View Full Version : Updated - More People Haxed.

01-08-2005, 04:49 PM
Shuffled [Mike] - Has been Haxed 11 Dinos and 25t + More
Crawfish - Has Supposedly been Haxed

Their are more but They aint on my Friends list and Could be lying.

Please remember this is a Rumours thread and I Dont need to Prove however mike has told me himself he has been haxed. i believe him

01-08-2005, 04:57 PM
eek :(

Shuffled had alot aswell, I went into his casino

01-08-2005, 06:05 PM
Go karls here, please leave karl.

01-08-2005, 06:11 PM
Is it MSG? And if it is they are missing quite a few other high profile people that seem to just slip by.

01-08-2005, 06:22 PM
Suffled had that room open yesterday when he was buying loads of Dinos.

Someone must have known about this before hand then hacked him.

Sad to see people getting hacked, especially when they are nice people who have earnt there pride. A loss of over 50 Thrones has surley gotta pee you off!

Do you think Habbo have payed enough attention to him, will he get his Supers and furni back?

01-08-2005, 06:24 PM
Is it MSG? And if it is they are missing quite a few other high profile people that seem to just slip by.
Such as who?

01-08-2005, 06:25 PM
At the rate people are dropping I am beginning to think that they will not get anything back, they would have too much to keep track of and I am sure there have been alot of false complaints and fictional stories of others being hacked. Hopefully everyone does get them back and I am very suprised that this is still happening... Does anyone have any more info on who managed to get into housekeeping and how they pulled this off again? Bottom line is they attacked the casinos that have reopened, if you have a wealth of rares which you dont want to lose then you should'nt let anyone see that u have them.

01-08-2005, 06:26 PM
At the rate people are dropping I am beginning to think that they will not get anything back, they would have too much to keep track of and I am sure there have been alot of false complaints and fictional stories of others being hacked. Hopefully everyone does get them back and I am very suprised that this is still happening... Does anyone have any more info on who managed to get into housekeeping and how they pulled this off again? Bottom line is they attacked the casinos that have reopened, if you have a wealth of rares which you dont want to lose then you should'nt let anyone see that u have them.
Users can do something to them I think, seen as they have paid real money onit.

01-08-2005, 06:31 PM
Users can do something to them I think, seen as they have paid real money onit.

You would have to think that Habbo will sort this out but as this all continues to progress it's getting uglier and uglier. Hopefully they can keep track of all these items. I do recall a few years back when a large group of wealthier users lost alot of rares, Habbo never did refund or return the items. We can all imagine a court case if they dont return or refund the users but how this would happen is something beyond my imagination. All I can say is good luck to everyone who has been BOBBA by Habbo.

01-08-2005, 06:32 PM
Users can do something to them I think, seen as they have paid real money onit.

I agree, if I had there wealth and suddenly got hacked, I would certainly be taking a trip to there little office and having a right go at them, possibley bribing them into doubeling the wealth ;) or they'll get sewed, Muhaha.

Sorry thats not the point but, they should get there stuff back because the rate of money Supers cost is extremley MAD! you can't afford to loose this to a bunch of smart n00bs. :@

01-08-2005, 06:42 PM
Specially when in no case it was your fault.

01-08-2005, 06:45 PM
I agree, if I had there wealth and suddenly got hacked, I would certainly be taking a trip to there little office and having a right go at them, possibley bribing them into doubeling the wealth ;) or they'll get sewed, Muhaha.

It says in Habbo's terms and conditions that you cannot take them to court

01-08-2005, 06:45 PM
It says in Habbo's terms and conditions that you cannot take them to court
Thats bs.

01-08-2005, 06:53 PM
Nah they can easily be taken to court. Having " You are not able to take us to court " in their terms in conditions would just end up making a laughing stock out of them because in no way possible are you allowed to make clauses like that in a contract or a term of agreement. Sulake is fully capable of being sued wether its an individual or a class action lawsuit. I am almost sure that eventually they will wind up in court over instances like this. I was glitched out of 23 petals and after sending them tons of emails and making phone calls I informed them that I was filing paperwork to take them to court. The next day I had 18 presents from Glitterkat containing in the area of 10-12 thrones worth of rares. From what I have gathered if you lose rares from something that wasnt your fault they tend to give u back more than you lost, although in this case they have alot to replace and keep track of.

If you were to give the average user who gets hacked 5 dinos they would be VERY HAPPY, give nykie back 5 dinos and he will say where are the other 40 dinos? and where is the other 400 thrones worth of stuff?

I dont live in the UK but believe me if I had been hacked of alot of my items through housekeeping I would have been at their office the next day and started some chaos. They have an obligation to these people to return or refund the items. If they were to refund items to Nykie think of how much real money that is?

With the average price of a throne selling for roughly £15 on ebay, multiply that figure in the instance on Nykie who lost an average of 500-700 thrones worth of rares. Give or take a little the "Resale price on ebay" of Nykies items would have been around £10,000 and if u were to calculate this amount through habbos credits system it would be much higher to somewhere in the area of £40,000. Thats alot to just say "Ah well, its only pixels"

01-08-2005, 06:56 PM
Dev had over 700t worth of stuff. When i messaged hin yesterday he just said "It's what god had planned for me"

I can't believe how layed back he is.

01-08-2005, 06:57 PM
Nah they can easily be taken to court. Having " You are not able to take us to court " in their terms in conditions would just end up making a laughing stock out of them because in no way possible are you allowed to make clauses like that in a contract or a term of agreement. Sulake is fully capable of being sued wether its an individual or a class action lawsuit. I am almost sure that eventually they will wind up in court over instances like this. I was glitched out of 23 petals and after sending them tons of emails and making phone calls I informed them that I was filing paperwork to take them to court. The next day I had 18 presents from Glitterkat containing in the area of 10-12 thrones worth of rares. From what I have gathered if you lose rares from something that wasnt your fault they tend to give u back more than you lost, although in this case they have alot to replace and keep track of.

If you were to give the average user who gets hacked 5 dinos they would be VERY HAPPY, give nykie back 5 dinos and he will say where are the other 40 dinos? and where is the other 400 thrones worth of stuff?

If your company is ™ does that mean in any case you can be sued? thats what I thought?
Has Nykie recieved his stuff back yet?

01-08-2005, 06:59 PM
Dev (nykie) said that the staff have emailed him back asking what has gone missing.

01-08-2005, 07:01 PM
Any company can be sued and the *TM* just means that they have a copyright over the image or logo or name that prevents anyone from using their trademark. If a company is INC which I dont believe Sulake is incorporated that means that no single person such as the owner can be held liable for lawsuits rather the whole corporation is sued and 1 single person can not sustain any financial liability in the matter.

I don't know why Dev is laid back over it, I would'nt be but maybe he is confident that they will resolve the problem for him or maybe they have even provided him with information that we are unaware of.

Furthermore this whole issue will impact the rare trading market because if they decide to give out 1200 thrones to users affected by this it will cause the other rares to continue in their downward spiral of value. If you ask me, its just completely sad that they have allowed it to continue and now there are more users that claim to have been hacked through house keeping.

01-08-2005, 07:09 PM
Dev (nykie) said that the staff have emailed him back asking what has gone missing.

I would ask for Double back :D Habbo are noobs, lol, there gonna get Bumped I would take that opportunity to double my wealth, for compensation ;)

01-08-2005, 07:31 PM

coz this is getting ded gay

everyday sum1 is hacked :( and its all callies fault :@ she is the worst habbo manager :@:@:@ jibbi was well better n she didnt ruin n e of the rara and super rare values :D

01-08-2005, 07:34 PM

coz this is getting ded gay

everyday sum1 is hacked :( and its all callies fault :@ she is the worst habbo manager :@:@:@ jibbi was well better n she didnt ruin n e of the rara and super rare values :D

You think their gonna listen :/

and you got proof it's callimp ? She isn't a techeh ladie, Thats why habbo have Sulake teches to help...

and rares, there all shyte...

01-08-2005, 07:37 PM
You need 2 add SHlP to hacked list - hacked by //MSG

01-08-2005, 07:40 PM
Indeed ;(

01-08-2005, 07:41 PM
I dont really think it's Callie's fault rather its the entity of Sulake and mismanagement on the executive side. Callie doesnt have anything to do with the protection of our rares and information she is merely a puppet for the population. Protesting will not do us any good and the only way this problem will be solved is when Sulake starts handling this concerns in a professional manner, a manner in which any company of their size and status should operate.

GlitterKat was quoted as saying " Surely we are not the only corporation experiencing this kind of turmoil " But that is not the issue, we do not care about other corporations and we are not referring to them. When we have issues with them not protecting our assets we will give them the same responses. Bottom line is they have admitted to there being a "Turmoil" and the problem is yet to be PUBLICLY adressed to the users and they have yet to SOLVE and PREVENT this from continuing to happen. Furthermore other companies at least acknowledge when things go terribly wrong while Sulake acts as if nothing happens and does not inform the population of users as to what is transpiring behind closed doors.

I say that a group should form to file a class action lawsuit vs. Sulake labs ltd. Other topics can surely be shown in court such as the undergorund casinos which are forming gambling addictions in some users.

Please also take note of the fact that when someone gains access to housekeeping they may have access to our personal details such as our date of birth, last name, email adresses, Ip adresses, enough of this information could possibly lead to someone being able to locate you. This kind of information should not be leaked outside of the "Habbo Pentagon" and should not be available to anyone who is not a paid employee with a Social security number on file.

01-08-2005, 07:49 PM
I dont really think it's Callie's fault rather its the entity of Sulake and mismanagement on the executive side. Callie doesnt have anything to do with the protection of our rares and information she is merely a puppet for the population. Protesting will not do us any good and the only way this problem will be solved is when Sulake starts handling this concerns in a professional manner, a manner in which any company of their size and status should operate.

GlitterKat was quoted as saying " Surely we are not the only corporation experiencing this kind of turmoil " But that is not the issue, we do not care about other corporations and we are not referring to them. When we have issues with them not protecting our assets we will give them the same responses. Bottom line is they have admitted to there being a "Turmoil" and the problem is yet to be PUBLICLY adressed to the users and they have yet to SOLVE and PREVENT this from continuing to happen. Furthermore other companies at least acknowledge when things go terribly wrong while Sulake acts as if nothing happens and does not inform the population of users as to what is transpiring behind closed doors.

I say that a group should form to file a class action lawsuit vs. Sulake labs ltd. Other topics can surely be shown in court such as the undergorund casinos which are forming gambling addictions in some users.

Please also take note of the fact that when someone gains access to housekeeping they may have access to our personal details such as our date of birth, last name, email adresses, Ip adresses, enough of this information could possibly lead to someone being able to locate you. This kind of information should not be leaked outside of the "Habbo Pentagon" and should not be available to anyone who is not a paid employee with a Social security number on file.
Thats 100% True, but if they actually cared, they'd of done something by now, Now were what, 1/2 months on since the scripting and hacked started, all they managed to do is put the hotel down for 2/4 hours patch them making fake furni, while they let others steal people's money / furni, Pathetic really..

01-08-2005, 07:54 PM
You need 2 add SHlP to hacked list - hacked by //MSG
bull ****

Edited by Corey777 (Super Forum Moderator): Please do not avoid the word filter.

01-08-2005, 07:55 PM
lolol Search his name matty, i was going to tell you on Mess, but j00 blocked me :rolleyes:

01-08-2005, 08:27 PM
Thats 100% True, but if they actually cared, they'd of done something by now, Now were what, 1/2 months on since the scripting and hacked started, all they managed to do is put the hotel down for 2/4 hours patch them making fake furni, while they let others steal people's money / furni, Pathetic really..

I think the worst part of it all is that they have not once made a response to any of this. Did not make the newsie, did not make the homepage, was not posted by an official staff member and to say the least they have not provided any tips or strategies to keep yourself safe. Users are not "getting scammed" they are being violated and are not being protected by any sort of security. I am still awaiting a public apology from Sulake themselves and not one of their stupid puppets " Staff" who tend to be as oblivious as we all are. No respect or compassion for their users, if they were dealing with a majority of adults on this matter it would already be in the media and their name would have been trashed beyond repair at this stage.

Hatake Kakashi
01-08-2005, 09:04 PM
It's not the fact that Sulake aren't responding to this, maybe they just don't know what to do. Most things that they do to prevent these things from happening can be broken into from another route.
If Glitterkat is trying to compare habbo to another corporation then let's look at the facts...

Look at all the other corporation in the worlds, as soon as one thing is hacked into, they find a stronghold to put in place and insure that it doesn't happen again straight away. How long has this been going on for? They know fully well what is going on yet they do nothing.

2 Months ago I received a messege from a friend warning me that Someone will be back with a powerful tool and that no body's furniture is safe.
They better patch this up soon, or they will have a lot of lawsuits agaisnt them.

If this post makes no sense, Ignore it.

01-08-2005, 09:08 PM
It's not the fact that Sulake aren't responding to this, maybe they just don't know what to do. Most things that they do to prevent these things from happening can be broken into from another route.
If Glitterkat is trying to compare habbo to another corporation then let's look at the facts...

Look at all the other corporation in the worlds, as soon as one thing is hacked into, they find a stronghold to put in place and insure that it doesn't happen again straight away. How long has this been going on for? They know fully well what is going on yet they do nothing.

2 Months ago I received a messege from a friend warning me that Someone will be back with a powerful tool and that no body's furniture is safe.
They better patch this up soon, or they will have a lot of lawsuits agaisnt them.

If this post makes no sense, Ignore it.

It makes full sense, the fact is if they are not able to fix or patch the security issues they do in fact need to close down until they solve it. If they lose track of the deleted items they will have an even bigger problem on their hands.

02-08-2005, 01:43 AM
List Continues..

Bear-Max = Haxed - Dj Decks, Dinos, Thrones, Typos

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