college in order to get it. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with people spending a part of their EMA on clothes because you do actually have to have clothes to wear to college you know. And I actually know of a person who was literally living on the streets and he attended college to learn and because he needed that EMA payment to live on. So before you start saying how it's not the governments purpose to provide this money, for these sorts of people yes it is and i'd never begrudge them that money. As you said above it's not easy to walk into a shop job for everyone, some people don't have the confidence to work in a busy shop, they might have anxiety issues and some people just don't have the people skills. What are they supposed to do?
Thats life mate, not up to the taxpayer to pave their way in life. You don't gain confidence if you stay in a shell. EMA in general gets wasted, the vast majority of it and its as simple as that. I know EMA didn't play a part in me going to college/sixth form and quite frankly if anyone puts EMA before their education their not going to go very far in life at all now, are they.
21-01-2010, 07:02 PM
I think we should get free transport. Although 80p for me at the moment dosent sound much, thats £8 to school and back for my mum on top of the £25 dinner money. After your 18, you might have a job, more income and can support travel expences more yourself.
School transport should be free, those who have little money are paying for their children to go to school which is compulsory, so it makes sence for the travel to it should be free.
21-01-2010, 10:49 PM
School transport should be free, those who have little money are paying for their children to go to school which is compulsory, so it makes sence for the travel to it should be free.
My transport is free. :S
I think we should all get free transport, should be included in taxes. Also yeah buses and that aren't safe at all, ive heard about being getting stabbed and all sorts on buses and the driver does nothing :S
I think we should all get free transport, should be included in taxes. Also yeah buses and that aren't safe at all, ive heard about being getting stabbed and all sorts on buses and the driver does nothing :S
ill txt u 50p in the pound like tht +*+*+*+*+
nah it shouldn't be free, the majority of people who use buses are pensioners and teenagers, pensioners get it free already so i dont think it's feasible to let teenagers get it too.
22-01-2010, 03:21 PM
ill txt u 50p in the pound like tht +*+*+*+*+
nah it shouldn't be free, the majority of people who use buses are pensioners and teenagers, pensioners get it free already so i dont think it's feasible to let teenagers get it too.
Why not?
22-01-2010, 09:56 PM
Probably not. Free Train ad I'll run away from home.
I think we should get 80p bus fair atleast.
I nearly got my pass taken off me the other day 'cos I used it to go Dr's before college ;l
I don't have a Job, how do they expect me to pay full fair everywhere I go it's already costing me about £20 a week In bus fairs :(
23-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Why not?
Because it'd lose the bus companies a lot of revenue.
I think we should get 80p bus fair atleast.
I nearly got my pass taken off me the other day 'cos I used it to go Dr's before college ;l
I don't have a Job, how do they expect me to pay full fair everywhere I go it's already costing me about £20 a week In bus fairs :(
The fact is that you should maybe consider getting a job, if you can't afford things then you need to get a job. If you can't genuinely find work then you will just need to keep looking and hope for the best.
23-01-2010, 11:38 PM
Hi we're not going to get free transport. OK thanks.
25-01-2010, 02:51 PM
As you said above it's not easy to walk into a shop job for everyone, some people don't have the confidence to work in a busy shop, they might have anxiety issues and some people just don't have the people skills. What are they supposed to do?
Well I don't have the anxiety issues or whatever but I got a job working evenings in an office when I was at college... still there but that's just me being too lazy to get a real job. Point being that shop work is not the only thing available to college students in any way
I think we should get free transport. Although 80p for me at the moment dosent sound much, thats £8 to school and back for my mum on top of the £25 dinner money. After your 18, you might have a job, more income and can support travel expences more yourself.
£8 + £25 = £33
EMA is £30, so that sounds about right then if you really have to spend £25 on food which is frankly a ridiculous amount. I do my own food shopping and can get away with spending £15 a week sometimes and that's fresher and healthier stuff, 2 or 3 meals a day all week not just mon-fri, so you could clearly spend less than a fiver a day on food for school.
those who have little money are paying for their children to go to school
Since when?
I think we should all get free transport, should be included in taxes.
Yeah let's raise taxes by the amount that annual spending on public and private transport costs, then double that because more people will be using it once it's free.
25-01-2010, 06:45 PM
Well I don't have the anxiety issues or whatever but I got a job working evenings in an office when I was at college... still there but that's just me being too lazy to get a real job. Point being that shop work is not the only thing available to college students in any way
All I can say is you're lucky, I looked for this kind of job when I was at college and found nothing of the sort. Maybe it's where I live, but the only jobs available to young people on evenings/weekends here are shop work and working in hotels/cafes.
28-01-2010, 02:30 PM
If it were free, it should work in a similar way to the EMA, so parents earn a certain amount or less its free, between certain numbers it's discounts and over something it's unaffected.
Personally I would love it but we need to sort ourselves out first.
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