View Full Version : so i can't stop eating..

30-03-2010, 05:31 PM
in before "you're fat"
i'm 5'3 and weigh 6st9, don't care if you believe me or not. thanks to my genes i always stay skinny.
so i stopped smoking december last year n ever since i've just always been hungry. i even started smoking again last week just to stop it (i'm stopping again not worth it)

i eat a multivitamin every day, i never used to eat breakfast or lunch but now i do with dinner yet i still have a lot of room for snacks. i'm like never full, it's not as though i'm doing it out of boredom. all my weight goes to the top (not really complaining). i run 6 miles 3x a week so i'm not incredibly unfit. i'm probably taking in a lot more than i should with the multivitamin n all..

anyway any tips on how to stop myself? there's only 2 of us living at home yet my mum buys A LOT of crap so i end up eating most of it. she's always telling me to put on some weight (even though she said i have a big bum it's not true:@) so i doubt she's gonna stop buying it all

30-03-2010, 05:45 PM
eat nutella for breakfast, releases it's nutrients slowly.

30-03-2010, 05:48 PM
eat nutella for breakfast, releases it's nutrients slowly.

and bananas!

30-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Why stop if you don't put on weight. Sounds like heaven to me!

30-03-2010, 06:10 PM
eat nutella for breakfast, releases it's nutrients slowly.

and bananas!
dislike them both!! breakfast for me is an apple and weetabix. then a hell of a lot of chocolate:(

Why stop if you don't put on weight. Sounds like heaven to me!
that's what i used to think when i was younger but i wanna stay healthy, i do eat healthy meals but also a lot of sugary crap:'( not drank any juice (except pure orange) or fizzy drinks for a very long time - other than as mixers with alcohol.

oh yeh i brush my teeth after a meal so i don't go eating as it'll taste horrible but i'll go eat as soon as the taste goes >.>

30-03-2010, 06:14 PM
5'3 and weigh 6st9
I'm 5'6 and weight 8st3, I've always stayed skinny no matter what also.

I reckon it sounds like you're keeping yourself occupied rather than anything else. All that time spent drawing from a cigarette is now consumed by consuming!

30-03-2010, 06:17 PM
dislike them both!! breakfast for me is an apple and weetabix. then a hell of a lot of chocolate:(

that's what i used to think when i was younger but i wanna stay healthy, i do eat healthy meals but also a lot of sugary crap:'( not drank any juice (except pure orange) or fizzy drinks for a very long time - other than as mixers with alcohol.

oh yeh i brush my teeth after a meal so i don't go eating as it'll taste horrible but i'll go eat as soon as the taste goes >.>

Well chocolate is probably better than high carb sugary items. If it's comfort food then pancakes with natural syrups like maple are better than refined sugar. Carbs and refined sugar tend to make you hungrier. I have to watch my diet and find the options 40 cal chocolate drinks are good. If you deprive yourself of something sweet then it will make your cravings worse. They say always have a bit of carb and protein for breakfast and it will make you less hungry. I quite often have cheese on toast or scrambled/poached eggs on toast. It does seem to work. Pure orange juice is quite high in calories and water is a great substitute.

30-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Yeh, a lot would be giving your mouth something to do after quitting smoking, i've had the feeling too when you either want to eat or smoke. Chewing gum would be a great solution to that.

30-03-2010, 06:43 PM
Well chocolate is probably better than high carb sugary items. If it's comfort food then pancakes with natural syrups like maple are better than refined sugar. Carbs and refined sugar tend to make you hungrier. I have to watch my diet and find the options 40 cal chocolate drinks are good. If you deprive yourself of something sweet then it will make your cravings worse. They say always have a bit of carb and protein for breakfast and it will make you less hungry. I quite often have cheese on toast or scrambled/poached eggs on toast. It does seem to work. Pure orange juice is quite high in calories and water is a great substitute.
i only drink water, pure orange juice very rarely. thanks a lot :) also egg makes me hungrier! llol i owe you rep

Yeh, a lot would be giving your mouth something to do after quitting smoking, i've had the feeling too when you either want to eat or smoke. Chewing gum would be a great solution to that.
yeah. when i first stopped id put on lipgloss or brush my teeth but its 3 months now the cravings are gone, food tastes soooo much better that i just want to eat all the time. might have to go back to doing that then

30-03-2010, 07:09 PM
I used to be quite similar and although it may sound weird I found eating yoghurts actually helped. Rather than getting a pack of crisps I'd just have a yoghurt and it made me feel so much better. I don't know whether it actually works but it definately made me feel fuller, I guess it could just be me though :P

30-03-2010, 07:13 PM
I'm 183cm and I'm very skinny. Around 50kg give or take a few, people used to think I was anarexic but then I started going gym and got muscley. Try this (http://ezinearticles.com/?Cure-For-Overeating---How-to-Stop-Yourself-From-Eating-(3-Tips)&id=2410757) site, its kinda helpful!

Good luck x

30-03-2010, 07:17 PM
I used to be quite similar and although it may sound weird I found eating yoghurts actually helped. Rather than getting a pack of crisps I'd just have a yoghurt and it made me feel so much better. I don't know whether it actually works but it definately made me feel fuller, I guess it could just be me though :P
well i do like yoghurt! i might try that cause i only used to eat one and be full

I'm 183cm and I'm very skinny. Around 50kg give or take a few, people used to think I was anarexic but then I started going gym and got muscley. Try this (http://ezinearticles.com/?Cure-For-Overeating---How-to-Stop-Yourself-From-Eating-(3-Tips)&id=2410757) site, its kinda helpful!

Good luck x
i was bullie for years for being "anorexic" so i understand, i'll have a look ta

my auntie went to shop and asked if i wanted chocolate, i said no n she said "go on", i gave in:'(

30-03-2010, 07:25 PM
well i do like yoghurt! i might try that cause i only used to eat one and be full

i was bullie for years for being "anorexic" so i understand, i'll have a look ta

my auntie went to shop and asked if i wanted chocolate, i said no n she said "go on", i gave in:'(

giving into chocolate only proves you're normal xo.

30-03-2010, 07:26 PM
it sounds counter intuitive but eat a big breakfast, people who eat a big breakfast actually eat less in total than people who eat little or nothing for breakfast.

how much/what you eat likely has a lot to do with your setting. for example when im living at school, im a vegetarian (i read a book about terrible preservatives in mass produced meat for universities) and i barely eat anyway because you have to walk at least 5-10 minutes to the nearest food place then stand in a line. so for me to eat at school i have to be hungry enough for it to be worth it to go out. but when im home food's always around, so i could eat at the slightest urge. my suggestion is to keep yourself occupied as much as you can.

and if youre interested i read a book about food that's very simple and informative called food rules (http://www.amazon.com/Food-Rules-Eaters-Michael-Pollan/dp/014311638X). it's really cheap and short (you can read it in like 40 minutes) and is just full of really simple rules that you can pick and choose to keep yourself healthy. some of the rules are like "dont eat cereal that changes the color of your milk" or "dont eat packaged foods with more than 5 ingredients," or "only eat sitting at a table." theres like 100 of them but you only have to choose a handful to keep you in the right direction.

30-03-2010, 07:27 PM
Why stop if you don't put on weight. Sounds like heaven to me!

I'm the same, but I wouldn't consider it heaven. I go to the gym often, and I really struggle at putting on weight, and being skinny with lots of muscle doesn't look all that good. :P

30-03-2010, 07:31 PM
it sounds counter intuitive but eat a big breakfast, people who eat a big breakfast actually eat less in total than people who eat little or nothing for breakfast.

how much/what you eat likely has a lot to do with your setting. for example when im living at school, im a vegetarian (i read a book about terrible preservatives in mass produced meat for universities) and i barely eat anyway because you have to walk at least 5-10 minutes to the nearest food place then stand in a line. so for me to eat at school i have to be hungry enough for it to be worth it to go out. but when im home food's always around, so i could eat at the slightest urge. my suggestion is to keep yourself occupied as much as you can.

and if youre interested i read a book about food that's very simple and informative called food rules (http://www.amazon.com/Food-Rules-Eaters-Michael-Pollan/dp/014311638X). it's really cheap and short (you can read it in like 40 minutes) and is just full of really simple rules that you can pick and choose to keep yourself healthy. some of the rules are like "dont eat cereal that changes the color of your milk" or "dont eat packaged foods with more than 5 ingredients," or "only eat sitting at a table." theres like 100 of them but you only have to choose a handful to keep you in the right direction.
I've not seen this guy post for a while! Good to hear from you RS.

30-03-2010, 07:33 PM
it sounds counter intuitive but eat a big breakfast, people who eat a big breakfast actually eat less in total than people who eat little or nothing for breakfast.
I disagree with this. I am a baker so i have early breakfasts, around 2am each morning. I used to have big breakfasts (three pieces of toast and a glass of up and go, which was meant to equal two wheatbix) and i was always hungry by 7-8 am. I would have something to eat then at work, so maybe a cheese and bacon roll, and then by lunch time i was hungry again! So i'd make myself something big for lunch :S.

30-03-2010, 07:40 PM
it sounds counter intuitive but eat a big breakfast, people who eat a big breakfast actually eat less in total than people who eat little or nothing for breakfast.

how much/what you eat likely has a lot to do with your setting. for example when im living at school, im a vegetarian (i read a book about terrible preservatives in mass produced meat for universities) and i barely eat anyway because you have to walk at least 5-10 minutes to the nearest food place then stand in a line. so for me to eat at school i have to be hungry enough for it to be worth it to go out. but when im home food's always around, so i could eat at the slightest urge. my suggestion is to keep yourself occupied as much as you can.

and if youre interested i read a book about food that's very simple and informative called food rules (http://www.amazon.com/Food-Rules-Eaters-Michael-Pollan/dp/014311638X). it's really cheap and short (you can read it in like 40 minutes) and is just full of really simple rules that you can pick and choose to keep yourself healthy. some of the rules are like "dont eat cereal that changes the color of your milk" or "dont eat packaged foods with more than 5 ingredients," or "only eat sitting at a table." theres like 100 of them but you only have to choose a handful to keep you in the right direction.
i find it hard to eat early on college mornings, i have about 35 mins to get ready so i'm not hungry till college. i really have a phobia about eating infront of people >.> so at college i tend not to. so yeah like you when i'm home it's like a luxury.
actually the book sounds like something i'd read. i follow everything by the rules. i'll have a look thanks.

30-03-2010, 08:05 PM
5'6 1/2 Around 7-8 stone

I do the same thing really, as long as it's healthy food there's nothing to worry about really.

30-03-2010, 08:07 PM
Oh yeah, i'm about 5'8" and 8 to 9 stone.

30-03-2010, 08:55 PM
I'm 183cm and I'm very skinny. Around 50kg give or take a few, people used to think I was anarexic but then I started going gym and got muscley. Try this (http://ezinearticles.com/?Cure-For-Overeating---How-to-Stop-Yourself-From-Eating-%283-Tips%29&id=2410757) site, its kinda helpful!

Good luck xDo you still weigh 50KG?

I'm 5"10 and weigh ~80KG/12 stone 11... ish. I wouldn't say I'm fat, but you can't see my six pack. I have quite a bit of muscle.

30-03-2010, 08:59 PM
i just ate the rest of the chocolate fingers
+ my auntie took back 5 dairy milk caramel (i asked for galaxay ;l). i only ate one, i'm still hungry.
thats it. no more poo food for me. starting next week or something

30-03-2010, 09:01 PM
i just ate the rest of the chocolate fingers
+ my auntie took back 5 dairy milk caramel (i asked for galaxay ;l). i only ate one, i'm still hungry.
thats it. no more poo food for me. starting next week or something
This will cure hunger.

Eat 3 weetabix with loads of milk and sugar. Once you're done eat another 3. Then drink a glass (or two) of milk. If you're still hungry eat another 3 and then 2 bananas. You will need to roll around.

30-03-2010, 10:00 PM
Eat some fat. Satiates you for longer which is just what you need. That or try intermittent fasting.

30-03-2010, 10:07 PM
it sounds counter intuitive but eat a big breakfast, people who eat a big breakfast actually eat less in total than people who eat little or nothing for breakfast.

how much/what you eat likely has a lot to do with your setting. for example when im living at school, im a vegetarian (i read a book about terrible preservatives in mass produced meat for universities) and i barely eat anyway because you have to walk at least 5-10 minutes to the nearest food place then stand in a line. so for me to eat at school i have to be hungry enough for it to be worth it to go out. but when im home food's always around, so i could eat at the slightest urge. my suggestion is to keep yourself occupied as much as you can.

and if youre interested i read a book about food that's very simple and informative called food rules (http://www.amazon.com/Food-Rules-Eaters-Michael-Pollan/dp/014311638X). it's really cheap and short (you can read it in like 40 minutes) and is just full of really simple rules that you can pick and choose to keep yourself healthy. some of the rules are like "dont eat cereal that changes the color of your milk" or "dont eat packaged foods with more than 5 ingredients," or "only eat sitting at a table." theres like 100 of them but you only have to choose a handful to keep you in the right direction.

By terrible preservatives you mean sodium nitrite? Sodium Nitrate (apparently the bad one) breaks down into nitrite in the mouth and causes no harm. Meat preserved with nitrites however, are damaged by the cooking process so you just have to avoid them unless you eat your meat raw and thus take the nitrite in it's original form. Furthermore, the worst preservatives are almost exclusively applied to vegetables, far more dangerous than meat preservatives.

@Biohazard: Skinny with lots of muscle doesn't look good? If you think so then I'm sorry but you havent seen someone who has muscle and has low bodyfat, and have only seen someone who is skinny and thought they had some muscles despite the obvious lack.

And jesus some of you are very light! I'm 5'11 @ 11 stone-ish and 9-10% bodyfat.

Just noticed the double post, sorry about that, feel free to merge.

Edited by Catzsy (Forum Moderator): Please do not double post within the 15 minute editing period.

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