View Full Version : How can I move on?

20-02-2010, 01:27 AM
Right, hello HxF..

For three years now, I've had feelings for a particular girl. She's kind, generous and absolutely beautiful. But as time has gone on, they're not just feelings any more. I'm in love with her. She's all I think about. She's made me go through so many emotions. Heartbreak, despair, happiness, jealousy, love, depression, ecstasy, frustration. The moments I spend with her are the best moments I can imagine.

But, the problem is, she's seeing someone else. I know she doesn't feel the same way for me, and never has done, all this time I have. It's the worst feeling I've ever had in my life. Just knowing that she's happy with someone else just makes me feel so.. incomplete. But, I cherish her friendship. Sure, I would love to be more than just friends with her. But if she's happy with someone else then I can't stop that. I've realised that now. I've realised I have no chance of having anything more than friendship with her. And it kills me to admit it.

I've tried moving on. I've tried getting into a relationship with another girl. But then I realise that it's not them I want. I want HER.

Someone, help me. How can I move on? How can I forget about her?

This isn't a plea for sympathy, I'm just asking for advice. I've always been slightly reluctant to post things like this on internet forums, but I thought I'd give it a go. Thanks for your time.

20-02-2010, 01:29 AM
Hmm, that really does suck. I feel your pain!

It's probably hard and not what you want to hear, but try distancing yourself from her? So when she asks do you wanna hang out, say you can't?

Eventually it'll go away, trust me ;)

20-02-2010, 01:35 AM
Hmm, that really does suck. I feel your pain!

It's probably hard and not what you want to hear, but try distancing yourself from her? So when she asks do you wanna hang out, say you can't?

Eventually it'll go away, trust me ;)

Thanks for your reply :)
I think I might take that on board. I'm just worried that I'll start to miss spending time with her, and that'll intensify my feelings even further.

But, can't do much harm can it? I'm sure she won't miss me..

20-02-2010, 01:37 AM
keep in contact with her obviously, and see her every now and then, i mean you don't want to COMPLETELY lose her do you?

And trust me it works. I liked this girl (who i like again =/) last year and then she went into some breakdown crap and so we didn't talk for a few months and i stopped liking her.

You will miss spending time with her, no doubt about it.

20-02-2010, 07:47 AM
Firstly,I think you should not jump into a relationship with someone when your heart is not in the relationship.It will make things worse for you and the girl.

You have to start taking care of yourself.Now,it's good that you've realised that it's time to move on.You have to move on and it depends solely on YOU.No one can change things for you unless you do it yourself and willingly.

Eventhough it's extremely hard but you have to try to move on and hope that time will heal the wound.Maybe you can do something you like for example travelling to take things off your mind but NO silly things like turning into a drunkard or such.

I think it may be best to keep her at arms length so that you don't have to face her that often that perhaps will intensify your feelings.I've been through it and keeping the distance proved to be the best way to forget someone.

Eventually you'll realise that it's pointless to love someone who doesn't love you back as it will only hurt you more and more.

It will all go away one day :) Best of luck

20-02-2010, 05:22 PM
If it's meant to be, then it'll happen, but you can't just wait around hoping something will happen.

I think you need to take some time and occupy yourself with other things, especially your friends and soon your feelings will go away. It'll probably take a bit of time but you'll realise it's for the best and find someone else just as good who loves you back.

20-02-2010, 11:04 PM
Cut her out your life. It'll be impossible to get through the days knowing she's with someone when you like her just as much as the next guy.

20-02-2010, 11:06 PM
Theres nothing you can do except forget about her.

21-02-2010, 02:19 PM
firstly make sure you know the difference. you are not in love with her, you love her. if you were in love with her she'd love you back, wish she doesn't. i know it may sound a bit ironic with it being 3 years but time is the greatest healer. the longer you go on accepting you cannot be with her, the better you will feel.

22-02-2010, 12:27 AM
Hmhhh , Theres not alot you can do if your really obssesed but just try and move on socialise with other girls ect...

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