View Full Version : Would sierk be happy with Habbox?

09-02-2010, 05:58 PM
If sierk still used Habbox daily (I know he hasn't for years) - do you think he'd be happy with it? Why & why not? Yes, I consider this the right forum. :)

09-02-2010, 05:59 PM
Maybe alot has changed but alot for the better imo :rolleyes:

09-02-2010, 06:02 PM
Hmm, who knows as it's his perspective of things. I should think he'd like it though. Everyone thought Habbox was going downhill not so long ago, and I kind of agreed. But with applications being open for certain departments means alot more new staff members. I think the forum will be alot better now that there is new management aswell.

09-02-2010, 06:02 PM
No, habbox just doesnt have anuf involvement in actual HABBO anymore, which is uterly stupid and if it isnt sorted soon the sites guna fail.

Sierk wanted habbox to be big on habbo and to be the most common fansite name on habbo, sadly it isnt anymore and tbh dnt think it ever will be again, the only thing keeping it going is values and even they are failing now.

09-02-2010, 06:03 PM
No, habbox just doesnt have anuf involvement in actual HABBO anymore, which is uterly stupid and if it isnt sorted soon the sites guna fail.

Sierk wanted habbox to be big on habbo and to be the most common fansite name on habbo, sadly it isnt anymore and tbh dnt think it ever will be again, the only thing keeping it going is values and even they are failing now.

Didn't Habbox get their popularity risen just from their rare values? I heard that's what made it such a well known Habbo related website.

09-02-2010, 06:05 PM
I think that Habbox need to get more involved with Habbo, instead of getting there popularity from the rare values. The forum is doing well, as it has a very large amount of dedicated users. HabboxLive could do with hosting more parties on Habbo, as a large amount of the listeneres are just there for the rare values. xx

09-02-2010, 06:05 PM
no because there is not enough activity on the habbo site of this wonderful habbo fansite + its run to much like a business, not a fansite

and i still dont kno why habboxlive is sep from habbo.. should be habboradio or w/e

The Professor
09-02-2010, 06:08 PM
no because there is not enough activity on the habbo site of this wonderful habbo fansite + its run to much like a business, not a fansite

and i still dont kno why habboxlive is sep from habbo.. should be habboradio or w/e

How would you run a fansite?

Tbh I can't see much has changed from the old days except more relaxed forum rules and us having like no habbo presence (apparently, which I used it so I could comment :P) so I don't think he'd be too bothered by it atm. Maybe someone should drag him on and ask him :P

09-02-2010, 06:11 PM
well i wouldnt have 3 different sites i would have one, i know the radio works on habbox but they should ditch the news on the main pages and add the radio stuff there

09-02-2010, 06:14 PM
well i wouldnt have 3 different sites i would have one, i know the radio works on habbox but they should ditch the news on the main pages and add the radio stuff there

I totally agree. Habboxlive should be combined to habbox.com (this would also make it an OFFICAL radio which would help alot) and hxf should be habbox.com/forum making it an offical forum to which would help get people onto it. Having 3 seprate sites is silly to me, but thats just one little mans opinion.

09-02-2010, 06:14 PM
well i wouldnt have 3 different sites i would have one, i know the radio works on habbox but they should ditch the news on the main pages and add the radio stuff there

Nope, we offer more exclusive news and always have. Last week we were steady getting more comments and views for all UK news articles. We post more exclusive articles. I think it is stupid to dump such a fundamental part of Habbox. You may not know the stats, but quite a few people still check with us on news.

09-02-2010, 06:15 PM
i dont like the forum idea lol but is habboxlive not offical?

@grig im not saying dump it, im saying move it from first page and if you still have the readers you claim to have im sure they will look for it if they like it so much :)

09-02-2010, 06:16 PM
i dont like the forum idea lol but is habboxlive not offical?

nope only habbox.com is.

09-02-2010, 06:20 PM
I don't like the idea of connecting the forum to habbox itself. As it's own separate site, I feel it is far more unique and individual and I prefer that. All in all, I think sierk would not be too disgusted at what Habbox has become. Fansite decline is inevitable and we are keeping our heads far above the water in comparison to other sites, things are improving in the short term based on statistics, we can hope things continue to do so.

I must say I agree he would perhaps be disappointed with our presence on Habbo itself, but again, I feel this is improving. I genuinely don't believe we're that terrible?!

09-02-2010, 06:21 PM
I don't like the idea of connecting the forum to habbox itself. As it's own separate site, I feel it is far more unique and individual and I prefer that. All in all, I think sierk would not be too disgusted at what Habbox has become. Fansite decline is inevitable and we are keeping our heads far above the water in comparison to other sites, things are improving in the short term based on statistics, we can hope things continue to do so.

I must say I agree he would perhaps be disappointed with our presence on Habbo itself, but again, I feel this is improving. I genuinely don't believe we're that terrible?!

its FANSITE week and we havnt even entered? i think thats terrible. Just opinion tho.

Also to add, i think he will be very happy with forum, becuase the forum itself has become alot better. Just the other side of habbox he wud not be happy with imo.

09-02-2010, 06:26 PM
he said he wanted comps and events merged

09-02-2010, 06:28 PM
its FANSITE week and we havnt even entered? i think thats terrible. Just opinion tho.

Also to add, i think he will be very happy with forum, becuase the forum itself has become alot better. Just the other side of habbox he wud not be happy with imo.

I quite agree that is appalling. However, there may well be a reasonable explanation and I think it best we wait for an explanation before we tear people to shreds.

Thank you for the forum comment, it is appreciated.

09-02-2010, 06:33 PM
If he wasn't, would he tell the truth? :P

09-02-2010, 06:35 PM
I know I labour the point that Habbox management don't use Habbo enough. We all have to remember that official fansites are voted by the Habbo players and Habbox has been #1 fansite and has been voted there for the last 12 months or so, maintaining their position like 4 times in a row.

09-02-2010, 06:37 PM
Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)

09-02-2010, 06:38 PM
And roxy and matt play habbo i see roxy on every day lol


what a let down post lol

09-02-2010, 06:38 PM
Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)

Glad to see you're happy :P

Quite a funny coincidence you pop on the same night this thread gets posted.

09-02-2010, 06:38 PM
Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)
Who woulda thought it :8

09-02-2010, 06:39 PM
Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)

seems a bit fishy to me

09-02-2010, 06:40 PM
seems a bit fishy to me

In what way?

09-02-2010, 06:42 PM
In what way?

The way he magically appeared when this got posted, hasnt posted for months then within 30 mins of this being posted he posts ;)

However if it is real, nice to see you back sierk :) now let roxy916 have ur fansite rep badge.

09-02-2010, 06:43 PM
The way he magically appeared when this got posted, hasnt posted for months then within 30 mins of this being posted he posts ;)

However if it is real, nice to see you back sierk :) now let roxy916 have ur fansite rep badge.

It was quite coincidental, he'd been online for a while this evening when this thread got posted, so I pm'd him a link to it hoping he'd reply and he did :)

09-02-2010, 06:45 PM
The way he magically appeared when this got posted, hasnt posted for months then within 30 mins of this being posted he posts ;)

However if it is real, nice to see you back sierk :) now let roxy916 have ur fansite rep badge.

Something of a coincidence, I'll agree. Even to the extent that I took it upon myself to check his IP (sorry sierk). I can assure you, it's the legend himself.

09-02-2010, 06:51 PM
Something of a coincidence, I'll agree. Even to the extent that I took it upon myself to check his IP (sorry sierk). I can assure you, it's the legend himself.
lol, Garion you never fail to amuse me!!

09-02-2010, 06:58 PM
To be fair, the way Habbo treat their fansites doesn't make it surprising that fansites don't have a huge Habbo presence. It seemed to of died when Habbo made it difficult to find the fansites page on Habbo, and when the HabboHood Happenings disappeared no-one really knew what fansites were or did. Habbo are partly to blame for the lack of involvement, because they seem to be happy with the idea that fansites need not exist.

09-02-2010, 06:59 PM
To be fair, the way Habbo treat their fansites doesn't make it surprising that fansites don't have a huge Habbo presence. It seemed to of died when Habbo made it difficult to find the fansites page on Habbo, and when the HabboHood Happenings disappeared no-one really knew what fansites were or did. Habbo are partly to blame for the lack of involvement, because they seem to be happy with the idea that fansites need not exist.
I never did understand the way they got rid of the fansite page, sure its a group now, but its harder to find ;l

09-02-2010, 07:01 PM
I never did understand the way they got rid of the fansite page, sure its a group now, but its harder to find ;l
And rarely updated, if memory serves :/ Infact, can you even browse the Habbo website without being logged in/registered?

EDIT: I don't see Habbox mentioned? Is it not official?


09-02-2010, 07:04 PM
And rarely updated, if memory serves :/ Infact, can you even browse the Habbo website without being logged in/registered?

EDIT: I don't see Habbox mentioned? Is it not official?

we didnt enter i donk think.

09-02-2010, 07:05 PM
www.habbo.co.uk/groups/official_fansites i think

09-02-2010, 07:14 PM
I think you will find Sierk does pop on quite regularly but not to post just to see what's happening. :P

09-02-2010, 07:21 PM
I think you will find Sierk does pop on quite regularly but not to post just to see what's happening. :P

His last visit before today was October :P

09-02-2010, 07:22 PM
Those four fansites were the ones who got back in contact. There was well over week's notice given to official fansites, which is more than enough time for active fansites to get organised. Heck, two or three of the fansites involved this week have had other problems to contend with too.

Do I think sierk is happy? Yes, because Habbox is still around. But that doesn't disguise the fact it's become steadily more bureaucratic, conservative, overstaffed and compartmentalised.

09-02-2010, 07:27 PM
His last visit before today was October :P

Visit or post Oli?

09-02-2010, 07:30 PM
Visit or post Oli?

Visit :)

I think he keeps in contact with Jin though.

09-02-2010, 07:31 PM
I think sierk would say something along the lines of this;

Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)

lol :P I don't have any person experience of sierk and what his hopes and ideas for Habbox were exactly but I think the fact that despite everything, Habbox is still going strong and is still the main player within the Habbo fansite community, is impressive enough. While everyone criticises and complains about it, it is still going as strong as ever - well, maybe not as ever, but still very strong :8

09-02-2010, 07:35 PM
Visit :)

I think he keeps in contact with Jin though.

How would you know that? His last post was October. Personally not all that much has changed since I have been here. We have been through highs and lows. Lots of members have stayed for years and outgrown Habbo so maybe that's an area we should build upon but it is the strongest community outside of Habbo I believe.

09-02-2010, 07:36 PM
How would you know that? His last post was October. Personally not all that much has changed since I have been here. We have been through highs and lows. Lots of members have stayed for years and outgrown Habbo so maybe that's an area we should build upon but it is the strongest community outside of Habbo I believe.
Check his posts via seachs/admincp

09-02-2010, 07:37 PM
How would you know that? His last post was October. Personally not all that much has changed since I have been here. We have been through highs and lows. Lots of members have stayed for years and outgrown Habbo so maybe that's an area we should build upon but it is the strongest community outside of Habbo I believe.

Well two reasons really, one is that the forum logs when someone visits, on ACP it displays both last visit and last activity.

The second reason is sierk himself said "I have not visited Habbox in a while".

09-02-2010, 07:41 PM
Yeah he would apart from the rare values.

09-02-2010, 07:50 PM
I like the idea of Habbox.com/forum Habbox.com/radio etc, but that is never going to happen.

The forum is doing much better than a couple of months ago, it seems more active, mainly because of sections being narrowed down etc, the forum just needs to find ways of attracting current Habbo'ers who don't know about this forum, and then find ways of keeping them.

09-02-2010, 08:07 PM
No he would hate it because you got rid of the classic habbox.com layout:O

09-02-2010, 08:24 PM
No he would hate it because you got rid of the classic habbox.com layout:O

He already said he liked the new layout, guess u didnt read the thread ;)

09-02-2010, 08:25 PM
Hi all, I haven't visited Habbox for a while. I am very happy to see the forum is still doing well, with a large active community. The website and the radio also seem to be doing very well. The layout is more fancy than it ever was before I think, and we have a huge amount of listeners.
I think Jin is doing a great job by introducing lots of new features, and making improvements everywhere. And he still has a lot of plans for the future!
I can't comment on how we do on Habbo, as I don't visit that anymore either. But the most important seems to me that we have a large group of users who enjoy visiting Habbox and that seems to be the case more than ever :)
For David :)

The Professor
09-02-2010, 08:26 PM
Those four fansites were the ones who got back in contact. There was well over week's notice given to official fansites, which is more than enough time for active fansites to get organised. Heck, two or three of the fansites involved this week have had other problems to contend with too.

Do I think sierk is happy? Yes, because Habbox is still around. But that doesn't disguise the fact it's become steadily more bureaucratic, conservative, overstaffed and compartmentalised.

As opposed to when it used to be beueaucratic, conservative, overstaffed and compartmentalised? :P Its always been that way, people have brought up those points over the years whenever its suited them yet habbox is still here and relatively strong :) Its just failing now because of some poor management and organisation, nothing unrecoverable :)

09-02-2010, 08:32 PM
well he does still come online to approve stuff. I don't think everything would be perfect in his books because he hasn't done it all so it's matter of opinion :)

Habbox has mainly improved since he's stopped using the forums daily though in my opinion :)!

09-02-2010, 08:36 PM
well he does still come online to approve stuff. I don't think everything would be perfect in his books because he hasn't done it all so it's matter of opinion :)

Habbox has mainly improved since he's stopped using the forums daily though in my opinion :)!

sierk hasnt played a part in decisions for a while now :P

09-02-2010, 08:48 PM
I think we're doing well on Habbo, we could be doing so so so so much better if the fansite rep badges got sorted out and if we held more big campaigns and frequently. I hate to use it as an example, but on hababble whenever I occasionaly theres always something new going on, it gets habbo members and forum members involved and I think thats the way forward. Rather than 2 events each day which don't have any theme.

As for HxHD, it's the rep on habbo for habbox. We're doing ok down there and its running quite smooth. Only problem is the trouble makers who turn quite a few people away from habbox.

I think we need to use the habbo staff, they give each fansite attention and will dj on our site, its just the problem of Jin or whoever asking him!

09-02-2010, 08:53 PM
I think we're doing well on Habbo, we could be doing so so so so much better if the fansite rep badges got sorted out and if we held more big campaigns and frequently. I hate to use it as an example, but on hababble whenever I occasionaly theres always something new going on, it gets habbo members and forum members involved and I think thats the way forward. Rather than 2 events each day which don't have any theme.

As for HxHD, it's the rep on habbo for habbox. We're doing ok down there and its running quite smooth. Only problem is the trouble makers who turn quite a few people away from habbox.

Tbh you dont get nearly as much trouble makers as it used to, i wud say atleast 80% of them have left now and dont visit, yes some still are around, but hardly any compared to what it was this time last year, hjardly any at all. Trouble makers arnt really top of hxhd prioritizes atm in my opinion, it shud be making sure ur staff going behind the desk, becuase over 3-4days i have had to ask roxy and david atleast 3 times each as to why staff arnt behind desk when room is full and 5 staff are in there just dancing to eachother? When rules state they should be atleast 1 of them behind there. :)

and at ur habbo staff bit, this is why roxy NEEDS the badge, and NEEDS the contact ermails, she is the community AGM and she should be the one sorting this out, but untill she is given the things she needs to do it she cant. Whats the point in a community agm otherwise.

09-02-2010, 09:03 PM
As opposed to when it used to be beueaucratic, conservative, overstaffed and compartmentalised? :P Its always been that way, people have brought up those points over the years whenever its suited them yet habbox is still here and relatively strong :) Its just failing now because of some poor management and organisation, nothing unrecoverable :)
It's not as strong as it used to be though. One radical change can really freshen up a site. I mean the situation with competitions and events at the moment is a joke.

Oh and because I'm so naïve, can someone please explain to me the need for eleven administrators?

09-02-2010, 09:30 PM
barmi i think its so everything gets done and they all done get 2 many jobs so it runs smoothleh!

and i think habbox is running amazingly (sorry 2 hffm but) look were gold there gold and just look at the radios? theres a big diffrence so yano

:] i think its the best habbo fansite still

09-02-2010, 09:37 PM
It's not as strong as it used to be though. One radical change can really freshen up a site. I mean the situation with competitions and events at the moment is a joke.

Oh and because I'm so naïve, can someone please explain to me the need for eleven administrators?

Everybody who has access to admincp uses it for their jobs, apart from nvrspk4 who is away.

The administrator account is for emergencies.

09-02-2010, 09:44 PM
i agree with comps its a j o k e lol they said they would improve, and they havent (or else i would have made a thread saying well done) maybe the manger cant do it

09-02-2010, 09:45 PM
no because there is not enough activity on the habbo site of this wonderful habbo fansite + its run to much like a business, not a fansite

and i still dont kno why habboxlive is sep from habbo.. should be habboradio or w/e

You are bent on that my dear!!


I do think he would be happy :)

09-02-2010, 09:48 PM
why am i bent?

09-02-2010, 09:58 PM
I dont see how the competitions department hasnt improved, the demand was for more frequent competitions that are over relatively quickly. They've gone from 4 a month to nearly 40. Thats quite an improvement I would say.

09-02-2010, 10:18 PM
they just take weeks to give prizes now

09-02-2010, 10:34 PM
It would be a lot easier for us if we were able to donate, but that silly change on habbo means things generally have to take longer.

09-02-2010, 10:43 PM
why am i bent?

You really dont like habboxlive.com Lol

09-02-2010, 10:47 PM
i do..just dnt seea need for sep site

09-02-2010, 11:02 PM
Not from what i've posted in this topic.

10-02-2010, 12:01 AM
Oh and because I'm so naïve, can someone please explain to me the need for eleven administrators?

Administrator - Backup
brandon - VIP Manager
Garion - Forum Manager
Jin - Owns the site
MattGarner - To edit staff
nvrspk4 - gone
Oli - Makes tea for Garion
Roxy916 - Didnt even realise she was admin and dont see why she needs it :S
Sammeth. - The big boss
sierk - owner
Yoshimitsui - VIP Manager

8 Admins if you cut out the 3 in bold.

10-02-2010, 12:39 PM
becase she is events agm and needs to be able to post notices etc?

i dont see why you need two vip managers, get rid of the custom user titles and just give userbars to all staff so they dont need usertitles

10-02-2010, 12:56 PM
Administrator - Backup
brandon - VIP Manager
Garion - Forum Manager
Jin - Owns the site
MattGarner - To edit staff
nvrspk4 - gone
Oli - Makes tea for Garion
Roxy916 - Didnt even realise she was admin and dont see why she needs it :S
Sammeth. - The big boss
sierk - owner
Yoshimitsui - VIP Manager

8 Admins if you cut out the 3 in bold.
My point is that multiple admin roles could be carried out by one person. 2 years ago Hxf might have been busy enough, but surely now it's overkill?

10-02-2010, 12:58 PM
i also think the forum manager should set up permissions and mods should be allowed to deal with staff like normal users

10-02-2010, 01:04 PM
My point is that multiple admin roles could be carried out by one person. 2 years ago Hxf might have been busy enough, but surely now it's overkill?

i also think the forum manager should set up permissions and mods should be allowed to deal with staff like normal users

But what difference does this make to any of us? Feedback about the rules, rare values, delays in doing things is etc etc is but is the management structure or how many admins there any of our business really?

10-02-2010, 01:06 PM
i also think the forum manager should set up permissions and mods should be allowed to deal with staff like normal users

Back in the day it was the Forum Manager's responsibility, I think they separated the roles as it was getting a bit much for one person to do or something.

You may as well remove Roxy from that list, too, because she pretty much only uses ACP to post notices as far as I am aware. Remove sierk as well, because he is obviously hardly ever online - but as the owner obviously he's going to have administrative powers. That leaves us with six administrators who access the control panel regularly with good reason. I don't think this is an excessive amount, based on average statistics from the last month, that gives us around 1 administrator for every 100 visitors a day. I think that's about right.

10-02-2010, 01:24 PM
why remove admin powers from any of the list? it doesn't affect any of us? if there were too little then we might have a case but too many doing our features hardly hinders us, as in the users in any shape or form.

10-02-2010, 01:37 PM
i agree with comps its a j o k e lol they said they would improve, and they havent (or else i would have made a thread saying well done) maybe the manger cant do it

Well what would you like us to improve on?
It'd be more helpful if you gave suggestions :)

10-02-2010, 01:37 PM
why remove admin powers from any of the list? it doesn't affect any of us? if there were too little then we might have a case but too many doing our features hardly hinders us, as in the users in any shape or form.

Just to clarify I was metaphorically removing them, so we are left with Administrators who use the ACP regularly to run some aspect of the Forum. I wasn't actually suggesting remove their administrative powers, because as you say, that would be stupid.

10-02-2010, 03:55 PM
i agree with comps its a j o k e lol they said they would improve, and they havent (or else i would have made a thread saying well done) maybe the manger cant do it

We have listened to feedback and we changed the whole department system in January. Maybe you just like complaining so much you can't see it, so I will list the changes instead.

- 40 competitions a month rather than 10
- Shorter, 5 minutes competitions rather than 'essays'
- More frequent (two a day)
- Shorter waiting time. 5 days rather than a month
- Removing colour from competitions (feedback suggested it was impossible to see most of the colours except red and... blue I think)
- Rep prizes
- Less 'technical' competitions, including removing the terms and conditions to a stickied thread (which was your idea).
- Pictures on competitions (another of your ideas)

I do not have a magic wand I can use so instead of saying it's a j o k e, tell me how to improve further and I will. I can't implement everything you say because there's normally a hundred and so reasons why I can't but to say it's a joke is just undermining the work the department has been through since January. And I'm getting rather tired of hearing it tbh, especially when your comments come with no constructive criticism to work with.

However, we are not perfect. It's almost impossible to be perfect. I agree with Jake's point. We take ages to give out prizes but we are aware of this and trying to improve! With the removal of the dropping furni in donation rooms, Habbo prizes take a while and this is regretable but out of my control, I'm afraid. As for rep/VIP prizes, we're making a vow of getting them done by the end of the week rather than the end of the month (as the system goes atm). On top of this, advertising is still rubbish so we will work on that.

There, I've finally said it. :)

10-02-2010, 04:10 PM
Hardly any admins or SMods play Habbo. Not many members play it either (I for one).

10-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Hardly any admins or SMods play Habbo. Not many members play it either (I for one).

Come on, one out of three aint bad! :P Still very much a Habbo addict here (as much as it pains me to say.)

Saying that, why would Super moderators need to play Habbo? There are other roles within the site that need Habbo involvement far more. Moderators are mainly forum based roles, not community ones as such, and as for members, hopefully they can still get the enjoyment out of the forum without playing Habbo.

Jin, Sam, Joe, MattG, Roxy are all on Habbo quite often too! :D

It is quite important that certain departments make their presence known on Habbo, but we hopefully are able to cater as a forum for those who do not play Habbo too.

10-02-2010, 04:55 PM
Hardly any admins or SMods play Habbo. Not many members play it either (I for one).
The last poll on this which every member was directed to show that the majority still played Habbo. The Habbo and Trading forums are two of the more active ones, you just obviously don't use them. I hate when people say that users don't play Habbo because it just isn't true.

10-02-2010, 05:38 PM
I'm confused. Why exactly are we discussing who should have admin powers? :S As Catzsy said, it's nothing to do with us. Besides, usually everyone is moaning about stuff not getting done, but the only effect giving less people admin powers can have, is to slow things down further. To answer the original question; I doubt sierk would be pleased with everyone nosing in on such issues :P

10-02-2010, 05:48 PM
We have listened to feedback and we changed the whole department system in January. Maybe you just like complaining so much you can't see it, so I will list the changes instead.

- 40 competitions a month rather than 10
- Shorter, 5 minutes competitions rather than 'essays'
- More frequent (two a day)
- Shorter waiting time. 5 days rather than a month
- Removing colour from competitions (feedback suggested it was impossible to see most of the colours except red and... blue I think)
- Rep prizes
- Less 'technical' competitions, including removing the terms and conditions to a stickied thread (which was your idea).
- Pictures on competitions (another of your ideas)

I do not have a magic wand I can use so instead of saying it's a j o k e, tell me how to improve further and I will. I can't implement everything you say because there's normally a hundred and so reasons why I can't but to say it's a joke is just undermining the work the department has been through since January. And I'm getting rather tired of hearing it tbh, especially when your comments come with no constructive criticism to work with.

However, we are not perfect. It's almost impossible to be perfect. I agree with Jake's point. We take ages to give out prizes but we are aware of this and trying to improve! With the removal of the dropping furni in donation rooms, Habbo prizes take a while and this is regretable but out of my control, I'm afraid. As for rep/VIP prizes, we're making a vow of getting them done by the end of the week rather than the end of the month (as the system goes atm). On top of this, advertising is still rubbish so we will work on that.

There, I've finally said it. :)
Regarding the comps, the pictures used are often tacky.

10-02-2010, 07:06 PM
Less admins = jobs get done slower = members moan.

10-02-2010, 11:34 PM
The reason forum management don't do permissions or deal with staff (not that it affects any of you whatsoever in any way shape or form) is because they are on a management level like all other managers. They should be dealing with the staff in their own department, granted, but they are department managers like all others. We have an AGM who is impartial to all departments and can treat all staff the same, and can be focused on sorting out permissions or any staff issue whatsoever. We have a lot of staff, its a quite a bit of work. Not loads of work, but when you're a volunteer, its quite a bit. On top of this, other department managers don't stick their fingers in other departments business other than their own, so neither would the forum management. They obviously have a much larger presence on the forum as its their domain, just like HxHD Management have a large presence in HxHD and News have a large presence on the website, its their areas so of course they would. But thats not to say they can just go sticking fingers in other departments pies just because they happen to have a base on the forum for organisational purposes. Also, doing permissions and staff issues also include permissions on habbox.com itself which is completely unrelated to the forum so it wouldnt make sense for forum management to do it. Nor would it make sense to have to request one set of permissions off one person and another set off another person for the same staff member, its easier for one person to do it all. Though its completely irrelevant as it isn't detrimental having a Staff AGM whatsoever, nor is having a few more admins than people would like (for whatever reason) which wierdly seems to bother a lot of people.

10-02-2010, 11:55 PM
The reason forum management don't do permissions or deal with staff (not that it affects any of you whatsoever in any way shape or form) is because they are on a management level like all other managers. They should be dealing with the staff in their own department, granted, but they are department managers like all others. We have an AGM who is impartial to all departments and can treat all staff the same, and can be focused on sorting out permissions or any staff issue whatsoever. We have a lot of staff, its a quite a bit of work. Not loads of work, but when you're a volunteer, its quite a bit. On top of this, other department managers don't stick their fingers in other departments business other than their own, so neither would the forum management. They obviously have a much larger presence on the forum as its their domain, just like HxHD Management have a large presence in HxHD and News have a large presence on the website, its their areas so of course they would. But thats not to say they can just go sticking fingers in other departments pies just because they happen to have a base on the forum for organisational purposes. Also, doing permissions and staff issues also include permissions on habbox.com itself which is completely unrelated to the forum so it wouldnt make sense for forum management to do it. Nor would it make sense to have to request one set of permissions off one person and another set off another person for the same staff member, its easier for one person to do it all. Though its completely irrelevant as it isn't detrimental having a Staff AGM whatsoever, nor is having a few more admins than people would like (for whatever reason) which wierdly seems to bother a lot of people.
Your posts are starting to look like Nvr's, :(

10-02-2010, 11:59 PM
i was gunna say that but he would probably have another fit and give me another 4 paragraphs

see spoiler

http://i49.tinypic.com/105zal4.jpg >>> http://habboarchive.net/resource/images/figures/Figure%20(43).gif

it is a habbofanite after all :P

11-02-2010, 12:00 AM

but totally agree with what ya said.

11-02-2010, 12:01 AM
i was gunna say that but he would probably have another fit and give me another 4 paragraphs

see spoiler

http://i49.tinypic.com/105zal4.jpg >>> http://habboarchive.net/resource/images/figures/Figure%20%2843%29.gif

it is a habbofanite after all :P
Glad its not just me who thought it!!


but totally agree with what ya said.
Yh i was gonna say that but thought nahh, he'll moan lol!

11-02-2010, 12:04 AM
Your posts are starting to look like Nvr's, :(

nvr was my idol, he taught me everything n ting.

i was gunna say that but he would probably have another fit and give me another 4 paragraphs

see spoiler

http://i49.tinypic.com/105zal4.jpg >>> http://habboarchive.net/resource/images/figures/Figure%20(43).gif

it is a habbofanite after all :P

Soz but when you keep using the "oh that'll take another month lolololol this isnt old but really funny" taunt, its kinda gets irritating especially when the hard work and commitment people have put in regarding the competitions department to full on revolutionise it. Its been putting out 40 comps a month since the 1st January, and obviously you don't care about the department enough to realise that (yet obviously care enough to constantly nag about it). In regards to the pictures, ok thats a fair enough complaint, but in comparison to what the department was its 100% better and we took all complaints on board.


but totally agree with what ya said.

I was in a rush!!

11-02-2010, 12:06 AM
nvr was my idol, he taught me everything n ting.

I was in a rush!!
i bet you was ;) & 'n ting' wth is that!?!

11-02-2010, 12:08 AM
where have i said "oh that'll take another month lolololol this isnt old but really funny" :S:S.. i havent said that since last year about comps.. dunno why its still in your head

11-02-2010, 12:10 AM
where have i said "oh that'll take another month lolololol this isnt old but really funny" :S:S.. i havent said that since last year about comps.. dunno why its still in your head
he has it in for you

11-02-2010, 12:13 AM
where have i said "oh that'll take another month lolololol this isnt old but really funny" :S:S.. i havent said that since last year about comps.. dunno why its still in your head

Oh its Tom who actually says that every other minute not you.

But you did say "i agree with comps its a j o k e lol they said they would improve, and they havent (or else i would have made a thread saying well done) maybe the manger cant do it" which was completely unfounded, and quite rude, and apply my last post to this cus it still works and Im not typing it out again ;l.

11-02-2010, 12:14 AM
i will be forced to close this thread for a cooling down period soon :l understood?

11-02-2010, 12:15 AM
Oh its Tom who actually says that every other minute not you.

But you did say "i agree with comps its a j o k e lol they said they would improve, and they havent (or else i would have made a thread saying well done) maybe the manger cant do it" which was completely unfounded, and quite rude, and apply my last post to this cus it still works and Im not typing it out again ;l.lmao, retype it with paragraphs please?? :O

i will be forced to close this thread for a cooling down period soon :l understood?
wanna be mod :eusa_danc

11-02-2010, 12:15 AM
lmao wouldn't be surprised if i got an infraction for pretending to be a mod or some rubbish

11-02-2010, 12:17 AM
lmao wouldn't be surprised if i got an infraction for pretending to be a mod or some rubbish
Dont jinx it. & you so ask for infractions anyway!!

11-02-2010, 12:18 AM
haven't actually had an infraction for like 6 months

11-02-2010, 12:19 AM
Lets not get too off topic now ladies. You won't get an infraction for pretending to be a mod, but lets stick to the criticising everything Habbox theme or we might start dishing out punishments then!

11-02-2010, 12:20 AM
ahhh how rude of us

anyway; sierk would be sick if he saw hx right now

11-02-2010, 12:20 AM
Lets not get too off topic now ladies. You won't get an infraction for pretending to be a mod, but lets stick to the criticising everything Habbox theme or we might start dishing out punishments then!
Im not a ladie, you newb. Talk about BULLYING!? fgs, read my profile yer? MALE. FNX.

@jake sick as in wicked?

11-02-2010, 12:23 AM
I think this thread has run it's course, sierk has replied and told you he thinks everything is going okay, and it's just getting a bit spammy now!

Thread closed :eusa_hand

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