View Full Version : All sorts of problems

23-02-2010, 10:49 PM
I've spent AGES trying to sort this and I don't know what to do now!!

Problem #1: I can't sign into msn. It started off when I signed in, my picture wouldn't show and my custom smilies were gone. Now, my saved info isn't saved (on the log-in screen) and when I sign in I get a key port error. I've tried to fix this with no success. Right now I don't even have msn as I tried to reinstall msn but during the installation, it cancels itself and then says I cancelled.

Problem #2: Firefox won't open. It doesn't show in the task bar at all and I've tried unistalling + reinstalling it many times. I decided to use internet explorer...

Problem #3: Certain websites won't open. Things I use often such as gmail, facebook and bebo but Habbox and a few others still work fine. SOO I thought I'd try Google Chrome...

Problem #4: I can't import my Firefox passwords into Chrome because it says Firefox is open, it's not. Not task manager, not anywhere. And again, the same sites won't load.

Websites not loading, always asking for admin rights to folders (which I have but it never normally asks me) and installations always cancel.

I had a trojan earlier and removed it, done a few simple scans and doing one now which is clean so far. I've also done a system restore, didn't help and I tried another one, again it said basically I cancelled it. >:(

This is driving me insane. Solutions for any one of the problems? Please?

24-02-2010, 07:37 AM
Just reinstall Windows.

24-02-2010, 08:09 AM
Sounds like a virus of some sort. Have you tried doing a virus scan?

24-02-2010, 12:12 PM
Sounds like a virus of some sort. Have you tried doing a virus scan?

... I had a trojan earlier and removed it, done a few simple scans and doing one now which is clean so far. I've also done a system restore, didn't help and I tried another one, again it said basically I cancelled it. >:( ...

Recursion's advice is pretty much all you can do. And when you're back up and running, stick with Chrome instead of Firefox :D

The Professor
24-02-2010, 03:57 PM
Aye if you had a trojan should reinstall windows anyway just to make sure!

24-02-2010, 04:21 PM
Your trojan has affected a lot of your system files. A reinstall is the only option.

I had one once off of Skype. It started to blue-screen when loading MSN, then other programs, then stopped the system booting unless I was in safe mode. Please tell me your data was backed up before the trojan came along?

24-02-2010, 06:35 PM
Two words; your ******.

You may not like it, but there is only one option; reinstall Windows.

If you don't know how to, I'd be happy to help, just PM me.

24-02-2010, 08:43 PM
I agree with these guys, sounds to me like your computer has been infected with some malware/spyware/trojans that it can't get rid of. I'd format and reinstall windows.

24-02-2010, 10:16 PM
I loaded up the Vista installation disc and tried almost every option I could. I thought "ah well, looks like it's done for :( I might aswell just wipe it clean!" So I went to reinstall vista completely but it saved my old files into a folder so I just took out the really important things I knew were safe and deleted 40 gig of files. Everything works perfect now, thankfully. Thank you all for your input :)

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