View Full Version : [Bobba] Habbo nurseries

13-09-2004, 06:58 AM
Well , weve all seen them , habbo nurseries , but when we look in to them alot of 'babies' want HC parents , it starts of with like say , a stool an then it builds up . Of course ome babies do it for the fun of it which i havent got a problem against , its just the scamming babies that annoy me
*moved to Bobba by :Illusion*

13-09-2004, 11:52 AM
it's annoying probley the least celver scam on habbohotel though

13-09-2004, 07:47 PM
i think teh funny scam is one my frined (now ip banned) did, wichj unlike hois bigger one ( he was baned for attcking jibbi lol). anyway he uses to clones and goes to some church room, marrys himself, anmd they give him a weedding gift lol? wich to me is quite a funny scam.

13-09-2004, 07:53 PM
i think teh funny scam is one my frined (now ip banned) did, wichj unlike hois bigger one ( he was baned for attcking jibbi lol). anyway he uses to clones and goes to some church room, marrys himself, anmd they give him a weedding gift lol? wich to me is quite a funny scam. Now that is a very clever scammer lol :eusa_pray :eusa_clap

13-09-2004, 08:17 PM
Grr I HATE habbo babies. Another thing tehy do is go

" Itty mwy bwirfdway twoomworrwow bwut cwaussy mwe gwotty nwo fwamiwy owr fwendies cwan oo bwuy mwe a pweswent? "


13-09-2004, 09:22 PM
lol. Anotha ban I find funny that happened to ma frend is he sed "Jibbi doesn't lyke orange vampires" he got a 24 hour ban :S

I dont like habbo babies eitha unless they nice and dont ask for prezzies and dont overdo the accent then im OK with them lol. :S

13-09-2004, 09:53 PM
Sorry if anyone has them or is one on habbo but.
I can't stand Habbo Babies!
Ewwo cwan woo bwe mwy mwummy pwese and a fwee pwessy!
Lmao, since when to baby's even say that?

14-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Hah... well I'm glad you bring up this point.. I am banned now but I own the first adoption on habbo.com, and what is special about it is, I kick all the gold diggers or anyone that just bugs me.. .many people that dislike babies think it's a great adoption room, so if you ever wanna see just check it out :)

14-09-2004, 01:19 AM
personally i think being a habbo baby is just strange, they pretend to be babies yet want to be treated like adults its just wrong, of course if they dont over do it and just add the occasinoal baby type sound to a sentance and dont ask for gifts im fine with it.

14-09-2004, 02:09 AM
there just imature kids/teens/adults but hey, theyre mentally twisted doing that (=

27-09-2004, 06:11 PM
I ask them questions like, How did you get passed registration? or You're quite a good speller! and You do realise if you were a baby you wont write ickle or mwe, thats how babies say it not spell it, they spell normally.

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