View Full Version : PC Gamers - A Dying Breed?

23-02-2010, 06:28 AM
Ok, this started off with my reading an article about Pc gaming dying out.. And yeah..

A lots been going on with the PC gaming scene; New hardware (DX11 Please?), More releases, Ubisoft being a good sport.. Wait.. What?

DRM aside, Computers - The grandfather of gaming, being pushed aside? NEVER!
Well, PC gaming seems to be dying out.

Recently, Epic’s president said that the company was going to halt their development of PC games and focus on console games for a while. He said that the PC gaming market was in “disarray.”

Now, I understand that PC gamers are a small minority, But look it in the way - New hardwares being released, Thats cheaper and more efficient, Ok; Look it from MY perspective, I own an Xbox 360, But i also own a laptop - Ok, its not great - I know, But i find myself just clicking the little icon that is TeamFortress 2. Ok, So whats your point? My point is - I load the game up, Have a good match, Have a good chat with MATURE people. I say this, because quite frankly - I find that PC gamers are more mature, Simply because of the price of a decent computer.

Compare this to consoles - Have you ever joined a game, And had younger children/Teenagers screaming, shouting and abusing players down the mic? When all you want, is to have a nice game, maybe chat to some of the players?

This brings me on to PRICING. Ok, i can hear you already "Pc gaming costs too much, Parts cost too much." Ok, ok. I see what you mean; Building (Or buying) a decent gaming rig, Can, And Will cost you a fair bit of your hard earned money, But is it really that different from buying a console?

Now, a friend suggested i mentioned Hardware faults. Hardware faults have become a large factor in the gaming industry, The Red ring of death and the Yellow light (deathly music cue). A pc can be kitted out with plenty of fans, holes for air circulation, And once the warrenty for parts run out - they can still keep on going, As can a PS3 or a 360, But then comes the hard truth - Your console will more than likely suffer from the heat

The PS3 and the 360 has the same fault - HEAT. The heat is the problem, It causes the lead-free solder in the components to crack - What happens when your warrenty runs out.. Do you run off to the closest game store and buy another console? Forking out another £150 or £250 for a new console?

Also - PC gamers can get most (if not all) Of their games over download services like steam, Is that really a bad thing?
And have you ever wanted an OLD game, Only to realise that its not sold any more on disk? Or its on a console that you dont own - You can probably find it somewhere on the internet.. Even if it does involve piracy (Do not pirate children! unless its Ubisoft games, Then your good :), I joke. But whos going to listen to me.)

Although, In the future - I do see PC gaming being a large part of the market, Due to everything being easily accessable - And computers have a multi-purpose right?

Yes, I seem to have waffled on. Sorry. But how do YOU feel about developers not supporting PCs, Leaving avid gamers out in the cold?

/Wall of text

23-02-2010, 03:25 PM
I had a discussion with my friend about this a while back, personally I think PCs are getting put to the back because it's less practical for consumers to buy PC parts and constantly upgrade just so they can run the newer games, of course it's more realiable than a PS3 or an xbox but it does cost more money in the long run, the fact is you can buy a brand new PC now and it'll have enough to run some of the most recent highly detailed games at a decent speed with high graphics settings but not even 2 years from that point you'll have to of upgraded ram, graphics and possibly processor just to keep up, while a cheap £150 for an xbox and it never requires you to pay extra just to keep playing the best new games at higher graphical settings.

That's not to say console gaming is superior, it's just more practical.

23-02-2010, 04:01 PM
Personally I've only ever played games like Worms, Age of Empires and The Sims on PC. The thought of playing normal console games on a PC has just never appealed to me - especially if you're talking about using the keyboard and mouse. I much prefer to sit back on the sofa or wherever with a wireless controller and a nice big TV :8

23-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Personally I've only ever played games like Worms, Age of Empires and The Sims on PC. The thought of playing normal console games on a PC has just never appealed to me - especially if you're talking about using the keyboard and mouse. I much prefer to sit back on the sofa or wherever with a wireless controller and a nice big TV :8
As opposed to my 27inch HD Screen, XBOX Controller and easily moddable games? Super.

PC Gamers are a dying bread but that's only because producers aren't producing the games for the PC. That's all. If you have a console, chances are you have a computer of some sorts so you can't say the market isn't there.

23-02-2010, 04:56 PM
Can you use a 360 pad on a PC?

23-02-2010, 04:58 PM
it seems the pc gamer breed have stuck to what they know and no more are joining the bandwagon (World of Warcraft doesnt appeal to the current teens neither does counter strike)

23-02-2010, 05:21 PM
World of Warcraft doesnt appeal to the current teens


Yeah, I have an xbox but I much prefer TF2 and some other games I like to play on the PC

23-02-2010, 05:26 PM
Can you use a 360 pad on a PC?
Yes with mapping programs but I personally will hunt you down and hit you over the head with a controller if you do. Keyboard and Mouse dogs all over Controllers. Just takes a while getting used to it.

I personally am upgrading my PC so I can play Call of Duty 4. Dedicated Servers dogs all over Console's online service.

23-02-2010, 05:26 PM
I think consoles are better as said before, practicality. If you kinda think about it too they have like a basis to work with on consoles but PCs vary in their specs so yer. Personally I prefer consoles, yes I've played games on PC and I hate the keyboard and mouse, however on that note some games only suit PC like the Sims.

23-02-2010, 07:18 PM
I've brushed elbows with a giant PC community, a bit like the Freemasons, I rub elbows and then they invite me into their nest. Thing is it's like I don't have arms, I don't have a good enough PC.

PC gaming is best suited to FPS controls and whatnot, not so much anything else, hope I got proven wrong. The community on there is so tight and networked, dedicated servers, whole clans stick together everyday and know where everyone is. It's a more fluid and defined experience.

Console gaming is another story. Usually you'll just be in a party with your mates, playing 16 maps until a map pack comes out. Connection problems strike and so do 12 year olds. A major problem and downfall of console gaming is also its biggest strength, it is more practical and appealing than building and rebuilding a PC.

I would like to get into PC gaming one day. Stumble into a great group of people and game everyday, but then I would still want to keep my consoles so I don't miss out on titles like Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2.

I probably know all of this firsthand because I setup a clan on the Orange Box PS3 version, in Team Fortress 2, we were a small console based clan based off of our PC overlords. But we were a more tight group then anyone out there. You'd see the same person out there, one of around 500 people who played it. We had server shutdowns every month, connection problems, no clan tags so we had to make seperate IDs but we had some fun for a while.

23-02-2010, 07:56 PM
I don't play games on PC often, but like someone said, their are definitely games I wouldn't bother picking up for the 360 that also comes out on PC. Command and Conquer being the main one, in gamestation atm there's a copy for like £10, but I just know I'll get stupidly pissed off with how it's controlled.
Also agree with Chris about mature gamers. ******* hate little kids/gobby teenagers on Live. I was 18 in December, so I'm not being a moany old git, but nothing makes me happier on Live when you get into a lobby, and everyone's really relaxed and there's friendly banter, none of this **** YOU STUPID ***** LOLOLOL

23-02-2010, 08:31 PM
I had a discussion with my friend about this a while back, personally I think PCs are getting put to the back because it's less practical for consumers to buy PC parts and constantly upgrade just so they can run the newer games, of course it's more realiable than a PS3 or an xbox but it does cost more money in the long run, the fact is you can buy a brand new PC now and it'll have enough to run some of the most recent highly detailed games at a decent speed with high graphics settings but not even 2 years from that point you'll have to of upgraded ram, graphics and possibly processor just to keep up, while a cheap £150 for an xbox and it never requires you to pay extra just to keep playing the best new games at higher graphical settings.

That's not to say console gaming is superior, it's just more practical.

Although, the good thing with pc gaming, is each release of a game get's better graphics - but in terms of graphics, in all honesty on console gaming they do not improve hugely until a new game is released.

it seems the pc gamer breed have stuck to what they know and no more are joining the bandwagon (World of Warcraft doesnt appeal to the current teens neither does counter strike)

Mind you I wouldn't call someone a proper pc gamer for playing WoW :D:D


I do still enjoy console gaming, but on the whole pc gaming is great imo. And even though it is expensive to start - for the top quality games you can save around £25 a game. I mean COD was originally sold at around £50 for PS3 - while at the sme time I could get it at £25 for pc.

I am a fan of pc gaming - but I do still enjoy console gaming - just for playing more people I actually know. Although I do have one good mate who like myself is a VERY keen PC gamer :D

23-02-2010, 09:36 PM
Agreed samsaBEAR!

it seems the pc gamer breed have stuck to what they know and no more are joining the bandwagon (World of Warcraft doesnt appeal to the current teens neither does counter strike)

Counter Strike was awesome! I heard too many scary stories about WoW though so I steered clear of that lol

Yes with mapping programs but I personally will hunt you down and hit you over the head with a controller if you do. Keyboard and Mouse dogs all over Controllers. Just takes a while getting used to it.

I personally am upgrading my PC so I can play Call of Duty 4. Dedicated Servers dogs all over Console's online service.

Fair enough :P

23-02-2010, 10:13 PM
I agree, consoles were made to be easily accessable by everyone, But when you've got so many customization options with a Pc, I cant see it dying off this soon.. Bare in mind, Nvidia is releasing its FERMI range of graphics cards soon GTX 4xx - Which has DOUBLE the power of the current top range - GTX 2xx

Also, ATI - They do deals, Pretty cheap Graphics cards and pretty cheap processors.. It cant be that bad..

23-02-2010, 10:56 PM
Yes with mapping programs but I personally will hunt you down and hit you over the head with a controller if you do. Keyboard and Mouse dogs all over Controllers. Just takes a while getting used to it.

I personally am upgrading my PC so I can play Call of Duty 4. Dedicated Servers dogs all over Console's online service.
Yeah, another ignorant console lover. You do not need mapping programs, it is plug and play. And considering some games are straight ports from XBOX, you could do with one. Plus it's hard to paly sports games with a keyboard.

The reason is people go with their peers and are afraid to break the 'norm' so to speak. PC gaming is every bit as good as console gaming, if not more so. I have both, so yes I can judge. I've had an XBOX since '06 and a PC since about '91.

Go do research, come back, tell me which is better ;).

23-02-2010, 11:10 PM
Yeah, another ignorant console lover.

Why so rude man? Paul also clearly said that Keyboard and mouse dogs the console brap tings, dedicated server dogs console servers.

23-02-2010, 11:48 PM
He is ignorant though. He said you need mapping but it's plug and play...

That's not rude, that's true.

24-02-2010, 02:54 AM
He is ignorant though. He said you need mapping but it's plug and play...

That's not rude, that's true.

how is that being ignorant, perhaps he's just misinformed

24-02-2010, 03:24 AM
He is ignorant though. He said you need mapping but it's plug and play...

That's not rude, that's true.

Something makes me think that not ALL games will have the correct control schemes for the pad?

24-02-2010, 03:43 AM
He is ignorant though. He said you need mapping but it's plug and play...

That's not rude, that's true.
All Call of Duty games dont support Controllers. You need programs such as Xpadder to play with a controller on them. I've been there before and then gave up because keyboard + mouse is far superior once you get used to it.

24-02-2010, 10:50 AM
how is that being ignorant, perhaps he's just misinformed

  http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/I00/I0029700) /ˈɪghttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngnərhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngəns/ http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) Show Spelled[ig-ner-uhhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngns] http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html) Show IPA
–nounthe state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

;6329744']Something makes me think that not ALL games will have the correct control schemes for the pad?
No **** Sherlock.

All Call of Duty games dont support Controllers. You need programs such as Xpadder to play with a controller on them. I've been there before and then gave up because keyboard + mouse is far superior once you get used to it.
Keyboard and mouse is superior on FPS games no doubt, but I was just correcting some misinformed soul of the first page.

24-02-2010, 03:42 PM

  http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/I00/I0029700) /ˈɪghttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngnərhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngəns/ http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) Show Spelled[ig-ner-uhhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngns] http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html) Show IPA
–nounthe state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

No **** Sherlock.

Keyboard and mouse is superior on FPS games no doubt, but I was just correcting some misinformed soul of the first page.

Instead of lookin for arguements, how about trying to be pleasant. This is a interesting thread - so if you want a fight go to habboforum.


I found K&M hard at first, but now I love it - and would rather play COD on PC than a console due to this and many other reasons.

24-02-2010, 04:01 PM
I prefer PC gaming because:

1. The games are cheaper (and you can easily pirate them, too)
2. I like my games to run higher than 30fps.

I do see the appeal of consoles as I have one myself, however they need more powerful hardware.

24-02-2010, 04:29 PM
PC Gaming is kind of dying out. It's mainly dying out for those who are just interested in playing the game, or those that prefer to play with more than 1 person. Whereas hardcore gamers (I'm talking those that mod games, and especially the Flight Sim lot) will always stick with PC, due to the *HUGE* amount of addons. You can't download mods to a PS3 game. You can with a PC game. And its these customisers who are partially keeping PC Gaming alive.

You couldn't do a game like Flight Sim X with a PS3 and its controller. You would get more control and abilities with computers, and this is why they're not dying out yet.

Simpler games, such as racing games, and such, are better suited to the console though.

24-02-2010, 07:09 PM
Instead of lookin for arguements, how about trying to be pleasant. This is a interesting thread - so if you want a fight go to habboforum.


I found K&M hard at first, but now I love it - and would rather play COD on PC than a console due to this and many other reasons.
Aha yeah, sorry for putting my opinion across :rolleyes:

25-02-2010, 04:30 PM
Aha yeah, sorry for putting my opinion across :rolleyes:
Sorry but I dont believe calling me ignorant for stating a fact is an opinion. More of an inappropriate assault of me as you seem to have a grudge against me. The fact is that a small majority games do not support a controller, the Call of Duty series included. Any controller support has to be done by the means of mapping via external hardware and software.

25-02-2010, 04:40 PM
Sorry but I dont believe calling me ignorant for stating a fact is an opinion. More of an inappropriate assault of me as you seem to have a grudge against me. The fact is that a small majority games do not support a controller, the Call of Duty series included. Any controller support has to be done by the means of mapping via external hardware and software.

Paul, Theres no point.. Lmao..

I mean, Tbh, i REALLY want to buy a Pc to game on, Because i mean.. I like games like TF and Crysis ect

25-02-2010, 06:19 PM
Aha yeah, sorry for putting my opinion across :rolleyes:
the way you worded it was a blatent attack.

25-02-2010, 08:34 PM
I've recently become a pc gamer again after getting too annoyed with my xbox. I enjoy it a hella lot more, I'm still in the crap phase but most people are willing to help you improve and such and it's an all round better experience, I don't get lag, I don't get angry anymore and I don't have to swap discs all the time.

Hopefully the pc gaming industry will come back into the spotlight again, it's an amazing thing. However I don't want it to come back so people migrate from ps3/xbox to pc too much else it'll just get overpopulated with nubs.

25-02-2010, 08:49 PM
Mods, dedicated servers, superior controls and graphics are what make PC so much better.

26-02-2010, 12:01 AM
I've recently become a pc gamer again after getting too annoyed with my xbox. I enjoy it a hella lot more, I'm still in the crap phase but most people are willing to help you improve and such and it's an all round better experience, I don't get lag, I don't get angry anymore and I don't have to swap discs all the time.

Hopefully the pc gaming industry will come back into the spotlight again, it's an amazing thing. However I don't want it to come back so people migrate from ps3/xbox to pc too much else it'll just get overpopulated with nubs.

Yeah, the good thing with that is.. Well.. 'Nubs' most likely being kids.. Wont be able to afford a decent PC, Its a lot more mature and they would probably get bored, Or adapt to people not putting up with them

Mods, dedicated servers, superior controls and graphics are what make PC so much better.

And the rest..

26-02-2010, 11:40 AM
the way you worded it was a blatent attack.
Let me just get my machete :rolleyes:

27-02-2010, 05:41 PM
Are you trying to say that the PC gaming master race is dying?

Hahaha, I don't think so console peasants, your kings shall lord over you forever.

27-02-2010, 05:47 PM
it seems the pc gamer breed have stuck to what they know and no more are joining the bandwagon (World of Warcraft doesnt appeal to the current teens neither does counter strike)

I wouldn't say WoW, with 11.5 million subscribers, is that unappealing

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