View Full Version : My best friend has fallen out with me!

22-03-2010, 08:16 AM
I was going out with my best mate, and we've been best friends for ages! Then a load of rumours go round so I decide to dump her, and I told her the reason, because of the rumours, and now she hates me. And she's moving soon and I won't be able to spend time with her before she moves :(

22-03-2010, 09:30 AM
Wow,that sucks.I really feel for you but I can understand her feelings.You should supposedly tell her about the rumors before dumping her.I suppose she feels that you do not trust her despite all those years which hurts her.

All you can do is apologize,talk to her about it and hope that she will be able to forgive you.But seriously dude,you made a terrible mistake which costs your friendship.
Just be prepared to accept anything that will happen

22-03-2010, 09:31 AM
well that's why you don't go out with friends if you wish to remain friends after a break up which is inevitable.

22-03-2010, 09:34 AM
well that's why you don't go out with friends if you wish to remain friends after a break up which is inevitable.

yup,sadly but it is the truth

22-03-2010, 09:55 AM
I don't know why you dumped her because of rumours. Maybe you should have asked her if it was true first. Sounds like apology time to me.

22-03-2010, 11:10 AM
It's your own fault. Rumours are called rumour because they are rumours. Believe it or not.

22-03-2010, 04:13 PM
Aren't you the confused guy

22-03-2010, 04:27 PM
It shows you didnt like her much to begin with if you dump her down to rumours..

22-03-2010, 05:50 PM
Agree with above plus....

RELATIONSHIPS RUIN FRIENDSHIPS which is y atm irl two ppl like eachother as m8s. girl fancies the guy th but he wont go out with her coz RELATIONSHIPS RUIN FRIENDSHIPS.

22-03-2010, 06:06 PM
You should'n't have dumped her because of a rumour :S

22-03-2010, 06:18 PM
You live and learn. :)

I dated my friends, we're still friends after the breakup. It really depends how you do it tbh. "Because of rumours" isn't the best excuse I've heard. As someone above said, you obviously didn't really like her anyway if you tried to find any excuse to dump her. If she's moving, the relationship was pretty much doomed from the start. Basically, tell her you're sorry you acted like a jerk and ask if you can still be friends. If she says yes, good for you. If she says no, move on.

22-03-2010, 06:31 PM
No, because teachers were being well nasty to me, because the rumours were about me and her. And then we ended up getting in trouble, I didn't want to hurt her.

22-03-2010, 06:35 PM
No, because teachers were being well nasty to me, because the rumours were about me and her. And then we ended up getting in trouble, I didn't want to hurt her.

What were the teachers being nasty about?

22-03-2010, 06:37 PM
Little stupid rumours, there was a rumour that we went behind a tree, and pulled each others pants down, and did some naughty stuff ...
EDIT: And the teachers believed it :@

22-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Little stupid rumours, there was a rumour that we went behind a tree, and pulled each others pants down, and did some naughty stuff ...

Oh I see and the teachers spoke to you both about it? Well if the rumours are not true then you should have supported your friend through it not abandoned her.

22-03-2010, 06:43 PM
Because I could see she wasn't happy after that, and I said, "I still like you but the teachers are spreading stuff, and a dirty look every day isn't good," and think of what our reports will say going to secondary school, oh yeah Daniel was caught doing some stuff with a girl behind a tree.

22-03-2010, 06:44 PM
Because I could see she wasn't happy after that, and I said, "I still like you but the teachers are spreading stuff, and a dirty look every day isn't good," and think of what our reports will say going to secondary school, oh yeah Daniel was caught doing some stuff with a girl behind a tree.

Your reports wouldn't contain anything like that just your grades and routine things like that.

22-03-2010, 06:45 PM
Anyway, I just couldn't go round school with rumours going round like that.

22-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Anyway, I just couldn't go round school with rumours going round like that.

OKay well sounds like you maybe did the right thing then if she basically was so worried about it. It will be yesterdays news soon so hopefully you can renew your friendship then. =]

22-03-2010, 06:51 PM
She won't even speak to me and it kills me not to talk to her.

22-03-2010, 06:56 PM
She won't even speak to me and it kills me not to talk to her.

Don't what to say really - hopefully she will come around.

22-03-2010, 07:00 PM
Rumours will go out of fashion. Before you know it, everyone will be onto the next rumour. You're probably also being really paranoid about the teachers giving dirty looks; they're probably too busy to care.

23-03-2010, 11:45 AM
Rumours will go out of fashion. Before you know it, everyone will be onto the next rumour. You're probably also being really paranoid about the teachers giving dirty looks; they're probably too busy to care.

That or jealous.

Your friend might forget about this after it blows over :)

Janet Snakehole
23-03-2010, 12:36 PM
like everyone else has said, you shouldn't have dumped her just because of some silly rumours. you know the truth, so does she... surely that is all that should matter to you both?

23-03-2010, 07:05 PM
Aren't you 11 in primary school? Im which case I doubt the teachers were actually saying anything, or if they were that's a serious breach of conduct which you could easily report (especially if you are at secondary school). If you really loved her you wouldn't have dumped her because of rumours. Sorry to be blunt but it's true and probably for the best.

23-03-2010, 08:10 PM
Because I could see she wasn't happy after that, and I said, "I still like you but the teachers are spreading stuff, and a dirty look every day isn't good," and think of what our reports will say going to secondary school, oh yeah Daniel was caught doing some stuff with a girl behind a tree.

Sorry.. you are not in secondary school?

23-03-2010, 08:17 PM
I actually dumped a guy coz of people saying stuff wasn't pretty but we're still good mates although he does want to go back out with me.

hes 11 in year 6 in primary.

23-03-2010, 08:32 PM
They said kids will have kids and you know what....? It's true! :P

23-03-2010, 08:55 PM
But it's going to blow over in what, 2 weeks, she moves this friday to wales. So by the time it's blown over I'll probably never see her again. And I really liked her, but now I think of it, I only really liked her as a friend, but like bestfriends

24-03-2010, 07:37 AM
Well. I dont think teachers are allowed to say anything malicious to be fair

im in y11 and most if not all the people in my classes talk about sex and having it, teachers are there laughing not caring at all.

24-03-2010, 10:28 AM
But it's going to blow over in what, 2 weeks, she moves this friday to wales. So by the time it's blown over I'll probably never see her again. And I really liked her, but now I think of it, I only really liked her as a friend, but like bestfriends

That's really a shame. Can't you try to make peace with her before she moves away?

24-03-2010, 10:46 AM
too bad.Ugh,I'd hate that.Try to make peace with her? Atleast, she doesn't have to leave like that

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