View Full Version : US girl arrested for doodling on school desk

04-04-2010, 01:04 PM
A 12-year-old US schoolgirl is suing the New York City authorities for $1m (£650,000) in damages after she was arrested for writing on her desk.

Alexa Gonzalez was led out of her school in handcuffs by police after she was caught scribbling a message to her friends with an erasable, green marker.

Miss Gonzalez and her mother are suing the police and education departments in New York City.

They are claiming for excessive use of force and violation of her rights.

Miss Gonzalez was caught scribbling "I love my friends Abby and Faith" on her desk during a Spanish class in February.
The 12-year-old said her Spanish teacher then "dragged" her to the dean's office where police were called.

this made me giggle


04-04-2010, 01:07 PM
what theeeee

that's crazy

actual crazy

I'm completly with the family who is sueing the school for $1000000

04-04-2010, 01:10 PM
moreso why did the school report her to the police :S a bit OTT

04-04-2010, 01:12 PM
She shouldn't of been arrested, but why on Earth is she entitled to a million dollars :S

04-04-2010, 01:18 PM
Were they trying to "teach her a lesson" by any chance? A bit extreme if so :S She shouldn't be entitled any money, children shouldn't be given money as it would go straight to the parents. Both sides of it are pointless.

04-04-2010, 01:25 PM
Were they trying to "teach her a lesson" by any chance? A bit extreme if so :S She shouldn't be entitled any money, children shouldn't be given money as it would go straight to the parents. Both sides of it are pointless.

Perhaps a formal apology on behalf of the school board and police (maybe some staff discipline) would be better suited.

04-04-2010, 01:30 PM
Perhaps a formal apology on behalf of the school board and police (maybe some staff discipline) would be better suited.
Indeed, for over-reacting. The school girl should probably apologise too, unless the idea that it's her "right" to doodle on private property is still in question at this point? :P

04-04-2010, 04:29 PM
I swear this is old... the new part is about the suing, but she got arrested a while ago.

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