View Full Version : Magic Combat? :S

20-03-2010, 05:58 PM
i have been doing wind strike on the dummy in lumbridge and it was getting my cb level up? i didn't think it would. and now i'm level 19 i can cast curse. if i cast curse on the dummys would that get my cb level up since i'm not dealing damage or does it go up from the fact that my magic level would be rising?

Help!?!?!?!? rep+ for any reply.


Just found a person who told me that it doesn't and now i realizes i should of only done wind strike till level 3 then weaken and stuff. that would of made my combat very low level :P

20-03-2010, 06:25 PM
Yes magic does raise your combat level but at the level i used things like ducks - Hitpoints exp as well (i know its not called hp but idc, still hp to me) but no dummys wont ;P

21-03-2010, 06:37 AM
hmm yeh i am just using fire strike on dummys cause i don't really want hp though so i'm fine were i am. (i still call is hp too :P)

28-03-2010, 08:49 PM
no dummies wont, and same; i still say hp (saying con makes it the same as construction)

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