View Full Version : What do YOU think will happen to the Rare values once the hotels merge :O

07-04-2010, 01:42 PM
Basically i'd like to start a thread to see people's theories on what will happen to the rare values after the merger.

Not only that but Habbox will have major and i mean major competition to stay the number 1 site for rare values. I mean everyone from UK will probs keep using Habbox but there is the USA, Aus etc etc so contend with.

I think we'll see many distraught Habbo's leaving. I think values or most super rares will plummet due to alot our our super rares release in the catalouge on other hotels (Like the purple dragon on USA)

I think the major biggy is the Throne, UK thrones seems to be the mid price of 168HC whereas other hotels have them at 300-400HC and then Aus with them at 15HC or something silly. I don't think UK has much to worry about with thrones due to being in the middle cos i think they'll balance out to something not far from that. USA has alot to loose throne wish, i think we'll see alot of USA Habbo's demanding high prices for thrones and then AUS demanding low prices and then us UK's will be in the middle trying to buy low and sell high.

Overall i think it's a silly idea to merge, but it's all money money money for sulake. What would Daisy think :O. Anyway it's not just bad idea because of Rare vals, but i think a pack mentality will start. Increase in raceism, people will abuse someone just because they are from a different hotel, which ultimatly means a different country. Also there are people which are "e-famous" on certian hotels and by merging won't be well known, this will be rather funny but some people did work hard for certain things on the hotel and this could all come crashing down on them, eg Trade city, although i'm not a fan of it, Vintus obvs worked hard to get it so popular, now it could be nothing when i has to contend with a USA trade city. USA has more members, so a USA trade city is more likely to be more popular than a UK trade city..

Anyway what is your take on Rare values ?

07-04-2010, 01:59 PM
I think UK prices should stay as they are untill the merge,

I dont see how the throne will decrease to less than 100HC to be honest, its in such high demand in all hotels and are quite expensive.

07-04-2010, 02:34 PM
I think it depends if furniture will have these tags on them or not, to say which hotel they were from.
If not, someone or a group of people will probably buy all the thrones from AU users cheap, meaning there will still be a high demand for thrones.

07-04-2010, 02:56 PM
I think that prices will move more towards the current US values than ours but will still all change significantly.

07-04-2010, 03:33 PM
Screwed up totally.


07-04-2010, 03:34 PM
The values will have to be written in arabic, japanese, spanish, american and french. :)

jokes :|

idk actually, but I think there's a lot of thinking that needs to be put into it...

07-04-2010, 04:39 PM
We will have next to no supers left and there will be many normal rares, its such a shame that the history of everything now will come to an end and not just regarding our hotel, but every hotel.

07-04-2010, 04:41 PM
Looks like the infobus could be the most expensive super on the new hotel :P

congrats to document for keeping them so long

Anyways, I dont think rare value staff should edit any supers yet UNTILL they are sold. As the price should not be estimated but based upon sales

07-04-2010, 04:52 PM
Looks like the infobus could be the most expensive super on the new hotel :P

congrats to document for keeping them so long

Anyways, I dont think rare value staff should edit any supers yet UNTILL they are sold. As the price should not be estimated but based upon sales

Thats what we do anyway, although at the moment i'm looking at the sites to see which rares will remain supers/rather expensive and hopefully i'll be able to post as news article telling people which rares will benefit, as most will crash now. I know for a fact that items such as the Dragon Egg & Purple Dragon Lamp will be finished now.

07-04-2010, 05:18 PM
Looks like the infobus could be the most expensive super on the new hotel :P

congrats to document for keeping them so long

Infobus posters are 120CS on SG but tbh that 120CS could actually be the highest. Haven't looked at everything.

The values will have to be written in arabic, japanese, spanish, american and french. :)

jokes :|

idk actually, but I think there's a lot of thinking that needs to be put into it...
It's only english speaking hotels that are merging :P (UK, US, CA, SG)

Thats what we do anyway, although at the moment i'm looking at the sites to see which rares will remain supers/rather expensive and hopefully i'll be able to post as news article telling people which rares will benefit, as most will crash now. I know for a fact that items such as the Dragon Egg & Purple Dragon Lamp will be finished now.
I made a list of the values sites for the 4 hotels that are merging:
UK - www.habbox.com (http://www.habbox.com/)
US - http://www.bobbavalues.com/?go=rares
AU - http://habbozone.com/values/
SG - http://great.la/values.php?act=values

And after looking at the top 5 valued rares on Habbox, all of them five are a lot less on other hotels.

07-04-2010, 05:21 PM
Infobus posters are 120CS on SG but tbh that 120CS could actually be the highest. Haven't looked at everything.

It's only english speaking hotels that are merging :P (UK, US, CA, SG)

I made a list of the values sites for the 4 hotels that are merging:
UK - www.habbox.com (http://www.habbox.com/)
US - http://www.bobbavalues.com/?go=rares
AU - http://habbozone.com/values/
SG - http://great.la/values.php?act=values

And after looking at the top 5 valued rares on Habbox, all of them five are a lot less on other hotels.

Haha jinx with the sites, same. I have found that the best appear to be supers unique to the UK hotel (Idea/Moodi) and the Blue and Red Bird Baths seem to come off rather good, with them being quite low on one hotel but on most they are quite high. The Dragon Egg and others are finished though sadly. The Bubblegum Ice Cream Machine also does not appear to even be a super on any other hotel, some people may of struck gold here.

07-04-2010, 05:36 PM
I'm guessing credits will be more sought after as people sell up to prevent losses!

08-04-2010, 10:07 AM
I agree with Dan (Undertaker)

I think there will be loads of normal rares with a large price range, some will be dirt cheap whereas others will be rather expensive. I don't think throne owners have much to worry about, i think there will be at first an initial drop, but on most hotels the Throne is a sought out rare that has a high demand. So even when it drops there will be a surge of people buying them to make a profit, this will but strain on the supply of throne and thus they start to increase as people will be willing to pay them few extra HC's then there will be a slight drop as people all rush to sell their thrones for the new profit but it won't go as low as before, and then this will then trigger and rise again. This is the general story of the Throne and instead of continuing from where it left of, it will go back to the value it had a couple of years ago and start off from there.

Although i have heard rumours that trading is going to be user specific. All furni is going to get tags put on them for which country they are originally from so that it will preserve the rare market. I understand that people think Habbo doesn't care about the Rare values market. But they do. I'm sorry but if they suddenly released every single rare into the catalouge and left them there forever they would see basically everyone leave habbo and no one stay for longer then a couple of weeks if they are a noob cos they will be nothing at all to do. So Habbo does care about they rare market, they don't want to see it crash because in this end they will indirectly loose revenue from this.

08-04-2010, 11:32 AM
All furni is going to get tags put on them for which country they are originally from so that it will preserve the rare market.

Makes me wonder, will UK ex-pats prefer UK Ts over US ones? Will AU Ts be the noob alternative? Perhaps markets based on item nationality will spring up out of little pockets of nationalism amongst the wealthy in each constituent hotel - that now find themselves less important/wealthy.

08-04-2010, 03:45 PM
Makes me wonder, will UK ex-pats prefer UK Ts over US ones? Will AU Ts be the noob alternative? Perhaps markets based on item nationality will spring up out of little pockets of nationalism amongst the wealthy in each constituent hotel - that now find themselves less important/wealthy.

What the tag thing would mean though is that a UK registered Habbo would only be able to buy an item of furni with a UK tag, this would preserve the market.

But looking at the canadian FAQ about the merge with the US hotel it looks like there will be just 1 rare market:

(Taken from Help Tool on Canadian site)

"We're completely aware of the value differences of the rare items between the Hotels. In fact, we have a Secret Trade Analysis Tracking System (STATS) that knows exactly what the average value of items is in each Hotel, and are analyzing how uniting the Hotels will affect these. The good news is that there isn't a huge amount of items with massive value difference, so the merge shouldn't have a huge impact on trading.

Having said that, we know the values of some items will crash, and we're working on solutions to remedy that (in addition to marking the origin of the furni, which will be visible to everybody). We will keep you informed on these solutions when the details are finalized.

Additional bit of good news for traders / collectors is that after the merge, the size of the trading community will be bigger than now, so any rare items will be rarer than before (less items / trader)."

Looks like they are just gonna merge but have markings on furni.

08-04-2010, 07:42 PM
Looks like they are just gonna merge but have markings on furni.

So maybe US v UK Ts then? ;]

08-04-2010, 08:33 PM
So maybe US v UK Ts then? ;]

Nah i think if there is a merge where you can trade any piece of furni so you can buy a UK T or a US T or an AU T, i think there will just become a universal price, i can't really see anyone being that picky with what markings are on their furni.

09-04-2010, 03:01 PM
I agree with Dan (Undertaker)

I think there will be loads of normal rares with a large price range, some will be dirt cheap whereas others will be rather expensive. I don't think throne owners have much to worry about, i think there will be at first an initial drop, but on most hotels the Throne is a sought out rare that has a high demand. So even when it drops there will be a surge of people buying them to make a profit, this will but strain on the supply of throne and thus they start to increase as people will be willing to pay them few extra HC's then there will be a slight drop as people all rush to sell their thrones for the new profit but it won't go as low as before, and then this will then trigger and rise again. This is the general story of the Throne and instead of continuing from where it left of, it will go back to the value it had a couple of years ago and start off from there.

If you're right some people could benefit by buying thrones now whilst they're low!

10-04-2010, 12:22 PM
(First Post)

Because there is a spread over 5 hotels the prices vary so much on each. USA have low prices on fans while the UK has quite mid to high and the other 3 sites have other values and this is common amongst many rares. There is too much difference between prices of rares that the final value will fall smack bang in the middle for most of the rares after the merge meaning that we will have a very wide range of normal prices now with a hand selection of extremely priced up rares.

It's very unpredictable and I can see a shoot up in some item of prices and an extreme descendance of other prices. Very tricky surface but there are going to be big gainers and big loosers in the switch. For someone like me it's quite good because if you get one or two cheaper pieces that turn into gold-dust your laughing.

Shocked at the rapid increase in price of Green Parasols since the Undertaker did his mid-report as well as the demand for Elf Green Dragon's which seemed largely unpopular before.

I've had a punt at yellow marquee's who are currently 2hc and on the US version they tally around 250hc. Not bad I thought.

10-04-2010, 09:57 PM

Basically, I haven't played habbo in ages and I'm greeted with this painfully annoying news.

I have about 30t on uk, how much will these be worth roughly when hotels are merged AND what will be there approx £ value (not that I plan on selling)



11-04-2010, 08:11 AM
i think we should use habbo aus values
cuz their great
169c for a throne thats sick

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