View Full Version : NPD: Mac sales up 39 percent in January and Febuary as iPod sales rebound

16-03-2010, 03:16 AM
Well, it looks like it's not just iPad pre-orders that are possibly be beating a few expectations -- according to NPD, sales of Macs and iPods were also up over some estimates in January and February. More specifically, NPD's Gene Munster says that sales of Macs were up 39% year over year for the two months (ahead of estimates of 22%), which should translate to sales of between 2.8 to 2.9 million Macs for the full quarter, while iPod sales were up 7% during the same period, suggesting total iPod sales of between nine and ten million for the first quarter. That latter number may actually be the more impressive of the two, as it marks the first time iPod sales have rebounded into positive territory in a full sixteen months -- although that trend could just as easily be reversed again if, say, Apple rolls out a new iPhone that cuts into iPod sales.

To be honest I can't say I'm surprised, because I see more and more people walking around with iPhones lately. I wonder how the iPad is going to change things, apparently it has sold quite well (http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/15/ipad-pre-orders-estimated-at-over-150-000-possibly-ahead-of-i/) so far.

16-03-2010, 05:02 AM

To be honest I can't say I'm surprised, because I see more and more people walking around with iPhones lately. I wonder how the iPad is going to change things, apparently it has sold quite well (http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/15/ipad-pre-orders-estimated-at-over-150-000-possibly-ahead-of-i/) so far.

I'd say a lot of those iPad sales are because of mac fans. I'm not trying to be biast or start a war here!!

I have contributed to the ipod sales as i needed a new ipod, i just got a refurbed one though :)

16-03-2010, 07:37 AM
tis true, a lot of those iPads will be by 1. Mac fanboys and 2. Idiots who want bragging rights.

16-03-2010, 12:54 PM
tis true, a lot of those iPads will be by 1. Mac fanboys and 2. Idiots who want bragging rights.
That's the impression I am getting too. In Google Buzz, a buzzer called Mashable seem to be over-advertising it and most the responses from people getting it seem to want bragging rights and are previous Apple product owners. Although, quite alot of the posters seem to be wise and just called it the iPod Touch XL and mocking them - the funny thing is they don't have a foot to stand on, and end up not posting in response, because they know the decision to buy them isn't at all wise.

Infact, the Microsoft Courier seems to be getting alot of hype, and wins hands down in all areas compared to the Touch XL. So it's only market base are previous Apple product owners, and the annoying imbesiles wanting bragging rights who openly admit this. The rest seems to be the elderly who have eyesight problems and want e-books, and the rest are just trying something new or want a larger, expensive iPod Touch :P

EDIT: An interesting bit of information for you - apparently if the iPad battery dies, Apple will send you an new iPad and charge you $99. This is because of the lack of rechargeable battery, I presume.

16-03-2010, 02:53 PM
tis true, a lot of those iPads will be by 1. Mac fanboys and 2. Idiots who want bragging rights.

I sort of agree with you here Mr Microsoft, although there's probably a lot of people buying one because they genuinely want one? You yourself told me on MSN that you "kinda wanted one" do you not remember that :P

16-03-2010, 03:14 PM
You probably see more iPhones because Bell and Telus started carrying them on their new GSM networks. I'm getting a Blackberry on Telus when I move home, can't wait!

16-03-2010, 04:18 PM
You probably see more iPhones because Bell and Telus started carrying them on their new GSM networks. I'm getting a Blackberry on Telus when I move home, can't wait!

Oh that's a good point actually :)

Hold on, you're excited to get a blackberry?!!!!!

16-03-2010, 05:55 PM
Oh that's a good point actually :)

Hold on, you're excited to get a blackberry?!!!!!

Oh for gods sake David, don't start an argument here about Blackberrys, we've all heard enough. :l

Anyway, it is a lot of the fanboys that have ordered the iPad, but some people are genuinely interested in its features.

And one of the main reasons people have iPhones is bragging rights, to be honest. My mate has one. ALL HE DOES is go on about the damn thing, and he stays up all night using it. He's MAD. And some people, like him, are just wanting to say "I'VE GOT AN IPHONE, NER NER NER NER NEER NER!".

The Professor
16-03-2010, 06:52 PM
Oh for gods sake David, don't start an argument here about Blackberrys, we've all heard enough.

+1 to this comment good sir, have an internet.

Ipod touch is awesome, ipad is overpriced.

16-03-2010, 06:55 PM
Agreed with the post above. iPad is just another overpriced product by Apple.

16-03-2010, 07:23 PM
Agreed with the post above. iPad is just another overpriced product by Apple.

And the production line is very cheap. See the image below.


16-03-2010, 11:34 PM
@the people above hating on a product they've never used

Go use one for a month. Then come back and complain about it. Otherwise what you say about it really doesn't matter :P

17-03-2010, 07:58 AM
@the people above hating on a product they've never used

Go use one for a month. Then come back and complain about it. Otherwise what you say about it really doesn't matter :P

To use one for a month would mean spending money, money we are not willing to spend on a crappy looking product, it's all about first impressions.

Although I do quite like it as a web/media tablet.

17-03-2010, 03:19 PM
To use one for a month would mean spending money, money we are not willing to spend on a crappy looking product, it's all about first impressions.

Although I do quite like it as a web/media tablet.

Ok then, don't buy it. But don't go around saying "ITS JUST A OVERSIZED IPOD WHAT GOOD CAN IT DO" when that's covered with ignorance because you can't say that with 0 experience using one :P

17-03-2010, 07:11 PM
I love my Blackberry!!!!!

I'm going to Telus in the next few days to see what kind of a deal I can get on one... I'm leaving for Canada very soon!

17-03-2010, 07:31 PM
intresting tbh,doing better than i expected.

i sold my iphone this month cus its **** and just got a blackberry but its everyone's own opinion i suppose.

17-03-2010, 07:41 PM
intresting tbh,doing better than i expected.

i sold my iphone this month cus its **** and just got a blackberry but its everyone's own opinion i suppose.

Yeah, i've gotta say, some of the new Blackberrys are pretty sexy. :)

EDIT; How much is the iPad anywho?

17-03-2010, 07:59 PM
Ok then, don't buy it. But don't go around saying "ITS JUST A OVERSIZED IPOD WHAT GOOD CAN IT DO" when that's covered with ignorance because you can't say that with 0 experience using one :P

But, all the evidence suggests that it actually IS an oversized iPod touch.

There's only 3 differences between the two items. They have different screen sizes, the iPad has a book-reading app (alternatives available on iPod touch/iPhone, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was ported to the iPhone/touch release of iPhone OS 4.0), and some iPads can use 3G (which the iPhone 3G and 3GS can).

So, it is pretty much an oversized iPod touch with a micro-SIM card slot. Try again to prove us all wrong and cause an argument, David.

@Post above: starts at $499 in the US, we won't know launch prices here till the launch.

17-03-2010, 08:44 PM
Ok then, don't buy it. But don't go around saying "ITS JUST A OVERSIZED IPOD WHAT GOOD CAN IT DO" when that's covered with ignorance because you can't say that with 0 experience using one :P
You can make that conclusion dear ;) The information published so far about it makes it out to be a large iPod Touch with possible 3G functionality ;) So far all release information is uninteresting and nothing worthy of a breakthrough.

17-03-2010, 09:21 PM
i love how these threads always turn into an argument where one person sticks up for the product / is a fanboy and the rest just shut him down :)

17-03-2010, 09:34 PM
i love how these threads always turn into an argument where one person sticks up for the product / is a fanboy and the rest just shut him down :)

welcome to habboxforum :)

OT: My uncle lives in US and has pre-ordered one so ill ask him for opinion on it when he gets it.

17-03-2010, 11:56 PM
i love how these threads always turn into an argument where one person sticks up for the product / is a fanboy and the rest just shut him down :)

Or the other various people are just Microsoft fanboys? You should of seen HxF when Vista was the latest operating system of choice. Fanboyism shined then.

But, all the evidence suggests that it actually IS an oversized iPod touch.

There's only 3 differences between the two items. They have different screen sizes, the iPad has a book-reading app (alternatives available on iPod touch/iPhone, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was ported to the iPhone/touch release of iPhone OS 4.0), and some iPads can use 3G (which the iPhone 3G and 3GS can).

So, it is pretty much an oversized iPod touch with a micro-SIM card slot. Try again to prove us all wrong and cause an argument, David.

@Post above: starts at $499 in the US, we won't know launch prices here till the launch.

How in the name of dear old bill gates am I trying to prove you wrong? You haven't used one, you can't say it's an oversized iPod and be right. Go use one and then moan :)

18-03-2010, 07:22 AM
Or the other various people are just Microsoft fanboys? You should of seen HxF when Vista was the latest operating system of choice. Fanboyism shined then.

How in the name of dear old bill gates am I trying to prove you wrong? You haven't used one, you can't say it's an oversized iPod and be right. Go use one and then moan :)

You haven't used one either, David. How can YOU assume I'm wrong?

This is the last time I'm posting in this thread. I'm sick of arguing already, and I'm keeping out of it. For your own sake, David, I recommend you do the same.

18-03-2010, 12:26 PM
Or the other various people are just Microsoft fanboys? You should of seen HxF when Vista was the latest operating system of choice. Fanboyism shined then.
Or it was a decent Operating System that people liked? Of course, you won't think this, and just assume that people moved to Windows 7 because Vista was crap (in your tiny little world), when people just moved because it was better. Much like people moving to OS X Service Pack Snow Leopard from OS X Leopard. If you think people moved because Vista was crap, then we'll assume people bought Snow Leopard because Leopard was crap using your logic. Even though Snow Leopard is a joke, it caused so many problems at the start it was just lol worthy - guest accounts deleting data, the whole OS not working when it should do, seeing as Apple made the hardware. Such a joke, it was worse than when Vista was released :P

How in the name of dear old bill gates am I trying to prove you wrong? You haven't used one, you can't say it's an oversized iPod and be right. Go use one and then moan :)
Specs and way it is advertised. It is just an over-sized iPod Touch. It's advertised as one, it was released as one and it's thought of as one by many Apple workers and product analysts. Look at the adverts and the specs, it screams large iPod Touch, it isn't a product of its own and never will be. It's a joke that shouldn't of even been compared with the NetBook market, which dumb old Jobs presumed was a market aimed at people who just browse the internet and look at photos and videos all day, when the idiot forgot that NetBooks can also be used as word processors and standalone computers (just with less power). The man is a joke, and so is the iPad for woman.

18-03-2010, 02:12 PM
You haven't used one either, David. How can YOU assume I'm wrong?

This is the last time I'm posting in this thread. I'm sick of arguing already, and I'm keeping out of it. For your own sake, David, I recommend you do the same.

As I've already said I might not like it and I'm not buying one anytime soon. I'm just not going to insult it when I'm unable to because I've not used one. The next mobile gadget I'm buying is something that's going to have a calling and texting feature on it.

Or it was a decent Operating System that people liked? Of course, you won't think this, and just assume that people moved to Windows 7 because Vista was crap (in your tiny little world), when people just moved because it was better. Much like people moving to OS X Service Pack Snow Leopard from OS X Leopard. If you think people moved because Vista was crap, then we'll assume people bought Snow Leopard because Leopard was crap using your logic. Even though Snow Leopard is a joke, it caused so many problems at the start it was just lol worthy - guest accounts deleting data, the whole OS not working when it should do, seeing as Apple made the hardware. Such a joke, it was worse than when Vista was released :P

You're inferring when I'm not saying anything. Vista sucked, that's pretty agreeable. Beta software developed on beta software I can rant and rave about Vista sucking for hours. People moved to Windows 7 because it's better. It's a lot less sluggy, and it's a lot more stable. I was fine with Leopard. I moved to SL because I wanted more 64bit support, the new expose features, and because it was $30.

Specs and way it is advertised. It is just an over-sized iPod Touch. It's advertised as one, it was released as one and it's thought of as one by many Apple workers and product analysts. Look at the adverts and the specs, it screams large iPod Touch, it isn't a product of its own and never will be. It's a joke that shouldn't of even been compared with the NetBook market, which dumb old Jobs presumed was a market aimed at people who just browse the internet and look at photos and videos all day, when the idiot forgot that NetBooks can also be used as word processors and standalone computers (just with less power). The man is a joke, and so is the iPad for woman.

You probably shouldn't insult someone you don't know much about. Moreover it boasts features an iPod lacks, so you saying it's an oversized iPod without actually using the product is completely irrelevant. Think about it. I would not say OS X is better than Windows 7 if I haven't used Windows 7. Or I wouldn't do the more common thing and say Windows is better without using OS X. You're making statements about a product without using the product. You cannot do this and expect me to take your thoughts as genuine.

18-03-2010, 04:24 PM
As I've already said I might not like it and I'm not buying one anytime soon. I'm just not going to insult it when I'm unable to because I've not used one. The next mobile gadget I'm buying is something that's going to have a calling and texting feature on it.

David, you appear to be praising it, which again, you can't do as you don't own one. And if you don't plan on owning one, why are you shouting at us because we don't like it?

You probably shouldn't insult someone you don't know much about. Moreover it boasts features an iPod lacks, so you saying it's an oversized iPod without actually using the product is completely irrelevant. Think about it. I would not say OS X is better than Windows 7 if I haven't used Windows 7. Or I wouldn't do the more common thing and say Windows is better without using OS X. You're making statements about a product without using the product. You cannot do this and expect me to take your thoughts as genuine.

In that case, you don't appear to know much about Blackberrys, yet you criticise them continuously.

You cannot defend the iPad if you haven't used one, either, David.

And it boasts 3 features that the iPod touch doesn't have. eBooks (available with third party apps), 3G (we have phones for this, plus if you wanted to use 3G with an iPod touch, MiFi would be the best route to go down), and a bigger screen (remind me, what user has ever complained that the iPod touch had a screen that was too small). Oh, and you can change the background. Big woop.

I know I said I wouldn't post again, but your post annoyed me so much, I had to.

David. This is a plea, now. PLEASE, for the love of God, Stop causing arguments because we don't follow your way of thinking. We've ALL had enough now.

18-03-2010, 07:09 PM
You're inferring when I'm not saying anything. Vista sucked, that's pretty agreeable. Beta software developed on beta software I can rant and rave about Vista sucking for hours. People moved to Windows 7 because it's better. It's a lot less sluggy, and it's a lot more stable. I was fine with Leopard. I moved to SL because I wanted more 64bit support, the new expose features, and because it was $30.
You just answered to my inference with boring opinion on Vista. It was a decent OS for alot of people. Just because people moved to 7 doesn't mean they're hypocrites for changing. Same logic revolves around people moving to SP Snow Leopard for OS X.

You probably shouldn't insult someone you don't know much about. Moreover it boasts features an iPod lacks, so you saying it's an oversized iPod without actually using the product is completely irrelevant. Think about it. I would not say OS X is better than Windows 7 if I haven't used Windows 7. Or I wouldn't do the more common thing and say Windows is better without using OS X. You're making statements about a product without using the product. You cannot do this and expect me to take your thoughts as genuine.
Oh no, I have a valid reason to call Steve Jobs an idiot. I don't need to know anymore about hium, other than he's an incredibly lame man when it comes to competition and advertising his own products. Look at the incredibly childish way he is handling Android/HTC/Google/Microsoft. He's a pathetic little man.

What new features are there that an iPod doesn't have? iBooks? 3G? Boring. Still just an iPod Touch with 3G support and a new App Store. Your lack of examples seems to suggest this, otherwise you would be blasting out facts, while the fact is and stands to be, the iPad is just an iPod Touch. Jobs failed the product the moment the imbesile mentioned and criticised the NetBook market. Also, your example is invalid. All information about the iPad has been released, it's not amazing - I don't need to use it, I can just use an iPod Touch and imagine 3G support. So tell me, what is amazing about the iPod Touch XL? There appears to be nothing amazing about it. £400+ for a device to watch videos and pictures on the train is a waste of money.

18-03-2010, 08:12 PM
You just answered to my inference with boring opinion on Vista. It was a decent OS for alot of people. Just because people moved to 7 doesn't mean they're hypocrites for changing. Same logic revolves around people moving to SP Snow Leopard for OS X.
Just because I upgrade to snow leopard doesn't magically mean I suddenly hate leopard.

Oh no, I have a valid reason to call Steve Jobs an idiot. I don't need to know anymore about hium, other than he's an incredibly lame man when it comes to competition and advertising his own products. Look at the incredibly childish way he is handling Android/HTC/Google/Microsoft. He's a pathetic little man.
You should meet Steve Ballmer.

What new features are there that an iPod doesn't have? iBooks? 3G? Boring. Still just an iPod Touch with 3G support and a new App Store. Your lack of examples seems to suggest this, otherwise you would be blasting out facts, while the fact is and stands to be, the iPad is just an iPod Touch. Jobs failed the product the moment the imbesile mentioned and criticised the NetBook market. Also, your example is invalid. All information about the iPad has been released, it's not amazing - I don't need to use it, I can just use an iPod Touch and imagine 3G support. So tell me, what is amazing about the iPod Touch XL? There appears to be nothing amazing about it. £400+ for a device to watch videos and pictures on the train is a waste of money.
I'll tell you what's so amazing or crappy about it after I use one.

David, you appear to be praising it, which again, you can't do as you don't own one. And if you don't plan on owning one, why are you shouting at us because we don't like it?
Which part of me saying I'm not buying it and I want something with a phone praises it :S

In that case, you don't appear to know much about Blackberrys, yet you criticise them continuously.
It's not like I used to own one or anything?

You cannot defend the iPad if you haven't used one, either, David.
I'm not iPad's defender, I'm a defender of common sense and fair criticism.

And it boasts 3 features that the iPod touch doesn't have. eBooks (available with third party apps), 3G (we have phones for this, plus if you wanted to use 3G with an iPod touch, MiFi would be the best route to go down), and a bigger screen (remind me, what user has ever complained that the iPod touch had a screen that was too small). Oh, and you can change the background. Big woop.

I know I said I wouldn't post again, but your post annoyed me so much, I had to.

The native apps were re-written, and there'a a different SDK. There's differences between this and a typical iPod. Don't insult a Jeep because you've driven a motorbike.

David. This is a plea, now. PLEASE, for the love of God, Stop causing arguments because we don't follow your way of thinking. We've ALL had enough now.
You're saying that after what you just caused in HxHD :P

18-03-2010, 08:17 PM
Yes, I'm saying that, with the screenshot of you calling us all Windows fanboys.


I'm also going to raise the issues we tried to discuss (which ended in you throwing a tantrum).

You are claiming to me that an iPad is not a computer's sidekick, but it is a computer in itself.
You are claiming to me that an iPad is just more than an overpriced and oversized iPod touch.
You are claiming that myself and others are "living in the past" and not aware of advancement (unfortunately I forgot to screenie that. So much to screenie, so little time)

I just thought I'd tell you all about David's opinion (which isn't fact, no matter how much he thinks it is)

18-03-2010, 08:52 PM
Yes, I'm saying that, with the screenshot of you calling us all Windows fanboys.


I'm also going to raise the issues we tried to discuss (which ended in you throwing a tantrum).

You are claiming to me that an iPad is not a computer's sidekick, but it is a computer in itself.
You are claiming to me that an iPad is just more than an overpriced and oversized iPod touch.
You are claiming that myself and others are "living in the past" and not aware of advancement (unfortunately I forgot to screenie that. So much to screenie, so little time)

I just thought I'd tell you all about David's opinion (which isn't fact, no matter how much he thinks it is)

You were removed from the room because you insulted Canada three times, one time involving homosexuality. I didn't have a tantrum.

- I said iPads objective and iPad like devices are to replace the personal computer
- I said you cannot say an iPad is more than a oversized iPod because you've never used an iPad.

I cannot upload the screenshots of what you said, as the contents violate forum rules.

18-03-2010, 08:55 PM
You were removed from the room because you insulted Canada three times, one time involving homosexuality. I didn't have a tantrum.

- I said iPads objective and iPad like devices are to replace the personal computer
- I said you cannot say an iPad is more than a oversized iPod because you've never used an iPad.

I cannot upload the screenshots of what you said, as the contents violate forum rules.

The third time involving Homosexuality was not targeted towards Canada. (viewers of thread: it was targeted towards Justin Bieber if you really care)

And I note the use of the words "iPad-like devices". This proves that these devices MAY be the future, but the iPad won't be.

18-03-2010, 09:03 PM
The third time involving Homosexuality was not targeted towards Canada. (viewers of thread: it was targeted towards Justin Bieber if you really care)

And I note the use of the words "iPad-like devices". This proves that these devices MAY be the future, but the iPad won't be.

Me saying iPad like devices will take over in the future doesn't prove anything, it's still my opinion. I can be completely right or completely wrong. My stance on all of this is:
- Don't know how good the iPad will be
- I'm not going to say it's the best thing since sliced bread, I haven't used one
- I'm not going to hate on it like the above users, I haven't used one
- I do this to be fair and to evaluate things more honestly
- Posting from a Core 2 Quad Windows 7 Home Premium Acer :)

18-03-2010, 11:05 PM
Just because I upgrade to snow leopard doesn't magically mean I suddenly hate leopard.
But because you've upgraded, you must do - using your logic that the select few of us upgraded from Vista to 7 must mean we hated Vista, even though we said we love it. I'm only going by what you said ;)

You should meet Steve Ballmer.
Isn't he the new Microsoft person? He seems like a nice guy, he advertises Microsoft products for what they do, rather than what Steve Jobs does which is **** off the competition (if **** is filtered, then "make fun of" is acceptable) without actually advertising the product - see PC vs. Mac adverts and Jobs' release notes where he compared the NetBook market to the iPod Touch market for more information.

I'll tell you what's so amazing or crappy about it after I use one.
Would you want to waste your time? We already know it's an iPod Touch that's seen way too many steroids, or been flattened/sat on by Jobs' ego :P

The native apps were re-written, and there'a a different SDK. There's differences between this and a typical iPod. Don't insult a Jeep because you've driven a motorbike.
This was intended for Markeh, but the example was pretty crap I had to comment on it. Surely "Don't insult a Focus because you've driven a Fiesta" is a better example? The differences between a Jeep and a motorbike are too far inbetween, the iPod Touch is afterall not that different to a Touch. I'm amazed you've not understood that, seeing as Apple have clearly stated it runs roughly the same OS (a few tweaks to take into account the screen size for Apps), a different App store and 3G. Those aren't really major differences, if it ran a proper OS and could run under its own steam, then it would be a cool Tablet PC. The iPad isn't even in the Tablet PC market anymore, it looks as though the Tablet PC market is dominated by the Courier, HP Tablet and whatever Dell has to offer, the iPad is no competition as it isn't a Tablet PC, just a Tablet MP3 player like the Touch, which is quite disappointing seeing as Jobs (like an idiot) compared it to the NetBook, which raised alot of hype seeing as NetBooks are proper computers with webcams, USB ports and a real, hardy OS.

18-03-2010, 11:12 PM
But because you've upgraded, you must do - using your logic that the select few of us upgraded from Vista to 7 must mean we hated Vista, even though we said we love it. I'm only going by what you said ;)

I am saying that many users on this forum suddenly thought Vista was horrible when Windows 7 came out. I'm not judging all Mac users or Windows users here. I'm judging what people on this forum previously said.

Isn't he the new Microsoft person? He seems like a nice guy, he advertises Microsoft products for what they do, rather than what Steve Jobs does which is **** off the competition (if **** is filtered, then "make fun of" is acceptable) without actually advertising the product - see PC vs. Mac adverts and Jobs' release notes where he compared the NetBook market to the iPod Touch market for more information.

He's been at Microsoft since around the start.

Has he -naughtyword- killed google yet:P

Would you want to waste your time? We already know it's an iPod Touch that's seen way too many steroids, or been flattened/sat on by Jobs' ego :P
Need to try it before I hate it. Anyone who doesn't do this has an invalid opinion in my book, and to me their feedback means nothing.

This was intended for Markeh, but the example was pretty crap I had to comment on it. Surely "Don't insult a Focus because you've driven a Fiesta" is a better example? The differences between a Jeep and a motorbike are too far inbetween, the iPod Touch is afterall not that different to a Touch. I'm amazed you've not understood that, seeing as Apple have clearly stated it runs roughly the same OS (a few tweaks to take into account the screen size for Apps), a different App store and 3G. Those aren't really major differences, if it ran a proper OS and could run under its own steam, then it would be a cool Tablet PC. The iPad isn't even in the Tablet PC market anymore, it looks as though the Tablet PC market is dominated by the Courier, HP Tablet and whatever Dell has to offer, the iPad is no competition as it isn't a Tablet PC, just a Tablet MP3 player like the Touch, which is quite disappointing seeing as Jobs (like an idiot) compared it to the NetBook, which raised alot of hype seeing as NetBooks are proper computers with webcams, USB ports and a real, hardy OS.

Yeah but there are differences between the operating system. The larger screen and different SDK. plus, none of us have actually used one so we don't even know what's going to be different. In 5 months how this will compare to an iPhone. Maybe in 5 months we're going to see totally different more complex applications for this than the iPhone, maybe we wont. We just don't know, and I'm not going to accuse the iPad of being one thing now, when it might really be another.

18-03-2010, 11:24 PM
I am saying that many users on this forum suddenly thought Vista was horrible when Windows 7 came out. I'm not judging all Mac users or Windows users here. I'm judging what people on this forum previously said.
I've only seen people suggesting people upgrade their Vista machines to Windows 7 machines, or to get Windows 7 on a machine they're buying for dirt cheap which has Vista installed?

He's been at Microsoft since around the start.

Has he -naughtyword- killed google yet:P
He's not like Jobs is he? It must be a Steve thing, to hate on Google :P

Need to try it before I hate it. Anyone who doesn't do this has an invalid opinion in my book, and to me their feedback means nothing.
All fair, but to me it doesn't look good and I'd rather not buy a product that flopped when it was announced - Jobs did a terrible job at announcing it. It could work out quite well, but to me it is just a large Touch with a few extra features - Apple can't really announce anything new, seeing as it has no USB ports and it cannot stand on its own two feet. It's not a tablet PC, that's for sure. The Courier and what HP have announced are tablet PCs, the iPad is just a tablet media device made too sound and look like a PC.

Yeah but there are differences between the operating system. The larger screen and different SDK. plus, none of us have actually used one so we don't even know what's going to be different. In 5 months how this will compare to an iPhone. Maybe in 5 months we're going to see totally different more complex applications for this than the iPhone, maybe we wont. We just don't know, and I'm not going to accuse the iPad of being one thing now, when it might really be another.
Basically saying the Focus is a Fiesta with a larger engine and different computer-type systems inside :P It's still a car, just not a super car. It's all well and good saying it has a different SDK, but the basic functionality makes it no different to an iPod Touch - the home screen, the Apps... Apple have got alot to pull out of their bag, and unless they add USB ports and make it so it can interact wirelessly with printers and computers as well as stand on its own two feet, it won't surprise me at all. So far, it is just coming off as an iPod Touch - the specs, the information released... Not looking good so far.

19-03-2010, 01:59 AM
I've only seen people suggesting people upgrade their Vista machines to Windows 7 machines, or to get Windows 7 on a machine they're buying for dirt cheap which has Vista installed?

I wont say any names this time, last time I did they got annoyed :P

He's not like Jobs is he? It must be a Steve thing, to hate on Google :P

All we need now is for steve woz to hate on Google while standing in a linup to buy an iPad.

All fair, but to me it doesn't look good and I'd rather not buy a product that flopped when it was announced - Jobs did a terrible job at announcing it. It could work out quite well, but to me it is just a large Touch with a few extra features - Apple can't really announce anything new, seeing as it has no USB ports and it cannot stand on its own two feet. It's not a tablet PC, that's for sure. The Courier and what HP have announced are tablet PCs, the iPad is just a tablet media device made too sound and look like a PC.

Then don't buy it. Just don't sit here and tell me how bad it is when you haven't even used it.

Basically saying the Focus is a Fiesta with a larger engine and different computer-type systems inside :P It's still a car, just not a super car. It's all well and good saying it has a different SDK, but the basic functionality makes it no different to an iPod Touch - the home screen, the Apps... Apple have got alot to pull out of their bag, and unless they add USB ports and make it so it can interact wirelessly with printers and computers as well as stand on its own two feet, it won't surprise me at all. So far, it is just coming off as an iPod Touch - the specs, the information released... Not looking good so far.

I'll be honest my car knowledge is lacking for the typical male. Tom made a good point earlier about waiting for the v2 to have USB ports and other much wanted features.

19-03-2010, 07:50 AM
I've only seen people suggesting people upgrade their Vista machines to Windows 7 machines, or to get Windows 7 on a machine they're buying for dirt cheap which has Vista installed?

He's not like Jobs is he? It must be a Steve thing, to hate on Google :P

All fair, but to me it doesn't look good and I'd rather not buy a product that flopped when it was announced - Jobs did a terrible job at announcing it. It could work out quite well, but to me it is just a large Touch with a few extra features - Apple can't really announce anything new, seeing as it has no USB ports and it cannot stand on its own two feet. It's not a tablet PC, that's for sure. The Courier and what HP have announced are tablet PCs, the iPad is just a tablet media device made too sound and look like a PC.

Basically saying the Focus is a Fiesta with a larger engine and different computer-type systems inside :P It's still a car, just not a super car. It's all well and good saying it has a different SDK, but the basic functionality makes it no different to an iPod Touch - the home screen, the Apps... Apple have got alot to pull out of their bag, and unless they add USB ports and make it so it can interact wirelessly with printers and computers as well as stand on its own two feet, it won't surprise me at all. So far, it is just coming off as an iPod Touch - the specs, the information released... Not looking good so far.

This is exactly what I tried to explain to David in HxHD. Except he refused to let me finish my sentence, and just kept shouting wrong at me continuously when I try and explain.

And I could understand the iPad being what David is explaining it to be, if it had more ports, and ran OS X. Which he claims isn't suitable for an iPad. And if it weren't for the fact that you wouldn't have enough space for OS X and Data on a 16Gb model, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple thought of that idea.

However, £10 ($10 CAD for David) bets that the iPad ends up with these features in the next 2 generations.

19-03-2010, 08:01 AM
David.. What are you on about with 'YOU HAVEN'T USED IT SO YOU CANNOT COMMENT'

I have never met Osama Bin Laden - does hat mean I cannot comment from him, afterall I don't know him.. He could be a gentle man that plays with bunnies?


And you flame us for having an opinion, but then you say yours and think it's fine. Both ways.

19-03-2010, 02:10 PM
David.. What are you on about with 'YOU HAVEN'T USED IT SO YOU CANNOT COMMENT'

I have never met Osama Bin Laden - does hat mean I cannot comment from him, afterall I don't know him.. He could be a gentle man that plays with bunnies?


And you flame us for having an opinion, but then you say yours and think it's fine. Both ways.

Extraordinarily different scenarios here. In computing, insulting an operating system and in this case it's an operating system and an entirely new sort of device we haven't really seen before, without using it, is a big giant no. Pretty sure every reviewer you go to actually has a demo device they review. They don't just say, "it's a big ipod we're not reviewing that because we know it sucks".

edit: forgot to include:

This is exactly what I tried to explain to David in HxHD. Except he refused to let me finish my sentence, and just kept shouting wrong at me continuously when I try and explain.

And I could understand the iPad being what David is explaining it to be, if it had more ports, and ran OS X. Which he claims isn't suitable for an iPad. And if it weren't for the fact that you wouldn't have enough space for OS X and Data on a 16Gb model, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple thought of that idea.

However, £10 ($10 CAD for David) bets that the iPad ends up with these features in the next 2 generations.

10 pounds is closer to 20 dollars CND, and in HxHD you were just criticizing me and trying to cause arguments with insults, it was a very far thing from an actual discussion :)

22-03-2010, 06:20 PM
10.00 GBP
15.3969 CAD

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