View Full Version : PS3 Wireless

22-01-2010, 05:19 AM
Right, I know it comes built it, But I cant seem to connect from up in my room.

Is there anything like the xbox 360 connection thing I can buy?

Moved by invincible (Forum Super Moderator) from 'Technology Discussion'

22-01-2010, 05:55 AM
Your wifi strength is probably not strong enough.
Or at least do you pick up the signal?

22-01-2010, 03:21 PM
If you get the signal it's probs easier to contact sony or something. Also no I don't think there is and is a need for it.

22-01-2010, 03:33 PM
The only thing you can do other than either using a cable or contacting Sony, is move the console to a different spot in your room to see if you get a better signal. Just try moving it round a few places, preferably away from other machinery. Also I think you'll need to do a scan each time you move it because I don't think the signal will just appear, if you get me.

22-01-2010, 05:15 PM

Im talking about stuff like that, Does It Look like it will work?

22-01-2010, 05:45 PM
Sometimes the signal dont go through walls. The xbox 360 wireless is ****e in my house because if the doors are shut your connection goes and my router is only in the room next to mine. Could be that it cant be picked up in your room very well or you could try a ethernet cable. Imo there would be no point in buying an extra wireless thing for the ps3 as its already wireless :S

22-01-2010, 08:00 PM
Sometimes the signal dont go through walls. The xbox 360 wireless is ****e in my house because if the doors are shut your connection goes and my router is only in the room next to mine. Could be that it cant be picked up in your room very well or you could try a ethernet cable. Imo there would be no point in buying an extra wireless thing for the ps3 as its already wireless :S

I use 2 USB Extenders to make my xbox wireless reach halfway downstairs getting me from a 1 bar to a 4 bar.

That is what I want to also do with PS3

So I made this thread asking if there is anything like the xbox 360 wireless thing for ps3

my ps3 wireless (Built in) Is to weak to even get me connected. And we have 4 out of 4 Ethernet ports being used so I cannot use an ethernet.

23-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Try a WI-FI signal booster.

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