View Full Version : Please im Asking from My Heart Can Somebody Help me?

31-07-2005, 09:33 PM
On tregabyte my main account, i was hacked i lost it all about 10T I Spent So much Realy money on this. And now i dont have much but i called for help loads and used the Habbo help tool loads of time. I Dont see why nobody will help. Its not a nice feeling, its like im being ignored because i wasnt popular enough for anyone to care :( How do i get my stuff back i read the news and posted but it doesnt say how it can help. But it just feels sad and upsetting :(
Edited by Butcher11 (Forum Moderator)- Thread Closed.

31-07-2005, 09:36 PM

:) Thank you and good luck

31-07-2005, 09:36 PM
lol in your post they will all be nice to you in mine they terrorozed me!

31-07-2005, 09:38 PM
Sadly you won't get it back... And this isn't news. No further comment.

31-07-2005, 09:39 PM
Thanks for sharing Kreechin and i relaise this isnt news, but i got the link from the news page and since its involved with the news, about the security breech. I just put it here sorry if a mod can move it correctly. But im just asking for help :(

31-07-2005, 09:42 PM
If you get hacked.. Try to get it back.. if not working take your clip and clap and GET A LIFE! Im mean no?

31-07-2005, 09:42 PM
heh basicly were bugggered we aint gna get out thrones back all that money we spend and we lose it..like that..
and :alpha u get a life u realy nered 1 obsessing over you 100th post u sad kid

31-07-2005, 09:44 PM
Yeah alpha go ***** yourself nobody want people like your -rep

31-07-2005, 09:45 PM
Gawd you guys, have some deceny, he just lost all of his stuff!

31-07-2005, 09:46 PM
lol in your post they will all be nice to you in mine they terrorozed me!

Hm.. here some comments from you in your thread

om f.u.c.ki.n.g god i did not down load anythi u trrany!! go f..u.c.k ya nan u lezbo!


omgz no im only.. 10 ohh noez fu.cking noez...noez noez noez noez...oh fu.cking noez..

u had an orgasum over 100 posts u sad twa.t

31-07-2005, 09:48 PM
now now u realy shudent edit the quoted text..making me look as tho im swearing...but then with people like you how can i not swear...

31-07-2005, 09:48 PM
heh basicly were bugggered we aint gna get out thrones back all that money we spend and we lose it..like that..
and :alpha u get a life u realy nered 1 obsessing over you 100th post u sad kidQUOTE]

[QUOTE]Yeah alpha go ***** yourself nobody want people like your -rep

Loll!! Pathetic ^_^

Im out cya guys and Good Luck!

31-07-2005, 09:49 PM
lol look whos talking ^_^

ohh urgg...u did the quote wrong *foo'*

31-07-2005, 09:50 PM
Okay guys, it wont let me make a thread.
Unless im doing one now...rofl.
If im not please help me :(
Im a newbie.
:) :) :)

31-07-2005, 09:51 PM
Alpha you are being un-reasonable though, people like me jsut lost alot of money to MSG/CDC And A. Habbo Doesnt give a penny back B. Cover It up saying that its not possible "/

31-07-2005, 09:52 PM
what can i say apart from...furni is tracable...but habbo r to lazy to get out of their chair and actualy try and trace it..

31-07-2005, 09:55 PM
Im Going to leave if i dont get rich/my stuff back again

31-07-2005, 09:56 PM
lol same here 3 years on habbo getton 10 T 25 hcs 6 pillowd a mocha nad a nordic aswell as a good 5 rooms of norms and what do i get in return...some lame lad named :alpha who is just here to cause trouble!

well i aint spendin no more on habbo if i was u i wudent it ent worth it! expecialy with all the unsafe hacking thru housekeeping for all i know mine and your hacking cud b thru housekeeping coz i know 100% i didnt dont and never hav had a logger or gave out my pass

31-07-2005, 10:01 PM
nope thats the same here not another penny on credits not evden if its tempting deal. i wont ever buy credits.

31-07-2005, 10:03 PM
You will never get it back, you're not the first person to lose their stuff and you won't be the last. I wouldn't waste my time if I was you, Habbo just couldn't care less, they are lazy.

31-07-2005, 10:10 PM
ACtually if you are very rich, its possible to get youre stuff back, usually with super rares, because super rares are extremely rare.

01-08-2005, 01:15 AM
If you get hacked.. Try to get it back.. if not working take your clip and clap and GET A LIFE! Im mean no?

Shut up you silly moron.

01-08-2005, 11:30 AM
Im Seriously thinking of quiting >_<

01-08-2005, 12:10 PM
tregabyte it happened to me!! all i have is a broken gingerbread house

01-08-2005, 12:24 PM
Im Seriously thinking of quiting >_<
no dont do that just coz some little imature ****er cant aford his own rares

01-08-2005, 12:46 PM
Jam1e is right

01-08-2005, 01:31 PM
Ive lost all my stuff about 8 times. Just move on, they wont do anything :'(

01-08-2005, 01:48 PM
Its gone no getting it back in habbo staffs mind its tuff luck they not help you so dont waste ure time
theres my advice =]

02-08-2005, 10:46 AM
lol same here 3 years on habbo getton 10 T 25 hcs 6 pillowd a mocha nad a nordic aswell as a good 5 rooms of norms and what do i get in return...some lame lad named :alpha who is just here to cause trouble!

well i aint spendin no more on habbo if i was u i wudent it ent worth it! expecialy with all the unsafe hacking thru housekeeping for all i know mine and your hacking cud b thru housekeeping coz i know 100% i didnt dont and never hav had a logger or gave out my pass

i know :alpha youv only got 125 posts and you think you own this place

02-08-2005, 10:52 AM
It's always sad to see yet another person attacked by the on-going siege of us innocent habbos. Did the hackers leave a tag in your mission?

02-08-2005, 11:01 AM
On tregabyte my main account, i was hacked i lost it all about 10T I Spent So much Realy money on this. And now i dont have much but i called for help loads and used the Habbo help tool loads of time. I Dont see why nobody will help. Its not a nice feeling, its like im being ignored because i wasnt popular enough for anyone to care :( How do i get my stuff back i read the news and posted but it doesnt say how it can help. But it just feels sad and upsetting :(
What exactly do you want help with? Do you want someone to tell you how to contact Habbo about it, or maybe you're just hoping a sob story will make people throw furni at you. :rolleyes:

02-08-2005, 12:17 PM
Yeh it's sad you lost your furni and that but I mean, why are you sitting threatening to leave if you don't get it back?

You say it as if, you leaving is going to affect the whole hotel or something..

Imeen, sorry dude - I think it's rubbish that you got hacked and all, but what is the point in this thread? All, people will say is contact Habbo - Imeen what do you want US to do? Personally track your furniture down and give you it back? Or donate to you?

You are saying you are leaving unless you get rich again, you would only get rich again if Habbo got you it back, which is HIGHLY unlikely.

You should just move on, start a fresh and begin over. It's only pixelated furni, and remember - it's not the end of the world!

02-08-2005, 12:59 PM
Yea... its only a game y cry ur whole life away, but u did spend money on habbo ...
So um Why post it????? err we cant really give u the furni :P

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