View Full Version : [Bobba] Falling Furni Bot?

24-03-2010, 10:25 AM
I was playing Falling Furni today and there was this perosn who was suspected of using a bot to sit on the chairs. I was watching him and he was very fast, or too fast and no1 could beat him.

I even played the next game where I got into the finals and he still sit on the chair with no fail.

I also noticed that when we do tri, he sits on the chair first and then when its between the other 2 habbos, the bot always move from his chair to the 1 that just dropped in the room, and he doesn't fail.

I also asked the owner to use mats in the final, he refused and called me wierd..

I just wanted to know if there such a bot that does this? plus I think the owner was part of it because he did nothing about it when every1 saying he was botting.

If such thing exist, if you guys have any tips on figuring whether a person uses bot or not let me know.

Edited by Catzsy (Forum Moderator): Moved to this forum from 'Habbo in General'.

24-03-2010, 04:42 PM
It sounds rathar strange to me, their was something similar which happened at a Falling Furni i went to earlier this week but that player was just generally good. I don't think their could be a bot tbh unless they use a hacking/scripting site for Habbo or it is just another Facebook glitch but i am not really sure about this.

24-03-2010, 04:46 PM
Back in like 05 there was such thing, not sure about now, buttttt, I know if you load the room first, you're most likely to win, and can get the chairs before others, don't know how it works...

I think? idk.

24-03-2010, 04:55 PM
I doubt it would be hard, just like a runescape bot tbh

24-03-2010, 05:29 PM
There used to be one on a certain thing that could do this. Not sure if it's patched now..

24-03-2010, 06:30 PM
Back in like 05 there was such thing, not sure about now, buttttt, I know if you load the room first, you're most likely to win, and can get the chairs before others, don't know how it works...

I think? idk.

Correct a mundo. If you load the room before anyone else then you are guaranteed to get priority over a chair so long as you click it before/exactly the same time as someone else. The logic behind this, I assume, relates to the fact that in a situation where two habbos click at the exact same time on the same square, there needs to be some factor which allows them to decide which habbo gets it. It would be unfair to make it a permanent factor (like based on your username or something along those lines) so they judge it based on when you load the room.
So if you loaded a room first, you'd have priority over everyone who entered after you. Then if I entered the same room, I'd have priority over everyone who enters after me, with you being the exception. Also, following this logic, if you reload the room then I'd have priority over everyone since you just placed yourself to the bottom of the theoretical 'list'.
That aside there's nothing to disprove that it wasn't actually a scam, but my post explains how one person can guarantee their victory in FF.

24-03-2010, 07:19 PM
thanks for clarifying, this is the first time I have heard of it :P

next time ill try get a vid of this, because out of all the *** I've been this is the first 1 I suspect that someone is using something lol

24-03-2010, 07:47 PM
There used to be a scripting program called *REMOVED* but i'm sure it's been patched. :S

Might be another way around it, not sure.

Edited by MattGarner (Assistant General Manager): Please do not name scripting programs on HabboxForum.

25-03-2010, 03:10 AM
There was another Habbo scripting program a couple years back, it worked on the old Shockwave habbo, unsure if there is a bot for the Flash client.

28-03-2010, 08:50 PM
I think there is a simplier way to explain this, me and my friend used to do this all the time back in '05.

He'd host a falling furni game then call me up, he would tell me right before he dropped the furniture down so that I could click before anyone and I would always get to it first.

28-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Yeah I was going to include that as a possibility too lol. My sister and I used to do this on a regular basis back in the day. Worked like a charm.

29-03-2010, 02:49 PM
Correct a mundo. If you load the room before anyone else then you are guaranteed to get priority over a chair so long as you click it before/exactly the same time as someone else. The logic behind this, I assume, relates to the fact that in a situation where two habbos click at the exact same time on the same square, there needs to be some factor which allows them to decide which habbo gets it. It would be unfair to make it a permanent factor (like based on your username or something along those lines) so they judge it based on when you load the room.
So if you loaded a room first, you'd have priority over everyone who entered after you. Then if I entered the same room, I'd have priority over everyone who enters after me, with you being the exception. Also, following this logic, if you reload the room then I'd have priority over everyone since you just placed yourself to the bottom of the theoretical 'list'.
That aside there's nothing to disprove that it wasn't actually a scam, but my post explains how one person can guarantee their victory in FF.

Wow thanks for the information! Might try it out hehe :)

29-03-2010, 07:32 PM
Yes, it most likely is a scam while they tell a friend where they are going to put it and when but i will try and load the room before anybody else, hehe.

07-04-2010, 09:26 AM
yeh there is such a thing which still works i think its called *REMOVED* it is used for flooding fast seating for ff ect. it isn't safe though. you would probly get a ban. but yeh i tryed it once and i got banned so yeh dont do it but it does exists

Edited by iAdam (Forum Super Moderator); Please do not name scripting programs.

07-04-2010, 12:29 PM
Sometimes people use bots other times people are just fast.

11-04-2010, 07:34 PM
I think there is a simplier way to explain this, me and my friend used to do this all the time back in '05.

He'd host a falling furni game then call me up, he would tell me right before he dropped the furniture down so that I could click before anyone and I would always get to it first. Most licky the case

14-04-2010, 09:23 PM
Yeah There was a Program where you could Login, And use teh software which When the chair got put down then Your habbo would sit on the chair, you could also Avoid Certain Chairs.

I used it once or twice and won :) EVERYONE had It at the time


Try Find the name in tht ^^ :D

Edited by iAdam (Forum Super Moderator); Please do not name scripting programs.

15-04-2010, 07:43 PM
Had it - it was AMAZiiNG. BUT they repaired it so whenever I went into a room it goes ''_______ is using ICAN'TTELLUTHEPROGRAMNAMEBUTITGOESHERE''

16-04-2010, 12:34 PM

Edited by Catzsy (Forum Moderator): Please do not name scripting programmes.

27-08-2010, 12:56 AM
my friend used to scam, by going on 2 browsers... and on 2 accounts and he gave the other account rights.... so the other account who is playing can move furni from the staff area,and click on the sqae quick.:O :S

Thread closed by Amber (Forum Moderator): Due to bumping of the thread that's older than 14 days since it's last post.

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