View Full Version : [Guide] How To Get Rich In Habbo

15-02-2010, 09:20 PM

If you are already rich, please do not criticize. This is the way I did most of it, I will be adding other peoples ideas in the near future. This guide is dedicated to Nath (Kalk) for the hard times he's been going through.

MODs move it if needed, thanks.

I hope it helps you,
Nentus ☻

Step 1

When you start you should play at different games and try to win furniture, you should also go to giveaways that are around. You will gather a few norms when doing this. You should also enter competitions that don’t cost anything to enter, everyone who finished the Zeus competition got rewarded with the ‘Bolt of Zeus’ this was free to enter and you could of earned your first few HCs from this. Once you’ve gathered some furniture, sell it for a good price; don’t make the costs the same as the catalogue or no one will buy the furniture. Keep repeating this process of playing games and selling the furniture until you get around 20 credits or so.

Step 2

When you have at least 10 credits you should start a process called ‘merchanting’ this involves buying an item for anything as small as 1 or 2 credits cheaper and selling a bit higher. Sometimes you’ll find very cheap items, these are definitely worth investing in. I’ve been able to get HCs for 3 credits each and all sorts of crazy deals like that. Someone I know has been able to buy a throne for 3HC once! At the end of this, you should have around 100 credits.

Step 3

Open up a shop named something like ‘My Credits For Your Rares’, make an event and wait for people to flood in! Once the room has been on a high number once, it’ll stay high for a while (from person experience). Don’t buy any rares under 1.0 seeing as they’re hard to sell. You will get some good rares being offered to you. Buy the good rares for a little profit that you are both happy with, remember not to scare the customer off by shouting and getting angry. After you’ve got a few rares, continue merchanting from step 2 and selling them for a cit cheaper either by making your own shop or going to trade rooms. You are ready for step 4 when you have around 500/50hcs credits.

Step 4

You have quite a lot of credits/hcs now. From now on there are 3 paths to take, step 4a will be about casino dealing, step 4b will be about rare grabbers, and step 4c will be about trading. Read both before choosing which path you’re going to take! (Step 4d = conclusion for step 4)

Step 4a

I recommend buying rights in a casino with rights that cost around anything from 1-5 (it’s your choice if you’re willing to pay more than 5 if you find a nice casino) When you have rights in a few casinos or just the one, take around 1-5HC bets seeing as you only have 5HC. Just sit in a booth of your choice, and wait for people to bet you. If you don’t know how to take bets in casinos then ask another dealer in a casino. But don’t buy rights until you know how to take bets!

Step 4b

This is my preferred method of making money, make sure you stay safe though for maximum income! You will need a nice looking room and to be able to give prizes without hesitation. Sometimes I’m down 30 credits, then the next day I might be up 25HC. Just make sure stay safe… I recommend putting prizes in before you set the price. Make sure you leave money spare to buy seats to sit on. It can be HCs or pillows. It’s your choice. When you’ve got your prizes, put them into the grabber section. 1-1 and 6-6 are normally used for the top prizes but I like to use 4-4/5-5 or sometimes I use 4-1/3-2 which are also combinations which are rarely rolled. If you have presents that say ‘have another go’ in there, then do 36 – (how many ‘have another go’ presents are in there). So if there are 2 ‘have another go’ presents, you’d do 36-2 which is 34. Now, add all of your prizes together (in HC value) and divide the number you get by the answer you got earlier from taking away your ‘have another go’ presents from 36. You should then round up to allow profit. So it it added up to 0.6, I’d set the price at 1HC per go. If it added up to 1.1, I’d set the price at 2HC. Good luck on this!

Step 4c

The market has kind of ruined trading in my opinion, but you can still try this. Basically repeat step 2 & 3 but use higher priced rares. I don’t recommend going onto super rares just yet. Buy things that you think will be easy to sell or which have been going up in price, like chocolate machines did, petals, peppermint and pistachio ice cream machines did recently (and a few other rares).

Step 4d

When you can afford a throne or 2, don’t buy any. It’s not worth it at this stage. I suggest you keep doing these steps until you have around 4-5t. It may take a while but it’s worth it.

Step 5 (where I am now)

At this stage I would recommend keep doing what you’re doing but move onto bigger casinos and bigger bets. You can also make your own casino to make the money from selling rights. I prefer grabbers, but have made the odd casinos (which have failed) I don’t recommend making your own casino if you don’t have the time and effort to make it popular. I would stick to trading/dealing at better known casinos/high priced grabber.

I am currently worth about 4 thrones and I am doing a grabber at the moment. I will add to this guide when I get richer and how I did it. I hope it helped you all reading this guide ☻ My in-game name is Nentus so feel free to add me if you want.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Jamesy (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not multiple post within the editing time :)
Edited by Mr-Trainor (Forum Moderator): Fixed the image/banner for you :)

15-02-2010, 09:28 PM
Seen you around. See you pop into flash's every so often. Nice to see someone take time to do this. +rep. x

15-02-2010, 09:30 PM
Nice although alot of people dont do this :P

15-02-2010, 09:35 PM
Good guide, especially for people starting out. I believe if everyone followed the first few suggestions, everyone could be worth 20C in no time.

Once you're at the stage of about 50 HCs it's certainly not easy though, it has to be said there's no easy way to becoming rich on Habbo, you have to put in a lot of time.

15-02-2010, 09:38 PM
Good guide, especially for people starting out. I believe if everyone followed the first few suggestions, everyone could be worth 20C in no time.

Once you're at the stage of about 50 HCs it's certainly not easy though, it has to be said there's no easy way to becoming rich on Habbo, you have to put in a lot of time.

Used to be easy in 05

Grab a booth grab speed an sit back an relax :P

15-02-2010, 09:43 PM
it's exactly what i done whilst getting stuff for brother everytime id got to a highamount id make him a room n work it back up again betting & merching

15-02-2010, 09:47 PM
Thanks for your comments, and I do admit it was easier back then. Still now, it used to work until the market came out...

15-02-2010, 10:15 PM
Could a mod edit where I've posted the banner at the top onto the original post, thanks. http://i46.tinypic.com/23k3tdx.gif%3C/a%3E (http://i46.tinypic.com/23k3tdx.gif)

15-02-2010, 11:21 PM
Seems like a good guide to me, sure to help some of the newer Habbos :) Also, fixed the image for you ;) +rep if possible

16-02-2010, 08:38 AM
Nice guide I suppose, but Grabbers and Casino's are not the way forward, especially grabbers, they're just scams, more often than not they just run off, and even then its rare you get a prize. Trading for profit is the best way forward.

16-02-2010, 09:36 AM
Nice guide I suppose, but Grabbers and Casino's are not the way forward, especially grabbers, they're just scams, more often than not they just run off, and even then its rare you get a prize. Trading for profit is the best way forward.

I do agree, but if you try to stay safe and gain trust then you can try out grabbers and casinos. And trading is a good way forward, just a bit harder because of the marketplace. Unless you mean trading items with hcs and not credits?

16-02-2010, 10:55 AM
Seems good, my best experiences of getting rich on Habbo before were as a trader. However, that has probably now changed with the marketplace, but you can get great deals in trades. Some of the richer people I know gamble in casinos as well, but be aware that those are not for the faint of heart, as you could lose items as easily as you could win.

16-02-2010, 11:32 AM
Seems good, my best experiences of getting rich on Habbo before were as a trader. However, that has probably now changed with the marketplace, but you can get great deals in trades. Some of the richer people I know gamble in casinos as well, but be aware that those are not for the faint of heart, as you could lose items as easily as you could win.

Don't recommend betting at all now, lost over 200hc today because I've been scammed. Going to leave Habbo. Only going to keep in touch with HxF though. I don't recommend betting anyone except people you know/really trust.

A little scammers list and what they scammed today


Few more can't remember, but look out for them!

Edited by iAdam (Forum Super Moderator); Please do not name anyone of scamming.

17-02-2010, 09:47 AM
Admittedly I only skimmed over because these guides are always pretty much the same. In theory they're great and should make you rich but when you're talking about casinos and really cheap furni there's always a lot of good fortune required. Still, well done for putting in the effort to do this as it will no doubt be helpful to somebody :)

17-02-2010, 10:42 AM
Great Guide Eled. The one thing I dissagree with is the grabber, because although mine was appealing, no-one was prepared to risk it. The other problem is you've convinced someone your not going to scam them and then BANG! Someone comes into your room and starts saying "You Scammed me"! This means the other person isn't prepared to give it a chance "Unless you prove you won't scam me by trading me the bolt of Zeus(Or any other top prize you care to think about
The way I make sure I can defend myself form things like this is to have a sticky note that says something like: Please note CCTV (Camtasia Studio) Is used in this casino. In the event of a claim that I have scammed you, the recording will be put onto youtube to show you that this did not happen. Once it has been proved, you WILL be Banned.

17-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Admittedly I only skimmed over because these guides are always pretty much the same. In theory they're great and should make you rich but when you're talking about casinos and really cheap furni there's always a lot of good fortune required. Still, well done for putting in the effort to do this as it will no doubt be helpful to somebody :)

Never seen another guide really, but don't read this section much. I agree with most of your points, thanks for replying :)

Great Guide Eled. The one thing I dissagree with is the grabber, because although mine was appealing, no-one was prepared to risk it. The other problem is you've convinced someone your not going to scam them and then BANG! Someone comes into your room and starts saying "You Scammed me"! This means the other person isn't prepared to give it a chance "Unless you prove you won't scam me by trading me the bolt of Zeus(Or any other top prize you care to think about
The way I make sure I can defend myself form things like this is to have a sticky note that says something like: Please note CCTV (Camtasia Studio) Is used in this casino. In the event of a claim that I have scammed you, the recording will be put onto youtube to show you that this did not happen. Once it has been proved, you WILL be Banned.

Thanks for the reply, I loled at the CCTV bit, and Camtasia lags me a little and what if I'm not always in the room and a scam takes place? :)

17-02-2010, 05:25 PM
It was easier back then

Made a lot of profits from trading but I have no idea how the market is now

17-02-2010, 05:46 PM
It was easier back then

Made a lot of profits from trading but I have no idea how the market is now

There are ups and downs for the market I suppose

17-02-2010, 06:58 PM
Cool Guide, +Rep :)

17-02-2010, 07:04 PM
Never seen another guide really, but don't read this section much. I agree with most of your points, thanks for replying :)

Thanks for the reply, I loled at the CCTV bit, and Camtasia lags me a little and what if I'm not always in the room and a scam takes place? :)

The idea is your the only person who can 100% operate the grabber.
It doesn't lag for me, but thanks for replying to my post :)

17-02-2010, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the tips. I won't use all of this but some of the things mentioned sound pretty good to me! Once again thanks :)

17-02-2010, 07:24 PM
Cool Guide, +Rep :)

Thanks :)

The idea is your the only person who can 100% operate the grabber.
It doesn't lag for me, but thanks for replying to my post :)

You said about casinos in the CCTV bit in your post, I get what you mean now anyway. :)

Thanks for the tips. I won't use all of this but some of the things mentioned sound pretty good to me! Once again thanks :)

I don't use all of them, just asked a few friends and wrote a guide, including mine too. I will add to it in the future.

-Can a MOD also edit some of the errors? like in the merchanting bit I accidentally put: sell the item for a little bit cheaper (or something similar to that).

17-02-2010, 07:39 PM
Or you can get good at forum and web design and sell layouts and skins for habbo cash. That's what I did for 3t anyway.

17-02-2010, 08:05 PM
Or you can get good at forum and web design and sell layouts and skins for habbo cash. That's what I did for 3t anyway.

Can you teach me? I love computers :) I can average/basic layouts :) Please reply if you can teach me <3

04-04-2013, 01:44 PM
Thanks, This has really helped. I have got quiet rich now!

Edited by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't bump old threads.

04-04-2013, 06:53 PM
lol 3 year old thread

Edited by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

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