View Full Version : Any programmers out there? VB/C++/C##?

17-04-2010, 05:01 PM
Hey, I need a programmer to make something for me. I posted this elsewhere so instead of rewriting it I'll just post the same thing.


I am in need of somebody who can code in either of the languages above. I will tell you want I basically want and if you can do it I'll go into detail.

Basically, I will press a button on another program (not related to this one) and a number will be added to a list which is on the screen. The numbers are different colours (red and yellow I think) and the list looks like this:


Sometimes there are green 0's in the center. Basically, I would need a program creating that can read those numbers. So somehow it can focus on that part of the screen (I specify where, drag it like camtasia studio) and then it reads every time a new number comes. The numbers come from the top so it would have to record from there.

So, when 21 pops up the software knows it is 21 - but then I want it to group the numbers. So if a number between 1 - 12 appears it records "1", if a number between 13 - 24 comes up it records it was "2" and if a number between 25 - 36 comes up it records it as "3". If a 0 comes up it will just record it as "0".

Then I want it to do some other things. I want to be able to enter a number into a box, for example 5. So I enter the number 5 into the box and press "ok". Now, I start pressing the button on an external application and the program you make will start reading the numbers and recording them as 1, 2, 3 or 0. Now, whilst it's doing this I want it to look out for something: I want it to ALERT me with a popup or something if a certain number (1, 2 or 3) hasn't come up for the number of times I specified (in this case 5).

So, as an example: I focus the software to the box with the numbers and input "4" into the box and press ok. I then start making the numbers appear and it records them. Lets just say these four numbers come up: 1, 11, 13 & 7. The software groups them into "1, 1, 2, 1" - then it realises that the number 3 hasn't come up 4 times, so it alerts me.

I hope you understand, if not I'll try and explain more.

I am not looking to spend much on this, it's an easy job I'd say, any experienced programmer should be able to do it. I am NOT looking to spend more than $60 for this. Depending on your quality of work and how quick you do it will determine the exact price.

I will give you more info if you agree to $60 maximum for this and of course the quicker and cheaper you can do it the better: the quickest person will get the job. You will then make it and send it me, where I'll check it works. If it works I will send the payment, if it doesn't work then you'll need to fix it.

So, if you are willing to except $60 maximum for this job, PM me with a time frame you could do it in and I will send more info. Payment will be via PayPal upon completion and me testing it works.


I will pay $60 maximum, which is around £39. You must create it and I will then want to check it works fully before sending the payment (via PayPal).

No idea if there are any programmers here who could do this, if there are and would like to attempt this then please PM me.


17-04-2010, 05:04 PM
I would recommend a few programmers but I cant say I know anyone on HxF who can programme ;/ GL with this though :)

17-04-2010, 08:11 PM
Why would someone make you the program, then send it to you? Without payment.

Unless you're going to do $30 up front, and $30 after you test it, I don't know many people who would accept that deal. I know a few programmers that would let you try it over VNC or other screensharing software, but not send it to you. That's absurd.

17-04-2010, 08:47 PM
Why would someone make you the program, then send it to you? Without payment.

Unless you're going to do $30 up front, and $30 after you test it, I don't know many people who would accept that deal. I know a few programmers that would let you try it over VNC or other screensharing software, but not send it to you. That's absurd.
I originally posted that at DigitalPoint, which has a fair share of scammers. One guy contacted me already, and I believe him to be a scammer.

I'd be willing to do $30 upfront if the person could get some vouches/testimonials or some proof of work... any old person could say they're a programmer and then run off. Even trying it through something like teamviewer as you suggested would be fine.

It would depend though, I've had bad dealings here before and on DP not everyone is honest like I said. I have a fairly decent rep on DP, 40 odd iTrader, 100%... anyway I'd be willing to compromise providing you could show that you can code.


17-04-2010, 09:48 PM
Oh hey Tom! I didn't even know that was you who posted that, or I wouldn't have went off on you :P I hate this new design, hard to read names :(. Anyways! Hope you get someone to make what you're looking for.

18-04-2010, 12:26 PM
Oh hey Tom! I didn't even know that was you who posted that, or I wouldn't have went off on you :P I hate this new design, hard to read names :(. Anyways! Hope you get someone to make what you're looking for.
No problem mate, we haven't spoke in a long time... I think the last thing I spoke to you about was some PHP help. :P

18-04-2010, 10:25 PM
Haha I think so too, I don't visit here or MSN too much.. so that's probably what it was about :P

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