View Full Version : Camping.

15-02-2010, 11:39 PM
I've been playing a bit of Free-For-All tonight and messing around trying to get a few games to post on my YouTube channel and I've been having no luck with the obscene amount of people camping. I will admit to playing defense but that by no means is camping. These people sat in a corner with a Heartbeat Sensor and Claymores, the whole game.. I'm using an Akimbo'd Mini-Uzi with Silencer via Bling with Lightweight and Ninja so obviously I'll have to play really aggresive seeing as the Akimbo weapons are for up close. Needless to say I pulled out an AT4S with Danger Close and went around demolishing them each time. Surprisingly I still won the game although I finished with around 6-15 deaths each time. The amount of camping in this game compared to Call of Duty 4 is obscene though. I play defensive, basically not rushing in, killing 1-2 people here, moving on taking cover behind another object and then getting another 1-2 kills and moving on. What these guys are doing is pathetic, how can you have fun sitting in a corner with a Heartbeat Sensor and getting 2-3 kills in a 10 minute game. The adrenaline must rush through your veins when you play Modern Warfare 2.

15-02-2010, 11:44 PM
how can you use both bling and marathon?

15-02-2010, 11:45 PM
how can you use both bling and marathon?
Sorry, I meant Bling.

15-02-2010, 11:54 PM
Don't see the point in camping myself, like you said. How people can just aim at something and hope someone comes is beyond me.

16-02-2010, 04:11 AM
I agree, Campers do my head in.. Theres a difference between playing defensive and camping..

Playing defensive (How i see it) Hanging back - Providing cover (sniping maybe) for your team mates

Camping (How i see it), Claymore, Room/Corner, Heartbeat sensor.

Its horrible, because usually its a choke point.. where you HAVE to go.. Then you've got no chance because they get to you before you have any time to react because of their position..

And SPAWN camping. God damnit. I hate this game.

16-02-2010, 08:05 AM
Wow I miss MW2. Surely all that camping just means easy kills for someone of your calibre? :S I find making good use of grenades really satisfying and campers only make grenading even easier :D

16-02-2010, 09:09 AM
it doesn't matter how good you are, someone with a heartbeat sensor is going to beat you because they know exactly where you are.
i never camp, not even when i snipe, which is probably why im terrible at sniping. i see no fun in just sitting there the whole game, getting like 4-5 kills. i much prefer to get in there, sure i may die a few more times, but i'll also get a lot more kills

16-02-2010, 12:17 PM
flash + grenade...

16-02-2010, 01:20 PM
I've got into more and more campers games these few weeks.

16-02-2010, 03:40 PM
ive barely played since christmas and i played a few tdm's yesterday and 9/10 games was full of campers

16-02-2010, 05:14 PM
flash + grenade...
quoted for truth. semtex preferably.

16-02-2010, 05:19 PM
Semtex to the face for a game winning kill :P

16-02-2010, 07:00 PM
I prefer campers to annoying noobs that just use knifes, there would be some skill in only using a knife if it wasn't for the ability to use all the best knifing perks at once, then getting them to pro making things even worse, campers are easy to get rid of in comparison, should of make lightweight and commando in the same perk set.

16-02-2010, 08:25 PM
They should have made camoflauge and ninja in the same thing, I hate using ninja in a S&D when I could use like sitrep (hence why I never use sitrep).

17-02-2010, 10:05 AM
flash + grenade...

Exactly :)

17-02-2010, 08:44 PM
I hate when people say "Oh but I was sniping, snipers camp." Noooo! They kill a couple of people then move. Camping = not moving. I hate when someone returns to the same place after dying for the entire game.

I was playing the snowy level (can't remember name) and some guy glitched and camped on a mountain outside the map, sniping. The majority of my team was lined up looking for him because we were all so peeved.

17-02-2010, 09:05 PM
not saying they're hard to take out, it's just annoying getting killed by one especially if you're in a streak. you can't go thrown flash at everything and grenades at everything. you pretty much have to get killed by them first or someone in front of you gets killed for you to see them. half the time the ***** move slightly though like on terminal, they go one side of the steps then trick you into the other.

17-02-2010, 11:19 PM
There's a little building on the Estate map that I used to like to stay in with a sniper purely because I loved the way that map is so movie-esque if you get me and it was just fun :P

17-02-2010, 11:50 PM
when i snipe, i normally find a place where players carnt see me from and pick a few heads off. after a while i get bored anyway and more to another spot, then another and another etc.
but noobs who just sit in a corner with a heartbeat sensor does take the biscuit.
im not moaning tho', its a strategy right?

18-02-2010, 12:00 AM
It's ok, campers were molested as small boys.

It's **** on Highrise when they camp underneath in the underpasses :(

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